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The WISC-R and the Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet (SB: FE) were compared in the identification and assessment of 48 intellectually gifted students in the primary and secondary grades. While only a 3.2-point difference between the mean SB: FE Composite score and the mean WISC-R Full Scale score was found, (r = .393, p. ⩽ .01), the t test between the two scores was significant (t = 2.30, p ⩽ .05). Correlations between the three scales of the WISC-R and the SB: FE four broad area and Composite scores ranged from −.219 (SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .599 (SB: FE Short-Term Memory with WISC-R Full Scale). Within the correlational matrix, only 5 of the 15 correlations were significant. Both the SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Area scores had no significant correlations with any of the WISC-R scores.  相似文献   

The self-actualization and self-concept of 368 intellectually gifted students in grades 4 through 12 from a rural school district in a southern state were investigated using the Reflections of Self by Youth (ROSY; Schatz & Buckmaster, 1981), the Maslowian Scale (Falk, Bard, Duffy, Grieco, & Markus, 1988), and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (Piers & Harris, 1969). School level and gender had significant effects on the ROSY. The mean for students at the high school level was higher than at either the elementary or junior high school level. The mean for girls was higher than for boys. A significant interaction between school level and gender was observed only on the Psychological subscale of the Maslowian Scale. The ROSY and Self-actualization subscale and Total score of the Maslowian Scale were significantly related to the Piers-Harris. The ROSY and the Maslowian Scale were found to share a significant relationship (r = .51).  相似文献   

The attitudes towards science of upper‐primary students in three ability strands (average, above average, and gifted) were investigated. A total of 580 upper primary students from co‐educational government and government‐aided schools in Singapore were involved in this study. The attitude subscales investigated were enjoyment of science, preference for science careers, and appreciation of the social implications of science. Gender and ability were found to have statistically significant effects on the variations in the mean score for each attitude subscale. Boys, in general, had more positive views about science than girls. Overall, above‐average and gifted students had comparable attitudes towards science; both of them consistently showed more positive attitudes than average ability students. At least 18% of the sample, with greater percentage being boys, reported “not sure” responses in 50% or more of the total attitude items. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 940–954, 2008  相似文献   


In an era where technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and where information is readily accessible on the World Wide Web, educators should be capitalizing on these resources for gifted students. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to support individualized and independent learning within a network of peers that will provide challenging interactions through extensive use of online learning. Online resources and technologies promote the exploration of new concepts and sharing of new learning with a group of motivated and “like‐minded” peers.  相似文献   

Do students from small high schools show fewer understandings and more misconceptions of biology concepts than students attending large high schools? Fifty students attending large high schools (enrollments exceeding 900 students) and fifty students attending small high schools (enrollments less than 150 students) were randomly selected and than evaluated on their understandings and misunderstandings of four biology concepts: diffusion, homeostasis, food production in plants, and classification of animals and plants. Students attending small high schools showed less instances of understanding and more instances of misunderstanding the concepts of diffusion and homeostasis. These differences could be related to a higher percentage of students in large schools capable of formal operations; sound understanding of diffusion and homeostasis required students to use formal operations. No difference was observed between the large and small school samples for the concepts of food production in plants and classification of plants and animals. Students in the small school sample lived in agricultural communities and their daily experiences allowed them to develop some understanding of food production in plants and prevented instances of misunderstandings from being developed. Classification of animals and plants required concrete operations to understand; therefore, students in small schools were capable of developing sound understanding as well as students from large schools.  相似文献   

There has been a need to identify a quick screening and reevaluation instrument to determine eligibility status for specialized programs. The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) is one instrument that has been suggested for this purpose. In a ten-year review of validity studies with the SIT, Stewart and Jones (1976) found substantial correlations between the SIT and WISC. They recommended that future validity studies with the SIT focus on specific subgroups with restricted IQ ranges. The present study compared the SIT with the WISC-R for a group of intellectually gifted students. The results indicated reduced correlations between the measures. The calculated regression equation was dissimilar to the one reported by Stewart and Jones for nonrestricted IQ populations, although predictive ability was greater. The need for comparing the SIT with other measures for specific subgroups was supported.  相似文献   

