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朱虹 《江苏高教》2020,(1):64-71
改革开放以来,尤其是加入WTO以后,中国开展留学生教育的高校越来越多,追求留学生数量增长成为许多高校的重要目标。伴随着“一带一路”倡议在国际社会得到广泛响应,中国留学生来源结构出现明显变化,很多高校的留学生教育质量也有所提升,留学生教育成为中国教育走向世界中心的重要组成部分,然而,从目前的状态看,中国的留学生教育同传统留学目的地强国相比,还处于规模扩张和质量不高的发展阶段。“一带一路”倡议为中国高等教育发展提供了新的契机,中国留学生教育必须走高质量发展道路,需要客观分析传统留学目的地强国的成功做法,探讨留学招生方法、筛选机制、教育资源、管理方式等方面的创新举措,明晰中国留学生教育迈入世界先进行列的发展路径。  相似文献   

沿边地区高校举办境外办学是沿边地区开放发展的重要内容,是促进我国和沿边国家(地区)文化相融、民心相通的桥梁。我国沿边地区开发开放发展战略、沿边地区地缘优势发挥需求及其高等教育自身发展要素共同推动沿边地区高校“走出去”。沿边地区高校境外办学也形成了其独特的办学模式、治理模式及人才培养模式,与此同时,存在高等教育输出能力有限、针对性政策支持不足、可持续发展困难、区域和功能优势发挥不足等困境。因此,我国要给予沿边地区境外办学更多支持,加强沿边地区高校国际化办学能力建设,发挥沿边地区高校境外办学基础性、先导性作用;完善境外办学法律政策建设,发挥沿边地区境外办学优势;将境外办学纳入国家、地区发展战略,为沿边地区境外办学提供经费支持;加强顶层设计、制度创新,提升沿边地区高校境外办学适应能力。  相似文献   

高校德育工作是一个系统工程 ,如何增强德育工作的针对性和实效性 ,这是高校德育工作面临的一个现实问题。本文论述了高校德育工作要增强针对性和实效性必须坚持十个结合 ,只有这样才能不断提高高校德育工作的水平 ,培养高素质人才  相似文献   

Changing attitudes of Australian academics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article reports on the changing work-related attitudes and demographics of academic staff in Australia, in four universities and four former colleges of advanced education (CAEs, comparable to polytechnics), surveyed in 1979, 1984 and 1990. The surveys were of all academic staff in each institution, with response rates averaging 47%. As in other countries, the former binary system of education has recently been ended by reconstituting colleges of advanced education as universities. Differences in work-related attitude are examined, and shown to differ consistently between the types of institution, across the elapsed time, and between the sexes, ranks and academic disciplines of the respondents. In particular, each institution has shown a sustained increase in academic staff alienation and dissatisfaction over the eleven-year period. The differences in demographics and in work-related attitudes between original universities and former colleges of advanced education remain after the ending of the binary system. The differences are discussed in relation to a number of current policy issues, including the ending of the binary system of higher education. Since similar policy changes and similar pressures are occurring in a number of countries, the findings of the study have implications beyond Australia.  相似文献   

This report summarizes recent and projected enrollment and staffing growth in undergraduate computer science (CS) programs for a selected group of colleges. It originates from a concern that liberal arts colleges, like other colleges and universities, will soon face a new crisis in undergraduate computer science education, one in which teaching and laboratory resources are severely strained by a rapid surge in enrollments in both the introductory courses and the CS major itself. If this is true, liberal arts colleges and universities that value their computer science programs must begin to aggressively expand their CS faculty ranks and laboratory support in the near term.  相似文献   

本文综合分析了国外高校人才培养质量评估的类型、主要指标、评估机构、评估程序及评估结果的运用,归纳了国外高校人才培养的质量评估的基本特点,为进一步开展高校人才质量评估研究,提供了范例支撑。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育依托先进典型开展工作,充分发挥先进典型的引领作用和带动作用。先进典型的培育过程中,要注意避免形式化、完美化、陈旧化的选树方式,做到实事求是、贴近学生、广泛覆盖、持续培养、合理宣传。先进典型的持续涌现是大学生思想政治教育工作成效的有力体现。  相似文献   

我国高职院校在"走出去"进行海外办学方面具有独特优势和地位,其办学目的:一是服务国家"一带一路"倡议,二是推动职业教育国际化深入发展,三是解决高职院校人才培养供需矛盾。在面对本科院校海外办学竞争压力大,高职院校海外办学时间短等困难的情况下,我国高职院校探索出校企联合和"政行校企"多方联合申办海外大学这一极具中国特色的办学路径。这种模式的优势在于整合资源,合力办学,集中优势,彰显特色,拓展了我国高职院校海外办学的思路。  相似文献   

The Unified National System of Australian Universities was created out of universities, institutes of technology and colleges of advanced education. In this study similarity clustering of universities within this system is attempted based on two data sets: one based on evaluative ratings and the other on quantitative performance indicators. With the exception of three traditional universities that tended to cluster together across data sets no consistent clustering emerged. Within data sets there was no tendency for the emergent clusters to reflect the origins of the institutions in any consistent manner. It is suggested that the Unified National System has not reduced diversity.  相似文献   

Governments of Australia have, at least since the 1960s, desired the control of tertiary education. From the mid-1960s to 1988 Australia had a binary system of higher education comprised of universities and colleges of advanced education. The latter were subject to much stricter government regulation. One of the main intentions was to have a system of tertiary education which was more attuned to the economic needs of the nation and less expensive than traditional universities. Colleges of advanced education were supposed to be ‘equal but different’. Historians of education have been criticised for concentrating on facts and acts and for ignoring the human and social dimensions of institutional history. This paper redresses some of these shortcomings. The paper focuses on the individual working lives of a group of academic staff in one of Australia's oldest colleges of advanced education. It examines the influence of government regulations at the individual level. The paper investigates how system-wide restraints were reflected in the institutions they were supposed to influence. The issues covered include academic recruitment, induction programmes, institutional history, the use of sanctions and rewards and controls on teaching.  相似文献   

