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Pedagogy Without Humanism: Foucault and the Subject of Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Education is commonly understood as an interaction between subjects; an interaction between the educator, who already is a subject, and the child, who has to become a subject by means of the pedagogical activities of the educator. Postmodernism has seriously challenged the common (modern) understanding of human subjectivity. The question therefore is what his challenge entails for our understanding of the process of education.In this paper this question is taken up in the context of a distinction between two conceptions of education: education as manipulation and education as communication. It is argued that the manipulative conception is closely related to the modern understanding of human subjectivity, as is the critique leveled against the communicative conception. In order to find out whether the postmodern "deconstruction" of the modern understanding of human subjectivity opens up new possibilities for a communicative understanding of education, Foucault's analysis of the emergence and subversion of the modern conception of man is presented and discussed.Although Foucault's work points into the direction of the recognition of the primacy of the intersubjective - and in this sense supports a communicative understanding of education - his deconstruction also makes clear that intersubjectivity cannot be understood as a new deep truth about man. This means that pedagogy has to do without humanism. The paper concludes with some reflections on such a pedagogy without humanism.  相似文献   

女性主义不论在理论基础还是现实前提上都有其自身的困境,主体的经验性、个体性、矛盾性特质构成了女性主义的非一致性、差异性、多样性。后现代主义的去中心、消解权威无疑与处于社会和文化边缘位置的女性主义者反男权中心相一致,为女性主义者提供了更多的视角和思想武器;但其"解构"本质也构成了对所有"主义"包括女性主义的消解,也许就是在消解的地方更能催发人思考,重新出发。  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the growing evidence of a mismatch between sociological categorization and actors' worlds of meaning as expressed in the classroom. The mismatch is especially blatant in cases where students from disadvantaged groups are introduced to what educators and theorists presume to be the liberating discourse of multicultural education. Nurtured by recent developments in the sociology of culture, the article sheds light on this phenomenon by delving into the logic of the actors' own worlds of meaning while making a concerted effort to avoid directing prepackaged allegations of ‘false consciousness‘ at informants. The article delves into the mismatch by reviewing multicultural education sites in two national contexts, the United States and Israel. Its findings from a unique high school in Jerusalem invite researchers to explore new avenues for understanding cultural encounters at school in view of the growing multicultural reality.  相似文献   

后学语境中的女性主义对日常生活的态度和理论旨趣与第一、第二浪潮的女性主义发生了很大的变化,主要体现为对基于日常生活体验的身体话语的发现与重估;对基于日常生活差异性的多元主体的尊重;对充斥于日常生活的身体美化与消费的关注。后学语境中的女性主义对日常生活之内的意义和价值及其蕴含的无限可能性的理论揭示,给女性主义日常生活文艺创作和批评提供了多方面的理论启示。  相似文献   

后现代主义框架中女性主义翻译理论及其局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义翻译理论作为翻译理论的文化流派,通过语言的性别角色研究与转换,将翻译研究置于后现代主义的研究范畴中。女性主义翻译研究者提倡把女性主义观念移植入译本,解构男性菲勒斯文化,强调翻译的政治性,让语言替女性说话以突出女性主体身份和女性意识。同时,女性主义译论也受到多方的质疑。从翻译思想研究的认识论、对策论和方法论角度出发,可以看到该译论存有诸多方面的局限性:翻译哲学思想基础比较薄弱;一些翻译主张有偏颇、极端之嫌;“话语霸权”势头的出现;在实验性作品的翻译实践中方法单一等。  相似文献   

论建设性后现代主义对后现代教育的重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后现代教育应包括“解构”与“建设”两种不同的气质;后现代教育对解构性后现代主义内容的片面撷取,致使后现代教育走入了无法回头的因境当中;以建设性后现代主义为指导的后现代教育,以一种辩证否定的态度来对待“解构”,把“建设”看成是“解构”基础上的更高一层的目标追求,从而使后现代教育的实践性大为增强。  相似文献   

后现代主义与比较教育研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
自20世纪90年代起,后现代主义思潮开始浸入比较教育领域。它以批判性、去本质性、多样性、差异性等特点,深刻影响着比较教育研究。从后现代主义的视角审视现代比较教育研究存在的问题,有利于现代比较教育的重构与发展。  相似文献   


Public schools have increasing numbers of its teachers fitting into one demographic, white and female, while the numbers of Black/African American teachers decrease. This trend has not changed since the publication of Black on Black Education: Personally Engaged Pedagogy for/by African American Pre-Service Teachers. Furthermore, African American collegiate students who decide to enter teaching may face a chilly climate because of their cultural and educational experiences as they encounter devaluation in the classroom. This work provides a critical race reflective examination into the teaching and learning experiences and dilemmasI using personally engaged pedagogy as a means of enhancing the quality of the learning experiences for African American pre-service teachers. Critical race theory (CRT) and Critical Race Feminism (CRF) will be used as the theoretical framework for understanding the role of race and gender in teacher education. Critical autoethnography is the methodological approach used to examine the subject phenomenon. Field notes, research journaling, and student memoirs provide data for this critical autoethnography. This work highlights the significance of CRT/CRF’s unique voice of color and CRF’s multidimensionality to engaged pedagogy, creating a personally engaged pedagogy.  相似文献   

以学习需求和学习方式的变化为核心的社区教育后现代特征,使得社区教育自身发展面临着诸多困境,社区教育的发展缺乏普遍性规律的指导,缺乏合法性的制度支撑,以及政府单一主体的供给无法满足多元需求等。最可能的解决方案是地缘性社区教育理论的建构,社会改革进程中政府与社会组织间伙伴关系的确立,以及社会自治能力的提高。  相似文献   

