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The present study examines adult–child touch and its functions in a Swedish preschool (for 1 to 5-year-old children). The data are naturalistic observations and video-recorded data of everyday preschool activities. The study describes the frequently occurring functions of educators’ haptic conduct (control, affectionate, affectionate-control, assisting and educative touch), discussing them in relation to the children's age, gender and type of the preschool activity. It reveals the complexity of touch, demonstrating that physical contact is used for a variety of purposes in the educators’ daily work. The educators employed touch without force, and the children did not respond with explicit and forceful resistance (such as pushing back or otherwise protesting). Adult-initiated haptic behaviour served a continuum of social purposes – from social–relational work, such as establishing and building affectively positive, caring, social relations, to practical and educative organisational efforts to manage the complex and busy preschool life. The distribution of adult–child touch categories brings attention to the bodily aspects of the early childhood educational setting and highlights some of the ways in which the requirements of the Swedish curriculum for Preschool and its focus on educare are actualised in the educators’ embodied conduct.  相似文献   

As an indicator of nations' prosperity and economic competitiveness, research impacts the mounting roles and requirements placed upon academic researchers. Internationally, researchers are expected to effectively operate in the fast-changing and demanding research environment. Such effectiveness corresponds mainly to their ability to establish international and interdisciplinary collaborations, secure internal and external grants, and most importantly deliver tangible research outputs. As such, this desired research excellence impacts researchers' academic appointments, recognitions and promotions. Driven by research productivity and pursuit of academic excellence, researchers' individual autonomy may become restricted. This work is based on (a) an international study exploring research productivity within higher education institutions across 15 countries and (b) a relevant international literature review. The voices of 32 participants portray competencies required from and requirements placed upon academic researchers at their respective universities. Findings show that the role of academic researchers is changing and the requirements pose challenges to researchers' autonomy. The research productivity quest along with opportunity-driven decisions may not only restrict researchers' autonomy but also compromise their academic integrity.  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程作为一种开放课程,主要包括信息技术教育、研究性学习、社区服务和社会实践以及劳动与技术教育等内容。基于学习需要和综合实践活动课程的多维评价指标,本文从学习需要和教学目标的形成、学习需要的传送系统和综合实践活动课程教学的评价等三个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于GIS初步设计一个入境旅游流信息系统,进行了总体框架设计和功能设计,经过初步试验,建立了中国入境旅游流信息系统的框架,并初步实现了其功能.该系统实现了文中的大部分功能,可以浏览数据,统计数据,为旅游流研究服务并实现了初步功能,其包括了入境旅游流研究的基本内容,可以极大的辅助旅游流的研究.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访问法、调查法和数理统计法,对重庆市7所院校的课程设置方案进行深入研究。研究结果表明,重庆市体育教育专业设置的课程体系与《方案》基本吻合,但7所院校的课程设置与《方案》在学分、学时、专业必修课、选修课、专项课程上的差异显著。重庆市课程体系存在每门课程的学时和学分少、教育类和教学技能类课程少、英语和计算机没有达到《方案》的等级要求、重术科轻学科和选修课程不系统等不足。  相似文献   

分析国内孕妇装的发展现状,从实现卫生安全性的角度出发,提出解决措施。研究表明,当前国内孕妇装存在虽品牌众多但设计定位不高,材料选用不当以致存在安全隐患,行业标准缺失以致生产监管缺位等问题,这严重影响了孕妇装卫生安全性的基本需求。孕妇装生产企业应根据不同怀孕期间加强结构设计以优化卫生安全性的结构条件,基于舒适性和安全性的需求改进主辅材质的选配以完善卫生安全性的材料基础,并紧扣卫生安全性标准,强化孕妇装生产的全过程监管。  相似文献   

