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Methods commonly used in public library research such as interviews and questionnaires are not suitable for use with young children whose oral and written language skills are not well developed. Effective alternatives may be found in methods associated with ethnographic field observation. Using examples from an ethnographic study of public library use by 30 preschool girls, this article describes three methods appropriate for studying the information-seeking behavior and library use of preschool children: audio-recording of naturally occurring talk, participant observation, and key informant diaries. Selected issues important for ethnographic field research with young children are discussed, including gaining access and informed consent, observer effect, and young children's understanding of research. Relying on data arising from the naturally occurring talk and actions of the children, it is argued that these methods are unique in reflecting the perspective of the children themselves.  相似文献   

In museum collections the perishable nature of many ethnographic objects presents special problems for curators. Even under the best of circumstances, the nature of the materials used in many of these specimens leads to early deterioration. This natural tendency is further exacerbated by crowded storage conditions, fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and susceptibility to devastating insect infestations. All of these conditions were slowly destroying a collection of native American ethnographic objects curated at the University of California, Davis, Department of Anthropology. Special funds were obtained from the National Science Foundation's Systematic Anthropology Collections Division to renovate the curation of the C. Hart Merriam Ethnographic Collection. This report details the problems encountered and the preventative conservation measures taken to protect the collection in the future.  相似文献   

拓片是一种特殊的文献形式.本文就拓片的各种传拓方法、拓片的品种以及装帧形式作了比较详细的归纳和叙述,并对传统装裱形式的优缺点进行了分析.  相似文献   

Research in academic libraries has recently seen an increase in the use of ethnographic-based methods to collect data. Primarily used to learn about library users and their interaction with spaces and resources, the methods are proving particularly useful to academic libraries. The data ethnographic methods retrieve is rich, context specific, and often difficult to collect via other methods. This review provides an overview of research demonstrating how ethnography can be applied to learn about a variety of issues in academic libraries, ranging from space use to a way of teaching new students about library resources and facilities.  相似文献   

档案修裱浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出了档案修裱是沿用和借鉴我国传统的书画装裱技术对破损的档案进行修复的一项实用技术,笔者分析了书画和档案存在许多共同属性和相异性,进而论述了书画与档案进行修裱时在技法和要求上共通与差异之处。并强调档案修裱是一项技术性和艺术性要求较高的技术工作,为确保档案的安全与完整,提出了一些具体的业务要求和相关的原则。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study, conducted by undergraduate student-researchers under the supervision of the author, investigates an academic library that has implemented best practices for learning commons design and embedded information literacy programs. Data from field observations, participant interviews, and artifact analysis revealed conflicting perceptions of student-centeredness as it relates to learning commons design and information literacy pedagogy. The author argues that while the learning commons has been successful in attracting students to the library, there are unintended negative consequences to cross-training librarians, library staff, and partner service personnel working at key service points, which contribute to students’ lack of library awareness.  相似文献   

一、档案修裱及用纸原则中国档案修裱技术历史悠久,正如唐朝初期的张彦远在《历代名画记》一书中所阐述的:“自晋代以前,装褙不佳,宋时范晔始能装褙”由此可见,装裱技术在中国至少已有1500多年了。它起源于魏晋,成熟于隋唐,鼎盛于宋,发展于明清,作为一项独特的技术一直流传至今,是档案界和书画界的一大瑰宝,享誉世界。公元前三世纪至公元三世纪的两汉时期造纸术兴起,纸张的出现为档案修裱技术的产生提供了极其重要的物质条件,并且随着纸张成为档案载体材料,档案修裱技术日益发展起来。魏晋南北朝时期,据《太平御览》引《桓玄伪事》称,在东晋…  相似文献   

中国古代的图书既注意实用,又注意美观,讲究装帧设计,很早就形成了固定的书籍制度。敦煌文书尽管以写本为主,但其中也有少量印本被发现。敦煌印本不仅是我们研究印刷史的珍贵资料,而且为我们了解我国早期印本的装帧形式提供了便利条件。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(89-90):139-161

Numerous surveys over the years have found that faculty value librarians more for their reference work, often described as “service,” than for their contributions to teaching; that 55–85 percent of faculty report using no LI with their classes; and that faculty have various reasons for not using librarian-provided instruction. This study differs from its predecessors by focusing specifically upon faculty who use LI heavily with their courses and interviewing them about why they use LI and what they value about it. Understanding these faculty members' values regarding LI, as expressed in their own words, can assist librarians in promoting course-integrated instruction.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship in archival studies has employed “non-traditional” modes of analysis to theorize the nature of the record and recordkeeping in organizational contexts. In that tradition, this paper discusses the author's use of ethnographic methodology to study recordkeeping in one academic research laboratory. The paper explores how ethnography contributes to our understanding of the laboratory as a recordkeeping organization and the intersections of scientific practice and the kinds of records scientists create and use. The paper calls for more analysis of recordkeeping as an information infrastructure and inquiry into the nature of the record in other kinds of knowledge production environments.  相似文献   

This essay presents a methodological approach, ethnographic facilitation (EF), through which applied communication scholars (1) employ ethnographic practices to develop a rich, nuanced understanding of communication within and constitutive of groups, organizations, and/or communities; (2) intervene into communicative practices using group facilitation processes to promote change or development for the group, organization, community, and/or its members; and (3) report their findings to scholarly and relevant practitioner communities. The essay explains how EF draws on, yet differs from, and extends related methodological approaches, such as ethnography, critical ethnography, discourse tracing, and participatory action research, and integrates traditional facilitation practices with ethnography. Implications of the methodology are discussed regarding site selection, researcher conduct and relationships, techniques used to describe and facilitate communication, facilitation assessment, and dissemination of research findings. To illustrate the principles that inform this methodology, examples are included from a case study conducted with a church leadership team.  相似文献   

论中国档案修裱技术之起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国文化是世界仅见的绵延不绝、高峰迭起的文化系统,它以卓异的风格、多方面的成就使世人叹为观止。中国档案修裱技术就是中国文化园地中一朵盛开的奇葩。这一专门技艺,已为世界各国档案工作者所重视。然而,中国档案修裱技术究竟产生于何时,到底是怎样产生的,却很少有人研究,现笔者不揣浅陋,将研习所得写出,以就教于大家。一、中国档案、字画、图书之修裱同出一源。中国档案修裱技术源远流长,它和中国字画、图书的修裱基本上是同时出现的。在印刷术产生之前,字画、图书、档案三者虽然在功用上有所不同,但在形制和内容上,基本上是一致的。字…  相似文献   

薛蓉 《四川档案》2006,(2):19-19
引进机械化修裱技术,实现技术创新,大大加快了重点档案的抢救步伐,开创了档案修复工作的新局面。文章结合四川省档案馆一年多年的实践,对此进行了一定的探索。  相似文献   

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