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1.一Would youl认e something to drink,or eon七e?一eo价e,please.(2006北京海淀区) A .tea B.丘uit C.b邝ad D.meat 2.一Would youl议e to 90 swirn们ning with me this afternoon?一—,but 1 have a lot of homework to do.(2 006江苏南京) A .x,d love to B.Yes,let’  相似文献   

一、语言知识应用(‘0分) 11 don’t think it’5 a good idea to_other’5 homework.It will start a bad habbit. You Shou一d do your、n work.( A .make B.finish C.eoPy D.do 2.She 15 at math than English.( A.即od B.better C.well D.bad 3 .He said that he_90 to the movies初th his frierid_Fridy night.( A .would:onB.will:in C.would:in D.w呈11:on 4.She me.She didn’t want to be my friend anymore.( A .15 inte化sted in B.was exeited at C.was mad at D.was Pleased with 5 .She ean’t_her shyness.She e…  相似文献   

A第一组: .讲ndl take儿胎t①叩即d的主语通常是“人”,即“某人在某方面/做某事花多少时间或金钱。”例句: l)Thelx,y叩end。a lot of mon即.(in) p坛ying computer邵nlo. (那个男孩花了很多钱玩电子游戏。) 2)Sbe sPeni fots of money onh”ks last ye日了·(去年她花费很多钱在书本上。)②t欧e前常以it作形式主语,作“做某事需要花多少时间。”It takes (人) 时间 t。dO,山. 1)How long does it加改e you to finish山ew切玉? (你需要多少时间才能完成那工作?) 2)It took me an hour tole研ur my bike. (我花了一个小时修理自行车…  相似文献   

instead/instesd Of一1 .Hedidn’t help me一1 A.Inste“B·一2·YoU‘0“k“·ed,一,walk.(2003北京)一A. aheadof 1 C.infrontof _,he But working laughed C .50 indoors at me.(z0()5青海省) you should be out fora B .insteadof D .in sPiteof intereat/interesting/interested 1 .This book 15 very and 1 am in it.(2005甘肃省) Illterest:llltefest 2 .It interested;interesting 15 believed that ifa D .interested;interested book 15_it will surely_the AC reader.(2004上海) A .interested C .interested lllte…  相似文献   

召爱玲 《中学生英语》2004,(1):23-26,32
1.根据句意或首字母提示写出单词。(10分)1 .My father 15 a worker.He works ina2.1 ean’t find my ruler .May Ib_ yours?3 .His motherl_home at6:30 eve叮 morning·4 .Could you give me something to eat?I’m very5 .Please listen to the teaeher e in elass, or you ean’t follow.6 .Tuesday eomes before_·7 .We don’t 90 to sehool at、v~—.·8 .1’m 111,the dootor gives me some 111一一一.9 .This eoat isn’t eheap,i*’5 ve叮_.10.Englishis a useful(有用的)l_,we musttvork hard at it.n.用所给词的适当形式填…  相似文献   

笔试部分(100分),!.词组互译。(10分)l.每周五天2.教他们汉语3.我们中的一个4.浇花____5.拍照片」6.make the bed一一7 .throw it like that 8.give me ahand9.have a maths dass___10.want ago__”.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(5分)1 1.5 15 thefirstd叮oftheweek.12Theb叮5 are 1 English from Mr Smith.13.Luey ish_.She,d like something to eat·14.Please give the Pen b tome tomorr哪·15.Can he speak al English?16.Thed叮before Thursd即15 W now·17了I飞le box 15 e .1 want afllllone.18.Don,t talk.The old man 1…  相似文献   

请看近年相关高考试题: 1 .All but(,,le__here ju、t now.(MEfl988) A .15 B .areC,}ias】犯en D .we咫 2 .A libral)with five thousandb以,ks—t〔,the nation as a gift.(MErlg如) A .15 offe份d B.haso价陀d C .are offered D .have offered 3 .Whenan(1 whe一℃to buil(1 lhen即faetoly____yet.(入M盯199一) A .15 flot de(·i(led,B.a比not decided C .h舀rlot deei(1找1 D.ha、·e not deei〔!e〔1 4 .Tlle rluln})er of peoPle invite(I___fiftv,but ar一un让一el一jf tl一e.11_____abse:1tf(一I·d ifferentre邵on.(NM…  相似文献   

1._(sleep)late in the afternoon,Bob tumed off the alann.2.一Mum,why do you always make me eat an egg eve叮 day? 一_(get)enough protein and nutrition as yqu are growing uP·3._(go)to the palaee with just a flower 15 to say“I,m 卯or.1 haven,t即t any joelle巧·”4._(tell)you the truth,1 am not in favour of your Plan.5._(read)in good light helps prevent strain that might injure your eyes.(travel)far above the elouds in an aeroplane 15 a eheerful expe-TlenCe.(drill)holes under the sea has proved …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 词汇(15 分)A) 根据句意和所给首字母, 写出空白处所缺的单词。(5 分)1. Everyone took part in the meeting e me because I was ill.2. Tom f in love with a Chinese girl when he worked here.3. There are many different kinds of a in Shenyang.4. I think dolphins are s than sharks.5. We donIt have e time to finish the work.B) 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1. IIm going to be a teacher when I (be) older.2. Nobody can (predict) the future.3. The workers (build) another bridge over the river…  相似文献   

Unit 3随堂通     
SteP一、根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。l(for seetionA) 1.一Exeuse me.Can you show me your driving 1?一Certai记y.Here you are. 2.肠。k at the a In 51,.It says“.Smoking 15 not the museum.”7.__(Make)kites 15 very interesting·8.跳t me see your__(drive) lieense. 9.He’s即i嗯to_(J ohn)birthday party·10.You should be out instead of__(sit) in.三、选择填空。1 .1 think students shouldn’t罗t their ears 3.一I面nk you are muehs sister. than your一Thoughl’m not elever,I’11卿my best to do it b…  相似文献   

