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Stanley Milgram's study of "obedience to authority" is one of the best-known psychological experiments of the twentieth century. This essay examines the study's special charisma through a detailed consideration of the intellectual, cultural, and gender contexts of Cold War America. It suggests that Milgram presented not a "timeless" experiment on "human nature" but, rather, a historically contingent, scientifically sanctioned "performance" of American masculinity at a time of heightened male anxiety. The essay argues that this gendered context invested the obedience experiments with an extraordinary plausibility, immediacy, and relevance. Immersed in a discourse of masculinity besieged, many Americans read the obedience experiments not as a fanciful study of laboratory brutality but as confirmation of their worst fears. Milgram's extraordinary success thus lay not in his "discovery" of the fragility of individual conscience but in his theatrical flair for staging culturally relevant masculine performances.  相似文献   

美英日商业银行的监管体系及对我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对美、英、日3个国家商业银行监管体系的分析研究,总结出具有规律性的内容、特点和风格,再结合中国商业银行的现状,提出自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着城市居民收入的增加以及对住房需求的旺盛,房价一路攀升。而相对低迷的商用房市场却面临着空置率居高不下的尴尬,价格一度跌与住宅项目之下。基于这一倒挂现象,主要运用价格形成理论和房地产供需原理,并结合上海市一些商住市场数据,分析倒挂形成的原因,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

"公众专利评审"是USTPO新近推出的一个试验性项目,它要求申请人在提交专利申请前,在-个"peer to patent"的网站上公布其内容,让公众参与评议,排在10位的意见将被提交给专利审查员参考,从而提高专利审查的速度与质量.这一项目第一个试验期已经届满,它受到美国各界广泛好评,也引起世界的广泛关注,对我国即将开始的第三次专利修订也有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

1979年2月,来自中国科学院物理所的八位科学家组成的代表团到达埃文斯顿(Evanston),成为了自1949年以来首批踏足美国的"民间"访问学者。代表团成员有:钱永嘉、李铁成、郑家祺、沈觉涟、王鼎盛、程丙英、顾世杰以及林磊。林磊呆了三个月,而其余成员则呆了两年。林磊在西北大学的研究工作后来发表在世界最有声望的物理学期刊《物理评论快报》上,成为该期刊中第一篇中国作者发表的文章。本文将概述与这次访问相关的国内背景形势以及中美关系,讲述访问学者团的构成,以及1979年的访问活动本身,最后将谈及此次访问活动对代表们之后职业生涯的影响,以及对中国改革开放的整体影响。  相似文献   

华娟 《科教文汇》2012,(26):6-7
2012年2月15日,美国联邦教育部启动了一项旨在提升教师地位的"尊师工程"。本文将从课堂教学、教师和校长之间的关系、职业入门、职业路径、教师评价和发展、薪酬等方面阐述其主张,并总结出美国师资队伍建设的未来趋势。  相似文献   

杨娟  李国燕 《科教文汇》2020,(8):155-156
智能便捷的网络科技在营造了“微时代”的同时,也对大学生的心理健康产生了巨大影响。本文探讨“微时代”背景下大学生网络心理问题产生的原因以及进行心理辅导的思想政治教育对策,意图使大学生心理健康教育更好地和时代背景相结合,以促进大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

"力学"一词的含义从古至今发生了重大转变,但很少有人注意到这一点。本文详细讨论了"力学"含义的历史演变:它在古希腊是一门研究机械的学科,实现的是似乎违背自然的结果;到中世纪体现为所谓的"机械技艺";到文艺复兴时期提升为一门介于数学与自然哲学之间的"中间科学",自然物与人工物的界限被打破,力学与物理学的界限被模糊;到近代最终发展成一门研究运动的学科,与物理学合为一体。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the influence of Twitter users in sharing news articles that may affect the readers’ mood. We collected data of more than 2000 Twitter users who shared news articles from Corriere.it, a daily newspaper that provides mood metadata annotated by readers on a voluntary basis. We automatically annotated personality types and communication styles of Twitter users and analyzed the correlations between personality, communication style, Twitter metadata (such as followig and folllowers) and the type of mood associated to the articles they shared. We also run a feature selection task, to find the best predictors of positive and negative mood sharing, and a classification task. We automatically predicted positive and negative mood sharers with 61.7% F1-measure.  相似文献   

In the last decade, there has been an increasing recognition among Central American policy makers of the central importance of science, technology and innovation (STI) for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, based on higher productivity. This paper aims to study current STI policies in those countries and explore whether this increasing acknowledgement has come along with new and more active policies. Empirical evidence collected through questionnaire-based interviews with high-level government officials in each country shows that Central American governments have built public organisations and institutions to support STI, such as laws, national plans and a wide variety of policy instruments. Yet available science and technology indicators illustrate that the results are still meagre. This paper identifies eight barriers faced by these governments when designing and implementing STI policies.  相似文献   

Approaches to visual skilling from anthropology and STS have tended to highlight the forces of discipline and control in understanding how shared visual accounts of the world are created in the face of potential differences brought about by multi-sensorial perception. Drawing upon a range of observational and interview material from an immersion in naturalist training and biological recording activities between 2003 and 2009, I focus upon jizz, a distinct form of gestalt perception much coveted by naturalist communities in the UK. Jizz is described as a tacit and embodied way of seeing that instantaneously reveals the identity of a species, relying upon but simultaneously suspending the arduous and meticulous study of an organism's diagnostic characteristics. I explore the potential and limitations of jizz to allow for both visual precision and an enchanted and varied form of encounter with nature. In so doing, I explore how the specific characteristics of wild, intangible and irreverent virtuoso performance work closely together with disciplining taxonomic standards. As such, discipline and irreverence work together, are mutually enabling, and allow for an accommodation rather than a segregation of potential difference brought about by perceptual variety.  相似文献   

王骏 《科学文化评论》2005,2(4):101-108
科学与政治的复杂关系,是大科学时代的一个突出现象,也是"科学与社会"研究领域(STS以及Social Studies of Science)值得关注的一个问题.本文以干细胞研究在美国社会引发的若干争论为案例,考察和分析了科学与政治复杂关系的几个层面.  相似文献   


This article explores how ordinary people used telephone technology during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the USA. Personal emergency communication is heavily imbued with emotional meaning. These messages address major life problems and values, such as leaving final messages and expressing love and concern, sometimes requiring extreme efforts. They also show that formal technical characteristics of media, and boundaries across media, are not particularly salient to people who have pressing personal and social communication needs.  相似文献   

“中国思想库”:涵义、分类与研究展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
薛澜  朱旭峰 《科学学研究》2006,24(3):321-327
本文根据中国国情提出了“中国思想库”的概念并对其类型进行了深入研究。为了便于刚刚起步的中国思想库研究的顺利进行,本文在最后规划了亟待我们开展的一系列基础性工作。  相似文献   

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