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陈嘉驹 《数学教学》2008,(2):F0002-F0002,1,2
研究性学习无疑是一种学习方式,但是它又不同于接受性学习,或者其他传统学习方式.突出的特点是强调自主学习的效应,关注学习过程中的反思,注重解决问题过程中的探究精神,以及谋求开放性的新颖成果.对于高考要评价学生的研究性学习是否卓有成效,是否具有较强的研究性学习能力,往往关注学生在学习基础知识(或解决基本问题)的基础上,如何深入探究数学规律或本质,如何进一步提出更一般化的问题,  相似文献   

高建帮 《科学教育》2005,11(3):40-41
作为培养教师的师范学校应理所当然的站在教育教学改革的最前列,我校生物教研室最近几年连续在学生中开展了研究性学习的实践活动,进行了研究性学习方法的探索,取得了一定的成绩。在开展的过程中我们深深体会到如何调动学生的研究性学习积极性是非常重要的一环,因为在活动的初期或过程中都出现过学习积极性不高或半途而废的现象,这个问题处理不好会直接影响研究性学习的正常进行,为此我们在这方面进行了深入的探讨,并积极采取措施调动学生的研究性学习的积极性。  相似文献   

在研究性学习中创新中职语文教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语文教育是中等职业学校教育教学的重要组成部分,立足创新语文课程教学,系统地阐述研究性学习的内涵,探究中职语文研究性学习的必要性和重要特点,提出实施中职语文研究性学习的过程和方法。  相似文献   

研究性学习是一种自主学习、体验学习和探究学习的过程.数学研究性学习与其它基础性课程紧密配合,将更能发挥其培养学生探究能力之教育功效.  相似文献   

中学新课改一个显著的特点就是提倡研究性学习及开发研究性或探究性课程,这不仅导致教师教学方式的转变,更主要的是这种转变将对学生的学习方式产生深刻的影响。在这一过程中,班主任在班级管理中的地位与作用也将发生变化。班主任应以研究性的工作方式和管理策略指导学生进行研究性学习。  相似文献   

网络环境下研究性学习之探索   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
网络环境下的研究性学习需要丰富的网络资源和高质量的教育平台。在教学实施过程中,关键是掌握教学与网络的切入时机,采取灵活多变的教学方法和策略。通过研究性学习与网络环境的结合,探索更全面、更完整的研究性学习评价体系。  相似文献   

一、研究性学习是学习方式的一种 研究性学习,是指学生在教师指导下,以类似科学研究的方式去获取知识和应用知识的学习方式。‘学生在教师指导下’,表明了学习活动中的师生关系。研究性学习是在学校教育和集体教学的环境中进行的,它有别于个人在自学过程中自发的、个体的探究活动。在学习过程中,学生需要的是‘指导’或‘帮助’,而不仅是‘传授’或‘教导’,教师的主要职责是创设一种有利于研究性学习的情境和途径。‘以类似科学研究的方式’,表明了学习的基本形式。研究性学习的实质是学习者对科学研究的思维方式和研究方法的学习…  相似文献   

当前改变传统学科教学和原有的学习方式,寻找和创造新的课程形态以及新的学习方式已成为时代研究的主题。今天我们提倡研究性学习的目的,不仅仅是改变一种学习方式,更重要的是培养学生终身学习的能力和创新精神,同时让学生在学习过程中真正体会到创造的快乐,研究性学习能够营造自主学习的和谐氛围,能够启发思维,实现创新教育,它追求的是知情意的和谐发展,并能够建立起新型的、和谐的师生互动关系,因而师生共同探索的研究性学习必将成为和谐教育的新天地。  相似文献   

研究性学习作为一种新的学习模式,已经引起了越来越多的教育工作者的关注。这种自主探究的学习形式,注重学生在学习过程中能力的培养与品质的形成,注重学生学习体验和科学素养的获得。比较而言,研究性学习更关注学习过程本身,而不再是文化知识与技能。随着各种研究性学习理论的提出与研究性学习实践的深入,如何组织学生更有效地开展研究性学习,已成为教育工作者不可回避的话题。毋庸置疑,在指导思想、方法策略、组织实施、信息收集与处理等方面提供技术性支持是不可或缺的。我发现多媒体创作平台在研究性学习中可以得到很好的应用。本文试通过分析多媒体创作平台在研究性学习过程中的作用,对此予以初步探讨。  相似文献   

研究性学习方式的显著特征是坚持学生在学习过程中的自由选题、自主学习、自主探究和自由创造,与以往学习方式相比,更有利于培养学生的创新能力、创新思维和实践能力。作者在开放教育计算机的教学过程中,逐步引入研究性学习,大胆实践,积极进行研究性学习在计算机教学中的探索。  相似文献   

The author examines the development of her thinking in regard to the value, the purposes, the process and the outcomes of teaching an undergraduate course in action research for the past 4 years. The emergent understandings were informed by recurrent hermeneutic cycles of interpretative readings of the formal written and oral feedback conducted with the students at the end of each year, the students’ final action research projects submitted at the end of each course and personal field notes kept in journal writing. These sources have yielded rich longitudinal data that sheds light on the impact of a course for the learning of both its participants and the course professor. The article focuses on the actions that the author has undertaken in the design and implementation of the course as a result of her learning or on how action research ‘of a second order’ has informed the structure of ‘first order’ action research. The exploration has led the author to important insights regarding her role as course professor, issues of pedagogy, reflection, process and products of learning as they play out in an action research course at undergraduate level.  相似文献   


