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The core in the current "Global Warming" debate is how to discriminate the anthropogenic from natural warming. To answer this question, we have to know the natural trend of climate changes, an issue on which scientists' opinions diverge incredibly. Some scientists tell us that the next ice age will not come in some 50 thousands years (Berger & Loutre, 2002), but others believe that new glaciation would have been upon us several thousands years ago, should it be not postponed by early human impact (Ruddiman, 2003).  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N20) and methane (CH4) are key radiatively active greenhouse trace gases which have been recognized to contribute to global warming by 5% and 25%, respectively. The quantification of trace gases is a subject of great interest because accurate information is required to determine the contribution of these gases to global greenhouse gas fluxes. The coastal marsh ecosystem is characterized by high temporal and spatial variations involving topographic feature,  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.  相似文献   

<正>Carbon neutrality by the mid-twenty-first century is essential in order to limit global warming to≤1.5℃,which is also laid down in the Paris Agreement signed by 196 countries including China,the European Union and the USA,etc.[1].The chemical industry is crucial to building a sustainable global economy to contribute to carbon neutrality.  相似文献   

正Increasing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases have been facilitating global warming,which seriously threatens human life and social sustainable development.To curb the dangerous effects of climate change,we need to not only make deep cuts in emissions,but also enhance carbon sequestration.The ocean plays an important role in climate change mitigation thanks to its high potential in absorbing  相似文献   

Mainly due to the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities, the climate is warming up quickly on a global scale. In line with the theory of IPCC, atmospheric temperatures in China could be projected to rise by 2.3-3.3℃, and precipitation by 5-7% by 2050; by 2100, the temperature might rise by 3.9-6.0℃, and precipitation by 11-17%. Meanwhile extreme climatic events will also see a significant increase. In the book titled Evolution and Prediction of Climate and Environment(Qin, et al, 2005),  相似文献   

<正>Global warming is driven by the Earth’s energy imbalance(EEI):our planet traps more and more heat due to continuous increasing greenhouse gases.From the energy perspective,the global warming is actually ocean warming,since ocean stores more than 90%of the trapped heat.Therefore,ocean heat content(OHC)change is a fundamental indicator of global warming,and direct measurement of OHC will provide a direct evidence for climate change.  相似文献   

正The global surface temperature has showed a significant warming trend since the mid1990s.According to statistics of the World Meteorological Organization,the global mean surface temperature during 2011-2015 is higher by 0.57℃than that during 1961-1990.This trend has led to the occurrence of hot summers and extreme events,and the  相似文献   

<正>Rapid major shits in vegetation types are most oten atributed to abrupt climate changes.However,recent studies have revealed non-linear vegetation responses to current global warming on the Tibetan Plateau[1].his also seems to be the case for the Holocene vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau.his high-elevation region is under the control of the Asian monsoon,causing relatively moist summers and dry winters.Monsoon inluence rapidly decreases from the southeastern to the northwestern parts of the  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model, long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.[1]  相似文献   

A Sino-Canadian research project titled "Responding to the global warming: Improving China's carbon storage capacity" was officially initiated on August 2.  相似文献   

The temperature of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the second longest river in China,is clearly related to the worldwide warming trend, according to a study conducted by CAS researchers and their colleagues from Administration of Hydrology and Water Resources of the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River. They warn that, due to the possible temperature hike and drastic decline in local precipitation, the runoff in the reaches may face a trend of continued decrease over the next decade.  相似文献   

正Over the past half century,a warming trend,the fastest seen so far,emerged in the arid and semi-arid regions in mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere featuring fragile ecological systems.As predicted by scientists,the arid area will continue to expand,due to dual influence from both climate change and human activities;and about three-quarters of the drought expansion will happen in developing countries.  相似文献   

In short, the prevailing theory of climate change mainly comprises three components. First, global atmospheric temperatures will rise by 2 to 3℃ if the concentration of CO, doubles from the pre-industrial value of 280 ppmv; second, humanity will suffer disastrous consequences when the warming exceeds the threshold of 2℃ third, major countries should decrease their use of fossil fuels, in order to meet the goal of containing the CO2 concentrations below 560 ppmv.  相似文献   

Climate change is real There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring1. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems. It is likely that most of the warming in r…  相似文献   

The massive anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused rapid global warming, frequent extreme events and sea level rise, exerting severe impacts on the global ecological system, human life and social development.  相似文献   

At a meeting on February 10,the State Council finallygave the green light for aproposal to upgrade the BeijingElectron-Positron Collider (BEPC)at the CAS Institute of High En-ergy Physics (IHEP).According to a news releasefrom IHEP, the government will in-ject a total of 640 million yuan($77 million) to renovate the project,dubbed as BEPCII, which is sched-uled to complete in five years. Thiswill enable the BEPC to maintainits leading position in the field.The BEPC, which was p…  相似文献   

Ateam of scientists at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG), CAS recently reported in the Journal of Geophysical Researchthat the weakening of the Siberian High contributed the most to the sharper rise in temperature of the arid region in northwestern China compared with the overall warming trend of the country or even that of the globe, highlighting the role played by natural factors, like atmospheric circulation features, in regional climate change.  相似文献   

Helicities is topologically a measure of the structural complexity of the corresponding fields.The magnetic helicity can be separated into two kinds.One is the self helicity,which relates to the magnetic flux tubes twisted themselves.This helicity may be used to analyze the twisted  相似文献   

On 27 December 2006,the State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)submitted the Draft Amendment to the Patent Law of People's Republic of China(the Draft Amendment)to the State Council for review,which indicates that the work on the third amendment to the Patent Law has entered the stage of the State Council review.The whole legislative process for the third amendment to the Patent Law is expected to be fi- nalised in 2008.  相似文献   

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