大素描观念的提出,既是相对于色彩的,也是相对于传统素描的,本文阐述了大素描的概念、本质、意义及一些实践方法,探讨了大素描观念在中学美术教学中的作用。  相似文献   

This study identified engagement profiles and examined their relations to student characteristics (gender, grade, socioeconomic status) as well as mathematics and reading achievement among elementary students attending urban schools in the southeastern part of the United States (N = 564). Using latent profile analysis, four engagement profiles were identified including a Moderately Engaged, Globally Disengaged, Affectively Disengaged, and Behaviorally Disengaged profile. Subsequent analyses showed that grade level was a statistically significant predictor of profile membership, and the Moderately Engaged profile was associated with higher mathematics achievement compared to the Affectively Disengaged profile. Results contribute to the growing body of person-centered work that indicates that students’ engagement cluster into unique configurations of global, behavioral, affective, cognitive, and social engagement, which have important implications for their academic achievement.  相似文献   

Students with intellectual disabilities often experience school‐related stress. As a result, they are confronted with many difficulties in their daily school life. The goal of this study was to assess situations of school life that students attending Greek mainstream settings are likely to experience as stressful. Twenty students with mild intellectual disabilities were interviewed about their feelings and thoughts regarding possible stressful situations in school. Qualitative analysis of the interviews' data was conducted. As a result, five main sources of school‐related stress were mentioned: school achievement and classroom participation; peer interactions; student behaviour and risk of injury; parents' expectations; and teacher acceptance. The findings suggest that children with intellectual disabilities experience school‐related stress mainly to a normal degree. Concerning the stress factors that emerged as crucial, a basic conclusion can be drawn: mainstream schools should be changed into inclusive communities where student differences are fully respected, and wherein all children, with and without disabilities, are supported according to their individual abilities, potentials and needs.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study the effective competencies and personality traits of secondary school counselers. A questionnaire was designed to measure counselor competencies, and a simple one way analysis of variance was used for each major competency area to test the differences between counselors who were rated high or low by their supervisors. The 16 Personality Factor Test was also administered to measure differences in personality traits between the two counselor groups. The results are consistent with previous research. It was also found that there are differences between high and low rated counselors in several personality traits.  相似文献   

A questionnaire regarding attitudes toward science and scientific knowledge (Yager & Yager, 1985b) was administered to 143 intellectually gifted (IQ > 130) and intellectually average third-, seventh-, and eleventh-grade students. Measures of internal reliability on four attitude subscales and a content knowledge subscale are reported. Three-way ANOVAs comparing grade, sex, and ability revealed significant differences between average and gifted students in attitudes toward being a scientist, usefulness of science, and, as might be expected, in knowledge of science. Similarly, there were significant differences between grades on attitudes toward teachers and toward science classes, with the most favorable attitudes expressed in third grade, next most favorable in eleventh grade, and clearly more negative attitudes expressed by students in seventh grade. There also was a significant interaction between grade level and ability regarding attitudes toward science classes. In contrast to what might be expected from reported differences between males and females in attitudes toward science, gender as a separate variable did not have a significant main effect in any of the comparisons.  相似文献   

A few studies suggest that gifted children with dyslexia have better literacy skills than averagely intelligent children with dyslexia. This finding aligns with the hypothesis that giftedness-related factors provide compensation for poor reading. The present study investigated whether, as in the native language (NL), the level of foreign language (FL) literacy of gifted students with dyslexia is higher than the literacy level of averagely intelligent students with dyslexia and whether this difference can be accounted for by the difference in their NL literacy level. The sample consisted of 148 Dutch native speaking secondary school students divided in four groups: dyslexia, gifted/dyslexia, typically developing (TD), and gifted. All students were assessed on word reading and orthographic knowledge in Dutch and English when they were in 7th or 8th grade. A subsample (n = 71) was (re)assessed on Dutch, English, French, and German literacy one year later. Results showed that Dutch gifted students with dyslexia have higher NL literacy levels than averagely intelligent students with dyslexia. As in the NL, a stepwise pattern of group differences was found for English word reading and spelling, i.e., dyslexia < gifted/dyslexia < TD < gifted. However, it was not found for French and German literacy performance. These results point towards compensation: the higher English literacy levels of gifted/dyslexic students compared to their averagely intelligent dyslexic peers result from mechanisms that are unique to English as a FL. Differences in results between FLs are discussed in terms of variation in orthographic transparency and exposure.  相似文献   

