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Preescolar Na Casa es un programa educativo dirigido a niños de 6 años de la Galicia rural en situación de desventaja con respecto al niño escolarizado. El programa es llevado a cabo por los padres en sus casas, con la ayuda de una orientación pedagógica y un material didáctico adecuado. Se hace una breve historia de como surgió esta experiencia y se describen las actividades del programa. A pesar de las muchas limitaciones (ausencia de socialización del niño, poca intensidad del trabajo, poco interés y deformación pedagógica de algunos padres) los niños que siguieron el programa en continuidad aprovecharon los aprendizajes y lograron una mayor atencion de sus padres, mejorando así la relación.  相似文献   


This introductory article of the special issue has a threefold aim. First, it presents the objectives and background of the Research Network on Academic Writing in Teaching and Learning Processes (Red para la Investigación de la Escritura Académica en los procesos de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje; RIEA-EA); secondly, it points out the more urgent challenges that research on academic writing is currently facing at Spanish universities. These challenges are the underpinning of the studies presented in this special issue, which focus on faculty and student representations about the characteristics and role of writing within teaching and learning processes. Finally, it explains the organisation and characteristics of the articles included in this special issue.  相似文献   

Although teaching quality is seen as crucial in affecting students’ performance, what types of instructional practices constitute quality teaching remains a question. With the theoretical assumptions of conceptual and procedural mathematics teaching as a guide, this study examined the types of quality mathematics instructional practices that affect students’ mathematics learning across five high-performing Asian education systems using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 dataset. It found that no combinations of the components of conceptual and procedural mathematics teaching practices exist consistently across the five education systems. Results from the study provide important implications for practitioners and policy makers regarding how to improve mathematics teaching and learning in these Asian education systems as well as elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mathematics teachers face a myriad of instructional obstacles. Since the early 1990s, mathematics education researchers have proposed the use of constructivist practices to counteract these ever-prevalent obstacles. While we do give credit to the choices of instructional activities the constructivist paradigm promotes, there are problems with its use as the foundation of mathematics pedagogy (e.g., Phillips, Educational Researcher 24: 5–12 1995; Simon, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26: 114–145 1995). In this paper, we will analyze and review the literature pertaining to the conceptual tenets and operational practices of constructivism, and the viability of these practices for meeting the professional teaching standards proposed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM; 2000). We will then review the literature pertaining to a paradigm of teaching that may be more applicable, that of persuasive pedagogical practices, and the ways in which these practices can differentially meet the goals of the mathematics standards. The differences between constructivism and persuasive pedagogy lead us to believe that the adoption of the theory of teaching as persuasion, or persuasive pedagogy, may be more appropriate for learning mathematics and the identification and correction of misconceptions. Further, these pedagogical practices correspond with suggestions for mathematical discourse provided by NCTM (2000).  相似文献   

This comment on L. Simonneaux and J. Simonneaux paper focuses on the role of identities in dealing with socio-scientific issues. We argue that there are two types of identities (social representations) influencing the students’ positions: On the one hand their social representations of the bears’ and wolves’ identities as belonging to particular countries (Slovenia versus France for bears, France and Italy for wolves), in other words, as having national identities; on the other hand representations of their own identities as belonging to the field of agricultural practitioners, and so sharing this socio-professional identity with shepherds and breeders, as opposed to ecologists. We discuss how these representations of identities influenced students’ reasoning and argumentation, blocking in some cases the evaluation of evidence. Implications for developing critical thinking and for dealing with SSI in the classrooms are outlined.
María Pilar Jiménez-AleixandreEmail:

