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本期学生来稿的稿件是由来自法国巴黎东部马恩河谷大学(Paris-Est Mame La Vallee)的学生Boulom Sengkham提供,介绍的是"申"社团,这究竟是个什么样的组织?且看下文。  相似文献   

深海龙抗运动性疲劳作用的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深海龙是由多种具有抗疲劳作用的强壮性中药成分配制而成的复方中成药.为了探索深海龙的抗运动性疲劳作用和对体能恢复作用的效果,本文对40名青少年(20名实验组、20名对照组)进行了一个月的大强度训练和药物效果观察.实验结果显示:经过服药训练,实验组递增负荷运动的最大工作时间和最大工作负荷量比服药训练前有明显提高,且明显高于对照组.定量负荷工作和最大负荷工作时的心率和血乳酸指标也显示服药训练使实验组的训练程度明显高于对照组.本研究结果提示,深海龙对人体长时间大强度工作能力有促进作用,可以加快大强度工作后体能的恢复,有较强的抗疲劳作用,因此,是一种理想的运动强壮型保健药物.  相似文献   

从如何进一步深化中国足球管理体制改革的角度出发,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、比较研究法、逻辑推理法等社会学研究方法,深入细致了解了中国足球协会各会员协会发展现状,分析了中国足球协会会员协会实体化改革所取得的成绩和存在的问题,并结合国外足球协会管理经验,提出了我国足球协会实体化改革的发展对策。  相似文献   

构建我国区域高校体育教学联盟的思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域高校体育教学联盟是指在一定区域内两个或两个以上的高校为实现某一教学目标,整合、优化相关的体育资源,按照合作规范和程序,执行一项或多项合作内容的体育教学联合体。我国的相关法规和政策、网络信息技术、高校校际间的合作先例为实施区域高校体育教学联盟打下了基础。建议构建区域高校体育教学联盟时要充分解放思想,恰当选择联盟成员、建立务实、高效的管理体系,采取灵活的联盟方式。  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the relationship between IL-1B rs16944, IL-6 rs1800795, and CASP8 rs3834129 genetic polymorphisms and concussion severity. Rugby players from high school, senior amateur, and professional teams completed a concussion severity questionnaire and donated a DNA sample. Participants (n = 163) were split into symptom severity groups around the median number and duration of symptoms. The frequency of participants with high symptom counts (more than five symptoms) increased across the IL-1B (C/C: 35%; C/T: 51%; T/T: 56%; P = 0.047) and the IL-6 (C/C: 31%; C/G: 44%; G/G: 58%; P = 0.027) genotypes. The C–C inferred interleukin allele construct frequency, created from combining the IL-1B and IL-6 genotype data, was lower in participants reporting a high symptom count (18%), compared to those with a low symptom count (fewer than six symptoms, 36%, P = 0.002). Similarly, the C–C inferred interleukin allele construct frequency was lower in those reporting prolonged symptom duration (more than one week, 16%), as opposed to short symptom duration (less than one week, 34%, P = 0.015). This study provides evidence of novel inflammatory pathway genetic associations with concussion severity, which supports the hypothesis implicating neuroinflammation in the development of concussion symptoms.  相似文献   

