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As a direct consequence of the digital revolution, academic libraries today face competition as information providers. Using Richard N. Foster's technology S curves as the analytical model, this article shows that academic libraries are in the midst of discontinuous change by questioning a number of assumptions that support the current practice of academic librarianship. The authors challenge these assumptions, and analyze the manner in which digital communications affect academic libraries.  相似文献   

1959年,我正在市委党校为上海市历史纪念馆(筹)创作历史画<中国共产党第七次党代表大会>.上海人民美术出版社来了一位编辑向我组稿,要我为建国十周年大庆创作一幅重点作品,我欣然接受.  相似文献   

Changing trends in library use and management of e-resources were discussed by Jane Burke from ProQuest/Serials Solutions. A paradigm shift in library collections has occurred in which e‐resources are now the major component of new library materials, requiring new ways to manage and display them. The use of e‐resource access and management services was discussed as a helpful tool, along with federated searching. Burke suggested that by spending less time processing print materials and ending bibliographic instruction, more time will be available for librarians to market and manage e-resources, which will be of greater benefit to today's library users.  相似文献   

赵文 《出版科学》2008,16(1):62-63
从长尾理论可知,以前发行量不大、利润很低甚至没有利润的图书也可以利用广阔的销售渠道获得利润。图书发行可以构筑一个基于互联网的长尾销售模式,即以内容提供为核心、电子书籍为主体、互联网为信息平台、按需印刷为补充,开发足够多的图书品种,引导用户进行探索性购买。  相似文献   

久违了同学们刘冬手捧《北京档案》1998年第3期,我心潮起伏,思绪跌宕。久违了,我可亲可敬的同学;久违了,我曾立志为之奋斗的档案事业。伯群兄,你还像20年前那样语出惊人调侃众生吗?大张,你20年前那“火炬”般的长发如今怎么成了“一马平川”?吴老北,...  相似文献   

我们需要反思脱缰野马式的图书馆学外延式发展方式。图书馆学研究的主流应是"书"。主流不是"书"的图书馆学必然要受到学理批判与实践批判。参考文献3。  相似文献   

河南省图书馆副馆长夏雁同志约我为《河南图书馆学刊》的《名人书缘》专栏写一篇稿子 ,我答应下来 ,但想了好久不知如何下笔。我自知不是“名人” ,但自认为还是一名书生。书生当然与书不能说没有缘份。因此 ,这篇稿子我撇开“名人”包袱 ,只叙与书的缘份 ,便好落笔开篇了 :读书 我出生在离郑州不足百里的荥阳市北邙乡农村 ,这里北距黄河十余里 ,西距黄河仅五里 ,从小可以感受到黄河文化的熏陶。记得小时候上山割草拾柴 ,可以远远遥望到汉霸二王城的遗迹。一户乡邻家的中堂对联上还写着“书不读秦汉以下” ,那时候不懂得它的意思 ,大概也就…  相似文献   

书次号无法统一,无需统一   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
文章对书次号能不能统一,是否需要统一,进行了详细分析和讨论,认为书次号既无法统一,也根本不需要统一。  相似文献   

明人常以剽窃他人著述作伪而为世人所讥,但这种作伪的实例并不多见.笔者发现今藏于台北故宫博物院题为明刘济撰的《革书》,系剽窃明刘定之的《否泰录》而成.今略作辨析,不当之处,尚请方家指正.  相似文献   

高宗敕修<钦定清汉对音字式>是满汉合璧的语音辞书,乾隆三十八年(1723年)武英殿刊行.  相似文献   

谈帕累托原则、长尾理论与图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对帕累托原则、长尾理论与图书馆之间的关系进行了比较分析。简述了帕累托原则与长尾理论的基本原理。帕累托原则、长尾理论与图书馆学理论是契合的。帕累托原则是实现图书馆学五定律的有效手段;长尾理论适用于数字图书馆。从操作性角度来说,帕累托原则适用于实体图书馆环境,而长尾理论更适用于数字图书馆环境。结论:帕累托原则、长尾理论在图书馆中的应用并不冲突,也不存在所谓的长尾理论彻底颠覆帕累托原则,因为它们是在不同环境背景下产生的理论,适用于不同环境的图书馆。  相似文献   


Few Americans are familiar with the structure and myriad junctions of the EBU; one of the most important organizations concerned with the broadcasting in the world. Mr. Barber, a doctoral candidate at Northwestern University, is currently in Europe as the guest of the EBU while on a special data‐collecting grant from The Danforth Foundation.  相似文献   

This study critically examines how the global media uses the concept of revolution when reporting about the Arab Spring. The understanding of the concept informed by historical Western revolutionary events perpetuates Eurocentrism which continues the inability to comprehend the regional, cultural, and political peculiarities of the Arab Spring. Media framing analysis reveals the use of the outdated notions of revolution based on six common attributes. The concept of revolution defined by the six attributes fails to address the events because it is delimited by its own Western origin and with its own understanding of modernization and progress. Such use of the concept is maintained by the media but also affects perception of the events while de-emphasizing their revolutionary character.  相似文献   


Historically, the medium of comic books and the profession of librarianship have both suffered image problems. The former is deemed unrespectable; the latter lacks the same level of prestige afforded many other professions. Does having this in common result in comic books offering images of librarians and librarianship more informed (and, therefore, more positive) than are generally to be found in other media? Or do they employ the same cliches about librarians that are the bane of so many in the profession? To examine these questions, some of the more prominent depictions of librarians in mainstream American comic books and graphic novels were reviewed. with mixed results. Recent depictions of librarians do seem to be more informed and more sympathetic than in the past, but even today, comic book writers still employ some of the more negative stereotypes about librarians as a way to provide their relationship with some quick and easy laughs.  相似文献   

A unique combination of circumstances has created opportunities for foreign publishers to invest in Russia. A hunger for books, an unsettled distribution system, availability of publishing personnel, and low costs have created a good environment for entering the marketplace. But it is not a chance for quick profits. Leonard Shatzkin has been involved in the production and manufacture of books since 1945. He is the author ofIn Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis and since 1979 has been a consultant to publishers throughout the world.  相似文献   

一天清晨,我正做着大梦,迷糊之中接到一个电话,我最讨厌有人在我睡觉时给我打电话.电话里有人问:"桑塔纳小汽车卖多少钱一辆?"我就没好气地说:"我没有桑塔纳,只有一辆自行车,飞鸽牌的,而且也没有打算卖,你如果不是和我开玩笑,那么你肯定是打错电话了."那人报出电话号码,没错,正是我家的电话号码,我这一次平静地说:"这里是私人住宅,你肯定是弄错了."  相似文献   

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