Ramón López-Facal   is part-time lecturer on modern history in the University of Santiago de Compostela, sharing this affiliation with teaching high school History. In 1999 he completed one of the first doctoral dissertations in History Education in Spain, an examination of the teaching of the concept of nation through the analysis of textbooks from the XVIII to the XX centuries, and the analysis of students’ discourse about the concept of nation, and their representations of national identities. His research focuses on the school construction of national and post-national identities. He is the author of chapters about the “hidden” nation in S. Pérez-Garzón (Ed.) La Gestión de la Memoria: La Historia al Servicio del Poder (The Management of Memory: History in the Service of Power; Crítica 2000), and about the construction of critical identities in A. Legardez & L. Simonneaux L’école à l’épreuve de l’Actualité: Enseigner les Questions Vives (ESF 2006). María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre   is professor of science education in the University of Santiago de Compostela. After teaching high-school biology, implementing innovative curricula, and working in the Spanish Ministry of Education in the design of in-service teacher education, she was part of the first batch of Spanish researchers completing doctoral dissertations in science education around 1990 and building a community around this field in Spain. Her research explored conceptual change in evolution and then moved to argumentation in science classrooms, with particular attention to two contexts, problem-solving in the laboratory, and environmental and socio-scientific issues. She has served in the executive committee of ESERA and currently serves on the editorial boards of Science Education and Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Her recent work includes editing with S. Erduran Argumentation in Science Education: Perspectives from Classroom-based Research (Springer, 2008).  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the history of the integration of mathematics education into the Science Education Centre, which had been established by physicist, John de Laeter, within the School of Science and Engineering at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. De Laeter’s vision for science education was that teachers should have access to professional education that allowed them to extend their discipline and pedagogical knowledge using strategies that brought together theory and practice in ways that were meaningful for teachers. This model was expanded when mathematics education was also included, paving the way also for technology education. I present the history of this integration laying out the themes that are important for the continued educational effectiveness of the Science and Mathematics Education Centre (SMEC) and the role that mathematics education has played in this process. As the title suggests, this article focuses on the activities of the group of mathematics educators who have worked within the Science and Mathematics Education Centre of Curtin University since it was established 30 or so years ago and who have contributed to its reputation. The two streams operated then and now more-or-less independently in matters of student thesis topic choice but offered students opportunities for interaction that might not have been available if the “M” had not been incorporated into the Science Education Centre (SEC). This article’s focus is on the mathematics educators who contributed to the Centre’s success and reputation, highlighting the synergistic relationship between mathematics and science that helped to make SMEC a leading center for mathematics and science education.  相似文献   

Takeshi Miyazaki 《Compare》2016,46(5):701-722
This paper reports on research into a continuing professional development (CPD) project, Projet de Renforcement de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques, des Sciences et de la Technologie (PREMST) [Strengthening Mathematics, Science, and Technologies in Education Project]. The literature review reveals few examples of CPD changing the teaching practices of teachers, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. By using the cases of five teachers, this research seeks to understand the complexities of pedagogical change. The research found that PREMST has helped teachers envision how teaching should be conducted, but it has not necessarily brought a positive change in the learning of pupils because it has not changed how teachers think about teaching. Given the difficulties involved in pedagogical change, emphasising specific skills may have been the necessary and practical first step, but changing these teaching practices is not enough. The research found that teachers still paid little attention to the learning of individual pupils. The research concludes that the recently initiated practice of lesson study shows considerable potential to build on what has already been achieved.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to compare espoused beliefs about teaching and learning and reported practices for the teachers of mathematics in Latvia. The sample consisted of 390 teachers of mathematics from different regions of Latvia. The present research is a part of an international comparative research within the NorBa project (Nordic–Baltic Comparative Research in Mathematics Education) that makes use of a quantitative questionnaire for mathematics teachers. The results show that the espoused beliefs of Latvian teachers of mathematics on efficient teaching tend more to a constructivist approach, whilst reported practices are more oriented to a traditional approach; yet, there exist statistically significant differences for teachers of different social and demographical groups. The research outcomes may be used for the improvement of teacher further education programmes.  相似文献   

