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1.draw the longbow吹牛,夸口,说大话 A: He told me that he wants to take charge of this department. B: He said that? A: Yes. B: But you will be wise to remember that he is to draw the longbow when he is telling you about his prowess. A: I see, thanks. A:他对我说他想管理这个部门。 B:他这么说的? A:是呀。 B:但你若知道他往往都是在吹牛,那你就聪明了。 A:我知道了,谢谢你。  相似文献   

一、选择填空 1. They think it’s exciting to trek ________ the jungle. Do you agree? A. past B. across C. over D. through2. —Why not ________ to Guilin for holidays? —Good idea! A. consider going B. to considering going C. consider to go D. considering going 3. Don’t plan ________ driving a car in Singapore, ________? A. to; will you B. on; will you C. to; do you D. on; do you 4. Taiwan is ________ the southeast of China and Japan is ________ the east of China. A. in; in B. to; to …  相似文献   

Have you everbeen struck by any moment?Take a photo,draw a picture,or use allkinds of way that you can use to remember this moment.Write something,then.Life iscolorful because of all of you.We wait for your creation,always. Essays,poems,short stories are all available here,as long as you can express whatyou think of the picture you send to us.About 150 words.  相似文献   

Asking the Way     
A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the Food Street?B:Certainly.But will you go there by bus or on foot?A:I’m not sure.Is it very far from here?B:No,not very.If you would like to go on foot,I can walk with you for a while.A:That’s very kind of you.  相似文献   

A A:When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come tonight? B:Not tonight.I promised to go to a concert with my sister. A:Well...How about Friday then? B:That sounds fine.(=That's agreeable.听起来不错) A:Good.Shall we say seven o'clock? B:I'll be there! You're still a fabulous (=wonderful) cook,aren't you? A:That'll be for you to decide.I've got a new dish that I want to try out(=to test) on you.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. I have too ____ homework to do so I can?t go with you. A. much B. many C. lot D. lot of 2. Do you like to go ____ the concert with me? A. at B. to C. for D. with 3. May Lee ____ go to school today because she?s ill. A. must B. should C. can  相似文献   

1.When he was there hego to that coffee shop at thecorner after work every day.A.would B.shouldC.had better D.might2.-Could I use your com-puter?-Yes,.A.you couldB.you mightC.of course,you canD.of course,you could3.I was shocked that shethat sort of thing to you.A.should sayB.would sayC.ought to have saidD.could said4.I talked for a long time, and in the endI make her believe me.A.could B.mightC.must D.was able to5.This pen looks like mine, yet it isn’t.Whose it be?A.must B.mayC.wou…  相似文献   

1."Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen?""one?" A.Another B.The otherC.That D.Which2.Do you want to exchange it for or do you want your money back?A.the other B.others C.another D.the others3.Shakespeare  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. ____ does it take you to do the work? A. How far B. How long C. When D. What time 2. Every day I walks ____ school. A. to B. at C. for D. / 3. What do you ____ the movie “The Matrix”? A. think B. think of C. thinks about D. like 4. ____ o  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Oh, you!re going camping. That sounds ____. A. nice B. nicely C. nicer D. greatly 2. ____ you, Mary? What are you doing for vacation? A. What B. How C. How about D. How long 3. Mike is going to the ____ camp from the 11th to the 22nd. A. sport B. sports C. sport!s D. sports! 4. Write down your answer ____ a piece of paper. A. in B. at C. with D. on 5. Can I ask you some questions ____ your school? A. about B. at C. with D. for 6. Last summer they had a very ____ vaca…  相似文献   

A T alk about G eniusPatient:D octor,is genius a kind ofdisease?D octor:If so,you needn t w orry about it.Y ou do not have this kindofdisease definitely.A B ow land a C atA m an was looking for ancient objects.O ne day he cam e to a villageand found a bow lthatlooked very old.The bowl was lying on the groundand a cat was drinking m ilk from it.In order not to draw the attention of the farm er w ho had the bow l tothe value of the bow l,the m an said to him in a casual voice:“W hat anice …  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=nurse)A:Good afternon,doctor.I've come for some blood tests.Is it possiblefor you to do them now?B:Let me have a look,The first test is no problem,but the second onehas to be done on an empty stomach.So I suggest that you comeback tomorrow morning,and we'll do both of the tests together.A:How long do I have to fast?B:From five o'clock this evening,you should only eat porridge.Don't  相似文献   

1. go off-well 很成功A:How,did you feel when you went onto the stage for the first time?B: Oh, I was excited, of course. But as far as I can remember, Ididn't seem to be afraid of anything. A:Was it successful? B : Yeah, the performance went off quite welf. It was reallyunforgetable.  相似文献   

请从下面的图画中找出各人喜爱的物品:(1)A:What do you like,Ben?B:I like strawberries.(2)A:Which do you like,a toy car or a toy bus?B:I like a toy bus.(3)A:I'd like to draw a tree.B:All right,Lin Tao.(4)Helen likes dress,but Lily likes skirt.(5)A:I like red flowers.And you,Kate?B:Me too.What do you like?!山东@白冰…  相似文献   

孙文龙 《海外英语》2008,(11):14-15
1.one's line of country爱好范围;熟悉范围   A What do you like best?   B:Music and movie are my line of country.   A Oh…   B:I have learned the piano for ten years,and I like to go to the cinema by myself;especially the classics never too boring to see.   ……  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空。1.Would you mind____down your radio?A.turn B.turning C.to turn D.turning it2.It!s too noisy.Could you____?A.turn down it B.turn it down C.turn it on D.turn on it3.This shirt is too small for me.Please show me____.A.other B.the other C.another D.others4.———Do you____stop eating ice cream?———No,I don!t have to,but I____eat less of it.A.must,must B.have to,mustC.must,have to D.have to,have to5.———Thank you very much for your help.———____.A.You!re right B.Thank y…  相似文献   

AShcoloFirendfoEnlgsih1.The car ran into a crowd of middle school students,____to hospitalimmediately.A.two of whom sent B.two of them sentC.two of whom are sent D.two of them sending2.He reached London in1996,____,some time later,he became afamous actor.A.where B.when C.which D.that3.———Is that the small town you often refer to?———Right,just the one____you know I used to work for years.A.that B.which C.where D.what4.Have you taken down everything____Mr.Smith has said?A.which B.…  相似文献   

1.—Would you like some tea,please?—Yes,I prefer tea sugar.A.to B.for C.with D.of[答案与简析]考生容易受"prefer...to...(喜欢……而不喜欢  相似文献   

1.玩the United States,you’re not suPPosed _with your hands.(2006广西榴十I市) A.to eat B.eating C.eats D.ate 2.这种产品的价格取决于它的质量而不是它的大小。(2006成都市) The Priee of this kind of Produet_ its quality its size. 3一Did you have breakfast this morning?一No. 1 got uP late and weni to school breakfast.(2006福州市) A .for B.in C.withollt D.after 4.一Wllat are you going to give your mother for her blrthday?一I’m not sure.Butl’11 buy her_. (2006哈尔滨市) A .something sPeeial …  相似文献   

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