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关于口吃发生的机制一直没有确切的说法.鉴于口吃主要表现为一种言语表达障碍,因此,大部分研究者都对口吃者言语产生过程本身表示关注.不过,也有部分研究关注了口吃者的言语听知觉功能.这些研究提示,口吃的发生也可能与言语听知觉加工异常有关.该文回顾了近些年来有关口吃者言语听知觉功能及其神经机制的研究进展,提出了当前研究中还存在的一些问题,并展望了未来的口吃研究取向.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了口吃的几种理论模型,包括言语错误侦察模型和内隐修复假设、要求和能力模型、口吃的神经心理语言学功能理论、言语运动控制失调假设和口吃的时间压力假设,并综述了口吃的最新研究进展,主要是脑功能成像研究、口吃的基因研究和对儿童口吃者的研究。  相似文献   

以家庭为中心的口吃心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在介绍国内外对口吃儿童的治疗方法的基础上,详尽介绍了以家庭为中心的口吃心理治疗方法,旨在帮助学前儿童及家长树立正确健康的交流态度,改进言语流畅性。最后对这种治疗方法进行了简单的小结及评价,以期为国内口吃儿童的治疗提供借鉴。  相似文献   

口吃是儿童中一种常见的言语障碍,根据流行病学调查,在不同国家不同种族人群中,其发生率成人为1%左右,青少年儿童为3%~5%,男女比例为3~5:1。典型的口吃多发生于学龄前2~5岁时,少数人发生于学龄后期。其主要表现为说话时言语不畅,频繁发生重复或延长说话的声音、音节或单词。  相似文献   

言语流畅度评价刍论中央教育科学研究所徐方一、言语流畅评价研究的必要性口吃是一种很常见的言语障碍。口吃者与正常人的主要区别在于言语不流畅,说起话来结结巴巴,属于言语节奏失调。我国从五十年代初就有人从事口吃矫冶工作.至今已有四十多年的历史,可是迄今为止,...  相似文献   

方丰娟  蓓蓓 《家庭教育》2005,(9B):44-45
所有这些都是儿童言语障碍的表现。所谓言语障碍,是指儿童在早期语言获得和学习过程中,出现了发展性的异常现象,如发音出现问题、口吃、言语发展缓慢、听觉障碍、社交方面出现孤独症倾向等等。  相似文献   

口吃俗称结巴,它是口头语言表达中出现的不恰当、不准确停顿和重复的一种语言节律障碍。口吃最早出现的年龄是学前期,二三岁一般是口吃开始发生的年龄,三四岁是口吃的常见期。学前儿童的口吃现象,部分是生理原因所致,更多的则源于心理的因素。对二三岁的幼儿来说,口吃会随着年龄的增长逐渐消失,延续到青春期的不足1%,而且多是生理因素所致。但4-7岁的儿童发生了口吃,就不仅是  相似文献   

口吃是一种言语流畅性障碍。许多关于口吃者言语加工的研究都发现工作记忆对口吃具有重要的影响。文章分析了工作记忆各成分(包括中央执行系统、语音回路、视空间模板)与口吃的关系,综述了关于工作记忆与口吃关系的研究,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童是一个特殊的群体,他们游离于主流社会之外,生活在封闭的世界里,对外面的一切漠不关心。他们即使外表正常,但是言语和交际方面的障碍阻碍了他们进入社会群体的道路,怎样帮助他们克服言语交际方面的困难是帮助他们的关键。本文分析了孤独症儿童的语言障碍并提出在言语方面的帮助措施,以探讨对这一残障儿童的治疗方法。  相似文献   

口吃可能与脑发育有关 口吃的孩子在双侧额下回的灰质体积偏少。这是一项最新的脑成像研究得出的结论之一。研究人员通过对11名持续发展性口吃儿童和11名口齿流利儿童的脑形态对比分析,得出上述结论。双侧额下回通常被认为是负责言语运动计划与控制的脑区。这一脑区的灰质体积偏少,  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that childhood speech disorders such as stuttering are associated with lower test scores and educational attainment. However, it is unclear whether these associations are causal in nature or whether they can be explained by difficult-to-measure heterogeneity at the community, family, or individual level. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and ordinary least squares, we show that stuttering is negatively associated with high school grades, the probability of high school graduation, and the probability of college attendance. However, empirical specifications with family fixed effects or controls for learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder suggest that these associations can, in large part, be explained by difficult-to-measure heterogeneity.  相似文献   

