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大学生的职业发展质量是评价高校教学质量、人才培养质量的重要指标。本研究通过抽样调查422名毕业五年内的本科毕业生,发现大学毕业生的职业发展质量主要由家庭因素、院校影响因素和职场因素三类因素组成;在对职业发展质量院校影响因素的因子分析基础上,通过二元Logit回归分析,构建了包括职业能力素质、生涯规划能力、院校质量和实习实践四因素构成的大学生职业发展质量的院校影响模型。  相似文献   

梳理有关胜任力、教师胜任力、幼儿教师胜任力等文献,通过访谈法初步构建出幼儿园主班教师胜任力自评结构,并根据此结构编制符合心理测量学的“幼儿园主班教师胜任力自评调查问卷”,最终确定幼儿园主班教师胜任力自评结构分为知识、能力、动机、自我特征四个因素。分别对经济发展不同的三个地区的237位主班教师进行调查,结果显示:幼儿园主班教师胜任力自评总体水平总体较好,知识维度自评得分最低,动机维度得分最高;各维度水平在不同学历、不同教龄、不同任职年限上存在显著差异。基于以上研究结果,提出提高幼儿园主班教师胜任力水平的相关建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国教育市场呈现出泛地区化发展的趋势,这主要表现在招生、就业、实习实训和学校发展等方面,这给中职学校的发展既提供了机遇,也带来了挑战。在此形势下,中职学校应该提高泛地区化发展的战略竞争力,拓展战略空间,打造战略品牌和构建战略机制。  相似文献   

近年来,英国教育标准局为了提高督导效能,强化了学校自我评价,要求学校形成有效的自我评价机制,一方面作为外部督导评价的可靠依据,另一方面,作为学校实现自我改进、提升自我发展能力的重要机制。学校自评呈现出广泛参与、与学校发展计划紧密相联、将自评融入到学校日常管理中等特点,文章论述了英国教育标准局有关学校自评的内容和具体要求。  相似文献   


This paper argues that traditional approaches to school planning no longer serve the needs of schools. In particular, it puts forward the view that strategy, as applied to school planning, is only of partial use. It argues that there should be a new way forward for schools seeking to meet the challenge of effective leadership and management in the new millennium. This would utilise the concept of 'strategic intent' encapsulated in a new model which replaces the limited 'school development planning' framework.  相似文献   

将战略管理思想引入学校管理,能使学校站在战略发展和战略规划的高度来对学校管理运筹帷幄,从而实现学校管理目标的高效率化。从分析战略管理思想的内涵,学校战略管理的特征、方式,来研究战略管理思想在学校管理中的具体运用,特别是怎样运用SWORT分析方法进行学校战略管理与规划,具有重要而现实的意义。  相似文献   

运用BEI访谈法对残疾人专职委员进行访谈,运用开放式问卷收集的胜任特征条目,建立初始残疾人专职委员胜任特征模型。然后编制残疾人专职委员胜任特征自评问卷,再进行项目分析和探索性因素分析,得出残疾人专职委员胜任特征模型和正式版自评问卷。最后运用验证性因素分析对模型进行验证,同时检验问卷的信效度。研究的结论如下:建立的残疾人专职委员胜任特征模型是多维度的。它主要包括6大因素:系统思维、学习领悟、积极主动、责任感、专业素质,成就导向。.  相似文献   

自我评估与监控:大学战略规划的双翼   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学只有周期性地回顾和评估自己的战略及其计划,并进行相应的调整和发展,才能保证战略及其计划的适应性,保证有效地实施战略规划.本文通过概述战略评估与监控的目的与内容,在个案分析的基础上,总结大学进行战略监控的制度性方法,即对战略计划进行年度性回顾和"滚动推进",针对我国大学的实际,建议我国大学增强大学内部评估的意识,建立正式的战略监控程序,建立相应的大学战略评估指标体系.  相似文献   

Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) worldwide are investing significant resources in strategic planning and self-evaluation programs to improve institutional performance and to meet external stakeholder demands. Little empirical evidence exists however which demonstrates that these programs are effective in leading to improvements in institutional performance, let alone shed light on the reasons why. This paper reports on the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of a strategic planning program in an Irish HEI over a 5-year-period in leading to improvements in institutional performance.  相似文献   

This paper analyses teaching and non-teaching staff perceptions on the implementation of internal quality assurance (QA) practices at their higher education institutions. The aim is to understand how far different perspectives on quality – as culture, as compliance or as consistency – are reflected in the views of these two groups on such practices. Data from a survey sent to all Portuguese institutions show that, to some extent, the perspectives of quality as culture and quality as compliance seem to permeate both groups’ views. This is evident in regard to the factors identified as supporting the development of internal QA, the main features underlying the implementation of such practices and their main effects. As the study allows for a better understanding on how these practices are perceived by teaching and non-teaching staff, it can contribute to promoting the critical reflection of institutions about QA and the way it can be both more effective and aligned with academia’s needs and expectations, contributing to influencing institutional practices.  相似文献   

国际上越来越多的研究表明,专业学习社群能够促进教师专业发展及推动学校变革。本研究对专业学习社群进行概念化,并基于中国的学校背景,探索出一套教师专业学习社群的表现指标,对上海市7所中小学进行抽样调查。运用主成分分析法对数据进行分析,得到适用于中国大陆的指标体系,并进一步分析教师专业学习社群的内涵与发展状况。研究发现,所调查的学校在教师合作学习、专业能力、校长领导、结构支持方面均具有良好的表现,且组织变革障碍不大。可通过改善校长领导和结构支持,控制学校内部的组织变革障碍等途径促进教师合作学习和专业能力的发展,以进一步促进教师专业学习社群的发展。  相似文献   

Health inequalities emerge during childhood and youth, before widening in adulthood. Theorising, testing and interrupting the mechanisms through which inequalities are perpetuated and sustained is vital. Schools are viewed as settings through which inequality in young people's health may be addressed, but few studies examine the social processes via which institutional structures reproduce or mitigate health inequalities. Informed by Markham and Aveyard's theory of human functioning and school organisation, including their concept of institutional boundaries, critical theories of marketisation and the concept of micro‐political practices within schools, this paper presents analysis of student survey data (= 9055) from 82 secondary schools in Wales. It examines the role of socioeconomic composition, social relationships at school and institutional priorities in mitigating or perpetuating health inequality. It finds that affluent schools were most unequal in terms of student health behaviours and subjective wellbeing. In relation to health behaviours, students from affluent families accrue a disproportionate benefit. For wellbeing, students from poorer families reported lower subjective wellbeing where attending more affluent schools. Student–staff relationships appear to be a key mechanism underpinning these effects: poor relationships with staff were predicted by a pupil's position within schools’ socioeconomic hierarchy and associated with worse health outcomes. That is, students from the poorest families reported better relationships with teachers where attending less affluent schools. Universal approaches engaging with these social processes are needed to reduce health inequalities.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):632-646

Strategic planning is crucial in facilitating sustainable development of schools. It enables schools to survive and cope with changes and challenges from government policies and market forces. There is broad agreement that all stakeholders need to be part of school strategic planning. In response to the lack of evidence suggesting stakeholders’ involvement – specifically that of Heads of Department (HOD) – in strategic planning in schools, and its value in ensuring that all stakeholders execute their duties, HODs’ experiences regarding their involvement in strategic planning were explored. Qualitative research was undertaken and semi-structured interviews were employed to generate data. The study reveals that the HODs were involved in some form of planning but there is no evidence suggesting their participation in substantive issues on strategic planning. Further, the study reveals that transparency-driven leadership and collaboration are key factors to ensure HODs’ participation in strategic planning. The findings suggest that the involvement of HODs is crucial towards improving teaching and learning.  相似文献   