Quiet students are a feature of the organisation of secondary schools. Using qualitative methods and Deleuzean conceptualisations of modern subjectivity, this paper explores the ways that quiet students negotiate the terrain of their school. These negotiations often seem to produce a self that is trapped rather than a subject who seizes opportunities to be inventive, creative and experimental of their self. Understanding the faciality of quiet students provides opportunities to advance debate on how schools could encourage freer selves.  相似文献   

使用16PF调查分析高职贫困生的人格特征,发现大多数贫困生有内倾孤独沉默,固执追求完美,谦逊恭顺,审慎内省,进取等特点;贫困文科生有冒险敢为,少有顾忌,不拘小节,敏感多情,很容易激动兴奋,缺乏耐心,心神不定等特点;贫困理科生有被动,畏怯退缩,缺乏自信心,羞怯自卑,保守自制力强,自尊心强等特点;乡村贫困生较内向,谦虚顺从,理智独处,容易抑郁烦恼,易激动兴奋缺少耐心;城镇贫困生较合群,积极主动自信;贫困女生有谦虚温和,善解人意,合群谨慎,直率天真,传统保守,感情丰富等特点;贫困男生独立上进,持之以恒,竞争意识较强,比较现实,情绪较稳,敢于冒险,但容易刚愎固执疑心重。建议教学与管理根据学生的人格特点因材施教。  相似文献   

美术教育是中职学校艺术设计专业为提高学生审美素质所设置的课程体系中的一个重要部分。然而当前我们在教学中还存在一些不足,如个别班级和学生的学习差异还存在,教师还需要花更多的精力使他们提高;教学质量不高,对美术课堂的管理和教育的力度还需加强,课堂教学整体质量还需提高。  相似文献   

The PPVT-R and the WISC-R were administered to a sample of 35 students, grades 1 through 8, who were nominated for possible participation in gifted programming. The correlation between the PPVT-R and Full Scale IQ was .27, which probably was affected by the restricted range of ability assessed. The PPVT-R showed modest incremental effectiveness beyond informal referral procedures in predicting toward a WISC-R criterion score.  相似文献   

在中学语言教学的内容与方式中,要体现“以人为本”的主导思想,要正确认识并恰当处理三种关系,即“人文”与“工具”的关系,“语言”与“思维”的关系,“知识”与“实践”的关系。文章建构了“以综合素质为基础,具有发展潜能的中学生语言能力训练系统”。  相似文献   

技工学校学生人格特征调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用卡特尔编制的16PF问卷。对几所技工学校学生进行调查。数据分析表明:技工学校学生具有突出的自律性人格特征;技工学校学生心理健康低于一般水平;技工学校学生创造力和在新环境中的适应能力略高于一般水平。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the closure of poor performing primary schools improved students' educational attainment. It is believed that school closure affects children's educational outcomes positively because children switch to better primary schools. At the same time, school closure creates a social disturbance such that educational outcomes may be affected negatively. There is no previous literature on the effect of this type of school closure on student performance. The empirical results indicate that student test scores are not affected by the school closure. Children are, however, tracked into higher secondary education levels after the school closure if they received more education years at the new primary school. This effect fades out and eventually becomes negative for children who received more than one education year at the new primary school. The results further suggest that there are no detrimental effects of a school closure in terms of educational performance.  相似文献   

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