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This article suggests that a critical perspective of the notion of social representations can offer useful insights into understanding practices of teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms with immigrant students. Drawing on literature using social representations, previous empirical studies are revisited to examine three specific questions: what are the dominant social representations that permeate the mathematics classroom with immigrant students? What impact do these social representations have on classroom practices? What are the spaces for changing these practices through becoming reflective and critically aware of these representations? These questions are addressed mostly in relation to teachers’ representations, though the article also draws on data from research with students and parents to illustrate the diversity of representations and to argue for a critical and reflective perspective.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of two types of Information communication technology and media (ICT/media) use on college access using ICT/media to obtain college information as a mediator paying focused attention to English language learners. The study analyzed the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS) from the US Department of Education, employing a survival analysis with structural equation modeling components. The results demonstrated that the frequent use of a computer for independent learning had significantly positive direct, indirect, and total effects on college entry for both English language learners and native English-speaking students. However, the digital gameplay had significantly negative effects. The study discusses the implications of using ICT/media.  相似文献   

This comment on L. Simonneaux and J. Simonneaux paper focuses on the role of identities in dealing with socio-scientific issues. We argue that there are two types of identities (social representations) influencing the students’ positions: On the one hand their social representations of the bears’ and wolves’ identities as belonging to particular countries (Slovenia versus France for bears, France and Italy for wolves), in other words, as having national identities; on the other hand representations of their own identities as belonging to the field of agricultural practitioners, and so sharing this socio-professional identity with shepherds and breeders, as opposed to ecologists. We discuss how these representations of identities influenced students’ reasoning and argumentation, blocking in some cases the evaluation of evidence. Implications for developing critical thinking and for dealing with SSI in the classrooms are outlined.
María Pilar Jiménez-AleixandreEmail:

Ramón López-Facal   is part-time lecturer on modern history in the University of Santiago de Compostela, sharing this affiliation with teaching high school History. In 1999 he completed one of the first doctoral dissertations in History Education in Spain, an examination of the teaching of the concept of nation through the analysis of textbooks from the XVIII to the XX centuries, and the analysis of students’ discourse about the concept of nation, and their representations of national identities. His research focuses on the school construction of national and post-national identities. He is the author of chapters about the “hidden” nation in S. Pérez-Garzón (Ed.) La Gestión de la Memoria: La Historia al Servicio del Poder (The Management of Memory: History in the Service of Power; Crítica 2000), and about the construction of critical identities in A. Legardez & L. Simonneaux L’école à l’épreuve de l’Actualité: Enseigner les Questions Vives (ESF 2006). María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre   is professor of science education in the University of Santiago de Compostela. After teaching high-school biology, implementing innovative curricula, and working in the Spanish Ministry of Education in the design of in-service teacher education, she was part of the first batch of Spanish researchers completing doctoral dissertations in science education around 1990 and building a community around this field in Spain. Her research explored conceptual change in evolution and then moved to argumentation in science classrooms, with particular attention to two contexts, problem-solving in the laboratory, and environmental and socio-scientific issues. She has served in the executive committee of ESERA and currently serves on the editorial boards of Science Education and Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Her recent work includes editing with S. Erduran Argumentation in Science Education: Perspectives from Classroom-based Research (Springer, 2008).  相似文献   

职高学生处于步入社会前的最后阶段,普遍对于如何准备就业非常关注。但这种焦虑如何转变为动力,如何采取行动,是很多学生关注的问题。本文试图初步探讨一下这些问题。  相似文献   

云南省9—16岁中、小学生气质类型调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用《中小学生气质量表》对云南省9-16岁中、小学生气质类型的分布状况。以及气质特征的年龄发展趋势进行了调查分析。结果表明,云南省9—16岁中小学生气质类型的分布在性别上存在差异,而存城乡间不存在差异。男女生存两种气质特征上存在差异,城乡学生在一种气质特征上存在差异,9-16岁中小学生的气质发展已进入稳定阶段。本还在讨论部分对教师了解学生的气质特征,对于教育的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

高中起点技校生是目前技师学院招生新的生源结构,笔者在对这类学生的德育教育的实践中,分析高中起点技校生的特点,并结合实际提出适合这类学生的德育教育管理策略。  相似文献   

