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The purpose of this study was to examine students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning, epistemological beliefs, across domains that vary according to Biglan's classification of academic disciplines (hard vs. soft disciplines and pure vs. applied disciplines). One hundred and fifty-two university students completed three questionnaires that assessed their epistemological beliefs about mathematics (hard-pure), the social sciences (also pure), and business (neither hard nor pure). Correlations indicated that students' epistemological beliefs were similar for mathematics and social sciences, as well as for mathematics and business. When the amount of academic experience was taken into account, some evidence of domain specificity was found. These results support Sternberg's caveat that the dichotomy of domain generality/specificity is an assumption that should be questioned. We propose that future researchers should investigate the breadth of applicability of epistemological beliefs.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether students’ epistemic and learning beliefs varied across different knowledge types in physics. On the basis of various beliefs frameworks, the authors predicted that individuals’ beliefs would vary within a domain across the same content when presented conceptually versus procedurally. Participants were 81 high school students enrolled in an advanced physics course. Students completed a conceptually oriented test and a procedurally oriented test on the same content 1 week apart, and they immediately responded to the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science questionnaire after completion of each test. Results revealed that girls espoused more constructivist beliefs about physics for conceptual knowledge than for procedural knowledge, whereas the opposite was found for boys. Moreover, female students espoused more constructivist beliefs than did male students across both types. These results have important theoretical and methodological implications.  相似文献   

Epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge and belief underlie many of the controversial issues fundamental to research and practice in science teaching and learning. In an effort to bring some clarity to questions of knowledge and belief embedded within science education research and teaching, we first describe the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief in both philosophy and educational psychology, each of which have shaped the various definitions employed within science education. This discussion is followed by an examination of the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief employed by three groups of science educators: the traditional distinctions of the foundationalists that are co-opted by researchers focusing on teacher thinking/cognition, the nonfoundational epistemology of the fallibilists and the evolution educators working from this framework, and the radical constructivists who react to and attempt to move past the limitations of these other positions. In this analysis, we explicate the different ways in which knowledge and belief are understood and operationalized in a broad spectrum of research, we describe the theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying these approaches, and we explore the important areas of contention (both theoretical and empirical) surrounding each of these distinctions.  相似文献   

课程、知识与认识论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识不是所谓的科学认识论的奴婢,也不是征服世界与改造世界的力量,更不是使求知者自身异化的力量。课程作为学生的一种求知活动,学生的所求知识不仅是个对象范畴,更是一个过程与活动范畴,即求知活动的过程本身将成为学生重要的知识来源。当代知识在转型过程中日益呈现出不确定性、创生性、情景性的特征。然而,传统的认识论意义上的知识观只能使人们不断地扩张追逐与占有知识,从而占有他人的欲望;只能使人们对知识的崇拜欲膨胀,造成社会不平等的合法化,致使人与人的关系变得紧张起来。因此,这种知识观要予以解构。  相似文献   

In this response to Muis et al. (2006), I draw on the writings of Dewey to explore three critical questions. The first question is what is gained or what is lost when the study of epistemology moves from philosophy to psychology and eventually to educational practice? The second asks whether the primary question under examination should be if students’ beliefs about knowledge or knowing differ by domains or why they may differ? Finally, what are the implications of the generality or specificity of students’ epistemic beliefs for educational practice?  相似文献   

知识是课程的核心要素,知识论是研究知识的专门理论。随着人们对自然世界、社会世界和人文世界认识的深化,人们对知识的认识也处于不断丰富和发展之中,知识论话语的变迁映射着这种发展。通过分析这种话语变迁,提出课程知识观应有的嬗变,为课程变革提供一种解析视角。  相似文献   

知识全球化引发出对作为知识根据与基础的形而上学问题的激烈讨论。尽管各个民族形而上学的超越性相同,但思维方式、语言表达及其道德伦理目标不尽相同。如何在新一轮的知识论研究中更深入地触及这一哲学主题,不仅标志着东西方文化新一轮的思想碰撞,更是哲学以生存方式为新视角的中西哲学比较主题的理论创新。  相似文献   

知识经济的核心是用于创新的科学劳动成为社会劳动的重要形式,知识经济下的劳动价值论应将科学劳动纳入生产劳动范畴。就此问题,本文从科学劳动和知识价值取得的角度,运用劳动价值论进行了分析,得出了“劳动——知识——劳动——知识”的动态链。  相似文献   

高等教育发展的知识解读   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在以往与知识和社会的相互关系中,高等教育扮演着传授知识给社会的角色,有着自己的知识定义,知识的主旨是对学术的追问。然而到了当今社会,社会的旨趣已不仅仅是对学术的观照,人们日益把在劳动力市场中具有使用价值的操作知识置于优先考虑的地位,高等教育越来越被视为经济的产物,导致在对高等教育的描述和对学生质量的诉求上,直觉、理解、反思、智慧和批判被淡化了,高等教育的发展呈现出关注规划、数量、收入、产出、绩效、产品的提供能力,以及社会的贡献率的发展取向。为超越这一取向,有必要从知识认识论重新转向的角度探讨高等教育未来发展的走向。  相似文献   

