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邓小平继承和发展了马克思的科学技术观。文章仔细论述了邓小平和哈贝马斯的科学技术观,并透彻分析了二者的根本区别。  相似文献   

Epistemology, Science, and Moral Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two features of discussions on epistemology in the social sciences and education are examined. One is the depiction of science by its critics, the other is the separation of scientific inquiry and ethics. I describe science as very human and very fallible, but also very successful. Contrary to critics, science is not a search for eternal truth or an ultimate reality, rather it is tentative, self-corrective, and growing. Other anti-science arguments are also explored.The separation of ethics from the methods and subject matter of science by critics is seem as a fatal flaw. Ethical problems arise in concrete situations so that moral choices are contextual, requiring inquiry and reflection about options and their potential consequences. Here inquiry is directed toward the most desirable outcomes available.  相似文献   

In this article I explore a case for the inclusion of some aspects of critical thinking and of philosophy of science within science education that appeals to two commonly accepted aims of science education. Although motivated by reading Harvey Siegel's Educating Reason (1988), and emerging from his discussion there, the aspects I explore go beyond that discussion.  相似文献   

科学教育强调学生理解科学的本质,而不仅仅是知识,这是因为科学与社会之间的联系越来越紧密,凸显了将科学看作了解世界的方式在认识论上的重要性。出于个体认识论的需要、科学研究的认识论特征以及科学外行与科学家在认知劳力上的区分,科学教育的目标转向受教育个体未来的社会行动,应培育学生建立对科学的信任和维护科学的认识论权威。为实现这种目标,科学教育应从理解科学的本质转向理解真实的科学实践的本质,在科学教育中呈现真实的而非理想化的科学实践,采纳基于科学哲学模型和理论的实用主义进路。科学哲学对科学实践的新近研究,虽然可以提供理论基础,但应该与科学教育进行建设性对话,更加关注非科学家理解科学的模式,将哲学模型转化为适合学生认知水平和需要、符合教学情境的教学资源。  相似文献   

科学哲学的文化转向及其对科学教育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学哲学的文化转向使人们对科学的本质的认识由传统向现代转变。科学知识是暂时性、主观性、建构性的,它会不断地被修正和推翻。科学哲学的文化转向推动了科学教育改革。培养学生的科学素养是科学教育目标,科学教育应更加重视知识的产生和形成过程。科学学习过程要以探究为主要形式,同时注重对学生进行科学情感、态度与价值观的培养。科学哲学的文化转向将促进科学与人文的融合。  相似文献   

The article investigates the Theory of Knowledge course of the International Baccalaureate Organization. After a short overview of the aims and objectives of the course, the assessment criteria and a popular textbook are investigated. Shortcomings concerning the treatment of the natural sciences are highlighted and the problem is generalised to courses or curricula that aim to reconcile agendas focusing on critical thinking and philosophical analysis on the one hand and traditional science subject-agendas on the other. The article argues that these problems also surface in the actual teaching practice and their implications for the curricula need to be taken more seriously. Three possible alternatives to overcome these problems are outlined. The first is based on novel work in history and philosophy of science, the second on general theories of argumentation, and the third on systematic exploration of student interests and stakes.  相似文献   

再论教育理论与实践的本然统一   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现实中人们探讨教育理论和实践的关系多是从理论哲学的角度切入的,但这种角度不仅不会统一教育理论与实践,反而导致了教育理论和实践的分裂。在实践哲学视野中,理论和实践、教育理论和教育实践是不可分的。因此,只有重新重视实践哲学,教育理论与实践才能复归统一。  相似文献   

Many science teachers are presented with the challenge of characterizing science as a dynamic, human endeavour. Perspectivism, as a hermeneutic philosophy of science, has the potential to be a learning tool for teachers as they elucidate the complex nature of science. Developed earlier by Nietzsche and others, perspectivism has recently re-emerged in the context of the philosophy of science in the work of Ronald Giere. Giere presents a compelling case that scientific theories and scientific observation are perspectival by using science itself. There are many tangible examples already present in science textbooks which, when approached in a certain way, offer an exciting opportunity for a realistic incorporation of philosophy of science into the classroom. Furthermore, introducing perspectivism to students necessitates an engagement with notions such as truth, reality, perception and experimentation, through a familiar medium, while painting a nuanced conception of the nature of science.  相似文献   

马克思主义交往理论与哈贝马斯交往理论辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义的交往理论重视实践中主体间的交往关系,社会实践赋予交往行为特性,物质交往在全部交往行为中具有中心和基础地位。哈贝马斯的交往理论侧重在程序公正的条件下,完全平等的主体通过在理性动机下有效真实的互动达成共识。处理好马克思主义交往理论与哈贝马斯交往理论的辩证关系,可以丰富马克思主义理论教学。  相似文献   