高中生生物学习动机与成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查高中生生物学习动机的现状,将其与学生的生物成绩作相关性分析,得出二者相关系数为R=0.228,同时发现此系数在不同成绩段的学生之间具有差异性;学生的内部学习动机对成绩的影响起主要作用,最后根据调查结果提出三条建议来培养与激发学生的生物学学习动机。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的逐渐增强,国际地位的不断提高,来华留学生教育得到了很大程度的发展.我国政府非常重视接受外国留学生工作,越来越多的来自不同国家、地区、种族的留学生来华学习,他们带了各国丰富多彩的文化,为我国的教育事业注入了活力.本文以我市178名印度、尼泊尔学生在我校就读MBBS(临床医学)专业为切入点,对其留学生的社会行为的跨文化适应意识等问题进行探讨,从留学生的跨文化适应状况,揭示影响其跨文化适应意识的主要因素,并在此基础上提出问题的对策性思考.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students. Method: 431 junior high school students are measured by Students’ Basic Information Questionnaire (SBIQ) and Middle School Students’ Spiritual Beliefs Questionnaire (MSSSBQ). Results: (1) The overall characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students are as follows: social beliefs rank first, practical faith second, and supernatural beliefs last. The ranks of the seven beliefs from high to low are nationalism, political conviction, family’s doctrine, life worship, religious beliefs, money/material and gods worship. (2) Boy students have higher political conviction and money/material faith than girl students. Girl students have higher religious beliefs than boy students. (3) On the beliefs of money/material and life worship, students in Grade 9 take the first place, Grade 8 second and Grade 7 last. (4) Non-student cadres have stronger money/material faith than cadres. (5) League members have higher political beliefs than non-members. (6) Students who are good at studies have stronger national faith than students who are average or poor at studies. Students who are poor at studies have stronger money/material faith than other students. Conclusion: The spiritual beliefs of junior high school students are positive. __________ Translated from Psychology Development and Education, 2005:2.  相似文献   

高中生与大学生的社会网络及其人际关系效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷法考察了198名高中和大学生的社会网络状况,具体包含社会网络结构的三方面内容,分别是规模、关系类型和亲密度.结果发现,高中和大学生的社会网络特点如下:社会网络规模、亲密度均存在显著的组别和性别差异;亲子、同伴与手足关系在其社会网络中占最重要地位;从高中到大学,理想人物特别是虚构人物角色的影响力明显下降;社会网络亲密度对人际整体满意度,特别是对亲子关系满意度具有一定的预测作用.  相似文献   

随着篮球运动的发展,尤其是中学生篮球运动,出现了不少误区.简述了具有代表性的误区,要从基础训练和提高意识上着手克服.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) postulates that class-average achievement has a negative effect on students’ academic self-concept. Research examining the BFLPE with elementary school students is scarce, especially with first graders.AimsThis study examined the BFLPE of class-average achievement on academic self-concept and interest in the math domain with first and third graders.SampleParticipants were Luxembourgish first graders (N = 5057) and third graders (N = 4925).MethodsA multilevel, doubly latent approach was used to assess a BFLPE model containing achievement (as the predictor) and ASC and interest (as outcomes) in the math domain.ResultsThe BFLPE on math self-concept was supported in both grades, whereas the BFLPE on math interest was supported only for third graders. In both grades, larger effect sizes were observed for the BFLPE on math self-concept than on math interest.ConclusionOur results suggest that the social comparisons underlying the BFLPE play an important role in the formation of math self-concept in both grades, but they play a less substantial—and probably later—role in the formation of math interest in elementary school.  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式的调查研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了解初中生父母教养方式的现状,我们对石家庄市城市、农村两所中学389位初中生进行了调查,结果发现:1.男女初中生的父母教养方式存在差异,初中男生更多地感受到惩罚严厉和过干涉过保护的消极父母教养方式,同时,也更多地感受到母亲的偏爱。2.城市和农村的父母教养方式也存在差异。3.化教育程度的差异是影响父母对子女教养方式的主要因素。  相似文献   

沧州市中学生应激源状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解沧州市中学生的压力状况及压力的主要来源。为当前的素质教育改革和中学生心理健康教育提供量化的依据和参考。方法:本研究使用浙江大学心理系郑全全教授修订的《中学生应激源量表》,对沧州市不同层次的6所中学的近1000名中学生进行了测查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果:(1)不同性别学生的压力源存在显著差异;(2)城乡学生压力源状况差异显著;(3)不同层次学校学生的压力源存在显著差异;(4)不同年级学生的压力源状况存在极显著的差异;(5)父母文化程度对学生的压力源有显著影响。结论:不同性别、不同层次学校、不同年级、市区和城乡的学生心理压力的来源是不同的;学校、教师在教学和管理中应了解学生的压力来源,有的放矢、区别对待。  相似文献   