Access arrangements are the way in which awarding bodies for public examinations in England, such as the General Certificate of Secondary Education, make reasonable adjustments for students with special educational needs and disabilities. SENCos have expressed concerns about the onerous nature of managing requirements for access arrangements, both administratively and practically, but there has been little explanation of why an apparently straightforward process proves so challenging. In this study, the development of a whole-school system to improve the administrative and practical management of access arrangements is used to seek to understand how the requirements set (and re-set) annually interact with school systems and processes to render the administration of access arrangements potentially complex, time-consuming and unpredictable. Scotland's flexible, school-led framework of requirements for the management of public examination assessment arrangements is highlighted as potentially more fit-for-purpose for the organisation of statutory reasonable adjustments for educational assessment.  相似文献   

Existing research identifies that students’ approaches to assignments are related to their general approaches to study. It is suggested that students need to better understand the requirements of assignments and acquire new concepts such as ‘argument’. This fine-grained study proposes four qualitatively distinct assignment pathways: gathering, connecting, minimalist and performing. Students negotiate assignment pathways to sustain a sense of control, confidence and connection. Making changes to their approaches to assignments is not straightforward. Suggestions are made for using insights from the research to more effectively support assignments as vehicles for learning.  相似文献   

There is paucity of original research that explains phenomena related to content organization and site design of educational Web sites. Educational Web sites are often used to provide Web‐based instruction, which itself is a relatively recent phenomenon for business schools, and additional research is needed in this area. Educational Web sites are designed with a different set of criteria as compared with other sites, such as those having an e‐commerce or marketing focus. More research is needed to build a theoretical foundation for feature requirements in educational Web sites. As in any new approach to teaching and learning, critical issues need to be examined before Web‐based instruction is fully integrated into teaching processes. When developing educational Web sites, features that support pedagogy should be given primary consideration. It is therefore important to identify key elements that will have maximum impact on learning. Using Q‐sort analysis (a type of Factor Analysis), this study investigated feature requirements of educational Web sites as perceived by business students. Based on the analysis of user requirements in relation to several variables that were identified from a review of literature, group characteristics emerged from students' responses. Similarities and differences between groups were investigated, and implications of these results for development of educational Web sites are presented in this study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Currently available Lean tools such as Lean Assessments, Value Stream Mapping, and Process Flow Charting focus on system requirements and overlook human behavior. A need is felt for a tool that allows one to baseline personnel, determine personnel requirements and align system requirements with personnel requirements. Our exploratory model ‐ The Personnel Behavior Based Lean Model (PBBL), attempts to ingrain the human perspective into Lean design. The model is both a result of our research into the workings of the human element in Lean production, as well as a tool for research. The model can baseline the current state of personnel and develop a strategy for behavioral change to aid Lean implementation efforts. Accumulation of historic data using the model can help to develop a human capability index in the lines of process capability index. The paper describes the development of the model and subsequent validation of the model through a case study. The case study also serves as a stepping‐stone for future work and research suggested at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Minds, modules, and meta-analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wellman and colleagues' meta-analysis of performance on the false-belief task is methodologically useful, but it does not lead to any theoretical progress concerning the nature of the mechanisms that underlie the existence and development of "theory of mind." In particular, the results of this meta-analysis are perfectly compatible with "early competence" accounts that posit a specific, innate, and possibly modular basis for theory of mind. The arguments presented by Wellman and colleagues against such views stem not from their meta-analytic data, but from mistaken assumptions regarding the requirements of such theories (e.g., that there exist manipulations that improve performance only, or to a greater degree, in young children). Contrary to what Wellman and colleagues claim, their meta-analysis, while consistent with conceptual change, does not lend any new support for such theories.  相似文献   

新形势下体育教师素质的缺失及补救措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新《体育与健康课程标准》的实施,使体育教师清醒地意识到时代的要求和竞争压力的紧迫感。为了适应改革的新形势,体育教师必须更新观念、转变角色,通过不断的学习和探索等补救措施来达到巩固自己教师地位的目的。  相似文献   

