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关于苹果 1.the apple of one’s eye(掌上明珠) 例:May is the apple of her father’s eye.(玛丽是她父亲的掌上明珠。) 2.the Big Apple(纽约城) 例: The little girl is from the Big Apple.(这个女孩来自于纽约城。) 3.in apple order(井然有序) 例:You don’t have to worry about a  相似文献   

1.the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠 例:Moy is the apple of her father’s eye.梅是她父亲的掌上明珠。  相似文献   

趣味英语从水果、蔬菜中学习俚语Apple(苹果)→to be the apple of one'seye( to beone'sfavorite掌上明珠,心爱物)She's the apple of her father'seye.(她是她父亲的掌上明珠。)→the Big Apple(NewYork大苹果城,即纽约)Ilive in the BigApple.我住在纽约。Banana(香蕉)→to be bebananas (to beerazy发疯的,神  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(5):49-50
1.Apple苹果 slick[狡猾的、光滑的] apple滑头的家伙 applehead 笨蛋 applesauce胡扯,假话,奉承 to polish one's apple阿谀、奉承某人 apple polisher马屁精 to upset the apple cart[二轮货运马车]破坏计划 an/the apple of discord[不和]祸根,争端 be in apple-pie order整齐的,井然有序的 the apple of one's eye掌上明珠,心爱物  相似文献   

1.be the apple of someone's eye=be someone's favourite person 珍爱物,掌上明珠She has three sisters,but she is tlle apple of her father's eye. 2.in apple-pie order=in perfect order 整齐,完好的She is a good housewife.Her house is always in apple-pie order, with nothing out of place. 3.be as nice as pie=be extremely nice and charming,so that you can fool people 极好This kind of flower can be as nice as pie,but don't touch it.It is poisonous.  相似文献   

你知道apple of the eye是什么意思吗? “apple of the eye”一词本来是文雅地用来比喻“瞳孔”(pupil)。因为古时候的西方人认为瞳孔的形状与苹果相似,瞳孔是人体中最重要、最宝贵的东西,是视觉的核心。所以“apple of the eye”的真正意思就是“掌上明珠,心肝宝贝”! 知道了吧?再看看下面的例子:  相似文献   

猜测划线部分词意,切莫望文生意。1.Tom is the apple of his mother’s eye A.笨汉B.苹果C,掌上明珠D.傲慢的年轻人2.Jack is a yellow dog.I don’t like him at all.  相似文献   

李晏 《双语学习》2011,(3):15-15
红彤彤的苹果,黄灿灿的香蕉,圆溜溜的马铃薯,一想到这些,你会不会垂涎三尺呢?同学们,你们知道它们在一些英语俚语中所扮演的角色吗?一起来学学吧!一.Apple 的魅力Big Apple 纽约(即New York)the apple of one‘ Seye 掌上明珠;心爱之物 smooth apple 讨人喜欢的人二.Banana 的风采go bananas 焦急烦躁而情绪失控play second banana次要人物;替补队员top banana领袖;老板  相似文献   

英语中有很多表示食品、水果、饮料等的名词,有时这些词都已失去了它们原来的意义。遇到这种情况,大家可要当心,千万莫误吃这些“食物”。请看: 1.He is the apple of his father’s eye.他是父亲的掌上明珠。2.She asked,“Is he an apple?”她问:“他迷人吗?”  相似文献   

肖鹏 《广东教育》2007,(11):19-19
纽约为何被称作the Big Apple不久前,有学生问我He said in his e-mail that heis living in the Big Apple.这句话是什么意思。其实,The Big Apple是纽约的绰号(nickname),这句话的意思是:He said in his e-mail that he is living in thecity of New York.纽约为何被称作为the Big Apple呢?据说在上个世纪初,  相似文献   

l、Apple(苹果) Big Apvle纽约城如:The litile girl 15 from the Big Apple.这个女孩来自于纽约城。2、Banana(香蕉) top banana大老板如:Who’s 3、Bean(豆) bean brain your rop banana?谁是你们的老板?傻瓜如:He‘5 Sueh a bean brain.他真是个傻瓜。(这句话暗示某人的脑子  相似文献   

