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该研究旨在探讨贫困大学生的刻板印象威胁对其脱贫内生动力的影响以及自我肯定对刻板印象威胁消极影响的干预作用。研究1通过实验,采用含有负面刻板印象的语句诱发贫困大学生的刻板印象威胁,结果表明,刻板印象威胁会负向影响贫困大学生在心理旋转任务中的表现。研究2在诱发刻板印象威胁后,采用问卷法测量贫困大学生的脱贫内生动力,结果表明,受到刻板印象威胁组的被试相比于对照组的脱贫内生动力水平较低。研究3在刻板印象威胁诱发后,对刻板印象威胁组进行自我肯定干预,结果发现,自我肯定组的被试与对照组相比脱贫内生动力水平更高。这些发现验证了刻板印象威胁对脱贫内生动力的消极影响,并验证了自我肯定缓解刻板印象威胁消极影响的有效性。  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁概念自1995年由Steele提出以来,受到了广泛的关注。文章主要阐述在教育领域中相关的刻板印象威胁研究,分别从具体的研究领域、研究对象、刻板印象威胁的影响因素等几个方面予以介绍,在此基础上,进一步探讨对教育的启示。  相似文献   

张菁 《华章》2013,(24)
刻板印象威胁是个体遭受的一种风险,处于此风险中的个体担心自己会证实所属群体的负面刻板印象。刻板印象威胁研究表明,威胁会削弱被负面刻板化了的群体成员的成绩。文章通过对教育领域中的数学—性别刻板印象威胁的研究,进一步探讨其对教育的启示。  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁指一定的文化对某些群体持有负性刻板印象,群体成员在特定情境下由于担心别人会以这种观念来判断他和对待他,同时担心自身的表现会印证这种刻板印象而产生的威胁感.文章综述了刻板印象威胁的提出,威胁的发生机制,影响威胁效应的因素以及如何减弱刻板印象威胁效应.刻板印象威胁效应的发生机制还需进一步认识;以后还可以探讨此威胁效应是否给被刻板者带来某些生物学上的改变;该效应指导教学实践还需做更多的实践研究.  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁发生机制的认知神经科学研究发现,女性数学刻板印象抑制了受威胁个体下前额皮质、左下顶叶皮质、两侧角回等数学学习时所用脑区的激活,激活了与情绪加工有关的脑区扣带前回腹侧;刻板印象威胁使受威胁个体终止对其学业表现的监控,进而从学业表现中脱离出来;刻板印象威胁导致受威胁个体对自我控制进行不恰当地调节,从而把其影响外溢到与当前刻板印象无关的任务中.未来研究应加强刻板印象威胁影响社会任务机制的认知神经科学研究,进一步整合刻板印象威胁发生机制的行为研究与认知神经研究各自获得的成果.  相似文献   

为了研究农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应是否存在,以问卷法、访谈法和文献法获取社会人员关于农村留守儿童的外显刻板印象特征词语,以单类内隐联想测验证明农村留守儿童外显刻板印象与内隐刻板印象的一致性,以字母记忆测试和数学等式判断测试来验证农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应的存在。结论如下:(1)社会人员对农村留守儿童存在刻板印象,消极的刻板印象多于积极的刻板印象;在消极的刻板印象中,社会人员偏向关注农村留守儿童学习方面的消极特征。(2)社会人员对农村留守儿童积极刻板印象词语的反应显著快于积极非刻板印象的词语,消极刻板印象词语的反应显著慢于消极非刻板印象的词语,表明社会人员对农村留守儿童外显刻板印象与内隐刻板印象相一致。(3)在字母记忆测试中,实验组反应时慢于控制组,正确率低于控制组,反映出农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应存在;在数学等式判断测试中,实验组在反应时和正确率上与控制组差异明显,同样反映出农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应存在;同时,在上述两种测试中,农村留守女童在反应时与正确率上均优于农村留守男童,性别在行为表现上的差异明显。  相似文献   