Just as growth mixture models are useful with single-phase longitudinal data, multiphase growth mixture models can be used with multiple-phase longitudinal data. One of the practically important issues in single- and multiphase growth mixture models is the sample size requirements for accurate estimation. In a Monte Carlo simulation study, the sample sizes required for using these models are investigated under various theoretical and realistic conditions. In particular, the relationship between the sample size requirement and the number of indicator variables is examined, because the number of indicators can be relatively easily controlled by researchers in many multiphase data collection settings such as ecological momentary assessment. The findings not only provide tangible information about required sample sizes under various conditions to help researchers, but they also increase understanding of sample size requirements in single- and multiphase growth mixture models.  相似文献   

工学结合是一种将学习与工作相结合的教育模式。工学结合的教育模式目前面临课程体系难以体现职业岗位的要求,企业参与性不高以及师资队伍实践能力欠缺等现实问题。因此,可从教学改革、师资队伍建设及校企合作等方面采取措施进行破解。  相似文献   

Although it is assumed that student cognition contributes to student performance on achievement tests, it may be that current testing models lack the degree of specification necessary to warrant such inferences. With test score interpretations as the referent, the authors in this special issue address the role of student cognition in learning and educational measurement. The practicality of their recommendations is viewed through the filter of No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) testing requirements. Commentary on the broader learning context is also shared. Although a focus on student cognition is an important one, the situational context within which learning occurs and tests are administered warrants consideration of a variety of social factors in order to fully specify the measurement construct and to interpret test scores meaningfully.  相似文献   

The rise of cognitive approaches to the study of human communication demands an analysis of standards for evaluating such accounts. Three sets of standards are detailed in this essay: necessary requirements, aspects of an explanation needed to advance falsifiable predictions concerning cognitive structures and processes; sufficiency requirements, principles for assessing an explanation with respect to its relationship to relevant data; and aesthetic requirements, matters of quality which concern the intuitive power and appeal of explanations.  相似文献   

艺术设计专业的毕业设计一直是该专业课程设置中的重头戏,是一名设计专业的学生整个在校期间学习的一个总结,是学生设计能力、实践制作能力及其综合素质的体现。作为"以就业为导向"的应用型本科尤其是高职院校,更加看重对学生的专业技能和综合素质的培养,更加注重对学生的就业能力的培养,毕业设计也和一般本科院校要有所区别。本校的毕业设计在选题、选择导师、组织安排、展览、综合评价、后续实习衔接等等方面,通过不断地实践探索,有了很大的创新和可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

Research has found differences in students?? abilities, attitudes, and family and community background to be the largest source of variation in student learning, but these are difficult for policymakers to influence, at least in the short run. However, the single most significant school variable affecting student achievement is ??teacher quality??, and this is potentially open to policy influence. After giving an overview over teacher qualification requirements in the UK, the USA, France, New Zealand and a few other countries, this paper addresses the rationale of licensing examinations. It then considers the possible consequences of implementing them in a country such as Israel, which has recently been contemplating teacher training and licensing as part of a wider educational reform.  相似文献   

全面推进加快实施现代远程教育工程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代远程教育这种新型教育方式正以革命性的姿态迅速发展,并已成为我国政府在新世纪里全力推进的一项“教育基础工程“.文章从全国发展的宏观战略高度,对这项“国家工程“中的目标项目的构成,高校试点工作的任务、运作及尚需解决的问题等方面作了全面阐述,以此为参照,对中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目“的评估工作提出了具体的要求和希望.  相似文献   

新兴的持续数据保护技术基于无缝备份和还原技术,可以实现数据的实时备份,以及备份故障发生瞬间对任意时间点数据的快速恢复,从而保障客户的业务连续性需求。目前市面上已经出现了一些基于该类技术的产品如容灾网关DR3000等。仔细研究此类技术及产品的特点,并尝试将其应用于安徽X烟草公司的灾备系统建设。实验及实践应用表明:此类方案具有能最大限度减少容灾对生产系统的影响、不改变原有架构、恢复操作反映快、可对任意时间点进行数据恢复等特点。  相似文献   

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