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国内有很多高校和科研单位每年都对各自单位发表在科技期刊上的科技成果(论文)进行不同标准的奖励,科研管理部门在统计执行奖励工作时普遍采用《中文核心期刊要目总览》一书作为依据,把刊登学术论文的科技期刊划分为正式出版与非正式出版、核心与非核心来作为评定科技成果(论文)的质量和等级的指标,并作为奖励科技成果(论文)的一个定性和定量的依据。  相似文献   

2012中国民办本科院校科研竞争力评价研究报告   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
选择论文、课题、专利和奖励四个考察视角,对全国84所民办本科院校现时科研状况进行定量分析。近年来我国民办本科院校的科研工作进步很快,少数民办本科院校的科研已呈现出良好的发展态势;但校际之间发展差异较大,还有相当一部分院校的科研发展仍处于比较低的水平,主要表现为发表在国内核心期刊和国际期刊上的论文不多、高层次的课题不多、发明专利不多以及高层次的科技奖励不多。因此,建议民办院校要进一步重视科研工作,将科研视为高校的一项重要职能;要加强科研管理机构的建设,制定和完善相关制度,积极开展科研活动的组织、管理工作并尽快提高其水平;同时大力加强高端师资的引进和培养,争取先有局部的突破,然后激活并带动全局的发展。  相似文献   

当前国内各高校均重视科研论文的奖励,但是奖励政策尚存在以期刊等级定论文等级、重物质奖励而轻精神奖励等问题,本文对此进行了分析,并提出解决此问题的途径。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,对重庆市16所本科院校体育科研现状特征、影响因素及制约条件进行了综合分析研究,结果表明:重庆市高校体育科研实力排名居全国中下,整体科研水平急需提升;高校体育科研队伍尚不成熟,职称层次较低,科研团队不稳定;不同类型和层次的高校在论文发表的质量与数量、课题申请立项与类别方面呈失衡状态;对体育科研的奖励力度不够,多数高校体育图书期刊资料数量种类较少,学科专业发展所需的体育仪器设备、实验器材配备不全。  相似文献   

为了充分调动广大教职工的科研积极性,促进我院教学科研和学科建设水平不断提 升,我院从2002年开始加大科研奖励力度,设立了科研单项奖励基金,对我院教职工所发表的论文、出版的专著、取得的科研成果和科研立项进行重奖,奖项包括优秀学术论文奖、学术著作奖、科研成果奖、重大科研立项奖等。 优秀学术论文奖:按照论文的学术水平和发表的期刊级别分别给予奖励。我院教师 凡在国际学术刊物NATURE和SCIENCE上发表的学术论文,每篇奖励10万元;在《中 国科学》、《中国社会科学》、《科学通报》等各学科权威期刊发表的学术论文和被SCI全文…  相似文献   

高校学术论文奖励政策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制定科学、客观的论文奖励政策是完善高校论文发表激励机制的一个重要议题,也是从事科研成果管理工作者的一项重要任务。从国际五大检索系统和国内核心期刊的学术论文水平测度及其对高校学术论文奖励的影响看出,一个科学、客观、完整的论文奖励政策应该包含较为普遍的鼓励奖政策和较为特殊的精品奖政策,对促进高校科研工作的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为提升学校的科研实力,国内不少高校在科研奖励上不惜大手笔、高投入,根据学术刊物级别对教师发表论文进行高额奖励,一篇学术论文的奖励低则千元,高则数万甚至数十万元。在某高校,  相似文献   

收集国内20所高校(主要是"985工程"及"211工程"高校)人文社科科研奖励的相关信息,运用内容分析法对其进行统计分析,得出如下结论:成果奖和论文是高校奖励的重点,奖励对象的多少与高校层次无关;发放奖金是最主要的奖励方式,社会力量奖受到一定程度的认可,但还需继续扩大影响;SSCI等国际收录论文受热捧,高校自行划分学术期刊等级情况较多,以刊代质现象还比较普遍;一些高校对结项为优秀的项目给予奖励,体现了对研究质量的追求,但并不普遍;各校奖励额度差异较大,可能和学校自身发展特点、经济状况和所处地域的经济发展水平等多种因素有关。基于此,笔者建议:科研奖励在追求数量的同时需要向追求质量转向;科研奖励的内容应该是多元的,但是奖励的标准应唯优秀而论;在注重物质奖励的同时,也要重视精神奖励;要加快奖励方式的创新,既要激发个人也要激发院系学术机构。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对山东省高校不同结构教师在体育类核心期刊发表的论文进行分析,比较不同年龄、学历和职称结构层次教师发表论文的状况,旨在了解山东省高校不同结构教师高层次体育科研的现状,为提高山东省体育科研的水平提供参考.  相似文献   

对做好高校科技奖励管理工作的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校科技奖励和科研计划、科技推广一起,构成高校科研管理工作中最主要的部分.自从设立国家级科技奖励以来,科技奖励已经成为衡量高校科研水平的重要标志之一,在校内也成为衡量个人科研水平、科研成就的重要指标.在高校中,认真做好科技奖励管理工作,对扩大学校影响,对肯定、鼓励高水平的科学研究,对调动科研工作者的积极性,对获奖科研成果的推广,都有着重要的意义.多年来北京大学在如何做好科技奖励管理工作中进行了各种努力与探索,也取得了一定的成绩.以下是我们对做好高校科技奖励管理工作的一些认识.  相似文献   