水果大家一定常吃,不过,文中的这些用法,你知道吗?Apple(苹果)to be the apple of one’s eye=to be one’s favorite掌上明珠;心爱物【例句】She’s the apple of her father’seye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。Banana(香蕉)to become crazy发疯;神经错乱【例句】I’m so bored.I’m going ba-nanas.我厌烦得要死,都快发疯了。to become wild with anger狂怒;气得发疯【例句】She went bananas when shefound him cheating.她发现他骗人时气得要命。Cherry(樱桃)(to be a)bowl of cherries=to be wonderful精彩的;绝妙的【例句】Life isn’t…  相似文献   

Apple is one of the favorite fruits among the western people and there are many idioms with the word. Apple is popular among people,not only because of its sweet flavor and rich nutrient(营养); people love it mainly because of its shape. Red and round apple is the symbol of happiness and good luck.  相似文献   

英语中有些习语的含义与字面意思全无关系,所以不加以记忆,便会产生误解。本文以“器官”词在英国习语中的运用为例说明正确理解习语含义的重要性。通过本文读者会发现“器官”词在英语习语中的运用是多么的广泛而奇妙。 一、眼(eye) 眼睛是心灵的窗户。通过眼睛能够了解人的心理状态。英语中含“眼睛”的习语自然也很丰富。请看这句话:Joker is the apple of his mother's eye.该句中的习语the apple of one's eye如何理解呢?句中的Joker怎么会变成了一个苹果而且就在她母亲的眼里。让人不可思议。Joker并非孙悟空说变则变。这习语必有其深刻的含义。该习语源出《圣经·旧约》。在古代,the apple of one's eye是“瞳孔”的意思。古人认为瞳孔是球形,就把它比做apple(苹果),现在人们则用作比喻,表示“对某人来说,象眼球一样宝贵的东西,不能代替的东西,掌上明珠似的东西”的意义。in one's eye则可以直译为“在某人眼里”也就是“在某人看来”。再看:My mother always keeps an eye out for bargains at the supermarket.此句中的  相似文献   

apple和banana是十分常见的两种水果,在英语中它们往往有很多不同于其字面意思的用法:1.the apple of one’s eyes意为"心肝宝贝、掌上明珠"。I am the apple of my parents’eyes.我是父母的掌上明珠。  相似文献   

1.apple(苹果)the Big A pple纽约城。例如:T he little girl is from the B ig A pple.这个女孩来自于纽约城。2.banana(香蕉)top banana大老板。例如:W ho's your top banana?谁是你们的老板?3.bean(豆)bean brain傻瓜。例如:H e's such a bean brain.他真是个傻瓜。(这句话暗示某人的脑子只有豆子那么大。)4.potato(马铃薯)sm all potato不重要的。例如:T hat's sm all potatoes com pared to the real problem.跟真正的问题相比,那不重要。5.lem on(柠檬)a lem on没有价值的商品。例如:T hat car is a lem on.那辆小汽车不值钱。妙…  相似文献   

The apple is the most valuable of all the fruits that grow on trees. It is also more widely grown than any other fruit. Apple trees grow everywhere except in the very hottest and coldest regions of the world. They bear their juicy, crisp fruit in Europe and South America, in Africa and Australia, and in Asia from India northward into Siberia(西伯利亚). Apples are grown in nearly all the states of the Union, and in all the provinces of Canada.Men have grown apple trees for their fruit sinc…  相似文献   

乐伟国 《双语学习》2010,(11):F0002-F0002
Hi,friends!The United States of America is a big English-speaking country.New York City is a big city in this country.Another name for New York City is "the Big Apple".  相似文献   

New York City is the largest city in the United States. It is called "The Big Apple " and is a major world city and a world leader in finance, the arts, and communications. The city is the home of the United Nations and is headquarters for some of the world's largest corporations. The city is also the center of advertising, fashion, publishing, and radio broadcasting in the United States.  相似文献   

apple和banana是两种十分常见的水果,营养非常丰富,大家一定要多吃哦!在英语中它们往往有很多不同于其字面意思的用法,一起来了解它们的各种表达法吧!1.the apple of one’s eyes意为"心肝宝贝、掌上明珠"。例如:I think each child must be the apple of her parents’eyes.2.apple of love意为"爱的信物"。例如:Don’t touch that ring,it’s my apple of love.  相似文献   

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