对于口吃发病机制和口吃者言语行为表现的研究,有助于揭示语言和脑的关系,了解言语输出过程,并对口吃矫正治疗具有重要意义。本文从起始音、重音、词类和句法等方面介绍了国外学者在预测口吃发生位置的研究中对于语言因素的分析。希望籍此引起国内口吃治疗者和语言研究者对这一领域的关注。  相似文献   

口吃复发的研究进展述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了口吃治疗后的长期效果或复发方面的研究。有数据基础的研究表明,有两种研究复发的方法,第一种方法试图分离复发的预测因素。虽然一些因素有一定的预测作用,如治疗前口吃的严重性,治疗结束时即时的焦虑水平,但是,很少有因素能独立、可靠地预测口吃复发。研究表明,几个因素结合起来能可靠地预测复发。这些因素包括口吃频率、言语速度、人格、控制点、言语方式以及参加抗复发活动等;第二种方法是评定抗复发策略的有效性,抗复发策略具有减少复发危险的潜在价值,具有重要的研究和治疗的意义。  相似文献   

4/ 3/ 2活动是一种以提高学习者口语流利性为目的而设计的活动。本研究采用语速、发音速度、发音时间比、平均语流长度 ,以及平均停顿长度等五项流利性指标 ,考察了 4 / 3/ 2活动对 10个非英语专业学生英语口语流利性的影响。结果发现 :(1)随着重复次数的增加 ,受试者的语速和发音速度提高 ,发音时间比和平均语流长度增加 ,平均停顿长度减少 ;(2 )在 15组讲述对比中 ,有 12组讲述对比具有显著性 ,这表明受试者后一次讲述的流利性大部分都显著高于前一次讲述的流利性。  相似文献   

Most research on dyslexia to date has focused on early childhood, while comparatively little is known about the nature of dyslexia in adolescence. The current study had two objectives. The first was to investigate the relative contributions of several cognitive and linguistic factors to connected‐text oral reading fluency in a sample of adolescents with dyslexia (n = 77). The second was to test the hypothesis that the effect of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency is moderated by word‐level skills and/or vocabulary knowledge. The results suggest that many deficits associated with childhood dyslexia remain prominent in adolescence, but the nature of the relationships between key cognitive and linguistic predictors (i.e., word‐level reading, vocabulary, verbal working memory) and reading fluency appear to be different in adolescence. For example, while word‐level skills remain a significant predictor, the strength of the effect is relatively weak. In contrast, the data support an increased role for vocabulary and verbal working memory, including an interaction between these factors. The presence of an interaction can be interpreted as evidence that the influence of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency in adolescents with dyslexia depends on individual differences in vocabulary knowledge. These results offer support for the changing nature of dyslexia across development, and suggest that researchers should study dyslexia in adolescents on its own terms, rather than treating it as an extension of reading problems in early childhood.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether the lexical compounding, suffixation, and part of speech aspects of lexical prosody rendered while reading text aloud are predictive of children’s developing oral reading fluency and reading comprehension skills. Ninety-four third grade children were recorded while reading aloud a grade-level passage targeting lexical prosody contrasts related to suffixation, compounding, and part of speech. Children also completed assessments on reading fluency, word reading efficiency, and reading comprehension skills. Prosodic measurements of pitch and amplitude for each syllable of the targeted words, and spoken head word length in ms for targeted compound words, were carried out. Spectrographic analyses indicated that children generally displayed appropriate prosody for each lexical prosody contrast examined. The extent to which children made these prosodic distinctions between syllables was related to their reading fluency and comprehension skills. The study finds that, in the oral reading of connected texts, children’s use of lexical prosody is an aspect of general reading prosody that is predictive of reading fluency.  相似文献   

英语是国际交流的重要媒介。对于大学生来讲,提高英语交际能力,做到语言清晰、流畅、达意,是社会所需和时代所趋。笔者根据对词块的理解,并且针对口语的部分特征,浅析词块与英语口语的内在联系,探讨了词块对于提高大学英语口语水平的作用,并总结了以词块为主的学习方法。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(3):135-140
Active spoken mastery of a foreign language all too often remains an illusive wish on the part of language learners. There is a tendency to seek the causes of non‐fluency and accurate speech outside the classroom, for example, too little involvement, interest and time investment on the part of learners. In this article Manuela Macedonia asserts that the problem is attributed primarily to the type of exercises that are employed to process foreign language input. Traditional transmission of morphology and syntax by way of rules, and practising such rules via written exercises, does not lead to spoken language, for with this type of practice the retrieval of learned material is too slow and often incomplete to enable successful speech. While games in language and SEN instruction are not new, in this article their targeted usage based on cognitive/neurological evidence is proposed in order to proceduralise declarative knowledge and thereby to elevate accuracy and fluency to a level that enables real‐time speech.  相似文献   

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