随迁儿童作为社会中的弱势群体,人们对他们存在着消极的刻板印象。当消极刻板印象被激活时,会对随迁儿童造成刻板印象威胁。刻板印象威胁会降低随迁儿童的自尊水平和自我效能感,阻碍随迁儿童的城乡认同整合过程并激化群体间的攻击行为,造成一系列消极的心理和行为后果。对此,可采取发挥内群体榜样的作用、增加随迁儿童和城市儿童之间的积极接触、形成积极刻板印象等措施,助力随迁儿童抵抗刻板印象威胁,促进他们健康成长。  相似文献   

数学成就的性别差异一直以来广受关注,许多人持有"数学是男性学科"的刻板印象,这一认知偏差会使女性在数学领域遭遇刻板印象威胁,发挥失常,从而强化原有的社会刻板印象.鼓励自我肯定、降低群体认同程度、丰富反刻板印象样例是降低女性数学-性别刻板印象威胁的有效策略.  相似文献   

随着社会心理学领域中刘板印象威胁研究的日益深入,性别刻板印象威胁逐渐引起了人们的关注.在人们的信念中,女生数学学习往往不如男生,而真实的结果也常常印证这一点.是女生天生在数学方面比男生差还是由于其他原因呢?本文结合以往研究从性别刻板印象威胁的角度分析男女生数学成绩差异的原因并提出几点应对策略.  相似文献   

在我们的文化中广泛存在着女生学习理科的能力不如男生的刻板印象。近几年大量研究发现负性刻板印象对被刻板对象会产生威胁效应。可以通过强化性别平等意识、传递科学的性别观念、树立正确的智力观、营造宽松的考评环境、有意渗透反刻板印象信息等措施来减弱学科—性别刻板印象对女生造成的威胁效应。  相似文献   

Stereotype threat has primarily been studied with regard to test performance in academic settings, testing aptitude, ability, and intelligence, and it has been found to cause both behavioral and cognitive decrements. Although there is research on stereotype threat in the workplace, this too is usually conducted in upper‐level or more academically based job tasks. This article concentrates on how stereotype threat affects those in manual labor workplace settings. This research, however, sought to test subjects on a behavioral task in a workplace setting to see if the results mirror those in academia. Stereotype threat in academic settings has been shown to cause both behavioral and cognitive decrements. It was theorized that stereotype threat would cause performance decrements for the African American participants. Participants were undergraduate students—60 Caucasian and 60 African American. All performed two manual labor tasks, sorting and assembling nuts and bolts, and a math test, half while under stereotype threat and half without stereotype threat manipulation. Results yielded significant differences between the two conditions for African Americans on both the academic and nonacademic/manual labor tasks.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat is known as a situational predicament that prevents members of negatively stereotyped groups to perform up to their full ability. This review shows that the detrimental influence of stereotype threat goes beyond test taking: It impairs stereotyped students to build abilities in the first place. Guided by current theory on stereotype threat processes and boundary conditions, this review integrates findings on test taking, disidentification, and learning. A new three-stage account of stereotype threat is proposed that includes stereotype threat effects on both ability and performance. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluation is an inherent part of education for an increasingly diverse student population. Confidence in one’s test‐taking skills, and the associated testing environment, needs to be examined from a perspective that combines the concept of Bandurian self‐efficacy with the concept of stereotype threat reactions in a diverse student sample. Factors underlying testing reactions and performance on a cognitive ability test in four different testing conditions (high or low stereotype threat and high or low test face validity) were examined in this exploratory study. The stereotype threat manipulation seemed to lower African‐American and Hispanic participants’ test scores. However, the hypothesis that there would be an interaction with face validity was only partially supported. Participants’ highest scores resulted from low stereotype threat and high face validity, as predicted. However, the lowest scores were not in the high stereotype threat/ low face validity condition as expected. Instead, most groups tended to score lower when the test was perceived to be more face valid. Stereotype threat manipulation affected Whites as well as non‐Whites, although differently. Specifically, high stereotype threat increased Whites’ cognitive ability test scores in the low face validity condition, but decreased them in the high face validity condition. Implications for testing and classroom environment design are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study investigated how changes in psychological (cognitions and emotions) and physiological (cortisol concentrations) threat/challenge responses develop over the course of a presentation and whether initial intensity levels and their changes are related to self-efficacy and presentation performance. Based on the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), 123 students held video-recorded presentations about their dream job, which were evaluated by three raters. Selfefficacy was measured before the TSST, saliva cortisol concentrations and psychological threat and challenge responses three times during the TSST. Data were analyzed with latent growth modeling. Threat and cortisol increased during the presentation, while challenge decreased. The growth curve coefficients of challenge correlated negatively with the respective coefficients of threat. Also, initial intensity of challenge responses correlated positively with corresponding cortisol concentrations. Higher self-efficacy was associated with higher initial intensity of challenge responses, lower corresponding concentrations of cortisol, and a smaller cortisol increase, but neither with the growth curve coefficients of threat responses nor with presentation performance. Better performance was associated with lower initial intensity of threat and a smaller increase in cortisol. Threat responses and increasing cortisol concentration appear to inhibit presentation performance, while self-efficacy may strengthen challenge responses and reduce corresponding levels of cortisol concentration as well as its increase.  相似文献   