核心竞争力在企业可持续发展竞争优势中具有重要作用。人力资源开发(HKD)在核心能力开发和管理中具有战略作用。文中确定人力资源开发在组织战略中的作用,提出和讨论人力资源开发在核心竞争力管理功能的战略角色为参与战略规划、开发核心竞争力以及对其的提高。  相似文献   

经历了近10年的示范院校建设后,一批高职院校走上了正规化、优质化的建设之路,成为中国职业教育的高层次引领者。在高水平建设背景下,如何继续发挥带动作用引领职业教育发展?本文根据学校战略规划理论,以案例研究法和文本分析法探讨广西3所高职院校的“十三五”发展规划文本,运用质性研究工具Nvivo挖掘示范性高职院校的发展愿景、目标和任务举措,研究发现:高水平发展是示范性高职院校的发展愿景,提质增效是示范性高职院校发展目标的核心内涵,保核心、抓关键、稳基础是示范性高职院校发展的主要路径。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨上海高中教师应具备的胜任力模型,编制上海高中教师胜任力测评工具,来尝试了解上海高中教师的胜任力水平,并探索本模型对选拔与评价上海高中教师是否有效。研究基于文献分析,采用调查问卷与访谈相结合的方法,定性研究与定量研究相结合,从胜任力的角度,对上海高中教师胜任力模型及测评进行了一系列的实证研究。通过分层对比专家、熟手及新手教师,根据统计分析结果建构了上海高中教师胜任力模型,包括10个维度和78个评价指标的上海高中教师胜任力模型及其定量化评价体系。  相似文献   

示范性高职院校建设现状及分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
示范性高职院校建设,旨在创新实践,积累经验,典型引路,促进和带动整个高职教育事业健康发展。对在建67所示范性院校的现状调查显示,目前示范性院校分布合理,办学类型多元化、各具优势,管理运行机制相对健全,但师资队伍结构差别较大。从教学建设的角度看,多数院校教学资源、实习实训条件相对完善,但产学研合作的长效机制尚未形成。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a survey of special schools in England and Wales regarding their links with mainstream schools. This survey was a follow-up of two previous surveys undertaken in mid-1987 and 1993 respectively. Data were elicited about visits made by pupils, teachers and support assistants both from special schools to mainstream schools and from mainstream schools to the special schools. Over two-thirds of special schools in England and Wales responded, the sample reflecting the distribution of types of special schools nationally. Findings indicated that the degree of link activity has been maintained over the years but it is relatively restricted in terms of the number of pupils and staff involved, and there does not seem to be evidence of the strategic use of placements.  相似文献   


Concepts adapted from structuration theory are employed to analyse how a disjunction has been created and sustained between the form taken by annual development plans for schools and a more flexible approach to planning that appears, from small‐scale research, to be effective at school level. The interest of LEAs and central government in a high degree of external control over school development is interpreted as contradictory to the interest at school level in maintaining a high degree of control over internal development. It is argued that action according to these contradictory interests has not led to conflict because completion of the plan has been kept largely separate from ongoing strategic planning at school level. The concepts employed in this analysis are defined, features of LEA development plans for schools are discussed, research evidence on development planning is summarized, and unintended consequences of development plans as a form of bureaucratic control are suggested.  相似文献   


The roles of distance education teaching staff are changing, necessitating role clarity and the development of appropriate competency frameworks. This article investigates the perceptions of the teaching and research staff at the University of South Africa, regarding the current and future roles of distance educators, their own competencies in each role and training that they require in order to address competencies required in these future roles. This research forms part of a larger project that focuses on capacity and continuous professional development processes that are necessary to train staff to be prepared for these changing roles. A quantitative web-based survey was sent to all academic (teaching and research) staff at the University of South Africa. Key results indicate that competencies in the roles of technology and instructional design have emerged as crucial for distance educators, and that future training programmes need to be developed to support these areas.  相似文献   

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