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This article reviews recently published work which has attempted to understand the key role of subject leaders in secondary schools more clearly. There have been important developments in three areas: theoretical ideas (e.g. the use of contingency theory); policy issues especially with the publication of the TTA (1998) standards for subject leaders and more recently, moves to introduce performance management; and research which has focused on the work of subject leaders and unravelling the characteristics of effective and ineffective departments. Some key issues which need further work include the use of non-contact time, the management of data, monitoring and evaluation and addressing the training needs of subject leaders.  相似文献   

在目前商务英语口译教学过程中,要想提高整体教学效果,单纯采用传统的教学方式已经难以满足教学需要,在教学方法和教学模式上进行全面创新是十分必要的。结合商务英语教学的实际需要和,微课教学对商务英语口译教学有着重要影响和促进作用。基于这一认识,我们应认真研究商务英语口译教学特点,并制定具体的微课教学措施,同时对微课教学的开展方法进行深入分析,掌握微课教学特点,为商务英语口译教学提供有力支持,满足商务英语口译教学需要。  相似文献   

高校校园环境直接影响大学生的成长,同时对高校德育活动和学生思想政治道德素质的影响也很明显,故本文对此加以重点讨论.并提出相应的改进方案.突出强调创建和谐的校园文化.  相似文献   

The basic multiple regression model for the analysis of selected twin data (DeFries and Fulker 1985, 1988) was fitted to spelling data from 100 pairs of MZ twins and 71 pairs of same-sex DZ twins tested in the Colorado Reading Project (DeFries, Olson, Pennington and Smith 1991), and to data from 12 pairs of MZ twins and 15 pairs of same-sex DZ twins tested in the London twin study of reading disability (Stevenson, Graham, Fredman and McLoughlin 1984, 1987). Estimates of h g 2 obtained from analyses of these data suggest that about 60% of the deficit of probands is due to heritable influences in both samples. When a regression model was fitted separately to data from males and females in the combined Colorado and London samples, resulting estimates of h g 2 were 0.66±0.18 and 0.56±0.19, respectively, a nonsignificant difference. Collaborative analyses of data from additional twin studies of reading disability would facilitate more rigorous tests of hypotheses of differential genetic etiology as a function of group membership.  相似文献   

本文对基于微课的《英语口译》翻转课堂教学实践的具体实施进行研究。作者以大连海洋大学的具体教学环境为基础,选择QQ群为教学平台,基于微课和翻转课堂的混合式教学方式,引导学生研讨问题,培养学生的自主学习能力,加强外语专业学生的思辨能力。  相似文献   

In a sample of 157 monozygotic and dizygotic twins, genetic and environmental influences on infant attachment and temperament were quantified. Only unique environmental or error components could explain the variance in disorganized versus organized attachment as assessed in the Ainsworth Strange Situation Procedure. For secure versus nonsecure attachment, 52% of the variance in attachment security was explained by shared environment, and 48% of the variance was explained by unique environmental factors and measurement error. The role of genetic factors in attachment disorganization and attachment security was negligible. Genetic factors explained 77% of the variance in temperamental reactivity, and unique environmental factors and measurement error explained 23%. Differences in temperamental reactivity were not associated with attachment concordance.  相似文献   

当今这个信息时代,技术的进步为大学生的学习和生活增添了许多新鲜有趣的元素,新传媒就是之一。随着网络和手机通信媒体成为当代大学生信息交流的最重要的方式,新媒体也已成为大学思想政治教育的新领域。然而,新媒体技术也是一柄双刃剑,它给当代高校大学生思想政治教育既带来了机遇,也带来了相应的挑战。  相似文献   

We explored the genetic background of individual differences in dynamic measures of verbal learning ability in children, using a Dutch version of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Nine-year-old twin pairs (N = 112 pairs) were recruited from the Netherlands Twin Register. When possible, an older sibling between 10 and 14 years old participated as well (N = 99). To assess verbal learning, non-linear curves were fitted for each child individually. Two parameters were estimated: Learning Speed (LS) and Forgetting Speed (FS). Larger twin correlations in monozygotic (MZ) than in dizygotic (DZ) and sibling pairs for LS and FS indicated the importance of genetic factors in explaining variation in these traits. The heritability estimate (percentage of variance explained by genetic factors) for LS was 43% for both twins and siblings. For FS heritability was estimated at 20% in twins and was slightly higher (30%) in their older siblings.  相似文献   

