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<正>夏威夷有一个很神奇的词,叫做"Aloha"。Aloha代表欢迎,也是夏威夷精神的代表。我在夏威夷的日子,太多的人对我说"Aloha",我也回馈了太多的"Aloha"。在我看来,Aloha这种夏威夷精神代表的是爱的传递,是一种和谐的关系,是人与人之间的互帮互助,热情友善,也是人与自然之间的和谐共存,人与动物之间的情感,人与这个世界的关系。  相似文献   

我有个梦想,就是在我不打球的时候在夏威夷有个家。我从来没有到过夏威夷,但我喜欢这个地名的发音。我的家会是两层楼,所有的家具都是北欧风格。我喜欢那种式样的颜色,它让我感到平静和舒适。这个房子也会有个游泳池,这将是一个我可以常常感受宁静的地方。除了在我的梦里,我  相似文献   

我第一次走出国门,是2000年11月的美国之行。第一站,便是落足太平洋上的夏威夷。我乘坐的飞机由香港抵东京,再由东京飞夏威夷。飞机在太平洋上空穿越,如一只蚂蚁跋涉于茫茫的沙漠,看不到边缘,只有蠕蠕而行,如蜗牛般爬过地平线,最后,如苍鹰一样伏到巨岩上。夏威夷的机场,就是建设在一片火山岩上。夏威夷,檀香山;檀香山,夏威夷。年少时读历史,便知道我国伟大的民主革命先行者———孙中山先生曾在檀香山求学,寻求革命的真理;读3地理,知道夏威夷在茫茫的太平洋上,常年“恒温”20多度,风景美丽怡人,是人间的天堂。…  相似文献   

我有个梦想,就是在我不打球的时候想在夏威夷有个家。我从来没有到过夏威夷,但我喜欢这个地名的发音,我的家会是两层楼,所有的家具都是北欧风格。我喜欢那种式样、颜色。它让我感到平静和舒适。这个房子也会有个游泳池。这将是一个我可以常常感受宁静的地方。除了在我的梦里,我不记得上一次是什么时候我有过这样的感觉,彻底的宁静。  相似文献   

去夏威夷 有位顾客来我工作的电视/音响行,说要用他的年终奖金买一台大屏幕电视机。我赶紧将一盘有关夏威夷风光的录像样带放进一台样机里,并吹嘘电视机的影像有多么清晰,音质如何完美。  相似文献   

1 我的爸爸罗素·罗宾斯是一个非常有意思的人.伴随着对他人的激情、智慧和体贴,他还拥有美妙的幽默感.他在生活的诸多方面都能找到乐趣,其中一个爱好是搜集夏威夷衬衫.当我年幼时,我们在夏威夷居住过一年,当律师的爸爸在那里过得很愉快.  相似文献   

在时间划过的痕迹里,有一天豁然提起梦想,它在我们心中仍旧光芒四射。 我有个梦想,就是在我不打球的时候想在夏威夷有个家。我从来没有到过夏威夷,但我喜欢这个地名的发音,我的家会是两层楼,所有的家具都是北欧风格。我喜欢那种式样、颜色。它让我感到平静和舒适。这个房子也会有个游泳池。这将是一个我可以常常感受宁静的地方。除了在我的梦里,我不记得上一次是什么时候我有过这样的感觉,彻底的宁静。  相似文献   

2011年6月和12月,我受"武汉大学研究生出国参加国际学术会议"专项经费的资助和导师的派遣,分别前往印度海德拉巴大学("亚洲媒介、信息与传播中心AMIC第20届年会"举办地)和美国夏威夷大学(第15届跨文化传播研讨会举办地),参加了两次学术会议,宣读了3篇英文论文,有所悟,且记之。别开生面的开会方式夏威夷第15届跨文化传播研讨会的开会方式与国内迥异。欢迎晚宴和开幕式都没有领导致辞,集体聚餐是自助餐,让人觉得轻松活泼。正式开会前,举办方举行了一场别开生面的夏威夷文化体验活动,算是开幕式吧。大会主席莱纳德教授牵了两个小孩的手带领大家走到草坪上,围成一圈,然后会议工作人员拿着  相似文献   

"我本来打算在茂宜岛上度过一星期假,但却呆了五周。我从来没有在一个地方待得如此愉悦,或是离开时如此地依依不舍过,在茂宜岛上,我从未想过生意上的事情、人类的痛苦、烦恼、悲伤或疲惫……而这一切的记忆将会伴我一生。"这是美国文豪马克·吐温在描写其在夏威夷茂宜岛的游历时留下的笔墨,的确,在世界上很难找到像夏威夷这样一个能令人忘却一切烦恼,彻底放松身心的地方。  相似文献   

不知道为什么,挺巧合的,今年我走到哪里,哪里就冷得不得了。就像这个假期,我到哪里都赶上了寒流,不管是在纽约、费城,还是华盛顿。本来,今年波士顿是个暖冬,但这几天却意外地冷到零下十几度,冻得人直打哆嗦。从夏威夷回来,我居然忘记了这里是北半球的冬天,穿着一双在夏威夷穿习惯了的凉鞋就下飞机了。走在回宿舍的路上,一个善良的老奶奶关心地问我:"孩子,为什么不穿双暖和一点的鞋呢,需要什么帮助吗?"我告诉她,我刚从夏威夷回来。她这才放下心来。回来的第二天,波士顿结结实实地下了一场大雪。一下子,我从终年24度的阳光天堂里,"扑通"一声,掉到了一个大雪洞里。睡了6个小时后,我就开始忙着研究选  相似文献   

