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2012年伦敦奥运会遗产计划分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合英国的社会、政治和经济状况,对2012年伦敦奥运遗产计划进行分析研究,认为现代"奥运遗产"概念已超出传统意义上的界定,其内涵已经随着奥林匹克运动的不断发展而不断地丰富,同时,对奥运遗产的保护和利用也随着奥运会全球影响力的扩大而不断扩大,其发掘、保护和利用应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

伦敦奥运会的成功确立了中国体育大国的地位,创建了与国情紧密结合的奥运战略,肯定了中国竞技体育改革的策略。伦敦奥运会的成功得益于3个基本策略:体制外改革、渐进主义改革和举国体制。为了迎接将要到来的转折期,我国竞技体育改革应加快体制内的改革步伐,实行复合式的发展战略,构建"三位一体"人才培养模式,进一步完善相关法规。  相似文献   

转眼,北京奥运会的辉煌已经过去两年。备战2012年伦敦奥运会的“大考”周期已过半,今年下半年第16届广州亚运会的“中考”又迫在眉睫。简单回顾,新一轮备战奥运会的工作一直在紧锣密鼓,马不停蹄地进行。今年初,为强化备战奥运会的组织管理,进一步完善层次分明、职责清晰、  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the cultural information on (Olympic) sports presented in Swedish media coverage of the London Games 2012. A starting point for the analysis is that the media plays an important part in shaping a majority of the viewers' ideas about what sport is, and who is a real sportsman or sportswoman. In that way, the media gives cultural information on sports. The article focuses on a quantitative analysis of media representations, exploring how coverage intersects with gender and nationality, and devotes special attention to a comparison between the ways in which Sweden and Britain are represented in the media. The study demonstrates that there was a higher percentage of articles on Swedish sportswomen participating in the London Olympic Games compared to previous Olympics. A possible explanation is that the Swedish gender equality discourse has permeated the Swedish media, influencing it to cover sportswomen more than before. In addition, the cultural information presented to the Swedish readership about the London Olympic Games is, in short and oversimplified, nationalism rather than internationalism; that women, and especially Swedish women, practise sport; that track and field, swimming, handball, equestrian sports and football are very important and that they are performed by both men and women; and, finally, that in Britain, men play football and women are not involved in many sporting activities.  相似文献   

A controversial judgement denotes that a decision made by referees is deemed to involve errors and those errors result in the athlete being disqualified or being given unreasonable scores in the match. While the athletes from other parts of the world were eager to raise appeals against controversial judgements at London 2012, those from China were reluctant. The argument here is that the reluctance was a duty of the Chinese Olympic delegation with the aim of relieving the concern of the international society that China was likely to become the Middle Kingdom in the Pacific Rim. A non-confrontational China at London 2012 was considered a placatory diplomatic gesture by the Chinese authorities.  相似文献   

采用数据统计、比较研究、视频观察和逻辑分析等方法,对第30届伦敦奥运会上各国男子体操队获得的奖牌和单项前8名选手比赛的得分情况进行统计与分析,揭示出当今世界男子体操发展动态及竞争格局,同时分析我国男子体操的优势和不足,并提出建议,为我国竞技体操的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

伦敦2012年申奥片的视觉文化传播研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申奥片是一个以影像为传播形态的视觉文本,申奥片拍摄者们将本国体育精神、申办理念转换为一个个视觉符号隐藏在申奥短片中,运用视觉的方式建构和传达出申办国的国家形象和人文观念,期望在申奥会议现场对国际奥委会的评委进行最后的视觉游说.对伦敦2012年奥运会申奥片进行宏观和微观上的视觉文化传播分析,有助于我们理解视觉符号如何通过视觉影像建构申奥国的国家形象,以及人们是如何通过视觉符号来理解和把握申奥国国家形象的.  相似文献   

运用《奥运举办城市可持续发展计划评估量表》,从战略目标总体规划、设施规划、奥林匹克公园开发、基础设施规划等方面,对《2012伦敦奥运会和残奥会遗产计划》进行分析。认为:《2012伦敦奥运会和残奥会遗产计划》中关于奥林匹克城市建设方面具有较好的可持续性;奥林匹克城市发展与城市长期总体规划及其他地方规划具有较高的一致性。  相似文献   

毕雅静 《收藏》2012,(13):148-153
2012年6月7日至17日,欧洲最重要的古董展之一"奥林匹亚国际艺术品与古董展"在它的起源地——伦敦奥林匹亚会展中心举行,同时也迎来了该古董展的第40个生日。奥林匹亚国际艺术品与古董展不仅是英国最富盛名的古董展,也是欧洲创建最早的古董展之一,创建的最初目的在于方便英  相似文献   

帆船运动主要是靠风在帆上产生动力而推动船前进的运动项目,风是帆船运动最主要的条件。本文采用实验研究的方法,探索了伦敦奥运会帆船竞赛区域的风的特征,为我国帆船运动员徐莉佳在奥运比赛中有效地利用风和正确选择航线提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

以10届全运会和29届奥运会男子400m跑的冠军及前6~前8名运动员的成绩为调查对象,纠正传统认识上对400m跑项目界定为耐力性中跑项目的偏差,提出400m跑属于糖酵解代谢类型的短跑项目.在此基础上,分析了影响我国男子400m跑成绩落后的主要因素,提出我国男子400m跑成绩的运动训练对策.  相似文献   

