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By drawing on Foucault’s theory of subjectification, this study presents a case study of two experienced teachers’ in-service learning in the managerialist climate of Macau. The results indicate that the prevailing policies and administrative strategies on in-service learning served as the apparatus of managerialism working on teachers and constituting their subject as entrepreneurs. At the same time, however, experienced teachers were able to rely on the time-honoured Confucian philosophy to negotiate their learning experience with the dominating managerialism. Their in-service learning took place in and through their relationship with others and this learning, in turn, facilitated the creation and sustainability of the social harmony of the relationship. In-service learning therefore is essentially a lifelong ethical project that aims to cultivate their potential to become a Confucian sage, rather than an entrepreneur.  相似文献   

大学英语教学是建立在中学英语教学之上的。建立在这种基础上的大学英语教学,不仅应拓宽他们的词汇量,还应增高他们的英语口语能力、阅读能力和写作能力。由此,作为主观层面的能力构建,就应围绕着"学习风格"和"学习策略"来展开。基于本国教育大环境使然,无法照搬它国的先进教学方式。因此,应从环境适应性的角度来构建具体的教学模式。  相似文献   

Introducing new national examinations is a complex, multi‐agency policy implementation. However, there have been some high‐profile problems in examination systems in recent years. This research investigated what 10 UK managers involved in the process thought were the main problems. Time pressures were recognised as a serious problem by the managers, as well as the politically driven nature of the reform. It is argued that network management explains the lack of high‐profile individual leaders, the delegation issues, the apparent lack of traditional management skills, the low level of planning and monitoring, the absence of scoping, a professionalist approach, the lack of separation between policy and implementation and the fact that managers could not specify from the outset what needed to be done for a new round of examination developments. Inter‐agency power relationships accounted for lack of negotiation of timescales. Recommendations are made for construction of a qualification development blueprint, scoping of resources, appraisal of the human resources shortage in the UK assessment sector and better stakeholder management of the qualification development policy community by government.  相似文献   

本文以英语需求理论为依据,通过问卷和座谈,分析非英语专业的学生对学习英语的需求,包括动机、目的以及目前的英语水平等。并根据调查结果,探讨了"以学习为中心"的大学英语教学。  相似文献   

MacIntyre’s earlier work and concern with social science enquiry not only exposes its limits, but also provides an insight into how its knowledge claims have been put to ideological use. He maintains that the institutional embodiment of these ideological ideas is the bureaucratic manager who has had a negative role to play in social structures because managerialism revolves around a notable absence, or at least marginalisation of conflict since the nature of rational debate and conflict is unpredictable and unmanageable, and hence would seriously undermine the perception trying to be projected of a competent technocrat in control of their organisation. MacIntyre, in lamenting the place of contemporary universities in society, highlights how most universities have become business corporations and irremediably fragmented and now serve purposes so alien and foreign from their initial conception as sites of constrained mutual rational debate and conflict. As a result, MacIntyre’s account of how managerial authority is justified in bureaucratic institutions and its social role and character is scathing and particularly apt for explaining the malaise of contemporary universities. In order to overcome this malaise, I want to struggle against the corporatisation of universities by revitalising and extending upon MacIntyre’s argument that a university is set up for constrained disagreement and imposed participation in conflict, and also highlight the importance of reason or wisdom and its development because it enables us to see the interconnectedness and interrelationship between different forms of knowledge that can lead us to truth and of the good.  相似文献   

学生的认知风格,学习风格直接关系到第二语言学习策略的选择和运用,学习策略又直接作用于语言学习,从而影响到学习效果和成绩.本文在研究学生的语言学习风格倾向基础上,从语言学习策略的角度探索大学英语教学策略.  相似文献   

合作学习是一种有效的教学策略,在大学英语教学中,教师把它作为开展教学的一种重要策略,通过不同形式的合作学习使学生获取知识,培养学生的合作意识和技能。但是在实施过程中却因为教师、学生、教学环境等多方面因素的制约,大大影响了合作学习的效果。教师更新教育理念,学生克服心理障碍,学校营造合作氛围才能有效地解决这些问题。  相似文献   

本文探究了隐喻理论与词汇学习之间存在的关联,提出几点隐喻理论在大学英语词汇教学中运用的启示。最后指出英语词汇教学过程中,英语教师可将隐喻理论运用到教学中来,帮助学生从隐喻的视角认知和理解词汇及词义之间的关联,以加深学生对词汇的理解,帮助学生灵活运用掌握词汇,促进学生语言各个方面技能的发展。  相似文献   

