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The relationship between absolute and relative stimulus novelty was examined within the context of the conditioned taste aversion paradigm in which the relative novelty of the conditioned interoceptive stimulus was manipulated by differential exteroceptive context habituation. Rats received similar isolation histories but either 5 or 30 days of habituation to the test environment prior to treatment. One group was administered lithium chloride following saccharin consumption, a second group was administered isotonic saline following saccharin consumption, and a third group was administered saline after water consumption. The animals habituated for 30 days exhibited greater conditioned avoidance and greater neophobic avoidance of saccharin than did animals habituated for only 5 days. The results are interpreted in terms of a cross-modality stimulus contrast effect which implicates context habituation as an important parameter of both taste neophobia and taste aversion learning.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats poisoned following schedule-induced saccharin consumption showed a moderate reduction in the schedule-induced consumption of saccharin. With repeated poisoning, schedule-induced saccharin polydipsia was markedly reduced. Acquisition of conditioned aversion under the schedule-induced procedure was significantly slower than acquisition under water deprivation. In addition, recovery of consumption of the previously poisoned solution during extinction was more rapid under schedule-induced polydipsia. Experiment 2 revealed that schedule-induced polydipsia was less sensitive to suppression by conditioned aversions than a prandial drinking condition in which subjects were equally food deprived but were given a mass feeding instead of spaced pellet deliveries, suggesting that the relative insensitivity of schedule-induced polydipsia to conditioned taste aversions is not simply a function of different levels of food deprivation. This relative insensitivity is offered as a partial basis for the occurrence and maintenance of schedule-induced alcohol polydipsia.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, animals poisoned following schedule-induced or prandial-induced saccharin consumption subsequently showed identical aversions to saccharin when tested under water deprivation. In Experiment 2, animals conditioned to avoid saccharin to similar levels under water deprivation were differentially affected when saccharin was subsequently presented on the baselines of schedule-induced and prandial-induced drinking. Together, these data indicate that the differential effects observed on schedule-induced and prandial-induced drinking when animals are poisoned following consumption under these two schedules do not reflect the differential acquisition of taste aversions, but instead reflect the differential tendencies to drink induced by the spaced and massed feedings.  相似文献   

We compared the rate of acquisition and strength of retention of conditioned context aversion (CCA) with conditioned taste aversion (CTA) using pigmented, genetically heterogeneous mice (derived from Large and Small strains). Extending previous findings, in Experiment 1, mice accustomed to drinking from large glass bottles in the colony room learned to avoid graduated tubes after a single conditioning trial when drinking from these novel tubes was paired with injections of LiCl. The results also showed that CCA could be developed even when there was a 30-minute delay between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. Retention of the aversion lasted for 4 weeks in both Immediate and Delay groups. Studies of conditioned saccharin aversion were conducted in Experiment 2. CTA acquisition was very similar to that observed in CCA and duration of aversion retention was similar in the CCA and CTA Delay groups, although at least 2 weeks longer in the Immediate group. Thus, CCA acquisition and retention characteristics are closer to those seen for CTA than has previously been reported. In Experiment 3, we examined whether albino mice (which are known to have weaker visual abilities compared to pigmented mice) would develop CCA comparable to those of pigmented mice. The development of conditioned aversion and its duration of retention was similar in albinos and pigmented mice. Nonspecific aversion emerged as an important contributor to strength of aversion during retention trials in both CCA and CTA paradigms with pigmented (but not albino) mice and deserves additional scrutiny in this field of inquiry.  相似文献   

Rats were successively exposed to three solutions with distinctively different flavors and then tested for both neophobia and propensity to form conditioned taste aversions to a fourth distinctively flavored solution. All permutations between the four solutions (salty, bitter, sweet, and sour) were examined. The prior exposures resulted in attenuation of neophobia to novel salty and sour solutions, but not to equally novel bitter or sweet solutions. These effects were found to depend upon thediversity of the prior ingestive events rather than upon either a single specific flavor experience or a summation of the reductions in generalized neophobia accrued by each substance separately; both of the latter findings are inconsistent with stimulus generalization being responsible for the observed attenuation of neophobia to salty and sour solutions following exposure to diverse different solutions. A further test of generalization between the salty and bitter solutions, consisting of associating one flavor with poison and extinguishing the avoidance response in half the animals prior to testing for generalization of conditioned taste aversion to the other flavor, also proved negative. Although these effects of exposure to flavors distinctly different from the test solution may be dependent upon solution concentrations, further research found that the same pretest exposures and same test concentrations failed to inhibit formation of conditioned taste aversions. A demonstration of “latent inhibition” attested to the sensitivity of our procedure to potential interference with acquisition of conditioned taste aversions. The results are considered in light of the relationship between neophobia and conditioned tasted aversions, the differential biological relevancy of specific tastes, and abstraction as a cognitive capability of rats. The possibility is raised that the defense against toxins is not the primary function of neophobia.  相似文献   

