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定义了Kato-Weyl算子及其谱集,研究了在Hilbert空间上,当A∈B(H),B∈B(K)且C∈B(K,H)时,上三角算子矩阵为Mc=(A/O C/B)Kato-Weyl算子的条件及其重要性质.  相似文献   

The Body     
1.Betty’s is curly and beautiful.2.John has no hair on his .3.Close your and m ake a wish.4.Santa’s are red.5.Stam p(跺 )your .6.She carried the box under her .7.D on’t shout in m y .8.Jim has som e candies(糖)in his 9.A crab(螃蟹 )has ten .10.Jack is carrying a bag on his 11.Sharks have sharp .12.M ary has a pretty .★本期“边 玩边 学”答 案:1.B (bee 蜜蜂)2.I (eye 眼睛)3.C (sea 海洋)4.P(pea 豌豆)5.T(tea 茶)6.Y (w hy 为什么)7.A B C8.I C U (I see you.我 看 见 你了。)9. A (Because it…  相似文献   

星宇 《阅读》2007,(6):30-31,44
1.Your is betweenyour head and your trunk.A.belly B.neck C.leg2.Candies are sweet becausethere is a lot of inthem.A.fat B.salt C.sugar3.Bob is a heavy drinker.Hemay not like.A.soda B.wine C.beer4.In China,if someone needsfirst aid badly,we cancall for doctors.A.911B.120C.1195.Kate is afraid of big ani-mals.Maybe she thinksare not dangerous.A.beetles B.crocodilesC.dinosaurs6.Bats are.A.birds B.insectsC.mammals7.Clouds are madeof.A.natural gas B.tiny drops ofwater C.white dust8.During…  相似文献   

1There isa rectangle(长方you picture.Can形)in the two parts and cut it into)?m ake it a square(正方形It has five let-ters.It has six leftif you take twoletters away.W hatis it?Ittakes one cat twom inutesto eat onefish,then howlongdoes ittake tencats toeat tenfish?2The first letter is in“take”but not in“lake”.The sec-ond is in“thank”but not in“think”.The third is in both“fox”and“next”.The last one is notin“sheep”but in“ship”.W hat is it?It’s______.A.B IK E B.JE EPC.TA …  相似文献   

A Dream     
Hi, m y nam e is ZhuJiaJia. I’m an o-ceanographer(海洋研究者).NowI am swim m ing in the ocean. I see five colorful fish playinggam es beside a sunken(沉没的)ship。I im m ediately(立即)take m ycam era out。 Then a piece of bread com es down from a fishingline,and two fish com e and eat it。。H ow funny。Iwill tell m y classm ates about the ocean.“Get up, it’s tim e to get up,” M y alarmclock is shouting. Oh, it’s only a dream 。 Anice dream 。A Dream$海门市海门镇中心小学剑英兴趣班@朱…  相似文献   

同学们,你们了解 A B C 的含义吗?对了,它常用来表示基础知识,表示极简单的东西。它还是 A m er-ican Broadcasting C om pany(美国广播公司)和 A ustralian BroadcastingC om pany(澳大利亚广播公司)的缩略形式。不仅如此,字母 A BC 还有着大学问呢!据调查表明,英语字母中使用的最多的是 e,最少的是 z。就简单的拼写而言,词首使用最多的是 s,最少的是 x。另外,有些字母的读音与单词相同,例如:字母“T”的读音与“tea(茶)”相同。同学们,让我们一起来做一做下面的练习,了解字母的小知识。1. W hich letter is aninsect(昆虫)?2. W hic…  相似文献   

定义了K-Fredholm算子及其谱集,研究了Hilbert空间上A∈B(H),B∈B(K)且C∈B(K,H)时,上三角算子矩阵MC=(A C 0B)为K-Fredholm算子的条件及其重要性质.  相似文献   

研究了2×2上三角算子矩阵的单值延拓性质的稳定性, 证明了: 设A, B, C∈B(H), MC=, 则存在δ>0, 当K∈κ(H⊕H)且‖K‖<δ时, 对任意的C∈B(H),MC+K∈(SVEP)当且仅当下述条件同时成立: 1)存在δ>0,当K∈κ(H)且‖K‖<δ时, 有A+K∈(SVEP),B+K∈(SVEP), 2) ρSF(A)∩ρSF(B)有有限连通分支,其中B(H)为Hilbert空间H上的有界线性算子的全体, κ(H)表示H上的紧算子的全体, ρSF(A)表示算子A的半Fredholm域.  相似文献   

小朋友们,当你面对这么一大堆好吃的东西,想想用英语怎么说好吗?(当然多吃零食不利健康)活学活用,才是真正掌握哦!所以,当别人问你:A:W e had a Food Festival last week.B:Really?W hen was it?A:It was on the6th of Decem ber.B:W hat did you do?A:W e m ade and ate lots of food.W e m ade and drankjuice.B:W hat did you m ake?A:I did not m ake anything.But I ate and drank a lot.B:W hat did you eat and drink?A:I ate two ham burgers and som e chips.I drank som eorange juice,too.冷餐会$南京市长江路小学六(…  相似文献   

丁洁艳 《阅读》2006,(9):46-46
将全是元音字母的几组气球勾出来Aa Vv Oo Ff Cc Ll Yy Xx Pp按字母表的顺序给下列字母标上序号比较每组字母是否含有相同的音素1.BC2.AD3.FJ4.5.UQ6.OG7.IY8.根据发音,将26个字母分组★答案本期找难度系数:☆哎呀,还有落单啦!本期“边玩边学”答案: 1. 2 4 7 8 2. 1 8 5 3 2 4 10 9 6 7 3. 4. A(J K) E (B C D G P T V Z) U (W Q) I(Y) [e] ( F H L M N S X ) O 和 R 落单了。字母游戏@丁洁艳…  相似文献   