In this case study, we first describe how teaching and research are linked in a master’s course on tissue engineering. A central component of the course is an authentic research project that the students carry out in smaller groups and in collaboration with faculty. We then explore how the students experience learning in this kind of discovery-oriented environment. Data were collected through a survey, reflective writing, and interviews. Using a general inductive approach for qualitative analysis, we identified three themes related to the students’ learning experiences: learning to navigate the field, learning to do real research, and learning to work with others. Overall, the students strongly valued learning in a discovery-oriented environment and three aspects of the course contributed to much of its success: taking a holistic approach to linking teaching and research, engaging students in the whole inquiry process, and situating authentic problems in an authentic physical and social context.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a course for experienced teachers in the Netherlands, intended to enhance their professionalism by engaging them in doing research based on reflection on the aims of their educational efforts. The course was accompanied by design-based research. The research question was whether and how the course stimulated teachers to connect doing research and taking a reflective stance; the results were used to improve the course, thus creating a cyclical design. Although the course was positively evaluated by the participants, reflection on its results made clear to us that our approach in the combination of learning to do research and reflecting on aims is not enough to make teachers into critical research-minded professionals. A more context-aware view of their learning process is necessary: the institution school limits their possibilities. The implication is that both our course and our research effort have to be critically revised. Instead of looking for causal effects, one should be aware of traces of development that may or may not be caused by the intervention.  相似文献   

在混合式教学模式基本流程、在线开放课程学习质量评价逻辑的基础上,构建了基于数据驱动的在线开放课程学习质量评价体系。评价体系从课前学情预测、课中迭代监测、课后反馈提升等维度,对影响学习质量的14个因素进行了深入挖掘分析。最后将本评价体系应用在"C语言程序设计"课程中,研究结果表明:投入度高的学习者其学习参与度越高,学习成绩越好;学习能力强的学习者其创新能力并不一定强;在线开放课程中实施混合式教学对学习者顺利完成学习目标具有重要保障作用。  相似文献   

The way in which mid-semester course evaluations are structured, administered and reported is important for generating rich and high-quality student feedback for the enhancement of learning and teaching. Mid-semester evaluations usually contain open-ended questions that trigger more elaborative feedback about what is going on in a class than that from end-of-semester evaluations with Likert scale-type questions. The anonymity of the process for students and the confidentiality of the process for instructors make the process more reflective for students and less stressful for instructors. This study describes how the mid-semester course evaluation process can be used as a feedback tool for improving the quality of teaching and learning at an institutional level. Through a longitudinal analysis of 341 mid-semester course evaluation reports, positive areas and areas of concern with respect to learning and teaching were identified, and changes in student evaluations over the years were examined meticulously to make an overall evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching at a non-profit Turkish university. This research showed that the value of mid-semester course evaluations can go beyond course-level if we use open-ended questions and are able to gather the reports together to make some comprehensive analysis at university level.  相似文献   

意识在内隐学习及迁移中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,国外心理学界从问题解决的研究中发现了迁移的作用,又从迁移的研究中发现了意识的作用,因此对意识问题的研究也越来越多。内隐学习被认为是一种无意识、无选择、被动学习得某种刺激材料中较深层的抽象规则的学习、本在研究献的基础上,对内隐学习及往往学习迁移过程中的意识作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

语文学科研究性学习是在语文教师指导下,学生从语文学习和社会现实生活中选择并确定自己感兴趣的研究问题,以自主性和探究性学习为基础,通过个人与他人合作的方式从事学习的全新模式。合作性是其提倡的方式;开放性是其外部环境;问题性是其基本方法;综合性是其重要桥梁:实践性是其有效途径;过程性和成果性是其评价目标。从而构成了语文学科研究性学习的基本特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the design and implementation of a master’s level research course. Factors that defined the curriculum design problem included the subject matter, a view of learning as a change in identity, and the role of technology in curriculum design. Both the design process and results of research on the implementation of the course are described. The paper concludes with a retrospective discussion of lessons learned, including parallels of (a) user-centered technology design with our final approach to curriculum design and (b) socially constructed views of technology with socially constructed views of learning.  相似文献   

高等院校是为社会培养高端人才的主要教育基地,应不断创新教学与管理方式,逐渐提高学生的学习能力,为社会输送更多的高素质人才。生物化学课是生物药学专业学生学习专业知识中的一门基础课程,由于这门课程过于基础,教师在教授过程中往往忽略它的重要性,不能进行深入教学,导致学生学习兴趣不高,创新能力低下等。因此,教师应正确认识这种情况,通过提高自身教学水平,来提高大学生的科研兴趣及创新能力。  相似文献   

Learning is integral in the present dynamic environment characterized by factors, such as intense technological innovation and global economy. Thus, learning is constantly required as, for example, rapid development of technologies is both a push factor in learning requirements and a vehicle to advance the learning process. The global nature of the environment today calls for virtual learning because of convenience, time and cost factors. This research seeks to draw measures to promote virtual learning experience. The research is based on a virtual learning of a master’s level information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) course at the University of Tampere in 2016. This course was offered two times and to two sets of different student groups. A questionnaire was conducted at the mid-course stage to assess the virtual learning experience and propose the ways to improve learning process. The assessment included how well the virtual environment and pedagogy promoted qualities of learning, these are, active, constructive, collaborative, intentional, contextual, transfer and reflective learning. Excellence in learning should always be promoted and in virtual environment, there is always new opportunities because of the advances in technology. This research seeks to promote qualities of learning by considering context in terms of assessing the learning environment that is, participants’ virtual learning experience, study contents and learning technologies. Context is important in order to map the learning process that suits the learners and study contents. The results of this study include highlighting of pedagogical techniques and technological tools that fit the learners’ and study content requirements to foster learning in a virtual environment.  相似文献   

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