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The present study examines high school students with a prior history of grade retention (N = 38) compared to a matched control group of nonretained students. The retained students were lower on a number of scholastic variables (i.e., achievement, intelligence, grades), more often absent from school, and lower on three subscales of a self-esteem measure (the Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents). The authors explored the correlates of grade retained with the measured variables and found that the later a student was retained was associated with lower grades, less-positive school attitudes, less time on homework, lower educational expectations, more discipline problems, lower self-control, and a more external locus of control.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to assess academic progress of children 1 to 5 years after graduating from the C. Henry Kempe Center's Therapeutic Preschool Day Treatment Program. METHOD: Information was gathered through chart review; telephone surveys of care providers, relatives, and social service workers; as well questionnaires on all children who attended the therapeutic preschool day treatment program between 1984 and 1989, including the 24 children reported on by Oates, Gray, Schweitzer, Kempe, and Harmon, 1995. RESULTS: Classroom placement was determined for 27 of the 44 graduates (61.4%), 14 of whom (51.9%) were in a regular classroom, 10 (37.0%) in special education, two (7.4%) in residential treatment, and one (3.7%) was receiving home schooling. Twenty-two of the 27 children (81.5%) improved or remained in the same grade and type of classroom as they had been staffed into at the time of their graduation from the preschool day treatment program. Factors thought to affect stability of classroom placement were studied, of which frequency of family moves was the only significant variable. Its significance was in the direction opposite to that expected. The most effective method of locating families was to contact the Department of Social Services who provided information used to find 60% of them. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention in a therapeutic preschool day treatment program was found to be beneficial, as it enabled most of the children to progress appropriately in public school.  相似文献   

初二的学生正处于青春期,生理和心理都发生急剧的变化。初二又是学习成绩的分水岭,为我们管理班级增大难度。本文从5个方面对初二班级的管理进行探讨,旨在引导学生健康快乐成长。  相似文献   

高一化学的学习是学生适应高中化学学习的一个过渡时期,教师需要高质量地完成高中化学课程的教学目标,做好高一化学与初中化学教科书知识的衔接、教学方法的衔接和学习方法的衔接,激发学生学习化学的求知欲,提高学生的科学素养和科学探究能力,培养学生终身学习的能力,为学生顺利完成高中化学的学习奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   

在新颁布的九年义务教育全日制初中物理教学大纲的调整意见中 ,新增加了“物理实践活动” ,本文对实践活动的目的和意义 ,内容和形式进行了探讨 ,并给出了多个操作范例供读者参考  相似文献   

云南省9—16岁中、小学生气质类型调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用《中小学生气质量表》对云南省9-16岁中、小学生气质类型的分布状况。以及气质特征的年龄发展趋势进行了调查分析。结果表明,云南省9—16岁中小学生气质类型的分布在性别上存在差异,而存城乡间不存在差异。男女生存两种气质特征上存在差异,城乡学生在一种气质特征上存在差异,9-16岁中小学生的气质发展已进入稳定阶段。本还在讨论部分对教师了解学生的气质特征,对于教育的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

"单位"教学在整个物理教学中必须占有举足轻重的地位。因为如果只是数字而没有相应的物理量单位,则该数据就只能是一串阿拉伯数字,没有任何的物理意义。同时单位教学还可以在物理教学中起到承上启下、画龙点睛的作用。  相似文献   

搞好初中与高中数学的衔接,是高一数学的一项重要内容。首先要处理好初高中教材的衔接点:"集合与函数概念","平面及其性质";其次是以旧导新,以旧带新,新旧对比,注意揭示新旧知识的内在联系,使新知识顺利地同化于原有的知识结构之中;第三是充分利用数形结合(即几何直观);第四是引导与督促。  相似文献   

David Wray taught in primary schools for several years and is now Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Exeter. He was President of the United Kingdom Reading Association for 1992–93 and is editor of the association's journalReading. He has written and edited many books on aspects of literacy development.  相似文献   

This research addressed the following questions: (1) Which science topic do junior high school students prefer to study—plants or animals? (2) Is their preference related to the variables of grade level and sex of student? Public school students from grades 7, 8, and 9 in Avoca, New York participated in the study. Findings show that 9th grade students have a greater interest in biological science topics than do students in the other grades studied. Girls are more interested in biological science topics than boys are. Girls also showed a significant preference for animals over plants. As a group, junior high school students revealed that they prefer animal study over plant study. About half of the student responses categorized as “biological science” did not express a clear-cut preference for either plants or animals. A caution about generalizability is expressed. Interviews of students suggest that the following characteristics of animals are important determinants of preferences: Animals move, eat, have eyes for sight, communicate by sound, exhibit behaviors that are fun to watch, have short and observable live cycles, interact with humans, can learn, have mates, give birth, and raise their young. It was obvious that most students think of mammals when they hear the term “animal.”  相似文献   


Junior high school students' astronomy conceptions were analysed by means of a written questionnaire presented to them during the beginning of the first semester. The main findings were as follows: almost half of the students indicated that the cause of the day-night cycle is the Earth spinning on its axis; most students chose as their best account for changes in the Moon's phases the Moon moving around the Earth. Despite that, most students thought that the Moon must be in its Full phase for there to be a total solar eclipse; most students underestimated the distances in the Universe and overestimated the Earth's diameter. A great proportion of students indicated that the reason for the different seasons is the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the plane of its orbit as it revolves around the Sun. But almost the same number of students chose the varying distance between Sun and Earth or between the Earth, Moon and Sun, as a reason for the seasons. Only a third of the students answered correctly that in Israel's latitude, north of the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun is never directly overhead at noon; most students chose the correct estimate of a month for the Moon revolving around the Earth and a year for the Moon going around the Sun; about a third of the students chose the correct answer that when it is noon in Haifa, it would be about sunset in Beijing (90° east of Haifa). Few students indicated that the fact that we always see the same side of the Moon from the Earth implies that the Moon rotates on its axis once a month.  相似文献   

文章从教学情景的创设、教学方法的更新、现代教育技术的应用、学生自主学习能力的培养四个方面进行了简单的阐述,期望在新形势下,能够更好地提高初中数学教学效率,提高学生成绩。  相似文献   

采用《学业求助量表》对633名初中学生进行了调查,结果表明:1.初二、初三年级学生的执行性求助极显著高于初一学生,初二、初三年级间差异不显著;2.重点学校学生的工具性求助极显著高于普通学校学生,而普通学校学生的执行性求助、回避求助却极显著高于重点学校;3.女生的工具性求助极显著高于男生,男生的回避求助显著高于女生。  相似文献   

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