Kids love to go places and to things. Although Hawaii is thousands of miles away, the islands extend a warm welcome. Look beyond the basics and plan to take your young travelers on a super, educational experience. She is also a consultant working with pre-service and in-service teachers.  相似文献   

As is true of so many women professionals, Joyce Tsunoda recognizes that, although shefulfills multiple roles,she is "only one me." Inthis accountingof a typical 1-month period in her hectic career, Dr. Tsunoda re ects on the philosophy that allows her to keep her many "selves" together and focused. In both her personal and her professional lives, Joyce Tsunoda dwells in the international realm. Her children and grandchildren are divided between Hawaii and Japan. Her professional responsibilities include heading a statewide system of seven community colleges spread over six islands, yet also handling international responsibilities for the 10-campus statewide University of Hawaii System of which the Community Colleges are a part. This article recounts a one-month period during which Joyce traveled from Hawaii to Japan, back through Hawaii to the East Coast of the mainland United States, and home once again to Hawaii. Her Japanese heritage, combined with her American upbringing, proves to be a two-edged sword as she experiences both her "grandmother" role and her professional role in Japan. Through all the travel and the many personal and professional demands on her time, she steers her true course by remembering life's many Ls: leading, listening, liking, learning, letting go, and language of the lullaby.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of social support, job autonomy, and job satisfaction on burnout among long-term care workers in Hawaii, USA. Data were collected from 170 care workers working at long-term care facilities in Hawaii. The study variables included demographic data, burnout, social support, job autonomy, and job satisfaction. The study findings support the association between social support, job autonomy, job satisfaction, and burnout among care workers at long-term care facilities. Social support, job autonomy, and job satisfaction were negatively and significantly associated with the level of burnout of care workers in Hawaii. Furthermore, the findings suggest the need to develop policy and practice considerations for reducing burnout risks among care workers in order to improve quality of care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey a sample of high school students in Hawaii and Singapore about what they perceive to be helpful aspects of classroom environments in their learning of science and humanities subjects. The What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) questionnaire was administered in the fall of 2003 to 73 high school students in Hawaii and 70 high school students in Singapore. These students were asked to respond to statements that focused on their actual and preferred environments in science and humanities classes for the three dimensions of learning environments of student cohesiveness, student involvement, and task orientation in the actual and preferred classroom. Principal component analyses were conducted separately for the data collected in the science and the humanities classes to make sure that the questions represented the anticipated factors in each of these two subject areas. A three-way multivariate analysis of variance was also conducted for all three dimensions of learning environments for differences in scores on items in the WIHIC questionnaire for the actual classroom subtracted from scores for the preferred learning environment. Results of this test revealed that the primary difference between students in high schools in Hawaii and Singapore was that students in the high schools in Hawaii wanted more student cohesiveness and involvement than the students in high schools in Singapore regardless of the subject. Another interesting finding was in the dimension of task orientation, for which the interaction between student nationality and subject was statistically significant.  相似文献   

特殊教育高校的迎新工作环节复杂,面对的新生情况特殊,需要充分考虑残疾学生的实际情况.随之信息技术的发展,如何借由信息化建设助力特殊教育高校迎新工作,也是同类院校迎新工作的关注点.山东特殊教育职业学院在智慧校园迎新系统建设中,加入了学生残类标识,个性化设置残疾学生特殊需求,以信息化人性化服务残疾学生,提高了迎新工作效率,体现了信息技术在迎新工作中的重要性.在文章中,对这方面内容进行了针对性的剖析.  相似文献   

The study examines how parents experience the interaction with teachers and school; do they feel welcome, do they feel that they can influence what goes on in school? And, are there any differences in parents’ experiences in relation to independent variables such as gender and educational background? The empirical analyses are based on a mixed methods approach that includes survey data and qualitative interviews among lower secondary school parents in Norway. The results show that even though parents feel welcome in school and in many ways are satisfied with the home–school cooperation, there are aspects of this relationship that are problematic. The relationship is often experienced as distant and parents feel excluded from the central discussions within the school setting.  相似文献   

We welcome all constructive contributions to the debate on the assessment of practical work in Ireland, and offer a number of comments in relation to the points raise by Matthews and McKenna.  相似文献   

Hello and welcome to this month' s IELTS strategy session. Let' s look at a few strategies that you can employ to deal with the reading module. How Should You Read?The IELTS test requires that you read effectively and efficiently. Being an effective and efficient reader means more  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated how people perceive others' self-presentation styles (such as enhancement and effacement) in forming first impressions and how culture influences the process. Most of those studies have, however, investigated self-presentation styles in the context of informal and intimate interpersonal relations. Few studies have examined the perceptions of self-presentation styles in formal communication contexts such as instruction in classrooms. This study examines how college students from different cultures perceive professors' self-presentation styles in terms of competence and likability with the samples from the Mainland USA, Hawaii, and South Korea. The results from the latent mean analyses showed that professors with self-enhancement were perceived as more competent but less favorable in the Mainland USA and Hawaii, but not in South Korea – self-promoter's paradox was not found, while trade-offs between competence perception and likability seemed to exist. Structural equation models showed that, in explaining the variances of self-presentation perceptions, self-construals were significant variables in the Mainland USA and Hawaii, but not in South Korea. Academic motivations, on the contrary, appeared as significant variables in South Korea only. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of cultural differences through self-construals in perceiving others' self-presentation styles.  相似文献   

PostgreSQL是一个面向公众的、开放源代码的对象关系数据库管理系统(ORDBMS),自1986年开发面市至今,经过不断地更新和完善,已经受到了人们的认可和普遍欢迎。本文对该数据库管理系统的索引机制进行了较为深入的分析。  相似文献   

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