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本文针对本科教学评估中所涉及的图书馆观测点,就图书馆文献资源的指标与现今高校图书馆文献资源馆藏量存在的差异进行分析,探讨影响图书馆文献资源馆藏量的诸多因素,提出在今后的教学评估中,馆藏量与生均图书量应该更加科学化、合理化.  相似文献   

以北京大学图书馆2010年读者需求调查为例,通过问卷的部分统计结果探讨了高校不同读者群体间对于图书馆资源与服务方面需求的一些细微差别,以及了解这些差别对图书馆相关发展的意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to describe the recent space and furniture utilization study conducted through direct observation at the small, academic-centered Schusterman Library. Student workers from the library’s reference desk monitored two semesters of use and went on to observe a third semester after electrical power upgrades were installed. Extensive use details were collected about where library patrons sat during which parts of the day, and certain areas of the library were ultimately identified as much more active than others. Overall, the information gathered proved useful to library planning and will be valuable to future space initiatives. This article further demonstrates feasible means for any library to implement a similar study with minimal resources.  相似文献   

美国大学图书馆评价主体的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
美国大学图书馆的评价主体可分为国家机构、行业协会、大学图书馆、第三方机构,不同主体在评价活动中的主要实施机构、具体评价内容、评价工具、评价方法有所不同,并且显现出各自的特点。图书馆评价可借鉴美国大学图书馆的评价主体划分方式,综合运用评价工具与方法,明晰评价机构的职责,构建全面的图书馆评价体系。  相似文献   

图书馆评估研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆评估一直是图书馆界研究的热点问题之一,研究成果主要集中在5个方面:图书馆评估定义的理论探讨、图书馆评估的主体探讨、图书馆评估的客体探讨、图书馆评估指标体系编制、图书馆评估过程与方法.图书馆评估应逐渐转向以用户为中心的思想和价值理念,针对图书馆工作的目标和实质内容,提升评估标准,建立适合我国国情的准确有效和可持续发展的评估体系和评估方法.  相似文献   

University libraries are questioning the added value of open shelves with books. As scientific publications are increasingly available in electronic format, which role do bookshelves have in the future library space? The Utrecht University Library case study invites librarians to fundamentally rethink how they could strengthen the function of open shelves in their library. Based on acquisition and user data, and on interviews with publishers and users, this article suggests that in 2025 bookshelves could play an important role in providing access to those publications which are preferred by users in paper format. However, bookshelves should no longer focus solely on paper publications, but on digital publications too, as most library collections increasingly become hybrid. Moreover, libraries should also think of ways to enhance the inspiring role of bookshelves. Then, the open shelves could have added value within the library space of the future, providing access to a hybrid collection and an inspiring place to study.  相似文献   

本文通过扩展TAM技术接受模型,探索高校图书馆信息共享空间中用户交互学习行为的影响因素。在结合高校图书馆信息共享空间具体环境的基础上,运用结构方程模型方法进行研究。研究发现:感知有用性、感知易用性和感知激励是用户交互学习行为的直接影响因素;感知易用性和感知激励显著影响感知有用性;用户特质、社会身份和服务内容显著影响感知激励和感知易用性,并通过它们影响用户交互学习行为;服务能力通过感知激励影响用户交互学习行为。图2。表6。参考文献62。  相似文献   


Academic libraries are taking a closer look at how well they are serving the needs of their users. As a result assessment activities become more important. In this column, the authors will focus on and describe one major tool of assessment—the user survey.  相似文献   

书目征订工作中的读者调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以烟台大学图书馆为例,阐述了在当前形势下综合院校图书馆在书目征订工作中读者调查的必要性及其做法、体会。  相似文献   

论图书馆评价的主体   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据图书馆评价的性质和目的差异,将图书馆评价的主体分为政府机构、图书馆行业协(学)会、各类图书馆、用户和第三方机构等五种类型,并分析各评价主体的定位、特点及相关评价实践.调查总结国内外广受认可的图书馆评价标准、有影响力的图书馆评价项目及其采用的评价工具及方法.第二方机构的评价具有职业化优势,且不易受到各种主观因素的限制,应当予以加强.  相似文献   

In a period of fiscal constraint, when assumptions about the library as place are being challenged, administrators question the contribution of every expense to student success. Libraries have been successful in migrating resources and services to a digital environment accessible beyond the library. What is the role of the library as place when users do not need to visit the building to utilize library services and resources? We argue that the college library building's core role is as a space for collaborative learning and community interaction that cannot be jettisoned in the new normal.  相似文献   