建立在过程哲学或有机哲学基础之上的建设性后现代主义是当代西方具有重要影响的哲学文化思潮,它寻求培养负责任的公民和有能力创造性地解决问题的人。其中,以学生为中心的学习模式、形成学习共同体、关注学生的积极参与和创造性是其三个核心原则。  相似文献   

后现代主义与现代教育研究方法论改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代主义是西方20世纪末有重大影响的社会思潮,它对传统封闭、简单、僵化的思维方式进行了解构、否定和批判。本结合后现代主义的主要理论观点,对教育研究方法论的改造作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

In this article I seek to reconsider the social and economic purposes of higher education. It begins with the premise that there appears to be a general trend towards governments positioning higher education primarily in terms of the economic role that it can fulfil. Such a trend, however, has attracted considerable criticism. In this article I argue that the problem for higher education is not it having an economic role, but the narrowness of the way in which that role is often conceptualised. Drawing on critical theory I explore the interrelation of economic and social factors within higher education and the wider society in which it is situated. This article argues for a redefinition of the purposes of higher education to ensure that both universities and workplaces are sites of human creativity and that the profound and exciting work within institutions of higher education benefits all members of society.  相似文献   

In this article, identity politics is understood as a form of politics stressing collective but malleable group identities as the basis of political action. This notion of identity politics also allows thinking of identity as intersectional. The focus of this article, and a problem related to identity politics, is that when discussed in the context of the neoliberal order, identity politics has a tendency to become harnessed by the ethos of vulnerability. Some implications of the ‘vulnerabilizisation’ are considered in the field of education, which is a field currently thoroughly affected by neoliberalism. Therefore, it is also important to look closer at the relationship between identity politics and the ethos of vulnerability. In addition, we re-consider poststructuralist thinking as a theoretical and political approach to see what it can offer in terms of re-thinking identity politics and in analyzing the ethos of vulnerability. When categories of vulnerability keep expanding into various psycho-emotional vulnerabilities defining subjects that can be known and spoken about, it is crucial to ask whether we regard these changes as educationally and politically progressive. The article discusses some problematic policies in educational environments and the phenomenon of trigger warnings.  相似文献   

王战牛 《安康学院学报》2003,15(1):73-75,89
建立在传统哲学的主体理论基础上的教学模式有一定缺陷,随着后现代主义哲学主体理论的出现,在教学中可以吸收它合理的因素,建立新的教学模式,以促进素质教育的发展。  相似文献   

自从20世纪七八十年代以来,后现代主义以其批判和解构的姿态进入比较教育领域,其理论和主张一直处于争论中。针对比较教育领域内两位后现代主义者的文献进行的分析表明,一方面,后现代的比较教育研究不可避免地具有反讽性:(1)其对传统元叙事的完全否定使精确描绘世界成为不可能的任务,从而导致比较教育研究丧失了必要的立足点;(2)其极端的相对主义态度使比较教育研究失去了实质性内容和意义,从而颠覆了学科本身的合法性。而另一方面,后现代的批判姿态为现代化的比较教育研究范式提出了启示:比较教育研究的理性应该重返现实生活;比较教育研究活动应该承认关于教育的知识的多元化和复杂性,而在面对这种多元化和复杂性时,人的理性存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的文化思潮,后现代主义以一种新的视角和思维方式来观察和解释世界,从而对人文社会科学领域产生了深刻的影响,教育领域亦不例外。后现代主义对科学理性的批判有助于我们重新认识教育的本质,对主体的解构有助于我们改革单一的教育培养模式,对现代知识的诘难有助于我们反思和改造现代课程体系,对差异性的强调有助于我们建立一种多向度、多视角的教育科学研究方法。  相似文献   

后现代主义与我国的教育研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
后现代主义以研究语境、研究文本、研究方法三种形式呈现在我国的教育研究中,这种景观的存在既与教育理论的尴尬处境相连,也与我国呈现的一些后现代征象相关。在后现代主义视野下,我国教育理论研究的标准、对象、方法等都被置换到一个新的参照系框架下。后现代主义理论在我国缺少生成的土壤。教育理论界应采取辩证唯物主义态度对我国教育研究中的后现代主义持谨慎态度。  相似文献   

后现代主义是20世纪60年代兴起于欧洲,具有世界影响的哲学文化思潮。笔者经过对比研究后发现,后现代主义的管理理论与中国古代先贤的管理理论有很多相似的地方,管理越能利用传统的价值与信念,管理的成就就越大。因此,在改革过程中,一方面要吸收发达国家先进的管理理论和措施;另一方面,更要依托博大精深的中华文化,加强我国教育管理理论建设,使其具有中国特色。  相似文献   

Increasingly, countries around the world are promoting forms of ‘critical’ citizenship in the planned curricula of schools. However, the intended meaning behind this term varies markedly and can range from a set of abstract and technical skills under the label ‘critical thinking’ to a desire to encourage engagement, action and political emancipation, often labelled ‘critical pedagogy’. This article distinguishes these manifestations of the ‘critical’ and, based on an analysis of the prevailing models of critical pedagogy and citizenship education, develops a conceptual framework for analysing and comparing the nature of critical citizenship.  相似文献   

后现代主义思潮及其对教育的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简要介绍了西方后现代主义思潮的产生、发展、沉寂,分析其主要特征以及对教育的影响,从而启示我们用反省的态度开展现代的教育活动,努力提高主体间性,关注边缘,转换教师角色,改革课程知识,培养批判精神和创造力。  相似文献   

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