本文对当前公众科学素养的现状、科学教育及研究的现状,以及对我国科学教育发展有重要影响的国外科学教育理论研究动态进行了简述与评价。  相似文献   

生态文明是现代社会文明系统的重要组成部分,从历史发展来看,生态文明是继原始文明、农业文明和工业文明之后,迄今为止人类文明发展的最高阶段。生态文明是建设和谐社会理念在生态与经济发展方面的升华;建设生态文明,是贯彻落实科学发展观的新任务,是党的执政兴国理念的新发展,是生态建设的新目标。而建设好生态文明,必须大力开展科学教育,因为科学教育是从科学、技术和社会(STS)的角度探讨涉及个人需要、社会问题、就业准备以及学术深造基础四个领域的问题,是一种向学生传授用于日常生活和未来科技世界的科学知识,教育学生如何处理科学与社会问题,懂得如何面对现实中的科学与社会问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

教育学是一门高度实践性的学科,它并不只是由一些普遍性的概念、命题和判断构成,而是需要大量的实践理性和技艺,需要许多难以言表、难以交流和共享的知识。教育学既是一种可以言说的知识,一套自恰、不矛盾的命题,一套可以演绎成篇的逻辑,也很可能是教育学者种种认识迷误叠加的结果。相对于复杂的教育实践,教育学知识永远是不足的,教育学者个体所拥有的教育学知识是极其有限的,甚至可以说是无知的。因此,教育学者要认识到自己只是建议者,而不是决策者。恪守这一界限,不仅有利于削减试图用理性的教育学知识改造和影响教育的致命的自负,克服唯理性主义的迷误,葆有对教育的一份敬畏和谦卑之心,也有助于教育学者自觉地养成一种民主的生活方式。  相似文献   

论教育科学理论作为环境教育的理论原点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自环境教育诞生以来,其学科性质、课程模式、教育方法、效果评价等问题的研究始终得到了教育科学理论的关注和支持,并在此基础上架构和形成了一门新的学科——环境教育学。教育科学理论与环境科学理论一样,是环境教育诞生和发展的又一理论原点,并促进着环境教育的不断发展。  相似文献   

This paper argues that educational research has not created a science of education in the sense of amassing the body of knowledge, skills, and values that, once acquired, would certify a candidate as a professional teacher. Educational research has not developed a science of education due to: the rigid boundaries between disciplines, the masculinization of research and the feminization of teaching, and the legacy of the grandmasters, Thorndike, James, and Dewey. The contemporary acceptance of interdisciplinary work, the occupational liberation of women and the advent of computers, and the availability of senior investigators in many different disciplines may make it a propitious time to create a true science of education.  相似文献   

Despite claims that STS(E) science education promotes ethical responsibility, this approach is not supported by a clear philosophy of ethics. This paper argues that the work of Emmanuel Levinas provides an ethics suitable for an STS(E) science education. His concept of the face of the Other redefines education as learning from the other, rather than about the other. Extrapolating the face of the Other to the non‐human world suggests an ethics for science education where the goal of pedagogy is peace with each other and the world through the rupture, eros and justice that arises from openness to the demands of the world. Understanding the infinite responsibility of the invocation presented by the face of the Other radically reconceptualizes science education from STS(E) towards an E‐STS curriculum of responsiveness that critically employs the said of modern science and opportunities of experience to enable the next generation of citizens to act in peace to what the world is saying.  相似文献   

教育工作者是教育科学的功能有效施放的最根本的决定力量。教育科学对于教育实践主体的功能集中地体现在对其教育观念的改造上。教育科学理论指导教育实践的过程包括:教育理论向教育实践主体意图的转化过程;教育理论向教育实践主体能力的转化过程;教育理论向教育实践主体精神的转化过程。优化教育科学的功能施放现状必须优化教育工作者的素质。  相似文献   

在科教片中,动画可以简明生动、通俗易懂地表现深奥的科学内容,其设计和制作不仅要求掌握动画制作技术,而且要掌握科教动画片创作的规律。  相似文献   

现代科学哲学从一开始就是现代性的话语,带有浓重的科学主义色彩,随着研究的深入和科学主义弊病的逐渐暴露,科学主义开始成为批判的对象,然而后实证主义科学哲学的各种探索尝试仍然共享着现代性的叙事策略,科学哲学的进一步发展要彻底超越现代性,必须要从科学实践的角度入手。  相似文献   

论教育的实践性——来自于亚里士多德实践哲学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卫华 《教育学报》2007,3(4):19-23
实践在亚里士多德的实践哲学中具有特定的涵义。教育作为一种实践活动,对它的实践性的理解应超越与理论相对的简单判断,从实践自身的内涵以及它与理论和生产的相互关系中,可以将教育的实践性理解为:教育应该以其自身为目的;教育不是生产,但离不开生产的技艺;教育不是理论,但理论是最高的教育实践。  相似文献   

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