我国大学教与学活动的片面现象反思   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
知识作为人的全面实践活动的产物,是集真、善、美于一体的,因此,知识的获取过程不仅仅是逻辑叙述、演绎证明的认识过程,而是一个真、善、美的有机整体的活动过程。然而,由于知识观的片面、教学思想的逻辑化、师生交往的单向性以及大学生学习的“占有性”,现实的大学教学活动变成了唯逻辑的片面活动,这造成了大学生发展的片面性。  相似文献   

本文针对合作学习模式的概述展开论述,指出传统合作学习中存在的问题以及合作学习模式的优化与应用。  相似文献   

随着时代的变化和发展,对高校的英语教学的要求也越来越高,事实上,英语教学活动不是一种师生间的单向交流活动,而应该一种双向的知识情感的交流。如何达到一种良好的英语教学成果,本文从大学英语教学的现状出发,以情感文化教学为切入口,探讨情感文化教学的独特性、情感文化教学要求以及在大学英语教学中所能起到的重要效果。  相似文献   

高等学校的优势与特色学科和专业建设已经成为当前急需解决的问题,地方工科高校的优势与特色学科和专业建设更为迫切。只有认清地方工科高校的特点,在办学目标定位、学科布局、人才培养模式等方面采取有效的措施,立足长远,坚持不懈地努力,才能真正办出有优势和特色的大学。  相似文献   

大学学习课程随着社会文化的发展变得越来越多元化,不同的课程可以满足学生对不同知识需求,学生可以根据自身的兴趣爱好进行选择.大学英语作为当代一门热门课程,为了提高大学英语的教学效果,相关的教育部门作出不同的教育方案改革,使学生在原有的基础上更加深入地了解与学习英语,从根本上提高学生的英语水平.结合当代大学英语的教育状况及教育部门进行的教育改革方案,本文将对大学英语教学课堂教学方法的改革进行简要的分析  相似文献   

This paper investigates how Australian universities are being disciplined to behave as commercial enterprises by the Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA). The manual produced by AUQA, for the purpose of conducting audits of Australian universities, is analysed. I use an analytical framework that provides a means by which a text from the ‘manual’ genre can be analysed with respect to social and political contexts, using Critical Discourse Analysis. I analyse changes in the language used in subsequent editions of the manual, drawing inferences about how the AUQA manual constructs universities to behave as particular kinds of business entities. Depictions of the globalised and virtualised university are silenced in the texts. Contrary to the rhetoric of the university being a flexible, globalised enterprise, I find that universities are constructed as localised businesses appearing to be independent of direct government control but nevertheless constrained in the scope of their operation.  相似文献   

多媒体技术环境下大学英语学科课程的教与学,在面对一些教学环节中的变化时,对其适应性不强,经常出现教师无法转变教学观念、方式,或者是学生无法掌握正确的学习方法,无法适应新的教学环境。  相似文献   

作为大学英语教学教学法较早出现的翻译教学法,经历过辉煌,经历过低潮,在交际法教学法盛行的时代,人们又重新意识到翻译教学法的重要性。翻译教学在大学英语中有利于学生英语学习兴趣的维持;有利于学生写作水平的提高;有利于师生的互动。教师通过翻译教学法将英语国家的文化背景和习俗直接传输给学生,通过翻译教学法解析难句,从而达到提高大学英语的课堂效率。  相似文献   

语言与文化密不可分。大学英语教学不仅是语言知识和技能教学,同时也是文化教学。本文首先阐述了大学英语教学中文化教学的重要性,然后着重探讨大学英语教学中文化教学的实施办法以及注意事项。  相似文献   

英语语法是英语语言活动中最基本也是必不可少的条件,是与人交际的根本。在我国,大学英语语法教学比较不收重视,认为语法教学没有必要性,似乎语法教学已经落后、过时。语法教学可以帮助学生更清楚的了解句子结构,规范语言的使用。在进行英语学习时,要时刻受到语法规则的支配,只有扎实的理解语法知识,才可以更准确的进行各类语言实践活动。笔者通过分析,重新认识语法教学在大学英语教学中的作用,提出几点可以有效提高大学语法教学的方案,报告如下。  相似文献   

多媒体教学应用于大学课堂.可使抽象的内容具体化、形象化,激活学生的思维,激发学生的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,利于培养学生的自主创新能力.但课件制作要科学、适用.  相似文献   

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