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《春秋》义例的形成及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉代今文家攻驳《左传》不传《春秋》,古文家为强化《左传》的传经性质,努力缔构左传家的义例体系,因此《左传》凡例成为春秋学的研究关注重点。《左传》凡例由《左传》作者采辑相关史料撰成,并成为左传家说解《春秋》大义的义例体系核心。如果从形式上追溯其产生来源,礼例是其直接渊源之一,律例则是秦汉厦其以后春秋家义例体系形成的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

李元洛 《寻根》2001,(6):16-17
岳武穆壮怀激烈的《满江红》,是一曲豪气干云的英雄颂,一阕哀声动地的悲怆曲,也是一道时间的风沙永远无法侵蚀的诗之丰碑。然而,这首名词的作究竟是谁,竟然引起了一场众说纷纭的争论。首先提出怀疑这首诗为伪作的,是近代学余锡嘉。他在《四库提要辨证》卷23“岳武穆遗”条下,提出两点理由:一是此词最早见于明代嘉靖十五年(1536年)徐阶所编之《岳武穆遗》,徐  相似文献   

说官箴夏桂苏,夏南强《左传·襄公四年》:"昔周辛甲之为大史也,命百官,官箴王阙。"杜预注:"阙,过失也,使百官为箴辞,戒王过。"杨伯峻先生注引《尚书·盘庚》:"犹须顾於箴言。"《左传·宣公十二年》载:"箴之日:'民生在勤,勤则不匮。"'汉王符《潜夫论...  相似文献   

杨玲 《华夏文化》2002,(2):18-19
侠,《说文》解释为:“从人从夹,夹从大从二人”,这很像左右两方挟持一个人的形状。所以颜师古说:“侠之言挟也,以权力侠辅人也。”“(任侠)任谓任使其气力。”荀悦在《前汉纪》里也讲道:“立气齐,作威福,结私交,以立强于世者,谓之游侠”。段玉裁《说文解字注》引用徐铉云:“任侠者,挟负气力以任事自雄也。”这些关于侠的形义解释,都认为侠是凭持勇力要挟或者辅助人的古代力士。韩非所谓的“群侠以  相似文献   

季蒙 《东方文化》2002,(4):60-75
《说钱》发表后,收到一些读友的意见,我觉得有必要做一些说明。《说钱》写于1999年夏季,《钱钟书先生解经一误》写于1994年春季,原来有五千多字,太冗赘,所以2001年删去大半,但并没有增改,保持了原始面目。  相似文献   

20世纪初,亡命日本的梁启超总结戊戌变法失败的惨痛教训,继续探索中国社会改革方案。他在《新民说》中提出的社会心理和文化层次上的国民性问题,为中国社会变革提供了更为广阔的理论视野,开启了20世纪国民性改造的先河。  相似文献   

《说郛》简介□张旗《说郛》的作者陶宗仪,是元末明初的学者,字九成,号南村,黄岩(今属浙江)人。工诗文,精通古学。因为《说郛》没有跻身于古代重要的文化典籍之列,所以它对许多人来说是很陌生的。然而不很出名的《说郛》对于了解传统文化来说,实在是一条比较方便...  相似文献   

修订本《辞源·女部》“婴”字条的第一个义项是:“初生的女孩。《玉篇》引《仓颉篇》:‘男曰儿,女曰婴。’”也就是说《辞源》的编者认为“婴”的最早义项是“初生的女孩”,查阅相关资料发现此释义有误。古多称初生儿为嫛婗,《释名·释长幼》:“人始生曰婴儿??或曰嫛婗。”唐·张谔《三日岐王宅》诗:“玉女贵妃生,嫛婗始发声。”  相似文献   

洪其庚 《寻根》2012,(5):140-141
2012年第1期《寻根》发表陈其弟先生《“红蝇赶散”与苏北移民》一文。笔者拜读之后,收获多多。转而掩卷沉思,又觉得似有必要再唠叨补说几句,或许能把元末明初那段苏北大移民的历史说得更清楚些。  相似文献   

