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高校档案蕴涵着独特而又丰富的人文精神资源优势,拥有培养大学生核心价值观的特色资源。为构建其在大学生核心价值观教育中的长效机制,应该采取的策略包括:完善大学生在校不同成长途径、高校在不同发展阶段和发展环境上的核心价值观教育的相关历史资料;加强不同类型、不同层次、不同区域高校之间大学生核心价值观教育的相关历史档案资源共享;根据核心价值观发展特点、使用频率与效果、技术需要进行深度加工开发,提升档案资源利用价值;利用多种窗口、多种场合、互动反馈等途径提高大学生核心价值观教育的档案资源利用效率。  相似文献   

本文对改革开放以来20多年来中 ,我国档案工作者提出的档案劳动价值观的若干理论和实践 ,进行了分析和总结 ,阐述了档案劳动价值观提出的历史过程、主要观点、争鸣热点及20年档案工作的实践检验。  相似文献   

培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,是推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的战略任务。临沧市档案局积极实施“115”方案,努力探索社会主义核心价值观建设的载体和抓手,全力激活档案资源,深度挖掘档案价值,发挥档案作为文化“母资源”的作用,传承临沧历史文化,用档案讲好临沧故事,真正把培育和践行社会主义核心价值观落实在行动上,融会在具体工作中,形成了档案工作与核心价值观建设同频共振、同向同行的正效应,汇聚了推动临沧跨越发展的强大正能量,为改革发展提供了坚强的思想道德支撑。  相似文献   

夏明辉 《兰台世界》2017,(10):21-23
高校是培养当代大学生树立正确人生观和社会主义核心价值观的重点阵地。高校文化是高校的灵魂和血脉。校史档案建设是大学文化传承、弘扬和发展的重要组成部分,其蕴藏的丰富教育资源,对大学生社会主义核心价值观的培养具有重要价值。这里主要研究高校校史档案与社会主义核心价值观的关系,并着重探析校史档案建设在强化社会主义核心价值观活动中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

档案文化作为油田企业文化的一部分,需要油田档案人在长期实践中不断探索创造,它是油田档案人意志和核心价值观的体现。在全面加强业务建设的同时,把文化建设作为突破口,并不断完善丰富,是新时代摆在油田档案工作者面前的一项急迫任务。  相似文献   

2009年,我们迎来了新中国60华诞。回首来时路,沧海桑田,新中国档案事业与祖国各项事业一起蓬勃发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。这其中无不饱含着无数档案工作者智慧的结晶和辛勤的劳动。全国档案系统的学习楷模刘义权同志用生命践行当代革命军人核心价值观的先进事迹传遍了祖国大地。  相似文献   

核心价值观是一个民族、一个国家自觉奉行的价值取向和行为坐标,社会主义核心价值观是提高中华民族的文明程度、实现中国梦的重要前提和保障。以往社会主义核心价值观的传播都是通过思政这条传统单一的路径,收效甚微。但若通过档案视角,不仅可以创新社会主义核心价值观的传播路径,而且以其人文性、科技性、文化性和生动性的特点,使传播者更多,传播路径更广,传播效果更好,使社会主义核心价值观真正入脑入心、落地生根,从而增加档案文化的辐射力和影响面,提升档案工作的话语权和影响力。  相似文献   

徐洁 《兰台世界》2017,(2):51-53
档案工作者具备良好的职业道德,是建立诚信社会的必然要求,也是社会主义核心价值观的要求。通过现实生活中诚信缺失的现状,阐述了档案工作者职业道德的内涵和特征,揭示出档案工作者提高职业道德的必要性,并相对应地提出了提升档案工作者职业道德的途径,对档案工作者提高职业道德有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

正党的"十八大"报告对社会主义核心价值体系建设提出了新部署新要求,强调"倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,积极培育社会主义核心价值观",提出"全面提高公民道德素质",弘扬时代新风。如何在新时期不断提高自身道德素质,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,更好地为改革开放和经济建设服务,是摆在我们每个档案工作者面前的重要课题。1档案工作者要树立正确的理想信念热爱和忠诚档案事业是做好工作的基础,是档案工作  相似文献   

本文分析了“旧档无用”所代表的档案“工具价值观”和近代以档案“信息价值观”的建立为主要特征的档案“双元价值观”。认为 ,工具价值理念构成档案价值观主体的古代社会 ,档案工作只可能局限于“档房”。而只有以信息价值理念为主体的档案价值观确立 ,才可能实现古代“档房”向近代“档案馆”的历史性跨越。双元价值并重应成为现代档案事业的价值目标  相似文献   

Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  


In October 2001, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act to strengthen the ability of the U.S. government to combat terrorism. Unfortunately, some sections of the Act strike at core values and practices of libraries and archives, especially in the areas of record keeping, privacy, confidentiality, security, and access to the collections. This article addresses several crucial issues with focus especially on Section 215 of the Act, privacy and confidentiality concerns, record keeping practices, and the development of policies and procedures to prepare archivists for a request from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for researcher records.  相似文献   

