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Companies are beginning to realize that simply storing data in warehouses and databases is not sufficient to ensure the usefulness of that data or information. As information is processed with a purpose ( Ackoff & Emery, 1972 ), it becomes knowledge. Knowledge exists on many planes; one is the tacit‐explicit plane described by Polanyi (1966) . Knowledge‐based applications are becoming a key factor in determining organizational value. For example, Activity‐Based Costing (ABC) and Knowledge Value Added (KVA) are two methodologies that organizations use to measure explicit knowledge. However, this interest in measuring and managing knowledge creates two important questions. First, do companies include tacit knowledge in their measurements of knowledge? Second, can educators demonstrate that they are helping increase tacit knowledge? This paper posits that companies may not be including the full range of knowledge in their endeavor to measure knowledge in their organizations. To help make a case for including tacit knowledge and implicit learning, an active learning exercise is created to demonstrate a method to quantify and test for changes in both types of knowledge. The results show that the activity created observable changes in explicit and tacit knowledge. Future research will need to concentrate further on understanding how the two types of knowledge interact. For now though, these results demonstrate one way to observe the two types of knowledge and more importantly, point out the need for organizations to find ways to value both implicit and explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

Learning in a sheltered Internet environment: The use of WebQuests   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The present study investigated the effects on learning in a sheltered Internet environment using so-called WebQuests in elementary school classrooms in the Netherlands. A WebQuest is an assignment presented together with a series of web pages to help guide children's learning. The learning gains and quality of the work of 229 sixth graders participating in either a free-search Google condition or a closed-search WebQuest condition were compared. The closed-search condition showed the highest learning gains for boys. Children's information processing and linguistic skills generally influenced their learning gains and did not interact with condition. A difference in the quality of writing for the two conditions was also found with the language quality being higher in the free-search condition.  相似文献   

本研究在学业不良大学生学习问题成因调查结果基础上,依据自主性学习理论,自行设计学业不良大学生自主性学习能力开发模式.经实验证实该模式对学业不良大学生自主性学习能力提升有良好效果,能有效促进学业问题改善.  相似文献   

The intent of the study presented in this paper is to show that the model of problem-based learning (PBL) can be made scalable by designing curriculum around a set of open-ended problems (OEPs). The detailed statistical analysis of the data collected to measure the effects of traditional and PBL instructions for three courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering, namely Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics and Pulse, Digital & Switching Circuits is presented here. It measures the effects of pedagogy, gender and cognitive styles on the knowledge, skill and attitude of the students. The study was conducted two times with content designed around same set of OEPs but with two different trained facilitators for all the three courses. The repeatability of results for effects of the independent parameters on dependent parameters is studied and inferences are drawn.  相似文献   

论新时期高校图书馆期刊工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
期刊管理是高校图书馆一项核心工作。针对新时期期刊工作的新变化,应有相应的措施。一是优化馆藏结构;二是做好期刊资源的宣传、导读工作;三是利用现代技术对期刊资源进行深层次的开发和利用;四是提高期刊工作人员的综合素质。  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of teaching a distance education statistics course using a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) in comparison to a distance education course that used video lectures. Data were collected between 2017 and 2022. Two-hundred and sixty-eight students were included in the sample. Results supported that students enrolled in the CAPSI statistics course were less likely to drop out of the course and mastered significantly more material than students enrolled in the lecture-based distance education course. It is recommended that instructors teaching statistics in distance education settings consider using CAPSI to improve student outcomes.  相似文献   