With the obvious gains in pay and employment equity for women in the workplace during the last 50 years, both in measurable changes and in legislation designed to ensure such changes, some have assumed that gender discrimination is a thing of the past. However, despite improvements, equal pay for equal work and equal opportunities for hiring, promotion, and leadership positions remain elusive in many areas. Stereotype threat and gender differences in self‐positioning and communication are two contributors to differences in pay and position. Stereotype threat can result in reduced performance and a tendency for women to opt out of participation in fields and positions that are currently populated mostly by men. Gender differences in self‐positioning and communication can result in unwitting discrimination because employers and others fail to notice qualified female candidates. We should employ remedies for these (and other) factors that contribute to gender discrimination. This is likely only if we first acknowledge that gender discrimination is alive and well in today's workplace—whether intentionally so or not.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat theory (STT) offers one explanation for achievement differences in math and science for both women and minority students. Specifically, STT posits that the perceived risk of confirming a negative stereotype about an individual’s identity group acts as a psychological burden that negatively impacts performance. This study examined the impact of stereotype threat (ST) on gender differences in chemistry achievement, self-efficacy, and test-anxiety using a four-group, quasi-experimental design. 153 introductory-level college chemistry students were randomly assigned to one of four ST conditions including an explicit ST condition, an implicit ST condition, a reverse ST condition, and a nullified condition. Results indicated that there were no gender differences by ST condition; however, overall, the men had higher self-efficacy and lower test-anxiety than the women. An analysis of open-ended questions asking students about their intent to major in chemistry, beliefs regarding barriers to their achievement on the chemistry test, and gender differences in opportunities and mental capacity to achieve in chemistry provided insight into the quantitative results. Implications of our findings for future research on ST are discussed.  相似文献   


Perceptions teachers have regarding their students are associated with their students’ school performance. Similarly, students’ psychoeducational and psychosocial functioning are partly shaped by their beliefs about teachers’ opinions of them. Psychoeducational performance and psychosocial interactions are linked with perceived stereotype threats. Stereotype threat refers to how a person’s fear or anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype associated with being a member of a stigmatized group undermines their performance in evaluative contexts. This work offers a theoretical and practical prevention and intervention teaching and learning framework to ameliorate stereotype threat. We describe the stereotype threat interruption model (STIM) as a consultation model that delineates stereotype threat and provides teacher-focused, student-centered, and environment-applied consultation strategies to abrogate its effects. STIM is applicable in graduate training and in the professional environment. It highlights a prevention science teaching and learning framework that proactively encourages healthy student development and efficient consultation services.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat (ST), which involves confirming a negative stereotype about one's group, is a factor thought to contribute to the gender gap in science achievement and participation. This study involved a quasi-experiment in which 312 US high school physics students were randomly assigned, via their classroom cluster, to one of three ST conditions. The conditions included an explicit ST condition, an implicit ST condition, and a nullified condition. Results indicated that males in all three conditions performed similarly on a set of physics problems. Females in the nullified condition outperformed females in the explicit ST condition and females in the implicit and explicit conditions performed similarly. Males performed better than females in the implicit and explicit ST conditions, but male and female performance on the physics problems was not significantly different in the nullified condition. The implications of these findings for physics instruction and future research on gender differences in physics and ST in science are discussed.  相似文献   

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