Penalty takers in association football adopt either a keeper-independent or a keeper-dependent strategy, with the benefits of the keeper-independent strategy presumed to be greater. Yet, despite its relevance for research and practitioners, thus far no method for identifying penalty kick strategies has been available. To develop a validated and reliable method, Experiment 1 assessed characteristics that observers should use to distinguish the two strategies. We asked participants to rate 12 characteristics of pre-recorded clips of kicks of penalty takers that used either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. A logistic regression model identified three variables (attention to the goalkeeper, run-up fluency and kicking technique) that in combination predicted kick strategy in 92% of the penalties. We used the model in Experiment 2 to analyse prevalence and efficacy of both the strategies for penalty kicks in penalty shoot-outs during FIFA World Cups (1986–2010) and UEFA Football Championships (1984–2012). The keeper-independent strategy was used much more frequently (i.e., 78–86%) than the keeper-dependent strategy, but successes did not differ. Penalty takers should use both the strategies to be less predictable. Goalkeepers can use the developed model to improve their chances to succeed by adjusting their behaviour to penalty takers’ preferred penalty kick strategy.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we assessed the frequency of birth dates for boys selected for the Football Association National School. Birthdays were divided into three periods of the year: January to April, May to August and September to December. We compared data over a 5 year period and concluded that there is indeed a bias towards selecting older children. Furthermore, analysis of separate data revealed a shift of bias when comparing two different start dates, namely September and January. Our findings show that the youngest children from the January start date (born September to December) are selected significantly more often than the youngest children from the September start date (born May to August). Interestingly, even when the influence of body mass was reduced, the selection bias towards the older players remained.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we assessed the frequency of birth dates for boys selected for the Football Association National School. Birthdays were divided into three periods of the year: January to April, May to August and September to December. We compared data over a 5 year period and concluded that there is indeed a bias towards selecting older children. Furthermore, analysis of separate data revealed a shift of bias when comparing two different start dates, namely September and January. Our findings show that the youngest children from the January start date (born September to December) are selected significantly more often than the youngest children from the September start date (born May to August). Interestingly, even when the influence of body mass was reduced, the selection bias towards the older players remained.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that individuals may use heuristic methods of reasoning and rely on schemata when a quick decision is necessary. Accordingly, it is possible that decisions made by sport officials may be influenced by prior knowledge they have about teams they are officiating. The aim of the present study was to determine whether sport officials are more likely to penalize individuals who participate in a team with an aggressive reputation. In a balanced design, 38 football referees were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group and were presented with the same 50 video clips of incidents from football games, all involving a team in a blue strip ('blue team'). The incidents were categorized before the study by five experienced referees into fouls committed both by, and against, the blue team, where all participants agreed that a foul had been committed (certain incidents), disagreed it was a foul (uncertain incidents) or agreed that there was no foul (innocuous incidents). Both groups received written instructions before the task; in addition, the experimental group was informed that the blue team present in all of the clips had a reputation for foul and aggressive play. For each incident, the participants were required to indicate what action they would engage in if refereeing the game. Although there was no difference in the number of decisions made, the experimental group awarded significantly more red and yellow cards against the blue team both overall and for the 'certain' incidents. It is suggested that prior knowledge may impact referees' behaviour in a laboratory setting, although future research should explore whether a similar effect is observed in the behaviour of referees during football matches.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that individuals may use heuristic methods of reasoning and rely on schemata when a quick decision is necessary. Accordingly, it is possible that decisions made by sport officials may be influenced by prior knowledge they have about teams they are officiating. The aim of the present study was to determine whether sport officials are more likely to penalize individuals who participate in a team with an aggressive reputation. In a balanced design, 38 football referees were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group and were presented with the same 50 video clips of incidents from football games, all involving a team in a blue strip ('blue team'). The incidents were categorized before the study by five experienced referees into fouls committed both by, and against, the blue team, where all participants agreed that a foul had been committed (certain incidents), disagreed it was a foul (uncertain incidents) or agreed that there was no foul (innocuous incidents). Both groups received written instructions before the task; in addition, the experimental group was informed that the blue team present in all of the clips had a reputation for foul and aggressive play. For each incident, the participants were required to indicate what action they would engage in if refereeing the game. Although there was no difference in the number of decisions made, the experimental group awarded significantly more red and yellow cards against the blue team both overall and for the 'certain' incidents. It is suggested that prior knowledge may impact referees' behaviour in a laboratory setting, although future research should explore whether a similar effect is observed in the behaviour of referees during football matches.  相似文献   

Although bike fitting is recommended to help reduce injury risk, little empirical evidence exists to indicate an association between bike fitting and injury incidence. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of bike fitting on self-reported injury, comfort, and pain while cycling from a worldwide survey of cyclists. A total of 849 cyclists completed an online questionnaire between February and October 2016. Questionnaire collected data on respondent demographics, cycling profile, bike fitting, comfort and pain while cycling, and injury history. The main predictor variable was bike fitting (yes, by the respondent, i.e. user bike fitting; yes, by a professional service; or no). Covariates included demographic and cycling profile characteristics. Logistic regression models estimated the odds of injury within the last 12 months, reporting a comfortable body posture while cycling, and not reporting pain while cycling. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. User bike fitting was associated with increased odds of reporting a comfortable posture (OR?=?2.28, 95%CI: 1.06, 4.68). User (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.48, 3.84) and professional bike fitting (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.42, 3.98) were both associated with increased odds of not reporting pain while cycling. No associations were found between bike fitting and injury within the last 12 months. In conclusion, we found an association between bike fitting and reported comfort and pain while cycling. We recommend integrating bike fitting into cycling maintenance. However, further studies with longer follow-up are necessary to determine the presence of an association between bike fitting and injury.  相似文献   

首先从均衡NBA各主体权与利的角度,阐述了NBA人力制衡机制的定义;其次,时NBA人力制衡机制的类别及每类制衡机制所包括的制度进行了研究;最后,在结合NBA运行实践的基础上,对NBA各类人力制衡机制的功能展开了深入探讨,其目的是深入地了解NBA联盟人力制衡机制运行的内在机制,同时为我国的CBA联赛提供借鉴.  相似文献   

单项运动协会实体化刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前我国单项运动协会实体化中存在的主要问题,并提出了对策与建议:独立的人事任免权;建立和完善协会各项制度;组织管理的主体化;物质设施与经费的实体化。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002--2003 and 2003--2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of "set-pieces", were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of “set-pieces”, were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   

随着我国职业体育的发展,职业运动员与俱乐部、协会之间的矛盾纠纷日益增多,运动员合法权益得不到有效的保护。为了职业体育健康、有序的发展,组建职业运动员工会来维护职业运动员的合法权益是非常必要也是切实可行的。  相似文献   

通过对全国体育院校学报研究会现状的分析,提出学报研究会应学习软科学,提高软科学意识,捕捉信息,在办好学报的基础上,加强对体育软科学的研究,担当起民间智囊群体的重任,为科技兴体提供优化方案。  相似文献   

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