Over the past 10-15 years early childhood education has been influenced by the work of Vygotsky and those that followed. A sociocultural approach to learning in early childhood education has been advocated strongly and many teaching support materials have claimed that this perspective underpins their material. However, in advocating a sociocultural approach to teaching and learning, have we framed our assessment practices to match this perspective? This paper will consider this question within the context of assessment practices in early childhood education and will map some of the complexity evident as scholars such as Carr (1998), Lunt (1993) and Moreland et al. (2000) research assessment theory and practice. The final part of this paper will highlight aspects of sociocultural theory articulated by Rogoff (1998) which have relevance for early childhood assessment. Au cours des dix ou quinze dernières années, l'enseignement préscolaire a été influencé par les travaux de Vygotsky et ceux qui ont suivi. Une approche socioculturelle de l'apprentissage dans l'enseignement préscolaire a été fortement préconisée et beaucoup d'auteurs de matériels pédagogiques ont affirmé qu'ils étaient étayés par cette perspective. En préconisant une approche socioculturelle de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage, cependant, avons-nous formulé des pratiques d'évaluation correspondant à cette perspective? Cet article examine cette question, dans le contexte des pratiques d'évaluation dans l'enseignement préscolaire, et dégage sa complexité, évidente dans les travaux sur la théorie et la pratique de l'évaluation de chercheurs comme Carr (1998), Lunt (1993) et Moreland, Jones et Chambers (2000). La dernière partie de l'article dégage les éléments qui, dans la théorie socioculturelle de Rogoff (1998), peuvent s'appliquer à l'évaluation préscolaire. A lo largo de los últimos diez o quince años la práctica de la primera etapa de la educación primaria ha sido influenciada por el trabajo de Vygotsky y sus seguidores. Se hizo mucho incapiéen un enfoque sociocural del aprendizaje y se ha sostenido que muchos materiales de apoyo a la enseñanza fueron construidos desde esta perspectiva. Sin embargo, es crucial considerar si también se han adecuado a este enfoque las prácticas de evaluación. Este trabajo considerará escencialmente esta pregunta, es decir, si las prácticas de evaluación se han adecuado a un enfoque sociocultural de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Además, se explorará la complejidad de la relación entre la teoría y la práctica de la evaluación, evidenciada en los trabajos de Carr (1998), Lunt (1993) y Moreland et al. (2000). La última sección del trabajo destacará la importancia de la teoría sociocultural articulada por Rogoff (1998), y su relevancia para la práctica de la evaluación en los primeros años de educación formal.  相似文献   

由姜永、陈绩馨主编,厦门大学出版社出版的《高等数学》(2005年)从素质教育和高等农林院校的实情况出发,在内容和写作方式上大胆创新,做到全面、直观、实用。其应用广泛,为高等农林院校高等数学教学改革提供一把利器。  相似文献   


Este estudio presenta el análisis de la evolución del rendimiento en competencia aritmética básica en una muestra de sujetos con déficit intelectual (moderados y ligeros). Se evaluó a los alumnos (N=79) con la prueba TEMA-2 (Test of Early Mathematics Ability; Ginsburg y Baroody, 1990), en dos ocasiones, con un lapso de tiempo de 3 años. Los datos fueron analizados mediante ANOVA's (2x2x2) de medidas repetidas, en los que se confirmó un progreso significativo en casi todos los componentes de la prueba, independientemente del nivel cognitivo y la edad cronológica. También fue realizado un análisis del patrón de cambio manifestado por cada alumno no puntúa, baja, mantiene o sube en relación a su edad equivalente en matemáticas). Se comentan las características que comparten las tareas que presentan mayor y menor avance y la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento de las competencias académicas de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales.  相似文献   

The present study intends to measure the effect of the parental involvement style perceived by fourth-grade students on their Language and Mathematics performance. It uses data taken from a sample of 55,401 students evaluated by the National Education Quality Measurement System [Sistema Nacional de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación, SIMCE]. The results show that the nourishing parental involvement style, and not only household income and the parents’ years of schooling, are associated with and significantly predict higher scores on the Language and Mathematics tests. This finding is relevant inasmuch as it provides operational information regarding parental involvement styles, which opens up more possibilities for psychoeducational intervention by the school.  相似文献   

