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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
1.Whoisalways(总是)wearingablackcoat?2.Fromwhatnumbercanyoutakehalfandleavenothing?3.Thereisawordofeightletters.If(如果)youtakeawayfiveletters,onlyoneisleft.Whatstheword?4.Howcan11and2make1?5.TwoJapanesearestandingonahill,oneisthefatheroftheothersson.Whatrelation(关系)arethetwoJapanese?6.Howcanyoudrinkaglassofwaterfromthebottom(底部)?7.Therearefourcorners(角)inatable.IfIcutdown(砍掉)oneofthem,howmanycornerswillbeleft(剩下)?8.Myfatherhasnotanybrothers;mymotherhasnotanybrothers,ei-ther(也),b…  相似文献   

1.W hatis itthatis white andblack and red allover?2.W hattable do we see in thefields?3.W hat is that which goes upthe hill and down the hill and yetstandsstill?4.W hy are fixed stars likepens,ink and paper?5.W hy are the tallest peoplethelaziest?6.H ow can we change a ladyintoaboy?7.W hatkind ofanim alwillbe-com elargerwhen itshead iscut?8.W here can we always findm oneywhen welook forit?9.W heredoanim alsspeak with each other?10.W hen willanethold water?11.W hen can weseethingswithoutoure…  相似文献   

1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins (暗杀者,刺客) with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Why are giraffes[长颈鹿] the cheapest animals to feed? 2. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe[日光浴]? 3. Why is the pig always eating? 4. Why are politicians no longer concerned[关心]  相似文献   

1Who is married to the first lady?2.What weather do mice and rats fear?3.What is the longest word in the English language?4.What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full ofT?5.What eight-letter word has only one letter in it ?6.What five -letter word has only one left once you  相似文献   

1.Y ou can see it but you can’ttouch it.It m ay disappear but has neverreally left you.It grows throughout the day.W hat is it﹖2.W hat can run but neverwalks has a m outh but nevertalks has a head but neverweeps has a bed but neversleeps﹖3.W hat two words havethe m ost letters in it﹖4.W hat is yours but isused m ore by others than byyou﹖5.H ow m any sides does ahouse have﹖6.W hat starts with T,endswith T and full of T?7.W hy should you never m arry a ten-nis player?8.W hen do elephan…  相似文献   

5.What C3I卜VOU see When YOU、close your eyes?脑筋急转弯(英文)  相似文献   

1.What table do we see in the fields?2.What is that which goes up the hill and down the hill and yet stands still?3.Why are the tallest people the laziest?  相似文献   

1.why is the letter T like a boat?2.what is the end of the world?3.what eight-letter word has onlyone letter in it?4.can you spell jealousy with two letters?5.can you spell donkey with one letter?6.can you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters?7.what occurs once in every minute,twice in every moment,but not oncein a hundred years?8.why is the letter R absolutelynecessary to friendship?  相似文献   

Useyourhead,thenyou薷llfindaway!Pleaseuseyourunusualmodeofthinking,answerthefollowingquestions:1.WhichstateintheUnitedStatesisroundatbothendsandhighinthemiddle?2.Ifyoustandwithyourbacktothenorthandfacesouth,whatwouldbeonyourlefthand?3.OnApril1,1990,208peoplehurriedoutoftheLux鄄urycinemainNewYork.Canyouguesswhathappened?4.Tom薷suncleisapoliceman.Hehasn薷tsleptformanydaysinsuccession(连续地),butheisn薷ttiredatall.What薷shissecret?5.Whydoyoulookfirsttothelefts…  相似文献   

英文脑筋急转弯,感觉是不是很特别?请记住关键词:ele-phant(大象)1.Question:Whendoelephanthave8feet?Answer:Whentherearetwoothem。问题:大象什么时候有8只脚?答案:当有两头大象的时候。解析:简单的加法,就是准确的答案。2.Question:Whatdoyoucallanelephantwithacarrotinea  相似文献   

1.What kind of running means walking? 2.When can you have something and nothing at the same time in your pocket? 3.A police officer had a broth- er,but the brother had no brother. How could that be?  相似文献   

1.What letter asks a question?2.What letter is an exclamation(感叹) of surprise?3.What letter is a larger area of water?4.What letter is a kind of drink?  相似文献   

1 Two fathers and two sons went fishing.Each fisherman caught a fish,yet only three fish were caught.How is this possible? 2 At this moment,everyone in the world is doing the same thing.What is it? 3 Two teachers teach at the same school.One is the father of the other,s son.What relation are they to each other?  相似文献   

},.f。ro。,ter .a.d。n eaa 1 OntODO78DOInt6Q一rOOT 尸ne””Ouse,wn,cns,ae would the 699 rollo们 1 Zlfane一eot“ctraintrave一s 90 mi!65日n hour to the weat,and the wind 15 blow. ing ffom the north,in which d iFeCtionW川ths Smok6 bIOW? 3 Whattimeisit  相似文献   

脑筋急转弯是人们生活中一种常见的语言思维游戏,它运用语言的音,形,义,语法等结构以生动活泼的表现形式和突破定势思维的方式吸引着人们。下文从目的——意图原则和相关原则出发,浅析脑筋急转弯这一特殊言语交际行为的基本性质及语用推理过程。  相似文献   

日益开放的今天,许多中国人走出国门,不少外国人也来到中国学习、工作、定居.黄头发、蓝眼睛的孩子在中国同样受到了良好的教育,一些双语学校应运而生,为来自世界各地的孩子提供了优越的学习环境.  相似文献   

1.What can you see if I jump into water?2.Why is a river rich(富的;有钱的)?3.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it.H ow can you di-vide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still rem ainsin the basket?4.W hat kind of dog can never bite(咬)and bark(吠)?5.M y nam e is Jack.M y father and m oth-er have six children.H alf are boys and halfare girls.H ow m any brothers and sisters do Ihave?6.H ow can you drink a glass ofwaterfrom the bottom(底部)?7.W hy do fish live…  相似文献   

1. You can see it, but you can/t touch it. It may disappear, but hasnever really left you. It grows throughout the day. What is it?2. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, hasa head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?3. What two words have the most letters in it?4. What is yours, but is used more by others than by you?5. How many sides does a house have?6. What starts with T, ends with T and full of T?7. Why should you never marry a tennis player?8. When do el…  相似文献   

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