《左传》(亦称《左氏春秋传》或《春秋左氏传》)是我国现存最早的叙事详尽的编年体史书,相传是左丘明为解释孔子的《春秋》而作,为儒家重要典籍之一,在史学、经学等研究方面具有极为重要的价值,对后世产生了深远影响。历代学者研究《左传》的成果汗牛充栋,本文拟就管窥近十年来部分研究成果,尝试对目前学界《左传》研究动态进行初步把握。  相似文献   

郜積意 《中国文化》2006,39(1):85-98
一、小引自劉歆與太常博士之爭始,至何休與鄭玄的《三傳》之分,漢代今、古文學之爭的主題發生了明顯 變化,即從爭立博士官向經義之爭轉變。變化的發 端,肇始於光武世范升和陳元的爭論,而白虎觀會 議《公羊》家李育以義難賈達,也屬於經義之分的範圍 (見下)。衹是兩次爭論的文獻基本亡佚,無法提供具 體的例證。至於何休、鄭玄關於《三傳》的分歧,雖然衹 存留零星史料,卻展示了經義之爭的具體面目,并為 人們理解東漢後期的經學之爭提供了進一步考察的  相似文献   

<正>一我观察到的西方某些学者研究"中国学"的三个新视点中国学术思想要走向世界,也许应对"海外中国学"有所了解。最近阅读了一些这方面的材料,有些想法,很想和大家讨论。但我不是研究"海外中国学"的专家,只是从我的专业(中国哲学)的角度关  相似文献   

On June 28, 2007, approved by the 31st World Heritage Committee held inChristchurch, New Zealand, Kaiping Diaolou and villages were inscribed in the World Heritage List and became the 35th world heritage in China. They were also the first Chinese world heritage that reflects the culture of overseas Chinese. In fact, as early as June 25, 2001,  相似文献   


Since its publication in 1986, Yoko Watkins’ So Far from the Bamboo Grove has been used as a textbook by some primary and middle schools in the US. The book is an autobiographical novel about the experiences of a Japanese girl named Yoko who returns to her home country with her mother and sister with an anti‐war and peace message. However, it became the center of attention and was referred to as the Yoko incident when, in January 2007, it became known to the Koreans that the book was being used as a textbook by American students and contained a story about Japanese women raped by Korean men at the end of Japanese colonial rule. It immediately incited outcries from the Korean media and online communities, complaining that any suggestion of the rape of Japanese women by Korean men at the end of Japanese colonial rule is a grave distortion of history and a reversal of the perpetrator and the victim. This paper analyzes how the memory structure of the Koreans regarding colonialism is based on a victim nationalism and how Korean feminism has intervened in the fragmentation and suture of national memory since the 1990s. Furthermore, the paper reveals how American multiculturalism turns a blind eye to, or even promotes, the clashing of collective identities in the age of globalization. The so called Yoko incident illustrates how the competition of East Asian countries for a historical position of ‘victim’ in a battle of memory in the US not only strengthens exclusive nationalism in the area but also connives in ‘Americanization of world justice’.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework for examining the acculturation process of immigrants. Focusing on communication variables, it suggests five levels of analysis for assessing acculturation as a continuous rather than dichotomous variable: the speech act level, ritualistic communication, strategic communication, the organization of conversational discourse, and verbal information processing. Examples from research on Chinese communication are utilized to illustrate important differences between Chinese and Americans at each level of analysis. The use of this perspective offers the twofold promise of improving our understanding of “acculturation processes” in general as well as our understanding of the particular everyday communicative actions of immigrant groups. Research on Chinese communication patterns using this perspective will increase our knowledge of Chinese and American interrelations, in addition to providing insight aimed at developing better indices of acculturation of Chinese in the United States.  相似文献   

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