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Quanzhou Marionette Theatre has just finished the production of China‘s first marionette TV series entitled “Golden Monkeys on the Snow Mountain”. The series tells a story about a young Tibetan girl fighting against foreign poachers of golden monkeys on snow mountains.  相似文献   

7月16日晚,阿维尼翁戏剧节OFF单元“中国之夜”活动成功举办,这是中法建交50周年庆祝活动的重要组成部分。中国驻法国大使馆文化参赞李少平、文化部外联局西欧处副处长赵心舒、戏剧导演孟京辉、演员刘烨,法国文化部中法建交50周年庆祝活动协调人鲁杰丽(Catherine Ruggeri)、阿维尼翁市主管文化的副市长卡特琳娜·比戎(Catherine Bugeon)、OFF单元主席格雷格·热尔曼(Greg Germain)等中法嘉宾、观众和戏剧界人士出席了活动。  相似文献   

<正>In celebration of the Chinese lunar New Year of the Rabbit,the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)recently held an exhibition displaying its collection of a...  相似文献   

日前,由中国文化部与比利时王国驻华大使馆共同在京举办“欧罗巴利亚中国艺术节”国内新闻发布会。文化部副部长赵少华、比利时新任驻华大使奈斯、“欧罗巴利亚中国艺术节”中方总协调人、文化部外联局长董俊新、艺术节展览项目总策展人、中国美术馆长范迪安、比方总协调人、前驻华大使克莱尔·吉尔尚、欧罗巴利亚国际协会总经理德·穆尔德、北京市新闻办公室、广东省文化厅的代表及国内外70余家媒体记者,出席新闻发布会。  相似文献   

This article focuses on representations of mental illness on U.S. network television, particularly the “police procedural” Elementary. As a modern interpretation of the Sherlock Holmes character, Elementary is unique in emphasizing the detective’s struggles with drug addiction and mental illness, as well as a long road of recovery where intellectual labor is instrumental and “therapeutic” (rather than stressful and alienating). Despite its critical acclaim, Elementary’s progressive portrayals of symptoms of mental illness in Holmes are complicated by the series’s stereotypical depiction of villains that are “mad men,” “lunatics,” and “psychopaths” driven by financial gain and individual greed. The “acceptability” of mental illness in the series is measured by a character’s compliance with the dominant social order. While Elementary provides some positive messages about mental illness, its socioeconomic commentaries individualize “madness,” violence, and the pitfalls of late capitalism to support an increasingly problematic narrative of neoliberalism and mental health.  相似文献   

由文化部、国家广播电影电视总局、北京市人民政府共同主办,中国对外文化集团公司、北京市文化局承办的“相约北京”联欢活动(下称“相约北京”)在成功举办11届以后,  相似文献   

由文化部主办、厦门市人民政府承办的第五届“中国国际钢琴比赛”将于今年10月28—11月7日在福建厦门举办,预计近百名中外选手报名参赛。“中国国际钢琴比赛”是文化部主办的三大国际性艺术赛事之一,每三年一届,该赛事历届的成功。得到国际钢琴艺术界的广泛关注和高度评价。“中国国际钢琴比赛”力求按照国际最高规格的同类赛事的标准筹办,  相似文献   

“Experience the Heritage: Digital Exhibition on China's Intangible Cultural Heritage” was recentlyheld in the Capital Museum in Beijing, as part of the celebrations to mark the 6fth annual Cultural Heritage Day.  相似文献   

Peking Opera Alleglan under Heaven is adapted from a story about a Chinese states- man's filial piety in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC). The inspiration/or this on-stage performance comes from the Chinese classic Spring and Autumn Annals. It narrates the story that Lord Zheng throws away the past resentment and becomes reconciled to his moth- er, underlining the importance of ties of blood and affection and calling for social conscience and humanity. Its premiere has special and realistic implications, especially in the Chinese soci- ety today in which money worship is gaining the upper hand over traditional morality.  相似文献   

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