IV.(关于改间接引语为直接引语,10%)略。V.Replaee the underlined parts by non·finite clauses(in6nitive,par· ticiPial or gerundial Phrases):(20%) l·He an,icipa,ed tha,he would ge‘much plea,u毕from the犷e些吵 of that book. 2 .Theye么n,t bear anv humiliation. 3 .Eliot was astonished when lie liea一d that his Painting had”n first Place· 4·There was a su弥s,ion,也a冬.Brown be dropped .from the te愁单: 5 .He stole out of the room in order that he would not disturb me. 6 .He got to the statio…  相似文献   

9.指令(issuing a command)(1)Say/R ead after m e,please.(2)Follow m e,please.(3)D o what I do.(4)R epeat,please./R epeat after m e.(5)O nce m ore,please./O ne m ore tim e,please.(6)Com e here,please.(7)Please com e to the front./Com e up and write on the b…  相似文献   

(A)Ned:Why do you always wear two watches?Ted:I need to see how slow the other one is.(B)Passenger1:Excuse me,does this train stop at New Town?Passenger2:Yes,just watch me and get off one station beforeme.(C)Diner:Waiter,your finger is in my soup.Waiter:That's all right.It's so used to(惯常)the heat,I hardlynotice it.(D)Customer:I'd like to try on(试穿)that dress in the window(橱窗).Salesgirl:Sorry,madam,but you'll have to use the dressingroom(试衣间).(E)  相似文献   

丫顺黔珊鲡碱淤妙知渺一”兰1.(l)Do you衍th his studies? (2)Do you his studies? A .how、。泌2.(一)1 have neverseensuehaeleverman—he. (2)He made sueh an exeellents户姆ch—eve卿ne res那eted him. A.like B.as C.that D.and 3.(l)When 1 stop伴d thinking,1 found_in the elassroom·A .me seated B.me sining C .myseU sat D.myseif Seated (2)When 1 entered theroom,1 found a liule baby on the table. A.sat B.sitting C .seating D.seati飞himself 4.(l)T卜reeye。以er he tumed_doctor·(2)T卜ree years later…  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测。A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Li Hua has two new2.Don’t thank3.Is the c10ck 0n the4.Could you help.(g00d)desk5.Please舀ve the eraser to.(knife)(they)?(break)cany the box7.(he)B)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。6.Meimei aIld:X诅od0Ilg class.are n00鑫。the§锄e A.in difllerent class B.in same school C.at same school D.in di仟erent classes7.——Could I have a knife,please? 一OK.Here vou are. A.Give vou B.Give me C.Here it is D.Catch8.——Can you help me mend my bike? …  相似文献   

English Proverbs     
Art 15 long,。ld time 15 fleeting一助爬介11owKn阴edge 15 a treast一re,but Pmctiee 15 thek即to it一F己ler[。e断neighbour as thyseir一Jesus仆e firstw曰业th 15 health.一E毗rsollThe,::It:st阮more to life than havi嗯eve示hi嗯一Maunee反j ldakU介15 sweet一EnglishVirtue 15 far falrer thanbeauty一En沙shWorkh)vewhile it 15 day.me little,love me long一JohnA-rt imPmves natu二一肠ngfellow位以1 eonlp田ly on the mad 15 the shortest eut·心15 notat坛川d that halps一Fe卿ssonI己eness 15 the rust of the而n…  相似文献   

1.词语过关(单词拼写) 1 .Those bananas aren’tr_yet一they’re still green·2.一Would you like some fried fish?一No.Thanks.I’m on ad 3 .Riding a bike hel声devel叩a ehild’s sense of_(平衡)·4 .Could you_(削)an orange for me? 5 .Did”u get ani_to Ke可’5 party? 6 .We should eneourage ehildren to show theire 7.The eonferenee’s_(主题)15 edueation and training. 8·The wheel in the Indianfl略isa_(象征)of peace. 9.仆e womane_30 dollars ad叮by rePairing shoes. 10.Salt 15 asp_as gold in ma叮plaees…  相似文献   

根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1.When I am in trouble,I always(找她帮忙).(turn)2.He has been to Beijing.(我也去过).(so)3.He(结婚)for two years.(marry)4.I used to sleep(开着窗户).(open)5.Not only(我们丢了)all the money,but we alsocame close to losing our lives(.lose)6.You must do(按吩咐的去做).(tell)7.This is the room(我们住过的)last year.(live)8.(碰巧)I didn’t take anymoneywith me.(happen)9.(不知道该做什么),he decided to ask the teacherfor advice.(know)10.(尽管有困难)…  相似文献   

一、宾语:宾语表示动作的对象或承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面,和及物动词一起说明主语“做什么”,由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式和(宾语)从句. 如:They went to see an exhibition yesterday.(名词) The heavy rain prevented me from coming to school on time.(代词) How many dictionaries do you have?I have three.(数词) They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词) He pretended not to see me.(不定式)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语过关(单词拼写)。1.(缺乏)of skilled workers is our maindifficulty.2.He was(免职)from his position aschairman.3.Why was he so(刻薄)against me?4.We(感谢)your efforts for thedevelopment of the company.5.It(突然想起)to her that she mightadopt a homeless child.6.On CCTV,there is a(焦点)interviewevery day.7.I was late and I tried to a being seenby the boss.8.This is a kind of good activity thatcombines entertainment and e soperfectly.9.His story of rescuing six drowning menwas i.10.Many pe…  相似文献   

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