余文森 《教育研究》2012,(1):118-124
筛选、编制和传递公共知识,一直是学校教育的主要任务。从主体构成来看",复合主体性"是公共知识的一个最为显著的特征;从基本向度来看,公共知识具有明显的"认识向度"的特征;从认知方式来看,公共知识所遵循的是科学认识论路线;从来源和发展过程来看,公共知识主要表征为间接经验;从实际内容来看,公共知识主要表征为本质、科学、规律、真理等形式;从基本性质来看,公共知识具有明显的客观性、普遍性、确定性;从知识信念来看,公共知识是所谓的现代主义知识观所认同并给予辩护的一种知识类型。  相似文献   

经典认识论具有非文化中性、语境无涉和覆盖面过窄的特点。因此,有必要进一步探讨不同文化的地方性知识,扩展认识论的研究领域。首先,在认识论、文化人类学、知识社会学和科学哲学相关研究的基础上,地方性知识概念的内涵可以被概括为:它是文化的一个组成部分,具有社会-文化语境相关性和本土文化空间内嵌性等特点,以及评述和适应环境的功能。其次,从描述性辩护和规范性辩护两条途径为地方性知识的局部合理性辩护,进而表明对于它在其中产生的文化社群及其语境而言,地方性知识是能够被社群接受、满足需求、适应环境的恰当手段,而没有任何出于他文化的理由可以拒绝这种局部合理性。最后,我们提出一个面向地方性知识的跨学科研究领域:地方化认识论。  相似文献   

先秦中国哲学中蕴含着丰富的知识论思想,尤其是道家的知识双层论、墨家的知识分类学说、名家的知识相对说及共相说,这些思想学说影响至今。然而,先秦哲学家关注的是对人生的反思,追求的是内圣外王之道,并不注重对认识本身或认识过程结果的反思。此外,他们的论述往往十分简短,从内容看上去似乎并不连贯。在语言上用格言、比喻和事例来说理,富有神秘主义色彩。在一定程度上可以说先秦中国哲学缺乏严谨的逻辑和形而上学,从而未能形成完善统一的知识论理论体系,这不得不说是一种遗憾。  相似文献   

西方不同路向的教师知识研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从不同的认识论与方法论出发,结合实证研究,阐述了不同路向的研究者对教师知识研究的不同观点,试图揭示不同路向的研究者对教师知识本质的不同理解及其对教师专业发展的意义与局限.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,学习成为新的潮流,构建学习型社会已成为历史的必然趋势.学习型社会是发展知识经济的沃土,它能促进生产劳动智能化、创新活动普及化、决策科学化和经济环境文明化.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of academic freedom as one of the fundamental principles central to modern university,discussing its importance for the society,exploring how the concept is socially constructed from a historical perspective,and revealing that underlying the notion is desirability of knowledge.This article then identifies threats and challenges to academic freedom western universities face mainly in the contemporary context.At last,academic freedom is discussed in the Chinese context,followed by a reconstruction of academic freedom as a universal ideal.  相似文献   

高校图书馆为服刑人员提供知识服务,有利于高校及高校图书馆双重发展,有利于彰显高校图书馆人文精神,有利于建设社会主义和谐社会,且服刑人员呼唤高校图书馆的知识服务。高校图书馆对服刑人员提供知识服务的途径有捐赠图书、开通流动书车、设立图书流动站、建立读书基地等无偿文献信息服务和开展阅读疗法服务。高校图书馆还可争取社会各界支持,通过建立自愿者资源储备库、开展丰富多彩的读书活动等,增强对服刑人员知识服务的合力。  相似文献   


Recent theory (Schommer, 1990) suggests that personal epistemology is multidimensional. The multidimensional epistemology structure with middle school students was tested in this study. Over 1,200 students in Grades 7 and 8 completed an epistemological belief questionnaire. Prior theory, developed with college students, suggested 4 epistemological belief factors: Ability to Learn, Structure of Knowledge, Speed of Learning, and Stability of Knowledge. Confirmatory factor analysis applied to a random half of the sample indicated that a 3-factor model was a good fit to the data. That model was replicated with the second half of the data. Follow-up regression analyses indicated that the more students believed in gradual learning and incremental ability to learn, the higher GPA they earned.  相似文献   

Using a case study method, the experiences of a group of high school science teachers participating in a unique professional development method involving an argue-to-learn intervention were examined. The participants (N?=?42) represented 25 different high schools from a large urban school district in the southwestern United States. Data sources included a multiple-choice science content test and artifacts from a capstone argument project. Findings indicate although it was intended for the curriculum to be a robust and sufficient collection of evidence, participant groups were more likely to use the Web to find unique evidence than to they were to use the provided materials. Content knowledge increased, but an issue with teacher conceptions of primary data was identified, as none of the participants chose to use any of their experimental results in their final arguments. The results of this study reinforce multiple calls for science curricula that engage students (including teachers as students) in the manipulation and questioning of authentic data as a means to better understanding complex socioscientific issues and the nature of science.  相似文献   

课程知识观是课程文化的核心价值体现,也是常规课程范式的重要构件。重建课程知识观的努力关键在于确立新的逻辑起点并得到相应知识理论关照。波兰尼的默会认识论一方面帮助人们进一步认清了传统课程知识观的局限,另一方面也为课程知识观重建提供了新的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

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