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在我国出版业的改革改制中,政企分开、政事分离的任务已经基本完成.许多出版单位,包括一些新成立的出版集团都是从原行政机关脱离出来的,目前这些出版单位都在忙于改革与改制,进行组织结构调整、人员调整、资源整合、市场整合,一些出版单位还在实行企业流程再造、管理信息系统的建立.这些都是十分必要的,走出这一步将为我国出版业发展提供新的机遇、良好的发展平台、广阔的发展前景.但许多出版单位转制后,发展势头并不快,内部矛盾还有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

Digital publishing has been considered as a panacea to bridge the gaps between different sized publishing companies: allowing small, independent companies to compete on an equal footing with cross-media conglomerates. However, this research discovered that Scottish publishers are not capitalising on new technology and new platforms for dissemination: this is detrimental to the authors they represent. The empirical research found that the majority of Scottish publishers are not fostering intellectual property rights (IPR) effectively across international markets and new media: The failure to do this means that the operational practices of the Scottish publishing industry are not in harmony with the burgeoning digital publishing environment. If Scottish publishers continue with current practices it will become increasingly difficult for them to compete in the national and international publishing environment. This study concludes that only by better training and knowledge exchange, in matters of rights exploitation and digital publishing, can Scottish publishers compete in the international arena and contribute to, and benefit financially from, the knowledge economy.  相似文献   

知识经济的到来,市场经济的发展,科学技术的进步,必然使出版企业发生一系列的变化,由此对出版业从业人员的素质也提出了新的要求。重视出版企业人才继续教育,对出版企业的生存、发展具有重要的现实意义。出版企业是人才继续教育的主战场。继续教育围绕出版企业的生存和发展开展了各项活动,使出版企业人才能时时把握时代发展的脉搏,保证出版企业在经济效益和社会效益等方面都能收到有效的提高。  相似文献   

Rolnik's preconference went well beyond the “business of publishing from a very basic perspective” as described in the conference program. Rolnik's preconference described the publishing market, operations within publishing companies, and how publishers find content. Dr. Peter Binfield, a guest speaker with expertise in society publishing, complemented the preconference.  相似文献   

安琪 《出版科学》2021,29(2):119-128
在近代中国印刷技术革命中崛起的上海商务印书馆是二十世纪上半叶美术复制的重镇.商务印书馆美术复制的技术构成元素揭示出,特定复制技术与美术品类型之间存在对应关系.商务印书馆的美术复制和出版实践既是都市商业社会中印刷资本主义运作的直接结果,也是清末民国美术消费、古物鉴藏、出版业内部行业竞争等诸种关系彼此作用的实践场.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cost and incidence of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests within councils in Scotland and in particular, the cost and incidence of requests which have been defined as ‘vexatious’ in order to investigate if the negative perceptions surrounding the cost and misuse of the legislation are justified. Additionally, the criteria and guidelines that councils are using to define ‘vexatious’ are also examined. The approach taken to the research in this study is a survey of the 32 councils in Scotland using freedom of information requests as the data collection method.  相似文献   

Academic research libraries have a tradition of collaboration, from selecting foreign language material to licensing electronic resources. Although most storage facilities have tended to be local, some libraries have collaborated on operating shared storage facilities. The growth of digital repositories of printed materials has given the library community the opportunity to engage in a conversation about how to collaboratively take responsibility for the long-term selection and preservation of the print originals. Establishing regional repositories will allow member libraries to draw down local print collections. This review article will trace the major development of this progression from local storage facility to regional print repository.  相似文献   

陈璐颖  宋建武 《编辑之友》2021,(4):19-26,33
5G技术将开启出版业由数字化向数据化转型的新阶段.内容生产方面,海量用户和机器直接参与内容生产,改变了生产主体间的关系,重构了出版流程;内容呈现方面,超高速率和超低时延的5G网络将提升虚拟现实内容的用户体验,各类传感器接入网络将推进数据的广泛采集,促进多维度数据的可视化呈现;内容分发方面,信息载体的泛在化将带来全新的内容产品形态,促进内容的场景化分发,内容数据与用户数据的匹配则为内容精准化分发提供了可能.面对5G技术带来的挑战,出版机构应集中优势资源建设智能出版平台,连接出版行业的多元主体,将自身从内容传播的中间商转变为内容服务平台的运营商.  相似文献   

This article provides a summary of and commentary on ‘A Lovely Kind of Madness: Small and Independent Publishing in Australia’, an unpublished report by Kate Freeth, commissioned by the Small Press Underground Networking Community (SPUNC), the representative body for small and independent publishers in Australia, and released in November 2007. Freeth’s 14,000 word report constitutes the most detailed and comprehensive study of Australian small and independent publishing since the second volume of Michael Denholm’s Small Press Publishing in Australia (1991) and provides much primary material for policy makers, scholars, and people working in and around the publishing industry.
Nathan HollierEmail:

最具发展潜力的数字出版正面临着数字鸿沟的挑战,从根本上看,数字鸿沟涉及的是信息平等和社会公正.面对数字资源获取维度不平衡引发的“信息鸿沟”,数字化技术普及过程中出现的“技术鸿沟”,以及数字技术增长导致的数字思维分化鸿沟,数字出版必须坚持数字技术利益分配上的公平正义原则,扩大数字出版物的共享尺度,提升从业人员的数字素养,加强数字技术协作,唯有如此,才能真正将数字挑战转化为数字机遇.  相似文献   

This paper gives a detailed overview of contemporary authorship in Scotland through the analysis of interviews with and a survey of Scottish authors. These results are compared to previous studies to highlight the changing nature of authorship over the years. Both the survey and interview results paint a pessimistic picture of authorship in the twenty-first century, with the majority of authors earning very little from their writing and depending on alternative avenues to improve their income. Additionally, Scottish authors are not benefiting from the numerous new platforms to exploit their work through, which could help to enhance their income. This is partly because many Scottish authors still have a traditional view of publishing and do not think about their work commercially, and partly because, in many cases, their rights are controlled by their publishers and not widely exploited. This survey also found that Scottish authors with London literary agents earned more income than their counterparts with Scottish agents; however, this was mainly because they were more likely to be published with London publishers. This shows that Scottish publishers are failing their authors by not fostering their rights efficiently and effectively: fostering these rights more effectively could help supplement authors’ income.  相似文献   

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