In many publications, Sjödén, Archer, and their colleagues have studied conditioned taste aversions and found that in addition to taste, the bottle and/or spout containing a solution exerts strong control over the expression of an aversion. For example, Sjödén and Archer claim that this bottle stimulus will support a bottle-illness association even with long delays between the bottle and illness and after only a single conditioning trial. They have interpreted their results as indicating that contextual effects are important in taste-aversion learning. However, a confound in their procedure, stemming from the bottles they used, could explain their results in a simple way. Sjödén and Archer have emphasized that the bottle stimuli they used to distinguish between contexts consisted of one of two different sizes of drinking spouts, the larger of which made a clicking noise when licked. However, the larger spouts were always attached to plastic bottles and the smaller spouts were always attached to glass bottles. If discriminable tastes from the plastic bottles existed, then taste may have been inadvertently manipulated. Support for the likelihood of a plastic taste includes the seminal work on taste-aversion learning that stemmed from the serendipitous use of plastic bottles in the cage that rats were irradiated in and glass bottles in the home cages (see Garcia, McGowan, & Green, 1972). In these early demonstrations, rats learned to avoid the taste of water in the plastic bottles but not the taste of water in the glass bottles.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversions produced a moderate, but transient, suppression of schedule-induced polydipsia. This suppression was greater and longer lasting when rats were offered a choice between water and the previously poisoned solution on the polydipsia baseline. A final experiment demonstrated that taste aversions were more effective in suppressing schedule-induced consumption when superimposed on a developing schedule-induced drinking baseline as opposed to a stable pattern of schedule-induced drinking. It was suggested that schedule-induced polydipsia is insensitive to conditioned taste aversions. This conclusion was discussed in terms of schedule-induced alcohol consumption and its potential as an animal model of alcoholism.  相似文献   

Rats repeatedly injected with lithium chloride were subsequently tested drinking novel and familiar solutions of both casein hydrolysate and vinegar. Injections in the absence of edibles result in only a small, and sometimes not reliable, increased avoidance of the novel casein and vinegar solutions. In contrast, if subjects acquired an aversion to saccharin as a result of the lithium injections, this learned aversion generalized to casein hydrolysate, with the generalization greatly enhanced by novelty of the casein flavor. However, the saccharin aversions did not generalize to the novel vinegar solution nearly as much as to the novel casein flavor. These results suggest that previous observations of poison-induced neophobia were probably in part a result of the stimulus generalization of conditioned taste aversions and that in addition to test stimulus novelty some other factor, such as stimulus salience or similarity to the conditioned aversive flavor, is also involved in the generalization of learned taste aversions.  相似文献   

Thirsty Sprague-Dawley rats drank flavored water in a wind tunnel prior to lithium-induced toxicosis. Flavors were presented for 5 min; 30 min later a toxin, lithium chloride, was injected. After the rats had recovered, subsequent aversions to the taste and the odor were assessed separately. In Experiment 1, extensive preexposure to the taste component of the flavor attenuated neophobia to the flavor and the subsequent taste aversion. However, the subsequent odor aversion was unaffected. Experiment 2 partially replicated the results of Experiment 1 and showed that, in a situation in which only taste-potentiated odor aversions are usually found, nonpotentiated aversions were evident. Experiment 3 found that, in addition to attenuating taste aversions, taste preexposure enhances the capacity of rats to learn nonpotentiated odor aversions. The results are interpreted with a neural-based model of conditioned flavor aversions.  相似文献   

Animals poisoned following exposure to saccharin subsequently avoided the schedule-induced consumption of saccharin. While this suppression was transient for subjects who had access only to the saccharin solution during the free-food presentations, recovery of schedule-induced saccharin consumption was significantly retarded for subjects who had concurrent access to saccharin and a running wheel. It has been suggested that the transient suppression of schedule-induced polydipsia by conditioned taste aversions results from the pellet-induced tendency to drink within the schedule-induced polydipsia procedure. That access to the running wheel reduces schedule-induced polydipsia in general and prolongs the suppression of schedule-induced polydipsia by taste aversions supports this view.  相似文献   

In four experiments, it was found that rats subjected to extinction of conditioned taste aversions readily reacquired these aversions when subjected to conditioning once again. Two of the present procedures were very similar to those used by Danguir and Nicolaides in unsuccessful attempts to obtain reconditioning of extinguished taste aversions.  相似文献   