The present study examines educational policy documents and programs on early childhood development and education in Peru. The author provides an evaluation of early childhood learning programs and their outcomes in different education centers in Peru. Health, nutrition, development, and participation are identified as key areas of concern. The study concludes with a reference to the importance of monitoring quality and equity in early childhood care.
Zusammenfassung QUALIT?T UND CHANCENGLEICHHEIT IN DER FRüHKINDLICHEN PFLEGE IN PERU – Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Dokumente zur Bildungspolitik sowie Programme zur frühkindlichen Entwicklung und Erziehung in Peru. Die Autorin bietet eine Auswertung von Programmen zum frühkindlichen Lernen sowie deren Ergebnisse in verschiedenen Bildungszentren in Peru. Gesundheit, Ern?hrung, Entwicklung und Teilhabe werden als Schlüsselthemen identifiziert. Die Studie schlie?t mit einem Verweis auf die wichtige Bedeutung der überprüfung von Qualit?t und Chancengleichheit in der frühkindlichen Pflege.

Resumen CALIDAD E IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES EN LA ATENCIóN DE LA PRIMERA INFANCIA EN PERú – Este trabajo examina documentos y programas educativos sobre el desarrollo y la educación de la primera infancia en Perú. La autora proporciona una evaluación de los programas de aprendizaje para la primera infancia y de sus resultados en diferentes centros de ense?anza de Perú. La salud, la nutrición, el desarrollo y la participación se han identificado como áreas de importancia central. El estudio termina indicando cuán importante es controlar la calidad y la igualdad de oportunidades en la atención de la primera infancia.

Résumé QUALITé ET éQUITé DANS L’ASSISTANCE à LA PRIME ENFANCE AU PéROU – La présente étude examine les documents et les programmes de la politique éducative pour l’éducation et le développement de la prime enfance au Pérou : L’auteur fournit une évaluation des programmes d’apprentissage de la prime enfance et de leurs résultats dans différents centres d’éducation au Pérou. Santé, nutrition, développement et participation sont identifiés comme des domaines clefs de préoccupation. L’étude conclut sur une référence à l’importance de la qualité et de l’équité de l’encadrement dans l’assistance à la prime enfance.

The author: Regina Moromizato Izu holds a Masters in Social Management from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru and is pursuing doctoral studies in childhood, youth, and social sciences at the Universidad Manizales – CINDE (Colombia). She is currently teaching in alternative early childhood programs at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru. She has conducted various research projects and consulting work for government agencies concerning programs bearing on early childhood, the family, and the community. Contact address: Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Peru, Lima, Peru. E-mail: rmoromi@pucp.edu.pe  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy in a particular content area is seen as an important factor shaping teaching practice and student learning in the Western literature. However, inadequate efforts have been made to examine this assumption empirically. Drawing on the Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 mathematics teachers’ data at the eighth grade level, this study examines the relationship between teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and teachers’ mathematical instructional practices in five Asian countries/regions. Guided with Bandura’s social cognitive theory, this study finds that overall teachers in the five countries/regions reported much lower teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and lower levels of instructional practices than the international norms. The relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices varied within these countries/regions. Teacher efficacies in teaching mathematics are not always statistically and positively related to their instructional practices in engaging students. Together, these findings challenge the theoretical assumption about the positive relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices. Possible reasons of these findings and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

信息与计算科学专业是教育部于1998年将原来的计算数学及其应用软件专业加以更名而成立的一个新的数学类专业,主要以信息为依托,数学、信息科学与计算机科学相交叉,培养大学生经过数学、信息论和计算机科学的训练与熏陶,能在信息科学与计算科学领域从事科学研究、软件开发、项目管理和教育教学等工作。本文结合信息与计算科学的专业认识,探索在专业数学基础课程教学、计算机科学课程教学、信息与大数据课程教学、校企合作培养课程教学中的教学法,为推动信息与计算科学专业的发展和完善提供参考,以便提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a study of preservice mathematics teacher education students and their beliefs about and experiences with students in an urban high school. The preservice teacher education students participated as mentors to a group of peer tutors in a mathematics tutoring program. Data collected from questionnaires and interviews reveal that the mentors had varied perceptions of tutoring program participants’ motivation, interest, and knowledge of mathematics. Mentors held varied perceptions of urban schools and what teaching mathematics in urban settings entails. Further, mentors reported that their work in the tutoring program had an impact on their strategies and plans for future mathematics teaching. Erica N. Walker is Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology and Research Fellow at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - Previous research in mathematics education has explored teachers’ conceptions of mathematics and its teaching and learning, and how their instructional...  相似文献   