The present study examines the dynamic relationship between academic performance of high school students and their respective learning and study strategies. Two hundred thirty-six high school students were recruited to participate in this study by completing a Chinese version of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory - LASSI, to probe into the relationship. Results found that (1) there were clear differences to the learning and study strategies used by high school students with high academic performance, and those with low academic performance; (2) all the three components (Will; Self-regulation and Skill) were equally important to differentiate high academic achieving high school students from low academic achieving high school students within the strategic model of learning; and (3) a numbers of learning and study strategies were effectively predicting the academic performance of the high school students. All of these result patterns confirm that learning and study strategies used by high academic achievers and low academic achievers as well as the components used to predict students’ academic performance in the high school setting are quite different from the patterns revealed in the tertiary education sector.  相似文献   

人的素质的高低取决于创新意识水平和创新能力的高低。创新意识是整个创新活动的心理起点,有了创新意识就会产生强烈的动机和创造欲望,培养中学生的创新意识对其一生的发展是至关重要的。中学生正处在心理、生理的突变时期,这一时期不仅是中学生世界观形成的关键时期,也是培养创新意识的关键时期。实施创新教育,需要教育创新、制度创新和管理创新。  相似文献   

In contrast to other career choices, the teaching profession seems familiar to those interested in teaching because they have had the chance to observe teachers for years. This phenomenon is known as the apprenticeship of observation and manifests in naïve ideas and expectations of teaching among teacher students. Therefore, characteristics of students interested in becoming teachers are important for early teacher education and counselling. These characteristics include competencies and motives, but nothing is known about their relationship to each other. Following international teaching standards and the expectancy-value framework, this paper analyses associations between both. Three competencies (i.e. planning, communication and cooperation) and seven career choice motives were examined using a paper–pencil survey of 907 high school students. Altogether, 463 students were able to imagine becoming a teacher and were included in the analyses. SEM analyses showed that (1) of all the competencies, communication had the most associations with motives, (2) the motive ‘low difficulty of study’ is positively related to planning, (3) the findings regarding extrinsic motives are ambiguous, and (4) gender differences are marginal. Practical implications for early teacher education and counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

贫困高中学生社会支持与心理健康调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用获学校贫困补助的学生57名为研究组,相对应的52名非贫困生为对照组,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、社会支持评定理表和自编教师评价问卷对贫困高中学生心理健康状况和社会支持状况进行调查,为高中贫困学生心理卫生工作提供科学依据。结果:1)贫困生SCL-90量表测量的总分、躯体化水平、强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、偏执、精神病性、其他各因子分显高于非贫困生;2)社会支持评定量表的主观支持和支持利用度评分贫困生普遍得分低于非贫困生;3)贫困生社会支持量表评分与SCL-90各因子负相关。结论:1)高中贫困学生心理健康问题值得学校心理卫生工作关注;2)应提高贫困学生对社会支持的感受性和对支持源的利用。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的迅猛发展,青少年网民的急剧增加,对手机依赖也趋向年轻化,为了了解高中生手机依赖的现状及其与焦虑、人格特征的关系,随机选取福州某中学168名学生,采用问卷调查的形式,运用列联表相关分析等统计方法分析高中生手机依赖与焦虑、人格特征的关系。结果表明,高中生手机依赖与焦虑无相关关系,手机依赖在人格特质三个维度(内外向、精神质以及神经质)上均存在显著差异,所对应的的概率值分别为0.004<0.05、0.023<0.05、0.04<0.05.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查研究初中生的社会支持与主观幸福感的关系,结果显示:社会支持与主观幸福感存在显著的正相关;客观支持、主观支持和对支持的利用度对主观幸福感均具有显著的预测作用(P〈0.01);普通中学的初中生的社会支持和主观幸福感都显著地高于重点中学的初中生;性别之间在社会支持上不存在显著差异,在主观幸福感方面存在显著差异;多重比较发现,社会支持和主观幸福感在年级之间不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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