Two studies used a one-trial-a-day aversive conditioning procedure with rats as subjects to investigate the effects of a noise versus a light CS on conditioned freezing. Experiment 1 demonstrated that less conditioned freezing was elicited by the light, although the two CSs led to similar levels of freezing to the contextual cues of the conditioning chamber. Experiment 2 replicated these outcomes and showed that the manipulation of CS intensity produced results similar to those of modality, with the more intense CSs eliciting less freezing. The second experiment also determined that freezing to contextual cues resulted from context conditioning. According to the Rescorla-Wagner model, CSs that condition poorly should generate little competition with context conditioning. Since neither the modality nor intensity factor reliably influenced context conditioning, as measured by context-evoked freezing, the studies provide no support for the view that the effects on CS-evoked freezing represent differences in the strength of conditioning to the various stimuli. This finding raises the possibility that all of the CSs conditioned well but varied in their abilities to elicit freezing because they differed in terms of the form of defensive behavior under their control.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is sensitive to changes in the temporal context. A change in the time of day of conditioning with respect to the time of day of the preexposure can disrupt the latent inhibition. This contextual change in the time of day may reveal a temporal specificity of latent inhibition. The optimum procedure to induce this temporal specificity is not well established. For example, it has been shown that a long period of habituation to temporal contexts is one factor that can determine the effect. However, the experimental conditions on the conditioning day that facilitate this phenomenon are unknown. The aim of this study is to elucidate whether a restriction in the intake of the conditioned taste stimulus affects the temporal specificity of latent inhibition. Two main groups of Wistar rats were tested in a latent inhibition of CTA paradigm, in which the temporal specificity of this phenomenon was analyzed by a change in the time of day of conditioning. The intake of the taste stimulus was restricted in the conditioning day in one of the groups, but this restriction was not applied in the other group. The results indicated temporal specificity of latent inhibition only in the group without restriction, but not in the group with limitation in the intake of the taste stimulus during conditioning. These findings can help to elucidate the characteristics of the procedure to induce temporal specificity of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

Following ingestion of either water (Experiment 1) or saccharin (Experiment 2), experimental groups of rats were poisoned with lithium chloride and acquired an aversion to the ingested fluid. This aversion gradually extinguished and, in both experiments, was not reacquired when fluid intake was again followed by poisoning. These results are in marked contrast to usual findings of very rapid relearning following extinction with conditioning preparations other than taste-aversion learning.  相似文献   

The within-compound association approach has been proposed as an account of synergistic conditioning in flavor aversion learning. One prediction from the within-compound association approach is that following taste + odor compound conditioning, postconditioning inflation of one element of the compound should increase responding to the second element. In four experiments with rats, the AX+/A+ design was used to determine whether postconditioning inflation of A would increase responding to X. In Experiments 1 and 3, responding to X was significantly stronger after AX+/A+ conditioning, as compared with AX+ conditioning. In Experiments 2 and 4, the specificity of the inflation effect was demonstrated, because AX+/A+ conditioning produced a stronger aversion to X than did AX+/B+ conditioning. Furthermore, it appears that the taste + odor association is symmetrical because inflation of the taste aversion increased responding to the odor (Experiments 1 and 2) and inflation of the odor aversion increased responding to the taste (Experiments 3 and 4).  相似文献   

Animals poisoned following the schedule-induced consumption of saccharin initially continued to drink following spaced pellet deliveries. Neither the initiation of postpellet drinking (i.e., bout, initiation) nor the size and duration of the bouts was effected by the conditioned aversion procedure. With repeated conditioning trials (i.e., repeated pairings of saccharin and LiCl), schedule induced drinking was eventually reduced. The specific components underlying schedule-induced consumption, however, were differentially affected by the aversion training. Specifically, the decrease in schedule-induced drinking was effected primarily by a decrease in licking occurring between 10 and 60 sec after pellet delivery. Bout initiation and licking immediately postpellet (i.e., within the first 10 sec following pellet delivery) were most resistant to suppression and appeared to be responsible for the relative insensitivity of schedule-induced drinking to conditioned taste aversions. The differential effects of taste aversion conditioning on individual components of elicited behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

CS2-CS1-US autoshaping was given to hungry pigeons and evidence of CS2-CS1 association was sought. Pigeons pecked that key of a two-key compound CS2 located where the upcoming CS1 key light was to occur. Such CS2-CS1 association was: (1) quickly acquired, (2) quite durable, and (3) stronger with simultaneous than with successive discrimination tasks.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the effect of CS amount/duration on the conditioning of taste aversion have reported that animals having greater contact with the CS acquire greater aversion. These findings appear to contradict studies of CS preexposure, which show that greater contact with the CS results in less aversion. In the present research, the effect of CS amount was shown to depend on the CS-US interval. Thus, a 10-ml CS (0.15% saccharin) at 3- and 9-h CS-US intervals produced less aversion than a 1-ml CS, but there was no significant effect of CS amount at a 30-min interval. These results suggest a two-process interpretation of the delay gradient in conditioned taste aversion: one process (learned safety) is dominant at relatively long CS-US intervals, and a different process becomes dominant at short intervals.  相似文献   

A one-trial-a-day procedure was used to investigate the effects of US-CS pairings on extinction of conditioned suppression of licking by rats. Following acquisition trials, response suppression was immediately eliminated when US preceded CS, but it reappeared during subsequent CS-alone presentations. Ss that received backward pairings reached a significant level of extinction one trial before Ss that received conventional extinction trials.  相似文献   

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