Recent reports confirm that the European Higher Education Area is conditioning the satisfaction of Spanish faculty members, resulting in a greater number of early retirements. The present study, framed within the context of the research, development and innovation project ‘Fuga de Talentos: Un estudio sobre los motivos que han condicionado a profesores universitarios con experiencia a abandonar la profesión docente. Diseño de una propuesta (EDU2012-37068)’, intends to understand the factors that influence their decision to retire early. This study is based on the mixed sequential explanatory strategy, using logistic regression analysis techniques with a sample of 311 faculty members. The results showed differences in the factors that influence the decision-making of active faculty members who are near (aged 51–60) or approaching (aged 61–65) retirement. Their professional satisfaction, feelings and the reasons for retiring influence their decision about retiring, explaining the culture of early retirement and the loss of human capital in Spanish universities.  相似文献   

The questions this paper attempts to answer are related to the attitudes of student teachers of the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras (Greece) towards mathematics, as well as their views on the instruction of mathematics in Early Childhood Education. The research sample included 52 students in the fourth semester of studies, who were invited to answer a questionnaire with respect to mathematics and its instruction. The findings reveal the negative attitude our research subjects adopt towards mathematics. Their epistemological views on mathematics and its instruction do not constitute a single and solid conceptual system. These findings underline the need to improve the mathematical education offered to student teachers of Early Childhood Education.

Les questions posées par la présente recherche concernent les attitudes envers les mathématiques ainsi que les conceptions sur l'enseignement de mathématiques des étudiants—futurs enseignants du Département de l'Education Pré‐scolaire de l'université de Patras. Cinquante‐deux étudiants de la quatrième année de leurs études ont participé à cette recherche en remplissant un questionnaire sur les mathématiques et leur enseignement. L'analyse des réponses a montré que les étudiants ont des attitudes négatives envers les mathématiques et que leurs conceptions épistémologiques sur les mathématiques et leur enseignement ne constituent pas un cadre conceptuel unitaire et cohérent. Ces constatations soulignent la nécessite de reformulation du contenu de l'éducation mathématique adressé aux étudiants—futurs enseignants à l'école maternelle.

La pesquisa actual está intentando responder a cuestiones relacionadas con las actitudes de los estudiantes—futuros institutores—de la Facultad de Pedagogía Preescolar de la Universidad de Patras (Grecia), en relación a la matemática y con sus puntos de vista en relación a la enseñanza de los conceptos matemáticos en la Educación Preescolar. La muestra representativa de la investigación se compone de 52 estudiantes del cuarto semestre de la carrera a quienes se solicitó responder a un cuestionario relacionado con la matemática y su didáctica. El escrutinio del cuestionario indica que los sujetos de la muestra mantienen una actitud negativa ante la matemática y su didáctica. Además, sus convicciones y conjeturas de ellos no componen un sistema de comprensión unificado y conciso acerca de la matemática y su didáctica. Dicho escrutinio subraya que hace falta mejorar la educación de la matemática que se presta en nuestra Facultad de Pedagogía.

Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Einstellung von Studenten—zukünftigen Lehrern—des Fachs Pädagogik am Institut für Frühe Kindheit, Universität Patras, Griechenland, gegenüber der Mathematik. Insbesondere befasst sie sich mit deren Wahrnehmung der Vermittlung von mathematischen Begriffen im Kindergarten. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden 52 Studenten des vierten Semesters aufgefordert, einen Fragebogen zur Mathematikausbildung auszufüllen. Aus den Ergebnissen resultiert eine negative Haltung der Befragten gegenüber der Mathematik und deren Unterricht. Des weiteren bilden ihre Wahrnehmungsweise der Mathematik und des Mathematikunterrichts kein einheitliches und konsistentes konzeptuelles System. Diese Ergebnisse heben die Notwendigkeit einer Verbesserung der angebotenen Mathematikausbildung in unserem Fachbereich Pädagogik hervor.  相似文献   

