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Conclusion Minority students need to be provided with many opportunities to use technology at school, the library or at home. However the basics must begin at school because many children do not have access to computers and other contemporary forms of technology. The consistent use of tech talk empowers minority students and helps them to be competitive participants in this technologically driven society. Use tech talk as a daily recipe to linguistic, cultural, ethnic and academic empowerment for all students.  相似文献   

校本管理探究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
校本管理是目前我国教育管理体制尤其是课程开发体制改革的中心问题,本文从研究国外校本管理的情况入手,对校本管理的涵义、校本管理地位的历史演变以及校本管理的意义及特点进行了探讨,并结合我国教育管理的现状,着重提出了我国校本管理改革发展的一些关键性问题。  相似文献   

A业集团财务管控模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业集团财务管控类型一般有:财务管理集权体制,财务管理分权体制,财务管理相融体制三种类型.企业集团应在不同发展时期采取不同的财务管理体制.随着企业市场竞争力的加强,在条件成熟时可采取相融型财务管控体制.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explored how an infant teacher provided meaningful learning experiences for infants through play and the teacher’s educational rationale behind these experiences. Findings were based on multiple sources of data, including classroom observations (natural observation and videotaped observation) for approximately 12 weeks and a teacher interview. The findings confirmed that infant play is critical for infant learning and development and portrayed the process through which the infant teacher created play spaces for infants and supported infants’ play through both pre-planned, teacher-directed, intentional activities, and child-initiated, emerging play activities. Our study highlighted that the designing of infant play and the learning process needs to be flexible and based on careful observation and reflection in order to meet the rapidly changing needs and interests of a group of infants as well as individual infants.  相似文献   


Students entering English-medium universities frequently struggle to cope with the language demands of their degree programmes, despite having met the English language entry conditions stipulated by their receiving institutions. This can have significant repercussions for the teaching-learning process, for the student experience and for universities’ reputations. Most universities, therefore, have in place some form of in-sessional English language support to develop students’ language proficiency. Such provision tends to be centralised and to offer English for general academic purposes rather than language development that responds in a more nuanced way to the particular literacy needs of students’ disciplines. In this article we report on an alternative, decentralised model of language support, implemented in a School of Nursing and Midwifery, and which seeks to develop students’ competency in the language skills required for their Nursing studies and professional practice. Results to date have been encouraging and provide further evidence that such tailored provision offers a potentially fruitful language development strategy.  相似文献   

推行节点控制管理 提升工程财务管理质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程项目管理是工程建设的重要工作,工程财务管理是工程项目管理的一个重要环节,传统的工程财务管理重心在于核算管理,造成工程财务管理工作开展比较被动,从工程财务节点控制入手,可以降低企业财务管理成本,提高企业工程管理水平,从而提高企业的效益。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades online technology and digital media have provided space for students to participate and express their voices. This paper further explores how new digital technologies, such as humanoid robots and wearable electronics, can be used to offer additional spaces where students' voices are heard. In these spaces, young students are invited to shape the design of digital tools and artifacts through the inclusion of their unique perspectives. The authors argue that involving youth in the design and use of tools contributes not only to the creation of meaningful learning experiences but also to the future potential of youth as producers of digital learning technologies.  相似文献   

从经济学角度来看,财务管理与成本控制实则构成了同一事物的两个方面。即财务管理的对象是价值层面的资产;而成本控制则是实物层面的资产。可见,合理配置固定资产成为了会计工作的重要内容。同时,针对固定资产管理的二者统一模式,便成为了本文立论的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

内部控制是企业管理体系中非常重要的一部分,在很大程度上制约着企业财务管理水平的高低。当下,经过一番调整,各企业在这一问题上都作出了改善,但依然有许多缺陷值得留意。笔者结合实践经验,从多年的理论研究出发,深入探讨了影响企业内部控制的主要因素,并就这些因素提出了相关解决办法。  相似文献   

财务管理是现代企事业单位中不可缺少的一项工作项目,在企事业单位的发展中具有十分重要的作用。在一般人看来,财务管理是一项比较清闲的工作:高级白领、天天与钱打交道,却不知财务管理工作其实十分单调,几乎天天与数字打交道,工作时间久了,难免会有厌烦情绪,同时压力也很大,由于事关单位的经济"要塞",稍有不慎就会带来很大的损失,甚至承担法律上的责任。同时财务管理也是一项综合性很强、实践性很强、个性很强的一项工作,所以,需要对财务管理进行一个全面的认识,才能更好的做好这项工作。本文就笔者的一些思考,简单谈一下我的一些见解。  相似文献   

在我国经济快速发展的同时,对高层次人才的需求也在快速增加,随之也就出现了一种新型的办学模式——独立学院。在这种学院的发展进程中,其财务管理方面出现了诸多问题,使得独立学院的健康发展受到制约。本文尝试以独立学院在财务管理方面出现的问题为基础,提出了几点能够完善独立学院财务管理的建议。  相似文献   

Empowering students to learn through ICT is seen as a way to address the growing awareness and demand for preparing students to effectively participate in the emerging global knowledge economy. It is believed that, in order to maintain competitiveness in a global economy, traditional classroom practices must be re-conceptualized in a way that enables students to engage themselves in knowledge building, to become more self-directed, and to assume greater autonomy and social responsibility over their own learning. In this article, we report a case study on the use of Tablet PCs to support teaching and learning in a primary school in Hong Kong, and provide insights into how schools can harness and capitalize on the opportunities offered by such emerging technologies.  相似文献   

校本管理的核心思想是教育管理权的下移,即权力从学区下移到学校,从学校管理层进一步下移到学校教师;这种新的管理实践对校长的素质提出了更高的要求。战略思维品质、课程开发等专业引领能力、民主管理方略和协调沟通能力是校长有效实施校本管理的必备素质。  相似文献   

高校实验室是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,是高科技人才培养的重要基地,是对学生进行综合素质教育的重要课堂。近年来,经济管理类实验室建设伴随着社会发展和专业需求的提高形成一股较强的发展势头。文章从经济管理类实验室建设的现状入手,浅析当前经济管理类各种实验室建设的相关策略,最后通过院校间的对比,总结出具有代表性的几种经济管理类实验室。  相似文献   

21世纪这个崭新的信息时代来临了,社会经济环境不断变化、科学技术日新月异,人们的生活节奏越来越快,开支也是一天比一天厉害,相反的我们的物价却是不断地上涨,这就使得我们务必要重视加强财务管理,让我们的财务达到自由,形成现金流,才能真正适应如今这个高速发展的信息时代。  相似文献   

A major impediment to problem solving in mathematics in the great majority of South African schools is that disadvantaged students from seriously impoverished learning environments are lacking in the necessary informal mathematical knowledge to develop their own strategies for solving non-routine problems. A randomized pretest–posttest control group design was used to empirically investigate the effectiveness of a strategies-based problem solving approach on the problem solving performance of 9th grade disadvantaged students. In this approach students receive explicit instruction on a wide repertoire of problem solving strategies. The results reported in this study show a significant improvement in problem solving performance when a strategies-based approach to problem solving was being implemented. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the responses to the items showed how the treatment group students had internalized as part of their problem solving repertoire the strategies on which they had been explicitly instructed on. The findings of this study make a case for the adoption of this approach so that the gap between the student’s existing problem solving competence, and the cognitive demands of a problem solving task can be bridged.  相似文献   

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