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Disparities in language competencies of children with and without immigrant background are well-documented through large scale assessments. This study investigates the potential of implicit language promotion, presented in written and combined auditory-written formats. Three experimental groups of 4th graders in elementary schools have been compared. Intervention group (IV) 1 (n?=?33) read the intervention texts two times in German, IV 2 (n?=?52) read texts in their heritage language Turkish and afterwards in German, and IV 3 (n?=?35) listened to texts in Turkish first and read them in German afterwards. All children learned new vocabulary, but analyses of variance showed that students from IV 2 achieved greater vocabulary gains than IV 3. Results also do not support advantages for the combined auditory-written form including the heritage language. Students’ text comprehension and reading competencies influence their incidental vocabulary acquisition. The results are discussed in the light of practical and research implications.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents of families with immigrant background are less successful in the German education systems than those without immigrant background. These differences can largely be explained by deficits in the language of instruction, indicating a lack of learning opportunities in the second language. The present paper investigates how it is possible to reduce language disparities before children enter school on the one hand and during the course of schooling on the other hand. This is being done by presenting the current state of research on the acquisition of a second language. In particular, recent findings on the influence of the quantity and quality of early childhood education on the language acquisition of children are summarized. Furthermore, findings on the effectiveness of attending all-day schools and of current programs for language instruction are presented. Finally, potential avenues for further development of language instruction as well as for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This contribution reports on an investigation into the importance of supporting first language for the command of first and second language skills using a quasi-experimental longitudinal study of migrant children in kindergarten. For two years the development of both first and second language skills was coordinated through the treatment of the same topics and stories during lessons. Furthermore, parents were asked to read their children a story or play an audio book in the first language three times a week. This extensive intervention neither had statistically significant effects on the development of language competency in the first nor the second language, German. The transfer effects between first and second language expected by the interdependency hypothesis of Cummins were only in evidence to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the basics of a (psycho)linguistically-oriented model of language-training competences of educators in pre-school and elementary education. It specifies competence criteria for language intervention based on psycholinguistic research. Ultimately, these criteria will be useful for grounding the additional training of educators and for certifying competences in early language intervention.  相似文献   

The present paper summarizes international and national research findings on the general and differential effectiveness of pedagogical work in early childhood education and care settings, evaluations of pilot projects on compensatory preschool education as well programs to support individual learning abilities. Based on these findings, the following conclusions are drawn: First, attending early childhood education and care settings at an early age (after the age of three) has a positive influence on the development of academic competences. Second, the effectiveness of these settings depends on the instructional quality, which could be considerably improved in Germany. Third, pilot projects on programs to support individual learning abilities could show that compensatory effects for disadvantaged groups of children exist, especially when they are interlinked with stimulating conditions in the family and at school. Fourth, effective training programs exist that can be implemented in early childhood education and care. However, a number of challenges need to be met before they can be successfully implemented.  相似文献   

Indicators of social background belong to the standard set of instruments for empirical research in education. Construction of valid ranking scales and category systems for social background depends on a differentiated surveying of the occupation and vocational activity of parents. Coding such details using standard procedures is a complex process. This contribution investigates the intercoder-reliability of occupational codes according to ISCO-88 and the indicators for socio-economic status (ISEI) based on these codes using a random sample of 300 graduates surveyed on the occupation of their father and mother. To this aim, we compared a double-coding by professional coders and a double-coding by the research team. The results show a match of around 50 percent between the two coding groups. The validity of the index of socio-economic status based on the data was, however, very good. The correlation between ISEI-values based on the coding from the different coders was very high. The predication of family background did not vary between the coding of the different coding groups.  相似文献   

Case-based learning with videos is regarded as a promising way to promote the analytical abilities of teaching staff as a basis for their professional actions. For that purpose, the competence to assess and diagnose situations of learning and instruction is crucial, i.e., especially the ability to apply conceptual knowledge to pedagogical cases and to take teacher as well as learner perspectives into account. The article reports on the results of an experimental field intervention study aimed to convey this competence effectively by providing different forms of instructional support to over 100 students of English Studies (2?×?2 design, conceptual knowledge: present/not present; teacher and learner perspectives: present/not present). The central focus is on identifying further effects that personal characteristics (individual learning conditions, e.g., prior knowledge, tolerance of ambiguity) and process characteristics (cognitive load; cognitive, emotional, and motivational activation) have on the development of this competence, and how strong these effects are. Multiple linear regression analyses show that this type of learning with case-based videos places less demand on personal factors, and that the quality of the learning process plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