In this study we focus on a new program in Cuba, university studies for older adults or seniors. Specifically, we look at the Special Municipality of the Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth) in the context of the larger policy of “universalization of higher education.” We provide information about Cuban perspectives on adult education, discuss the “workshop” as an important mode of educational work, and present information on both the preparation of those who teach older adults and the training of “facilitators” in the workshop mode. This contribution also presents student evaluations, as well as a critique of the program.
Zusammenfassung KUBAS SENIORENUNIVERSIT?T: EIN BLICK AUF DIE UNIVERSALISIERUNG DER UNIVERSIT?T – In diesem Beitrag legen wir das Augenmerk auf ein neues Programm in Kuba, n?mlich Universit?tsstudien für ?ltere Erwachsene oder Senioren. Insbesondere werfen wir einen Blick auf die Gemeinde der Isla de la Juventud im Kontext der weiteren Politik der ’x201C;,,Universalisierung der h?heren Bildung“. Wir liefern Informationen über die kubanischen Blickwinkel auf die Erwachsenenbildung, diskutieren den ’x2018;,Workshop‘ als eine wichtige Methode der Bildungsarbeit und pr?sentieren Informationen sowohl über die Vorbereitung derjenigen, welche Senioren unterrichten, als auch über die Ausbildung der Facilitatoren in der Workshop-Methode. Dieser Beitrag enth?lt auch Evaluationen von Studierenden sowie eine Kritik des Programms.

Resumen LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ADULTO MAYOR EN CUBA: UN VISTAZO A LA UNIVERSALIZACIóN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD – Dedicamos este trabajo a un nuevo programa educativo de Cuba que ofrece estudios universitarios para adultos mayores. Específicamente, echaremos un vistazo a la Municipalidad de la Isla de la Juventud, en el contexto de una política amplia de ‘universalización de la educación’. Ofrecemos información sobre las perspectivas cubanas en educación de personas adultas, describimos el ‘taller’ como modo importante dentro del trabajo educativo y presentamos información sobre la preparación de aquellos que imparten la ense?anza a los adultos mayores y la capacitación de los ‘facilitadores’ que trabajan en los talleres. Esta contribución también presenta las evaluaciones hechas por los estudiantes y críticas del programa.

Résumé L’UNIVERSITé DE CUBA POUR LES PERSONNES DU TROISIèME ?GE : UN REGARD SUR L’UNIVERSALISATION DE L’UNIVERSITé – Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur un nouveau programme à Cuba, les études universitaires pour les adultes plus agés ou les personnes du troisième age. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous tournons vers la Municipalité Spéciale de la Isla de la Juventud (l’?le de la jeunesse) dans le contexte d’une politique plus large de ?’x201C; l’universalisation de l’éducation supérieure ?’x201D;. Nous fournissons des informations à propos des perspectives cubaines sur l’éducation des adultes, discutons de ? l’atelier de travail ? comme d’un mode important de travail éducatif et présentons une information aussi bien sur la préparation de ceux qui enseignent aux personnes du troisième age que sur la formation des facilitateurs sur le mode de l’atelier de travail. Cette contribution présente également des évaluations étudiantes aussi bien qu’une critique du programme.

The authors: Clara Lig Long Rangel has a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique José Varona in Cuba. She holds a chair in adult education at the Medical University of the Isla de la Juventud. She is the president of the Isla de la Juventud branch of the Association of Cuban Educators (APC), a non-profit NGO. She has addressed guidance and links between education and work, didactics and pedagogy in her work. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: clara@ahao.ijv.sld.cu. Antonia Zenaida Sánchez Proenza holds a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique JoséVarona in Cuba. She is Adjunct Professor and Deputy Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Pedagogical University of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Isla de la Juventud. Her research interests cover the nexus between education and work, didactics and biology. She is currently working on teacher education and higher education. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: fcmij@infomed.sld.cu.  相似文献   

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