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International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling - International students continue to experience myriad of challenges, some of which further transpired disproportionately during the...  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between polyvictimization, psychological distress, and trauma symptoms in college men and women. Childhood victimization was common among participants. Regression analyses revealed that polyvictimization (i.e., high cumulative levels of victimization) is a better predictor of psychological distress and trauma symptoms than is any individual category of victimization (i.e., sexual, physical, peer/sibling, child maltreatment, witnessing/indirect, or property crime). Gender did not moderate the relation between victimization and distress and trauma symptoms. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on Asian Americans and their psychological adjustment is limited. Consisting of two cross-sectional studies, the present investigation examined the relationships among self-concealment, mindfulness, emotional distress in stressful interpersonal situations, and general psychological ill-health in Asian American college students, and in comparison with European American counterparts. In the Asian Americans, self-concealment was found to be positively related to general psychological ill-health and negatively related to mindfulness. In both ethnic groups, mindfulness was found to be negatively related to general psychological ill-health. Findings suggest that, as seen with European American counterparts, both self-concealment and mindfulness may be important concepts in understanding the psychological adjustments of Asian American college students.  相似文献   

Treatment‐seeking and non‐treatment‐seeking transgender college students were examined with regard to victimization and psychological distress. Findings showed that transgender college students had elevated rates of distress as compared with college students who identified as men or women. Results indicated that treatment‐seeking and non‐treatment‐seeking transgender college students did not significantly differ with regard to psychological distress or experiences of victimization, with the exception of rates of suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

文章主要立足本科第三批次招生的高等教育机构——独立学校学生的心理特点与心理困扰,分析了独立学院学生心理困扰的几个主要方面,并根据心理困扰的主要表现提出了相应的应对措施与对策。  相似文献   

The authors investigated ethnicity, self‐construal, and distress among African American and Asian American college students. African American students expressed more salient independent self‐construals, whereas Asian American students expressed more salient interdependent self‐construals. As hypothesized, among African American participants, distress was positively related to interdependent self‐construal and negatively associated with independent self‐construal. Contrary to prediction, the same pattern was found for Asian American participants. Multicultural clinical practice implications are presented.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether different forms of disordered-eating-related cognitions and psychological flexibility were associated with psychological distress among female Asian American and European American college students in the United States. Disordered-eating-related cognitions examined in the present study included thoughts (a) associated with the fear of gaining weight, (b) on perceived importance of having an ideal weight and shape as a means of being accepted by others, and (c) of perceived self-worth related to self-control over diet and weight levels. Data from 87 Asian American and 231 European American female college students were used for the present analyses. In both groups, all forms of disordered-eating cognitions were positively associated with psychological distress, which was in turn inversely associated with psychological flexibility. In the Asian American group, cognitions on perceived importance of having an ideal body shape and weight to be socially accepted by others and psychological flexibility were uniquely related to psychological distress when controlling for other disordered-eating cognitions (i.e., thoughts related to fear of weight gain, self-worth from feeling in control of eating), age, and Body Mass Index (BMI). In the European American group, when controlling for other study variables, only psychological flexibility uniquely related to psychological distress. Implications of the present findings for counseling practice are discussed.  相似文献   

对湘南学院非体育专业学生就跨栏运动着了部分调查和了解,对学院的体育场地设备也着了调查和了解.掌握和了解到其中的特点和状况,应及时采取措施,解决问题,改善条件,发展此项运动.  相似文献   

高校残疾大学生的人数随着扩招和残疾人权益保护的加强而逐年增长,但残疾大学生的心理问题日益突出,严重地影响了残疾大学生的健康成长。分析残疾大学生的常见心理问题及其成因,并提出解决残疾大学生心理问题的若干对策,对改善残疾大学生心理状况和构建和谐校园有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The study examined African American, Asian American, and European American college students’ previous direct and indirect experiences of seeking professional psychological services and related attitudes. Survey data were collected from 254 European American, 182 African American and 82 Asian American college students. Results revealed that fewer African American and Asian American college students had sought professional psychological services, knew someone who had sought psychological services, and knew a close person who was diagnosed with a psychological disorder, relative to European American students. Furthermore, African American and Asian American participants showed less favorable attitudes on a variety of help-seeking attitudes, compared to the European American group.  相似文献   