Recent theory and results from twin and adoption studies of children and adolescents suggest greater genetic influence on aggressive as compared to nonaggressive antisocial behavior. In addition, quantitative or qualitative differences in the etiology of these behaviors in males and females have been indicated in the literature. The Child Behavior Checklist was completed by the parents of 1022 Swedish twin pairs aged 7-9 years and of 501 British twin pairs aged 8-16 years. Genetic factors influenced aggressive antisocial behavior to a far greater extent than nonaggressive antisocial behavior, which was also significantly influenced by the shared environment. There was a significant sex difference in the etiology of nonaggressive antisocial behavior. Bivariate analyses supported the conclusion that the etiologies of aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior differ for males and females.  相似文献   

D C Rowe 《Child development》1983,54(2):416-423
Biometrical genetic analysis was applied to sibling and twin kinship data on 2 dimensions of perceived home environment. Correlations on 1 dimension, Restrictiveness-Permissiveness, were equal and significant for all kinships: MZ twins, DZ twins, same-sex siblings, and opposite-sex siblings significant for all 4 kinships: MZ twins, DZ twins, same-sex siblings, and opposite-sex siblings (r greater than .40). An E2-E1 biometrical model fitted Restrictiveness-Permissiveness, implying that treatments common to siblings create agreement about perceived environment. As intrapair differences were the same for all 4 kinships under this model, the equal environments assumption of the twin method was supported. In contrast, the Acceptance-Rejection dimension fitted a G-E1 model that makes the assumption that sibling similarity is the result of genetic factors and postulates an absence of shared environmental influences. This finding suggests that this aspect of home environment may depend as much on the child's inherited traits as on actual treatments and is in accord with the genetic analysis of individual traits in that developmentally effective environmental factors do not appear to be common to siblings.  相似文献   

This paper draws on my personal experiences with coteaching and my participation in the research described by Wassell and LaVan (2009). It examines the role of coteaching in the development of structures that afforded opportunities for shared reflection and shared responsibility between stakeholders in the classroom. It also describes how the schema and practices developed through coteaching and cogenerative dialogue helped mediate the transition between my preservice and inservice teaching experiences.
Jennifer S. BeersEmail:

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive mechanism of project-based learning teams of college students on the basis of the Shared Mental Model (SMM) theory. The study participants were 237 female college students in Korea organized into 51 project teams. To test the study hypotheses, a structural equation modeling was employed. The major study findings are as follows: (1) As hypothesized, member interaction was a strong predictor both for team-related and for task-related SMM. (2) The level of the team’s division of labor reduced the member interactions. (3) Team-related and task-related SMMs were positively associated with team performance. The theoretical and practical implications based on these results are discussed.  相似文献   

计算机网络技术的飞速发展给图书馆的信息管理带来了极大的方便,然而,基于计算机网络条件的图书馆信息管理也面临着很多安全问题。文章分析影响计算机网络条件下图书馆信息安全的因素,并对存在的问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告指出要完善开放型经济体系.河北省外向型经济的发展需要外语语言的支撑.在河北经济渐渐融入世界经济大潮的今天,省内外语语言软环境建设不到位的问题已经显露.举全省外语人才之力,打造具有河北特色、舒适便捷的外语语言软环境将加快推进河北省经济国际化进程.  相似文献   

柯林伍德和伽达默尔作为哲学家,都提出了问答逻辑。柯林伍德是从反对传统历史学研究方法出发,提出了历史哲学视域下的问答逻辑,这本质上是一种方法论上的问答逻辑;而伽达默尔则是从本体论上,在哲学解释学中提出了问答逻辑。对于两者提出的问答逻辑,虽然有不同之处,但更有许多的共通性在其中。两者的理论渊源相同,都是受苏格拉底和培根的影响;内在逻辑结构相同,都是一种问答的结构;都具有开放性的特点。此外,二者在反对科学主义泛滥的倾向方面都起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

法律必有解释。我国的司法解释是最高人民法院和最高人民检察院分别就审判工作和检察工作中如何具体应用法律的问题所作的具有普遍司法效力的解释。本文在介绍了我国司法解释的现状的基础上,解构了我国司法解释存在的病因,继而对症下药得出相应的完善措施。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的快速发展,统计信息对政府、企业及个人的作用极大地凸现出来,然而,统计信息失真现象却屡次出现.那么,在新的形势下,针对这一现象,深入地分析其产生的原因与探讨治理的对策就显得十分必要.  相似文献   

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