Mark Twain is an Am erican.H elives in N ew Y ork.One day,M arkTwain goes to England.H e is on atrain.H e puts his ticket in his coat,sits down and reads a book.Theconductor(列车员)com es to him andwants to see his ticket.M ark Twainlooks for the ticket here and there,but he can’t find it.So he says tothe conductor,“I’m sorry.I boughtaticket.ButI can’tfind itnow!”Theconductor knows M ark Twain.So hesays,“D on’tworry.Ifyou can’tfindit,it doesn’t m atter.”“Oh,but Im ust find…  相似文献   

设A为幂等矩阵,B为l-幂等矩阵(即Bl=B)且AB=BA.研究了矩阵A与B的线性组合C=c1A c2B是幂等矩阵时非零复数对(c1,c2)所满足的条件,建立了C=c1A c2B是幂等矩阵的10组充分条件.  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(43):46-46
一、生活小常识。(选出相应的电话号码并将其序号填入空格中)(A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114)1.Your grandmother is very ill,which number do you need?2.You see a thief(小偷)on the way home,you want to ask the policeman for help.You can eall.3.The house you live in is on fire(着火).You are going to call  相似文献   

On the Train     
A lady gets on a train with her baby. A man is sitting beside her. He looks at the baby and starts laughing out loud. He says, "Lady, the kid looks like a monkey. How ugly!" The lady is so sad when she hears the man's words(话). The conductor(列车长)sees her and comes to console(安慰)her, "Lady, things are going to be all right. And maybe we'll even find a banana for your monkey."On the Train…  相似文献   

地点:小猫的家时间:小猫的生日人物:猫妈妈、两只小猫、羊小姐、鸭先生、狗弟弟Storyteller:H i,friends.This is B oy C at.This isG irlCat.They're tw ins.Look,They have the sam ebright eyes and w hite hair.They are lovely.N owthey're singing and dancing.Two Little Cats:(singing and dancing)Brightday,sunny day.It’s our birthday.W e are happytoday.Let’s go and play...M other Cat:O h,m y dear.Don’t go.Today isyour birthday.W hat would you like?Boy Cat:I’d like a ham burger,an ice creamand a…  相似文献   

考虑一类有单位元的C*-代数(记为Ω)具有某种性质时,Ω中C*-代数迹逼近后得到的一类C*-代数(记为TAΩ)是否也具有这种性质.得出结论:若对B∈Ω,B的投影半群V(B)具有m-n几乎可除性质,则对A∈TAΩ,A的投影半群V(A)具有m+1-n几乎可除性质;若对B∈Ω,B具有强的迹m-投影比较性质,则对A∈TAΩ,A具有强的迹m-投影比较性质.  相似文献   

一、明喻(Simile)用另一种事物比方所要说明的事物.通常格式是A像B,使用As,like,as though一类的词.例:The Party is like my mother.My heart is like a singing brid.Her face is as fresh as a rose.二、隐喻:(metaphor)以此比彼而不说像,让读者自己去意会的比喻手法;更富表现力,常有夸张意味.例:She is really a duck(尤物),he thought.He is a mule,Cf、He is like a mule.(明喻)三、修饰语(epithet)一个词或词组给予所修饰的事物以具有表现力的说明,叫修饰语.修饰语多是定语性和状语性词组,但不能把它同语法学上的定语、状语混为一谈.修饰语的重心在于它的描绘比喻的表现力.  相似文献   

美珍 《阅读》2006,(12)
1.The following six pictures are changed regularly(有规律地), but one of them is not the same as the others. Which is it?2.Each line is missing two of the four fields. Can you choose the two pictures on the right side (a, b, c, d, e) which most logical- ly (最符合逻辑) fill in the gaps?3.From the column on the right (a, b, c, d ) , please choose the picture which logically follows the line of pictures on the left. (嘿, 接下来该是哪一幅? )启智游戏(英文)@美珍  相似文献   

一、选择题(各小题的四个结沦中仅有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的代号填入题后括号内。每小题6分,共36分。) 二、函数y。/幻二u丑 丫16x的定义域是口答:】 (A)[0,nj(B)【一4,nj (C)[一4,4](D)[0,n3 U [一4,一z〕 2、S1na。t,a为第H象限的角,则tntr的值为【答:」 13”””’””—-’””‘”—一2——”’一 1.n、,工。、,工h、1 (A)4(B)5(C)-5(D)-4 5”—”—”—”—””5 3、豪自o。arc*1n(Sin3),Nuok [芒子.口 (A)3(B)Zkx 3(C)3-了了(D)x。3 4、方程y。一X‘一 ZX 1代表的曲线是 L答:〕 (A)双曲线(D)两条射线(C)半圆(D)抛物…  相似文献   

毛琳 《阅读》2006,(1):48-48
What is pink ? A rose is pink. By the fountain’s brink. What is blue ? The sky is blue. Where the clouds float through. What is white ? A swan is white. Sailing in the light. What is yellow ? Pears are yellow. Ripe, sweet and fresh. What is green ? The grass is green. With small flowers among. 什么红?玫瑰红。开遍溪边漫山坪。 什么蓝?天空蓝。白云朵朵飘满天。 什么白?天鹅白。飞越天际一排排。 什么黄?梨儿黄。甘美多汁脆甜香。 什么绿?草儿绿。婆娑起舞映花季。难度系数: ☆颜色歌(英文)@毛琳…  相似文献   

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