Learning management systems (LMSs) contain hidden costs, unclear user environments, bulky developer and administration manuals, and limitations with regard to interoperability, integration, localization, and bandwidth requirements. Careful evaluation is required in selecting the most appropriate LMS for use, and this is a general problem in web-based education. One possibility is to automate this evaluation process using computer-aided techniques. In this article, the researcher has focused on the idea of automating the evaluation process and has developed a computer-aided system named Easy Way to Evaluate LMSs (EW-LMS), for the quick and efficient evaluation of LMSs, especially for developing countries, where the idea of using an LMS may be relatively new. The investigation described in this article was carried out with 88 voluntary higher education instructors to test the usefulness of the developed system. Two types of quantitative questionnaires were used during the study. The results obtained indicate that the instructors were highly satisfied using the developed system, and the EW-LMS is technically sound and well developed. Theevaluation system can help instructors to select the best LMS appropriate to their educational needs and their type of usage in the shortest possible time, with little effort, without any specialized technical knowledge/training and by following simple, user-friendly steps. The system is oriented to anyone interested in evaluating and using an LMS in web-based education. Those individuals who may be interested in using this software are instructors, students, or anyone else who may have an interest in LMSs, and educational organizations such as universities, schools, and institutes.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):395-411

Poor learner performance in South African schools raises concerns related to lack of commitment and accountability from school leaders and teachers with no common vision to promote a culture of high learner performance. This paper provides a literature overview of research available on the impact of professional learning communities (PLC) on effective teaching and practices to promote higher levels of learning amongst students; the nature of PLCs; their essential characteristics, developmental stages and challenges; and an assessment of the benefits of PLC in schools and the challenges of PLC from other researchers’ observations. PLCs are necessary to encourage collaborative teamwork on essential outcomes and intervention activities in learning. Finally, I conclude by exploring how South African schools can benefit from the practices of professional learning communities which endeavour to improve teaching practices and poor learner achievement.  相似文献   

目前,高职院校传统的"灌输式"德育模式已步入困境,教育实效低下。新形势下德育面临严峻的挑战和前所未有的机遇,必须针对高职德育的特性,积极探讨适应时代要求、体现高职教育特色、符合高职教育目标需要的"学工交融"的德育模式,以提高德育的实效。  相似文献   

谈思想政治课的学生合作学习模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程标准强调要鼓励合作学习,促进学生之间的合作交流,使学生能够共同全面的发展.合作学习能够使学生主动参与到思想政治课的学习当中,使原本枯燥乏味、死记硬背的课堂变得宽松自由.本文主要谈谈合作学习模式是如何在思想政治课堂上展开的,以及教师如何能有效的掌控学生的学习过程  相似文献   

数据挖掘和远程教育是当前两大热点领域,基于前者的学习管理系统是远程教育领域研究的热点和方向。文章首先剖析了近年来高等教育面临的形势和发生的变革,在此基础上引出了学习管理系统和数据挖掘的价值和必要性。随后重点分析了学习管理系统在高校中的使用情况,揭示了在线学习模式对教育领域的新启示,并介绍了数据挖掘在学习管理系统中的成功案例,从中可以看出学习管理系统的发展历程、现状和趋势。通过调研,研究者认为高等教育机构更多地采用学习管理系统进行在线教学的方式是未来的趋势,同时数据挖掘技术的采用是成功的关键。  相似文献   

分析了大学信息管理和信息系统专业计算机类课程学习的影响因素,给出了学习影响因素和学习成效之间的关系概念模型。之后,基于实证调研,以Amos管理统计软件为工具,建立了结构方程模型,对信管专业计算机类课程教学的影响因素及其影响机理进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

本文讨论了普遍使用的学习模式,并回顾了在网络教学环境中关于学习者控制的研究和在什么条件下学习者控制最有利于学习。最后探讨了将来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

谈高校校院系三级管理体制改革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校内部管理体制改革是高等教育改革的重要组成部分,建立校院系三级管理体系的实质是对学校内部管理的责权利的重新分配和调整.本文从分析高校实行校院系三级管理体制改革的必要性出发,阐述了改革的思路,提出了改革过程中应注意的事项.  相似文献   