The Institute of Jazz Studies (IJS) started the Jazz Archives Fellows program in 2012 with two purposes in mind. First, the program focuses on improving diversity in the archives profession. Second, it provides a meaningful professional development opportunity for archivists in the early stages of their careers and for students in graduate programs who intend to become archivists. In addition, the IJS benefits directly from the fellows' work to process a collection and create a digital project. This article presents a case study of the Fellowship with a focus on program design, values, and lessons learned and includes recommendations for establishing similar programs.  相似文献   

This study of graduate level archival education identifies core curricula and evaluates these programs in schools of library and information science as well as in history departments. It focuses on the idea of specialized knowledge and systematic theory where the knowledge and theories that educators have selected as an initial means of introducing new archivists to the profession has a significant bearing on what an educator considers ’x201C;core.’x201D; It presents data on programs, curricula, courses, and syllabi and by way of example, focuses on an in-depth analysis of introductory archives courses.  相似文献   

Historical settings structure how archivists and museum staff understand their work and how they apply relevant professional principles including the three core principles of provenance, context, and original identification. Their professional practices shape how the public understands or reads “original” artifacts and records. In helping to define what originals (artifacts and documents) are at a particular point in time, archivists and museum staff reinforce, support, or contradict theoretical paradigms, discourses, and social narratives on ethnicity, empire/internal colonialism, class, and gender among others. The article discusses two exemplary cases from the museum world that illustrate how the application of the three core principles is influenced by historical conditions and theoretical concepts and how these contingent applications influence what originals come to signify. In the first example, the theoretical concept of social evolution and the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago informed the founding, collecting, describing, and displaying of American Indian objects at the Field Museum of Natural History in 1894. Reflecting this, provenance, context, and original identifications were defined to mean different things for Euro-American versus American Indian objects and records, and Native Americans and others challenged these definitions and practices at the time. In the second example, the 1929–1933 making and displaying of the Hall of Races, a specific race anthropological understanding of race created unambiguous race anthropological provenance, context and original titles (identifications) for both the exhibit and individual race sculptures. By altering information concerning the three principles over the next 60 years, the Field Museum consciously destroyed the integrity of the originals and their meanings. The exhibit had become a political liability and the museum wanted to erase any trace of the race anthropological roots of the project and its sculptures. The article ends by asserting the contingency and importance of the three core principles for archivists and museum staff regardless of the format of the material involved and adds a few related observations for our contemporary hybrid, that means physical and digital, work world.  相似文献   


This article explores the uses, practicality, and problems involved in creating online finding aids by state-funded university archivists across the nation. It examines various aspects of online finding aids such as financial considerations, its importance as a research tool, timelines, demographics, and use. The more technical side is also explored by inquiring how finding aids are created (e.g., EAD/XML, HTML), whether they have been reformatted before appearing on the web, and what archivists believe are the best methods for their creation. Finally, problems that the participants have encountered along the way are reviewed as well as how archivists dealt with them. The study involved 16 university archivists from state-supported institutions and one from a private university. The research for this article is based on the responses to a 20-question survey that was administered by the author by telephone or e-mail. The research was further supported by an examination of the recent literature that has appeared in archival journals as well as contacting archivists who are working on large online projects. The goal of this article is to assist archivists in identifying potential problems in the development of online finding aids while promoting their presence on the Internet as an important research tool.  相似文献   


As the American labor movement continues on its path toward reorganization and rejuvenation, archivists are challenged to ensure that the organizational, political, and cultural changes labor unions are experiencing are fully documented. This article examines the need for labor archivists to reach out actively to unions and the problems they face in getting their message across-not only to union leadership but also to union members who can benefit from the knowledge of labor's struggles, triumphs, and defeats. Outreach by labor archivists is vital on three critical fronts: the need to secure union funding in support of labor archival programs; obtaining union cooperation in reviewing and amending obsolete deposit agreements; and coordinating efforts with unions to save the records of closing district and local union offices. Attempting to resolve these outstanding issues, labor archivists are pulled between two distinct institutional cultures (one academic in nature, the other enmeshed in a union bureaucracy) and often have their own labor archival programs compromised by the internal dynamics and politics inherent in administering large academic libraries and unions. If labor archivists are to be successful, they must find their collective voice within the labor movement and establish their relevancy to unions during a period of momentous change and restructuring. Moreover, archivists need to give greater thought to designing and implementing outreach programs that bridge the fundamental “disconnect” between union bureaucracies and the rank and file, and unions and the public.  相似文献   

本文对澳大利亚、爱尔兰、比利时和法国档案法律中涉及档案工作人员的规定进行总结和分析,提出明确档案工作人员的实际指向与法律身份、夯实档案机构领导人或责任人的主体责任、充实有关档案工作人员的法规内容等三点启示,为学术界开展相关研究和立法者制定档案工作人员法律规定提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

2000-2009年档案保护技术研究论文统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对2000-2009年十年间刊载在我国档案事业类中文核心期刊(北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览(2008年版)》)上的档案保护技术研究文献进行论文数量和内容的统计、分析,并进行总结与思考,呼吁广大档案保护理论研究与实践工作者深入进行相关研究,共同促进档案保护技术事业的发展。  相似文献   

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