As more and more libraries consider GPA and year-to-year retention as relevant and meaningful measures of interest, it is important to consider whether these measures are locally appropriate. Several limitations of broadly applying GPA and first-year retention as measures of student success were recently discovered while completing a large exploratory research project. The project assessed the impact of a library assignment offered to students during their first term on campus at a large public research university. Findings revealed the assignment had a greater impact on regional campus students in contrast to the larger central campus, where changes in admission requirements has created an increasingly high-performing cohort of first-year students. Other indicators which may better locally articulate library contributions to student success are needed.  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长学习共同体研究-以杭州部分高校为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过杭州部分高校图书馆馆长近年来的实践发现,馆长学习共同体的形成有利于校际图书馆高层交流和沟通,促进互相学习和互相指引。学习共同体为不同高校的馆长们提供了职业上的归属感、信任感、互惠感和分享感。馆长学习共同体的主要特征有自我认同、自我控制、自我适应和自我发展。学习共同体能提升馆长的实践性智慧,促进馆长知识共享,提升馆长效能和生成馆长学习的动态环境。这种学习共同体是对高校图书馆在职学习方式的重要创新,对全面提高高校图书馆管理水平有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]探讨全方位育人视角下高校图书馆的空间布局重构.[方法/过程]通过对图书馆消亡论的分析,阐明实体图书馆作为场所的存在价值,分析高校图书馆空间类型以及设计理念变迁,强调作为场所的图书馆空间的教育功能,并以北京大学图书馆空间重构为案例,展示高校图书馆空间教育的力量.[结果/结论]教书育人是大学教育的基本功能,...  相似文献   

谢美萍 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(2):100-102
文章就网络环境对合作馆藏发展的影响、学术图书馆构建的基础和国内外学术图书馆合作馆藏发展的经验进行探讨与研究。  相似文献   

空间评估是高校图书馆空间改造工作的核心环节,可以系统了解现有空间的使用效能,GIS技术为图书馆空间使用评估引入了新的视角。文章基于GIS技术提出高校图书馆空间使用评估的方法,通过扫描观察法收集地理数据,利用核密度法可视化图书馆的聚集区域,结合调查问卷挖掘读者的潜在需求,并以大连理工大学伯川图书馆为例进行实证研究。研究发现不同读者在图书馆有不同的使用习惯和空间偏好,高校图书馆需要从功能分区、家具设备等方面优化空间设计,满足读者的多元化需求。  相似文献   

Academic libraries serve many student constituents, but one often overlooked group is students who are parenting children. Students who, by necessity or volition, bring their children with them to the library have specific needs. Serving these students, who often have difficulty succeeding and graduating at college, should be a priority for academic libraries. Offering assistance can help this group focus on their studies, achieve their academic goals, and thus decrease universities' attrition rates. This article begins by drawing on anecdotal evidence, then reviews existing literature on parenting students. Next, it examines and analyzes policies on children in academic libraries at large American universities. Half of all academic libraries don't have clearly accessible policies, and some have policies that discourage bringing supervised children to libraries, while a few have welcoming policies and facilities. This research shows that academic libraries can still make progress to serve a key constituency. Finally, it offers solutions for how academic libraries can serve parenting students, given varying spatial and financial constraints, as well as diffusing potential concerns that might hold academic libraries back from serving this part of the academic community. This analysis could be supplemented by further inquiry and interviews with libraries on how their policies were developed and are being implemented or with parenting students on what they desire and need from the academic library.  相似文献   

In 2014, Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks conducted its first collection condition survey. The institutionally significant Alaska Collection was chosen as a manageable project. Research design based on the literature review led the researcher to conduct two surveys: one examining the entire collection and one looking at only those books most recently circulated. The combined surveys revealed that the circulating books are much more badly damaged that the books in the collection that do not circulate, across a variety of attributes.  相似文献   

大学图书馆成效评估是对用户在接触图书馆所提供的资源、服务和活动之后所发生的改变进行评估。绩效评估关注图书馆投入与产出的效率,成效评估关注图书馆服务的影响与效果。大学图书馆成效评估的内容主要包括对学习、研究、教学的影响评估。该文结合国外大学图书馆成效评估的实践案例,对大学图书馆成效评估的定义、内容、意义以及评估指标体系等进行探索。成效评估是基于用户为中心的新的评估理论和方法,有利于争取社会各界对图书馆的支持和提高图书馆服务质量。  相似文献   

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