1948 was South Korea's first ever appearance in the Olympics – a poor country, forced to adjust to division on the peninsula, with a limited athletic presence. But South Korea won its first medals and contributed to the tortuous process of securing its international standing. Sixty-four years later, by the time of its second appearance in a London Olympics South Korea had become a powerful economy with a high international profile and a strong athletic representation – coming 5th in the final medal table. This study compares and contrasts not just the two London Olympics in terms of athletic performances but also the changed roles for South Korea within both the global sporting community and broader international society. Despite the continuing division on the peninsula, the two London Olympics provide symbols and markers of the aspirations, achievements and failures of South Korean policy-makers and their people.  相似文献   

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London with 51 athletes. They won a total of six medals and finished 20th in the overall medal table. However, most observers of the London 2012 Olympics will not remember North Korea's athletic successes but the flag blunder that kicked the Games off with a diplomatic row. On the first day, the South Korean flag was accidentally displayed next to the faces of the North Korean women's football team on the stadium's huge screen. Although there have been several flag controversies and blunders in the context of the Olympic Games, this incident must be considered as one of the most embarrassing and high-profile as, technically, North and South Korea are still at war having signed only an armistice at the end of the Korean War in 1953. This paper deals with three interrelated issues: first, it outlines the development of inter-Korean political and sporting relations since the 2008 Beijing Olympics before, second, it focuses on the political significance of the 2012 London Games. Third, it summarises key themes and ideological messages emerging from a qualitative analysis of the state-controlled North Korean media coverage of the 2012 Olympics. The Korean Central News Agency appears to pursue a dual strategy: it aims to increase the popularity of outstanding North Korean athletes and create home-grown stars, and also attempts to encourage an alternative discourse about the country abroad. All these issues need to be analysed in wider context of significant political changes in both Koreas, particularly in the North, where Kim Jong-un, who came to power in December 2011, has started to carve out a distinct identity and forge his own leadership style.  相似文献   

王彩云 《辽宁体育科技》2013,35(1):40-41,56
通过文献资料法、观察法和数理统计法,对2012年英国伦敦奥运会体操比赛男子运动员的比赛成绩进行归纳、对比和分析,结果表明:中国体操队一共获得了4枚金牌、3枚银牌和1枚铜牌,继续位居体操奖牌榜的首位;中国体操男团成功夺冠,但在个人全能项目上却无竞争力;男子体操已经不是中国队一家独大,欧美各国的单项选手层出不穷。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法和数理统计法,对中国女排在2010年世界女排锦标赛上的11场比赛进行了详细统计分析,认为:①中国女排的发球、接发球和防守都存在问题。②中国女排在进攻方面的主要问题,表现在进攻结构不合理、个人和集体战术应用过于单一。③中国女排今后在调整队伍、配备场阵容和训练时,应充分考虑影响进攻能力的3个主要因素:保证进攻点的多样化;合理分配每个进攻点的进攻比重;提高每个进攻点的成功率。  相似文献   

2012年伦敦奥运会田赛项目运动员竞技表现特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料调研、数理统计、比较和逻辑分析法,以伦敦奥运会田赛项目比赛成绩前8名,共计128名运动员的竞技表现过程为研究对象,对其竞技表现特征进行比较分析.结果表明,伦敦奥运会田赛项目前8名运动员的年龄为24~32岁,平均27.6岁;克托莱指数平均值方面,投掷高于跳跃,同类项目男子高于女子.男、女项目运动员平均成绩的变异系数有显著性差异,男子项目平均成绩的稳定性明显好于女子.田赛各项目发挥率普遍在97%以上,男子项目高于女子项目.田赛远度项目运动员的总成功率在60.9%~81.1%之间,投掷项目的成功率明显高于跳跃项目;远度项目决赛前3轮、中间两轮和最后一轮的成功率呈递减趋势;6个轮次出现运动员最好成绩的几率均等,没有显著性差异;远度项目对成功率的依赖程度明显高于高度项目.运动员成绩的可重复性,男子远度项目远大于女子、田赛投掷项目好于跳跃项目.  相似文献   

South Korea has often been considered a successful host nation after the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and their apparent positive economic, cultural, social and environmental legacies. The purpose of this essay is to offer an analysis of economic growth as a consequence of earlier Olympic Games and to extrapolate to the 2012 London Olympic Games and beyond to the forthcoming 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. It is the intention of this essay to examine previous studies, economic indices of world banks and reports of each Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (OCOG). The hypothesis is that the Olympic Games have not positively influenced the economic growth of the host nations. The essay explores this conclusion with reference to London 2012. The essay will reveal past negative influences of the Olympic Games and ask the International Olympic Committee (IOC): ‘What is the IOC's responsibility to the host city after the Games?’ Finally, the essay will propose and recommend an economic tool to the IOC to ensure sustainable outcomes after the Games.  相似文献   

文章运用录像观察法、数据统计法、文献资料法对2012年伦敦奥运会跆拳道铜牌赛和决赛的录像进行观察并详细记录相关数据,对数据进行对比分析,得出新规则的使用促进了更多新技术的产生,转身动作明显增多,腿法的空中变化性以及推踢技术使用明显增多。在跆拳道比赛中击头技术是得分的有效手段,在实战中十分重要,准确把握时机可以掌控比赛的主动权,扩大比分优势,击溃对手的心理防线,从而获得比赛的胜利。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对英国的奥运"金牌战略"进行剖析,为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会的到来,同时也为实现竞技体育本身的政治、经济价值,英国政府通过加强体育管理,采取政策措施,加大投资等方式在短时间内取得了斐然成绩,并对赛后遗产进行妥善规划。作为2008北京奥运的主办国,中国在今后发展竞技体育的过程中当汲取其成功经验,进一步完善举国体制,政府与社会共建,协调发展体育事业。  相似文献   

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