We examined web‐based ratings and open‐ended comments of teaching‐award winners (n = 120) and research‐award winners (n = 119) to determine if teaching‐award winners received more favourable ratings and comments on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students rated teaching‐award winners higher than research‐award winners on measures of teaching quality (i.e. helpfulness and clarity). A higher percentage of teaching‐award recipients relative to research‐award recipients received positive open‐ended comments about competence, use of humour, clarity, appearance and personality as well as both positive and negative open‐ended comments about level of course difficulty. We discuss implications of these findings for lending credibility to the RateMyProfessors.com indices and for promoting published faculty evaluations at post‐secondary institutions more generally.  相似文献   

The examination of postgraduate research theses is of vital importance to academic institutions as well as to students. This paper reviews examination procedures at one university, summarising examiners’ comments on 58 theses. A number of questions regarding examiner anonymity, alternatives to the traditional doctoral dissertation, and most importantly, the criteria for the award of degrees are raised. Although great care is taken in choosing examiners, the criteria they are expected to employ are inadequate. Rates of progress of research students in different degree programs suggest that some students may well lack adequate information about the extent of their task as postgraduates.  相似文献   

Universities have been challenged asteaching as well as research institutions. Onthe one hand, universities have been requiredto teach more students and pay more attentionto quality of teaching and educationalprogrammes; on the other hand, there has beenincreasing focus on faculty researchperformance. This paper examines whether theseare conflicting demands, or whether universityfaculty are able to fulfil these requirementssimultaneously. In Norway, the number ofuniversity students almost doubled between 1987and 1995. Norway is, therefore, a sound case toexamine the impact of massification onuniversity research.  相似文献   

This article analyses and discusses the interplay between the social processes of nationalisation, localisation and globalisation in a single European nation state. The view of nationalisation put forward draws on a national case study based on historical and sociological research findings. The second part of the article presents a case study of the nature of globalisation and localisation in an average Finnish university. The article shows that nationalisation of Finnish higher education has created a cultural understanding of higher education institutions important for competition with other nations. As for localisation, on the one hand higher education institutions support their local communities and provinces to gain social and economic benefits. On the other hand, local communities and provinces support their higher education institutions in the hope of benefiting from them. The case studies also suggest that economic globalisation creates new dynamics within higher education institutions both through strategic alliances between higher education and commercial enterprises and through the emergence of alternative new funding sources for research.  相似文献   

高校图书馆员的人格魅力与大学生素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了高校图书馆员如何在实际工作中发挥自己独特的人格魅力作用 ,从而参与到学校的育人工作中来 ,更好地为高校的教学和科研服务 ,为大学生的素质教育和成才服务  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of an award scheme provided by one of the Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs). The award scheme provides financial and other support for lecturers teaching higher education in colleges of further education. Award schemes are common to most of the CETLs and have also been provided in some institutions. The article discusses findings from a focus group discussion held with recipient practitioners. The focus group discussion was part of a study of the impact of the CETLs on reward and recognition for teaching, funded through the Higher Education Academy. The article locates the award scheme in the wider context of the national CETL initiative and in the changing structure and function of further education. The impact of the award is examined in terms of the opportunities and benefits experienced by the individual lecturers and also in terms of the impact on the wider policy agenda of the CETL initiative to improve reward and recognition for teaching.  相似文献   

1949年后的中国史学界随着政权的鼎革出现了颠倒乾坤的局面,唯物史观派取代史料学派掌握史学界的话语权,不遗余力地对旧的史学研究机构进行改造并创建新的研究体制。一方面,唯物史观派传承了延安一脉史学研究机构,使延安模式走出延安一隅,扎根全国;另一方面,唯物史观派对国统区一脉的史学研究机构及团体的接收与整改,主要涉及四个大型的史学研究机构及团体,即"中央研究院"历史语言研究所、北平研究院史学研究所、中国史学会及南京国史馆。唯物史观派对新中国成立后史学界话语权的掌控是全面的,对旧史学研究机构及团体进行接收及整改即是众多努力中的一种,折射出新中国成立后史学界翻天覆地的变化。  相似文献   


Universities have been challenged as teaching as well as research institutions. On the one hand, universities have been required to teach more students and pay more attention to quality of teaching and educational programmes; on the other hand, there has been increasing focus on faculty research performance. This paper examines whether these are conflicting demands, or whether university faculty are able to fulfil these requirements simultaneously. In Norway, the number of university students almost doubled between 1987 and 1995. Norway is, therefore, a sound case to examine the impact of massification on university research.  相似文献   

The Belém Framework for Action underlines, among many other issues, that quality in adult learning and education must be holistic and multidimensional both as a concept and in practice, using various tools such as partnerships with higher education institutions. Bridging adult and higher education is difficult, but the lifelong learning paradigm may help European universities to meet the challenge. This paper argues that European higher education institutions should, on the one hand, educate adults to qualify them for their complex roles in society and economy either through academic programmes or in other, non-formal ways. On the other hand, higher education institutions should promote quality research on adult learning and education and develop active citizenship too. Emphasis was clearly given to the former task in the Budapest Statement in December 2008 as part of the European preparatory process for CONFINTEA VI, and the latter has been articulated by UNESCO for more than a decade. This paper suggests that a balanced position may help universities in setting themselves up as better and more effective learning organisations.  相似文献   

Previous research into attrition rates of Indigenous Australian Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates has focused on institutional barriers, highlighting cultural disparities. This case study of three academically able candidates who withdrew before completion from an institution designed to meet the needs of Indigenous students describes their path into the award and non-academic factors over the span of their education that impacted on their performance, then draws upon studies of resilience to propose that the psycho-social environments in which they had to operate were complex and burdensome. It proposes that institutions that enroll Indigenous Australian HDR candidates cannot ignore these environments and more appropriate support strategies should be employed.  相似文献   

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