针对传统项目学习存在周期长、自由度大等问题,O2O迭代式项目学习引入了"O2O迭代"为新型学习脚手架。它将复杂项目分解成前后知识相关的多个功能小项目,串接起线上线下的迭代学习和知识运用,螺旋式发展学习者融合知识解决复杂项目问题的能力。以首要教学原理为处方科学指导,它聚焦复杂项目增量式的解决,在O2O空间环境和协同机制的配合下,通过"结构、指导、辅导和反思"的过程,衔接"教与学"成为统一整体,服务于学习者在线上"需要知道"和线下"需要做"之间反复迭代的学习。在以开放教育"信息技术应用"课程为应用案例的实证研究中,样本统计显示,它能尽早发现和控制项目学习的过程变异,促进学习最终成果的绩效交付,一定程度上解决了传统项目学习容易遭遇过程障碍的难题。  相似文献   

Action learning is a pedagogical practice that helps participants learn by talking about their workplace action with fellow participants (‘comrades in adversity’) in their action learning set. This paper raises questions about the action in action learning, such as: how do members of an action learning set learn from and through each other? How do they learn through their developing conversation and interaction?

To answer such questions, I argue that, ‘ethnomethodology’ (the study of ‘member's methods’ or ‘folk methods’ for doing any kind of practical action) is useful for showing the intricacy of the practical learning process in action learning, as in learning in action, more generally. The paper illustrates the conversational and interactional work of members doing things and learning together in action (for example discovering things in science and in board meetings); and argues that this approach may also be used to study action learning in practice.  相似文献   

高校要牢固树立“育人为本、德育为先”的观念,把加强大学生思想政治教育、构建和谐校园放在当前教育的首位,尤其要积极探索新形势下大学生思想政治教育的有效途径和方法,将导师制、辅导员制、辅导员助理制、班级核心小组制进行有机结合同步实施,构建立体的相互渗透的学生思想政治教育“四位一体”管理模式,是培养高素质人才,实现学生全面发展的一种管理创新实践。  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of bilingual teaching on the development of children's literacy skills and attitudes towards language learning. In the bilingual classes 20% of the instruction was given in English. Pupils’ literacy skills in the bilingual classes were significantly better than in the monolingual classes. When observing pupils who started first grade with either a poor or an excellent level of school readiness, there was no significant difference between bilingual and monolingual groups. In addition, the pupils in bilingual classes showed significantly more positive attitudes towards foreign-language learning than the pupils in monolingual classes.  相似文献   

本文紧密结合思想道德修养课程的实践,提出了讨论式教学模式的概念;揭示出了传统授受式教学模式的缺陷和采用讨论式教学模式的必要性,创造性地实现了讨论式教学模式与思想道德修养课程的学科整合。最后笔者又进一步分析了讨论式教学模式得以有效运行的前提条件。  相似文献   


Learning Management System (LMS)-enabled blended learning has been adopted by higher educational institutions for promoting accessible and effective pedagogy and andragogical practices. The introduction of this mode of learning has altered the traditional face-to-face interaction. However, the lack of actual usage and online presence by instructors in an LMS-enabled blended learning environment seems to be a major setback for its success. Consequently, LMS-related anxiety has been cited as one of the behavioural challenges hindering its usage in Africa. Hence, this paper is focused on unravelling the antecedents of tutors’ anxiety towards actual LMS usage based on a Technology Related Stimulus-Response Theoretical Framework (TR-SR-TF). In view of this, the study employed a survey design, adopting a questionnaire as data collection instrument from 267 distance education tutors across study centres within Ghana. The results from Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique revealed three underlying factors determining LMS anxiety, namely; colleague influence, outcome expectation and use support. However, the result of the Importance Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) showed that colleague influence was the most important indicator while outcome expectation was the highest performance indicator of tutors’ LMS related anxiety. The study recommended that such factors like colleague influence, outcome expectation and use support should be consciously addressed in order to reduce (if not totally eliminate) anxiety towards LMS use for blended learning.  相似文献   

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