This study examined Asian American and Asian international college students' attitudes toward seeking online professional psychological help as well as traditional face‐to‐face professional psychological help. Results suggest that students had less favorable attitudes toward seeking help online than toward seeking help by traditional face‐to‐face means. Implications for counseling center services for Asian American and Asian international college students are discussed.  相似文献   

高职院校女大学生在就业过程中普遍存在着如角色转换困难、就业预期不够理性、性别自觉意识弱等就业角色定位问题,解决这一问题的根本方法在于引导他们进行正确的就业角色定位,在出现心理问题时做适时的自我心理调适,使她们能以最优秀的状态完成就业。  相似文献   

大学生作为我国未来社会的人才,除应具有牢固的专业知识,进步的思想意识之外,还必须有强健的体魄和健康的心理。大学生心理障碍的日益突出,给大学生成长带来愈来愈多的消极影响。笔者从目前大学生普遍存在的心理障碍入手,分析了大学生产生心理障碍的成因及调适方法,帮助大学生培养健康的心理。  相似文献   

高职大学生的心理障碍主要受应试教育、人际交往、贫富差距、恋爱受挫、焦虑、自信心不足等方面困扰,针对高职大学生心理障碍的形成原因,通过合理的心理健康教育、健全心理健康教育制度、开设心理健康课程,营造良好的校园环境等方面来培养高职大学生的心理调节能力,使之克服心理障碍,拥有健康的生活心态。  相似文献   

The authors examined the predictors of familial acculturative stress in 85 Asian American college students. Participants were primarily 1st‐ and 2nd‐generation U.S. citizens. Results showed that perceived acculturative family conflict and family intragroup marginalization were related to higher levels of familial acculturative stress for participants. Family intragroup marginalization accounted for a statistically significant proportion of the variance in familial acculturative stress after all variables were controlled. The findings emphasize the need to recognize culture‐specific stressors of college students. Implications for college counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

This study considers how the psychological adjustment of ethnic minority college students may be linked to a sense of school belonging and ethnic identity, two constructs related to individuals feeling like they belong to a larger group. Using self-reports from 311 undergraduates from ethnic minority backgrounds, school belonging was found to be negatively associated with depressive symptoms, and positively associated with perceived self-worth, scholastic competence, and social acceptance, while ethnic identity was only found to be positively associated with self-worth. Furthermore, the interaction between ethnic identity and school belonging was significantly associated with self-worth, suggesting that in the absence of a sense of belonging at school, stronger ethnic identity was linked to higher self-worth. College students reported the lowest levels of self-worth when they were neither connected to their college nor connected to their ethnic group.  相似文献   

家庭经济困难大学生由于家庭经济资源的匮乏,来到大学后与其他学生相比容易出现各种心理问题,严重影响他们的心理健康水平和发展。本论文通过对家庭经济困难大学生常见异常心理的分析,针对他们的实际情况建立人际交往和朋辈互助的模式,改善他们的异常心理,提高家庭经济困难大学生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

浅谈高职新生的心理适应问题及其调适   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着高职教育事业的发展,高职新生的心理适应问题逐渐引起人们的关注,本分析了高职院校新生存在的主要心理问题及其原因,并提出进行有效疏导和调适的方法。  相似文献   

近几年,高校学生容量骤然剧增,随着高校法制意识的增强,校规校纪也日趋灵活、宽松,大学生的个性得以进一步凸现。尽管高校对大学生的心理健康日益重视,但大学生中存在心理问题的群体却愈来愈大。  相似文献   

目的:比较蒙、汉大学生应对方式与心理症状关系的异同.方法:肖计划等编制的应对方式量表和SCL-90症状自评量表对赤峰学院621名蒙古族、汉族大学生进行问卷调查.结果:相关分析表明,蒙、汉大学生应对方式各因子与SCL-90各因子之间均呈不同程度的线性相关关系,表现出一定的民族差异.结论:注重民族差异,培养积极成熟应对方式...  相似文献   

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