In the external evaluation of schools the technique of classroom observation belongs to the methodological standard repertoire. Nevertheless the measurement of quality of classroom teaching based upon selected lesson sequences, which are as a rule inspected only briefly, is fraught with a lot of methodological problems. Therefore it is relevant for a substantiated quality assurance to reveal problems in the measurement of quality of classroom teaching due to an implementation of adequate empirical methods. This is made possible by using the generalizability theory and the many-facet Rasch model. Analyses based upon data of the Hamburg school inspection point out that by using an appropriate data collection procedure rater effects in classroom observations turn out comparatively low at about nine percent of total variance. Furthermore analyses prove that it is insufficient to simply quantify the agreement among raters by using global reliability measures, but that it is necessary to check up on intra rater consistency for getting valid and in this way reliable results from classroom observations for the practice.  相似文献   

The present article takes up the discussion about the interrelatedness of linguistic proficiency and educational achievement among children learning German as a second language. We provide an overview of diagnostic procedures for linguistic needs analysis, which were developed in the context of the German research program ‘FÖRMIG’. Linguistic features of school-based registers as well as the cognitive representation of academic language proficiency among bilinguals will first be addressed as the most relevant dimensions in the assessment of academic language proficiency. Finally, based on the concept of linguistic core-proficiencies after Ehlich, each of the four procedures is characterized with reference to its particular scope of identifiable aspects of academic language proficiency. Thereby it becomes evident that the procedures reflect age-specific language demands of school: Whereas the focus of assessment is first located on central aspects of grammatical and lexical knowledge as fundamental premises of schooling, the field of attention—with increasing age of the children—shifts more and more towards performance in technical language and certain text-types indicating academic language proficiency.  相似文献   

Keyword: Education Economics and Quality of Schooling. With reference to an earlier keyword article from the same author, this contribution looks at recent developments in education economics. The focus is a critical review of the field‘s contribution to research on the necessary conditions for high quality schooling. Of particular interest at the moment are the institutional framework conditions in a school system, which set incentives for performance. These are judged to be better than resource-based strategies of quality assurance. The empirical basis is provided by estimates of production functions using data from international school performance studies. This article will point out the limited validity of evidence gained through these studies and the – in sum – contradictory empirical findings. For this reason, political recommendations on the basis of this approach should be more reserved.  相似文献   

The introduction of educational standards in Germany forced teachers to change their perspective in order to achieve competence-oriented teaching. The initial representative surveys throughout Germany indicated that a short time after the introduction of the educational standards, teachers in various school forms were still very slow to implement the idea of competence-oriented teaching in their everyday school life. This article presents the effects of a newly developed intervention programme in which mathematics teachers familiarised themselves with educational standards for the first time. The teacher data and the performance data of the pupils of the schools participating in the project are compared in a longitudinal study with the data of schools which were not included in the intervention programme. The results indicate that after the intervention programme has run for one year, mathematics teachers in the project schools are more competence-oriented in their teaching and reflect more intensively on the concept of the educational standards than mathematics teachers in the comparison schools.  相似文献   

Competence models are supposed to structure a competence into different sub-competencies and to describe different levels of competence with respect to these sub-competencies. In developing a competence model (and measuring the respective competence) the following questions need to be answered: How many sub-competencies can be meaningfully differentiated and at which grain size should different levels of competence be measured. The number of sub-competencies and the grain size of the competence levels define the level of detail of a competence model. Previous research in the field of competence modeling suggests that the same competence can be modeled at different levels of detail. This raises the question which relation such competence models have to each other. The following article presents the results of a discussion of these questions in scope of the priority program “Competence Models for Assessing Individual Learning Outcomes and Evaluating Educational Processes”.  相似文献   

During the last decades, the education system has been marked by distinct processes of internationalisation. In the field of higher education, there are numerous and varied schools with different international profiles. This paper focuses on processes of internationalisation in the German sector of higher education. We contrast two higher secondary schools with international profiles: one international school in a West German metropolitan region with a long tradition and a younger internationally-profiled school located in the periphery of an East German urban centre. This institutional analysis presents school cultural similarities and differences with regard to different claims and concepts of internationality. This analysis is complemented by a reconstruction of three patterns of biographical meaning examining the internationality of pupils and their respective habitual fit to these internationally-profiled schools. We draw on qualitative data, consisting mainly of interviews with head teachers and pupils of these two schools. We argue that these differing regional forms of internationalisation indicate a stratification and hierarchisation in the field of higher education in Germany.  相似文献   

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