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顾客:May I try this on? 我可以试穿吗?  相似文献   

try on,put on,wear,dress,in都有"穿、戴"的意思,但用法颇不相同,要注意区别。1.try on强调"试穿",表示动作。例如:She tried on the shoes,they were too big.她试穿了那双鞋子,它们太大了。I’d like that black hat.Shall I try it on?我想要那顶黑色帽子。  相似文献   

1.try on意为“试穿”,指试穿衣服、鞋、帽等。接宾语时,如果宾语是代词,一般放在on的前面,如果宾语是名词,多放在后面,有时也可以放在前面。例如: Shall I ask the shopkeeper if I can try iton? 我要不要问问店主我是否可以试穿一下?  相似文献   

一、表示“穿戴”动作的有put on,pull on,try on和fit…on等。 1、put on表示“穿上、戴上”。其宾语是;衣帽、鞋袜、手套和眼镜等物。On为副词。其反义短语是take off。如: It's very cold.You'd better put on your overcoat.天很冷,你最好穿上大衣。 He took his hat,put it on,and left.他拿起帽子,戴上就走了。 2、pull on表示随便或勿忙“穿上、戴上”。多指通过提拉才“穿上”或“戴上”。其宾语是:袜子、手套、裤子等衣物。其反义短语为throw off.如 Tom pulled on his trousers and,run out of the room.汤姆提上裤子,跑出屋去。 He pulled on his gloves in a hurry,then left.他勿忙戴上手套,然后离去。 3、try on表示“试穿”、“试戴”。其宾语是,衣帽、鞋袜、首饰等。On为副词。如: Can I try the new clothes on?我可以试穿一下这件新衣服吗?  相似文献   

1. May I think it over? 我可以仔细考虑一下吗? 2. May I think about it for a moment? 我可以考虑一下吗? 3.May I think about it for another few minutes? 我可以再考虑一会儿吗? 4. I'll sleep on it.  相似文献   

Everyone has his or her dream.Someone said,“Success is based on dreams.”No matte how difficult it is,I will try best to do make it come ture.My dream is to be a basketbal player.From now on,I will play it hard.I regard basketball as part of my life.If I become a  相似文献   

You're going to change the world today. No, don't try to deny it! And you know, I understand that it can be a little overwhelming[无法抵抗的]to have the entire world depending on you. But I know that you can do it. Actually, I knew you could do it when I first met you. When I first saw the hunger in  相似文献   

AI was on my way to school when suddenly I found a wallet lying on the ground.I 1 it up,and found there was a lot of money inside.I looked 2 and there were 3 else.I thought the owner must be very 4.But who 5 it belong to?I wondered.I must try my best 6 the owner.I thought the class adviser might tell me7,so I flew to school 8.I was late for  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

(A)Ned:Why do you always wear two watches?Ted:I need to see how slow the other one is.(B)Passenger1:Excuse me,does this train stop at New Town?Passenger2:Yes,just watch me and get off one station beforeme.(C)Diner:Waiter,your finger is in my soup.Waiter:That's all right.It's so used to(惯常)the heat,I hardlynotice it.(D)Customer:I'd like to try on(试穿)that dress in the window(橱窗).Salesgirl:Sorry,madam,but you'll have to use the dressingroom(试衣间).(E)  相似文献   

Beautiful Stamps
Here are four beautiful stamps. Youcan see four animals on them. They are all very lovely. Do you like them? Please find the letter in each stamp and make an animal word. Can you do it? Have a try!  相似文献   

1.Come on.You can do it!来吧,你能行!2.Give it a try.试试看。3.Go for it.去试试吧。4.Have a go at it.你来试一试。5.It won’t hurt you to try it.你不妨试试。  相似文献   

White Rock     
When I was young I used to go sailing with my dad on Sundays. Each week we would try to sail further than the week before. (We always had to be home in time for dinner.) If we made it out real far we could see "white rock" in the  相似文献   

Dear son,孩子:The day that you see me old and I am already not,have patience and try to understand me...哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress...have patience.Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃得脏兮兮……如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点……你记得我曾花多久时间教会你这些事吗?If,when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times...do not interrupt me...listen to me.如果,和你说话时,我一再重复…  相似文献   

Name:Shanay Occupation:Student Travel Motto:The more you see,the more you know. The reasons why I travel: I travel because I want to understand questions and gain know ledge about this planet I live on.The only way for me to do this is to travel and speak to people.Find and share knowledge and ideas.Also it is really fun to see,taste,and try new things.  相似文献   

go easy on someone不计较A:Rebecca driving me up the wall again!丽贝卡又把我给逼疯了!B: Go easy on her. She's had a really bad day.别跟她计较。她今天过得很惨。I'm on it. 我这就去(进行)。A:Can you fix this washing machine in the next 5 minutes?你现在能在5分钟内修好这台洗衣机吗?B:I'm on it. I'll see what I can do.我这就修。我来想办法。  相似文献   

It is Sunday today. I go shopping with my mother. I want my mother to buy a new sweater for me. In a clothing shop,there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colors. I try on an orange one. It’s too big. I try a smaller  相似文献   

生活中少不了要提出些建议和劝告, 但是一定要注意提建议时的语气和用词。 这里收集了一些提建议的好句子, 大家要 学以致用哦! Encouraging someone who is hesitant 当某人犹豫不决时给予鼓励 1. Give it a try. 试试看。 2. Go for it. 去试试吧。 3. Have a go at it. 你来试一试。 4. It won’t hurt you to try it. 你不妨 试试。 5. It’s going to be hard, but give it your best shot. 事情会很难, 你尽力而为就 是了。 6. Come on. You can do it! 来吧, 你 能行! 7. Go for the first prize! I know you are good enough. …  相似文献   

Oh,there's not any Coca Cola left in the bottle.How can I get it?Maybe I can learn from the crow and throw the stones into the bottle.Then I can drink it up.OK I'll try it now. 226100 江苏省海门市海门镇中心小学六(2)班蔡妍艳指导老师施燕  相似文献   

Mask Maze     
Look at this mask (面具). Is it cool? Please look carefully. Oh, it' s a mask maze. Can you go through the maze? Have a try!  相似文献   

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