“双一流”战略为地方高校提供了新的发展机遇。一流的大学、一流的学科必须有一流的管理做支撑。分析编制管理在“双一流”建设中的重要作用,论述目前地方高校编制管理改革的必要性以及编制管理的现状,剖析高校编制管理存在的问题,从加强制度建设、强化岗位管理、重塑以岗定薪、统筹长远规划等四个方面提出了适合地方高校编制管理的改革策略,旨在探寻如何从编制建设的角度加快地方高校“双一流”建设的步伐。  相似文献   

作为高校思想政治工作十大育人体系的重要部分,心理育人对新时代高校心理健康教育提出了新要求。然而,当前不少高校仍面临尚未形成心理育人合力、心理健康教育方式单一、心理育人成效不明显等困难。高校要采取将心理育人摆在突出位置、形成心理健康教育新格局、加强课程建设、丰富心理育人活动、强化心理健康教育师资和咨询队伍建设等策略,努力推动高校心理健康教育创新发展。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告指出,我们要推动中华优秀传统文化的创造性转化、创新性发展。汉服文化作为我国优秀传统文化的组成部分,蕴含了丰富的育人道理,对提高大学生的思想政治素养有重要作用,应当在高校思想政治教育中有一定的融合与应用。文章立足现实,分析了当前汉服文化发展现状和高校思想政治教育存在的不足,阐述了汉服文化对高校思想政治教育工作的重要作用,希望能够促进汉服文化与高校思想政治教育的创新融合与发展。  相似文献   

The debate about the effectiveness of the liberal arts curriculum is centuries old, but recent financial and social pressures have placed the survival of the liberal arts in the United States at even greater risk. Using Kimball's (1995) notion of the oratorical and philosophical traditions of liberal education, this article first identifies the critical importance of balancing breadth and depth in the curriculum before honing in on breadth as being in particular danger in the current climate. After analyzing the major threats to breadth in American higher education, the article looks overseas to find a new case for the value of breadth in the curriculum. It focuses on Hong Kong's university system, where a large-scale, multiyear project is underway to graft a fourth year of general education onto a three-year model of discipline- or profession-specific training. The resulting contrast between American institutions discarding curricular breadth while foreign universities rediscover it is telling. This topic has particular relevance for Christian colleges and universities as they seek the holistic development of their students.  相似文献   

现代大学与院校研究(上)——美国院校研究发展述评   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
现代大学与 19世纪传统学院在组织与管理上有根本的不同。 19世纪传统学院规模较小 ,以联系紧密的学者学生共同体和经验管理为基础 ;现代大学规模较大 ,以科层制和专业化管理为基本特征。院校研究是在大学由传统学院向现代大学转变过程中作为现代大学管理的参谋而出现的。可以预见 ,在中国由精英经大众走向普及高等教育的过程中 ,中国大学也会发生类似的变化 ,也会需要院校研究。  相似文献   

高校来华留学生的安全管理及应急处理问题是关系到高校安全稳定和来华留学生教育事业整体健康可持续发展的一个重要影响因素,也是高校当前及今后很长一段时间面临的难点问题,因此,开展高校来华留学生安全管理研究的必要性与重要性日益凸现。本文着重从来华留学生应急处置及保障机制的研究视角,梳理当前来华留学生安全管理存在的主要困难和突出问题,深层次剖析成因,并提出要通过确立处置原则、建立预防机制、规范处置流程、建立恢复机制来进一步健全应急处置体系;同时强调要通过加强法治化管理、完善政策和制度设计、加快建设管理队伍、注重业务能力培训、落实物质条件等方面进一步构建来华留学生安全管理的保障体系,促进高校进一步提升来华留学管理水平,服务于我国教育对外开放大局。  相似文献   

高校的一切工作以育人为根本,心理育人作为高校提升思想政治教育工作质量的"十大育人体系"至关重要的组成部分,不仅助力高校落实立德树人的根本教育任务,还充分凸显了中国特色社会主义的教育使命和育人优势,也是贯彻党和国家教育方针的重要举措。当前,我国高校心理育人工作面临着新的挑战和压力,教育过程中也存在着诸多问题和弊端,究其根本原因在于没有建立起"一体化"的心理育人体系以及相关制度安排使然。进一步探求心理育人一体化建设的框架体系,能够整合高校的一切积极育人元素,挖掘校内外资源,创新育人方式,搭建育人平台,构建"全员育人、全过程育人、全方位育人"的心理育人体系,对提升高校心理育人效果具有重要理论价值与实践价值。  相似文献   

英国大学海外办学实践及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英国在100多年的海外办学实践中,率先实施了校外学位修读等教育教学制度,形成了考教分离、合办大学、海外分校、教学中心等完备的海外办学模式;依靠独特的海外评审等有效质量保障措施,强化了其海外办学的质量和声誉。创新与适应使其持续保持国际上领先地位。其输出优质教育资源、调整办学策略等经验对我国大学具有借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

近几年,普通高校招生数量发展之快,前年未有,民办高校的生源受到一定的冲击和影响,但是,民办高校加快发展的趋势不会改变。在新形势下民办高校之间竞争加剧,出现了两极分化。今后十几年民办高校的新格局是:多种体制的学历教育和多种形式的终身化教育共同发展。  相似文献   

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