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在研究资本主义起源问题的西方学者中 ,著名的经济学家、德国新历史学派主要代表人物———维尔纳·桑巴特被认为是其中最优秀同时也是引起争议较多的学者之一。他对资本主义的起源提出了许多建设性的假说 ,对这一领域的研究起到了开拓性的作用。上海人民出版社在 2 0 0 0年出版了一套袖珍经典系列丛书 ,其中包括了维尔纳·桑巴特的名著《奢侈与资本主义》一书。笔者希望通过对此书及其作者的介绍 ,给予桑巴特这位德国历史学派的主要代表人物应有的学术地位 ,同时通过本文的介绍能起到抛砖引玉的作用 ,引起我国学术界对于德国历史学派的重新…  相似文献   

中国品牌战略协会数据表明:中国内地目前的奢侈消费人群已经达到1.6亿人,而且还有上升的趋势.中国人均GDP才刚过1000美元,且又是人均资源占有量严重不足的国家,在这种国情下无法支撑奢侈消费对资源的浪费和环境的污染,同时,奢侈消费还助长了不好的社会风气.因此,当前我们要努力构建节约型社会,做到适度消费、绿色消费,坚决制止奢侈之风的漫延.  相似文献   

有时在席间,但见有人妙语连珠,却令人渐渐觉得索然。如此聪明暴露,是否也是一种急迫?而急迫的东西,通常总是不够优雅。一个人要做到对自己的美、聪明、善良完全不自知,才显贵重。  相似文献   

共和末期,掠夺而来的巨额财富深刻改变了罗马民族的传统生活方式,导致罗马人的价值观、道德观和生活观发生了显著的变化。古罗马权贵的财富积聚、生活消费之奢侈达到了惊人的地步。  相似文献   

女儿的16个毽子母亲来我家小住,闲暇时整理女儿的房间,搜出一堆物品。母亲忧心忡忡:"芬儿,甜甜花钱手太大了!"我探头一看,我的天!16个毽子、7根跳绳、3支圆规、6个笔  相似文献   

奢侈品是在一定经济与社会发展条件下产生的一种特殊的商品类型,它是高速经济发展条件下的一种客观而必然存在的商品形态和社会现象。奢侈品的高贵形象可以给顾客带来额外的顾客价值,而这种以顾客价值为核心的产品策略也正被广泛的应用到奢侈品营销当中。  相似文献   

明代中后期奢侈风气,由于传统习俗、经济条件、政治控制等因素的不同,存在地区、群体和违礼逾制表现的差异。  相似文献   

私房钱就是不想被人知道而自己留作后手的!所以在公开场合很少人谈及私房钱。这个话题总有那么点暧昧。但是这样说并不代表私房钱并不好,在婚姻家庭中。有时候私房钱或许在家庭困难时期多多少少能帮忙解决燃眉之急。  相似文献   

张弢 《华章》2012,(35)
最近流行的服装元素中,蕾丝、丝绸、皮革、镶珠等华丽的面料占据着服装市场,当全球经济危机来临的时候,人们对往日奢侈的生活充满了怀念,穿着奢侈风格的服装是满足这一愿望最直接的途径,这引起了我对研究服装的奢侈风演变与发展过程的兴趣.  相似文献   

明清福建地区奢侈性消费风尚透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对明清福建地区讲求服饰饮食、热衷排场铺张的奢侈性消费风尚,分别从其在明清福建地区空间位点的分布特征以及在时间行程中的流变两方面进行考察,揭示出此一风尚与明清福建地区商品经济及其发展水平存在着对应性的内在因果联系,进而指出奢侈性消费风尚在明清福建地区的出现以至扩展和加剧,既是商品经济日趋发达的必然结果,同时也是商品经济的发展在日常生活这一微观层面的外在表现形式.  相似文献   

美术教学作为非专业的大中小学甚至幼儿审美素质教育的一个重要方面,近年在我国正相继开展起来。然而,教什么,怎么教的问题,就是对如今的专业院校来说也是一个值得探讨的重要课题,况且那些非专业的大中小学的审美教育呢?近年来《读书》杂志上一些人文学科的理论文章引发了该文对当今我国美术教学模式的一点思考。加强理论教学,改变传统教学观念是美术教学改革的重要途径。  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

This article presents guiding principles governing the design, implementation, and management of a point system to promote discipline and academic rigor in a secondary classroom. Four considerations are discussed: (1) assigning appropriate point values to integral classroom behaviors and tasks; (2) determining the relationship among consequences, rewards, and corresponding point attainment thresholds for the purpose of reinforcing ideal behavior; (3) stressing equity and minimizing distractions during implementation; and (4) creating a recordkeeping system to ensure the efficient management of the point system. Equipped with this customizable framework, readers can then create a point system tailored to a multitude of classroom needs.  相似文献   

Teach for India is an alternative teacher credentialing program in India that is part of Teach for All, a global organization with strong ties to Teach for America, the American alternative credentialing program. This exploratory study employs institutional discourse analysis to raise questions about the appropriateness of Teach for India for its cultural context. This study compares Teach for India and Teach for America, describing how the programs are similar, and why these similarities might be problematic, given the dissimilar historical, cultural, and economic contexts.  相似文献   

<正>As long as we walk this earth, one thing we should all discover is this. The more you know,the more you know you don't know. That's a quote~1 from Aristotle, the Greek philosopher who lived over 2,300 years ago. It basically~2 means that no matter how much we learn in school as kids and later in life as adults, we'll find there's always more to learn about everything.  相似文献   

This article presents the starting case for applying the elements of trauma-informed care (TIC) to education and outlines the authors’ initial efforts to develop guidelines for what they call trauma-informed educational practice. To this end, the article starts with a literature review related to the potential for vicarious traumatization and retraumatization among students in clinical training, followed by a discussion of the TIC framework and past efforts to be trauma sensitive in social work education. The authors then describe what drew them to this perspective and inspired them to apply it to educational practice. They then present guidelines for implementing the trauma-informed principle of safety in the classroom in several domains.  相似文献   

The Primary and Secondary Handbooks on the National Curriculum for England state that children ‘should learn how to forgive themselves and others’. But what is involved in forgiveness? It is suggested that there is a strict view, which is shown to involve some ethically questionable attitudes, and a more relaxed view. Schools, it is suggested, need to introduce their students to an understanding of the complexities of these notions of forgiveness and other possible attitudes to wrongdoers. In the life and organisation of the school, however, it is argued that the more generous‐spirited attitude should prevail.  相似文献   

This article contrasts the often ambivalent attitudes of teachers towards television and generalised research on teachers’ uses of television, with detailed empirical evidence from primary school history co‐ordinators describing their reactions to and expectations of the medium. The data describes a wide variety of reasons why television is educationally useful in the teaching and learning of history. The argument is articulated that teachers and children can be sophisticated viewers of televisual schools history, offering useful guidelines for programme makers; but that teacher conservatism and lack of advisory support for teachers’ deployment of the medium may be hindering its educational effectiveness.  相似文献   

Jackie Stengelhofen, head of Speech Therapy, City of Birmingham Polytechnic, comments on the assessment of speech and language with reference to the 1981 Act and the respective contributions of teachers and speech therapists  相似文献   

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