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This article argues that much of the meaning of artworks comes through metaphors, though we do not always recognise them as such. The argument draws on the work of Lakoff & Johnson, who assert a similar claim about metaphors in general (especially in language). It analyses the notion of a visual metaphor, gives a number of illustrations and claims that, contrary to linguistic metaphors, there can usefully be more than one visual metaphor (‘mixed metaphors’) active in a visual image and that visual metaphors can be interpreted in both directions. Verticality is presented as one basic metaphor in visual images.  相似文献   

The subject working group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on art in the National Curriculum reported last June and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in August in its final report. Rod Taylor, art adviser for Wigan and director of the Drumcroon Education Art Centre, comments on the relevance of the proposals for pupils with special educational needs. Art becomes a foundation subject in September.  相似文献   

This article is part of a broader investigation exploring how contemporary art allows us to think about the process that underpins our teaching and learning in order to change it. We are tutors in initial teacher education and we teach, learn and communicate through contemporary art for a pedagogical module. In the following article we will show how teaching, learning and communicating through contemporary art helps future teachers to be aware of their educational models. Art encounters generate new learning and teaching experiences by allowing students and teachers to make various rhizomatic wanderings. The rhizomatic wanderings are diverse with the content and the form depending on the personal experience. The article concludes that the more rhizomatic wanderings future teachers make, the more they will be able to rethink the process of teaching and learning in order to attend to the diverse situations of classrooms of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

继续教育是构成终身教育学习体系的重要组成部分,社会艺术教育的发展是国家教育重要组成部分。从艺术类继续教育入手,梳理了艺术类继续教育资源的基础,分析了社会艺术教育存在的地区差异、专业单一以及目标不明的问题,提出了由艺术类继续教育学院参与的社会艺术教育实践探索方式,从资源整合、细化设计、直面问题、多管齐下方面来保证社会艺术教育的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

中国转型期社会冲突观念的重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建国后的几十年我国一直处于总体性社会中,在这种社会框架下。人们的社会冲突观局限在政治和阶级的视野内,这在当时的社会框架之内是有其合理性的。随着我国社会的全面转型.社会冲突发生了新的变化,以原有的社会冲突观念为指导已不能有效地解释和解决社会冲突了,重构与新的社会形势相适应的社会冲突观势在必行。本借鉴西方社会冲突理论,结合我国的国情,提出新的社会冲突观应当立足于阶层分析、由政治定性转向突显经济利益取向、承认冲突的正功能等。  相似文献   

我们的教育必须促进个人的全面发展,必须适应每个受教育者个性发展的需求,而做为个体的人最终还要融入到他所生存的社会中。我们的教育必须适应社会、经济、科技、文化等发展进程的要求,这正是教育的重要的社会功能的价值体现。本文试从艺术教育的独特角度,来论述与探讨艺术教育的社会性功能。  相似文献   

社会转型与化建构二之间存在着整体性,相悖性及互动性,化的是化衍生交融的过程,其核心是价值取向,价值取向的认同是化建构的基础,而人们对化的理解方式则是化建构的前提,因此,转型时期对化的理解应采取这样一种方式,即变异质化的不可通约性为可通约性,变化的冲突对立论为化的融合整体论。  相似文献   

马克思主义的艺术本质论认为:美术是一种社会意识形态,是经济基础上的上层建筑。它通过一定的物质材料和手段,在实在的三维空间或平面上塑造可视的艺术形象,以此来反映社会生活和表达艺术家思想情感的一门艺术。由此,美术也表现出特殊的社会功能。  相似文献   

Two artists involved in ‘socially engaged art’ practice were invited to work with art education teacher candidates and instructors in an effort to rethink notions of teaching, learning and art. We initiated this residency, which we called ‘The Summerhill Residency’, to examine how learning encounters might create environments for meaningful exchanges between the ways in which artists and secondary art education teacher candidates learn to think about pedagogy and the nature of artistic learning. Drawing upon Bourriaud's theory of relational aesthetics, we consider, yet trouble, the relational aspects of the processes and products of the artist residency, and examine the crisis of imagination that permeated teacher candidates' experiences. Throughout the project, a/r/tography offered a rich form of living enquiry that opened up possibilities for learning within a community of enquirers.  相似文献   

20世纪纽约移民与社会重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪以来,随着美国的崛起和移民政策的调整,亚非拉移民人数增多,从而导致纽约市人口结构的诸多变化,非白人人口比例上升,移民年轻化、女性移民比例增加及移民受教育程度提高。这些变化引起纽约少数族裔为适应社会而斗争,并促使有组织的族裔团体和纽约人特性的形成。他们在冲突中求生存,在竞争中求发展,为纽约社会重构作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

涂尔干:社会的失范与重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;而重建社会秩序,应该建立一种与社会分工结构相适应的多层次的社会道德体系,即建立全社会的共同理想和价值的最高层次的道德,建立家庭、职业群体的道德规范的中层道德以及建立个体自我约束的微观道德。涂尔干的社会失范与重建思想对今天我们构建社会主义和谐社会有一定的启示和意义。  相似文献   

教师专业化在本质上是对教师社会形象的重新认可及其建制过程,而教师社会形象的变迁又真实地反映了教师社会地位的变更与素质结构的变化。在我国,传统文化情境中的教师是以传统价值代表的社会形象出现的,但在现代价值标准的影响下,教师职业的专业化要求日渐强烈,并重新确立了素质标准,从社会形象的角度加以分析可以真实把握教师社会角色的真实意义。  相似文献   

音乐艺术的主要社会功能有认知功能、教育功能、美感功能和促进创造性思维发展功能。充分发挥音乐艺术的各项社会功能,尤其是发展创造性思维的功能,对于培养和造就能面对21世纪挑战的全面发展的人是至关重要的。  相似文献   

作为人类精神活动和物质活动的结合体,艺术设计既能满足人们的实际功用,又能给人们精神上美的享受。这些艺术设计在维系艺术和社会的强劲关系中,起到一种举足轻重的作用,成为一个社会之凝聚力的征象。坚持"以人为本"这一理念,艺术设计在现代社会发展中就能起到调解人与自然、沟通人与社会的作用,在社会实践中创造更大的价值。  相似文献   


The social justice leadership research recognizes the pivotal role that educational leaders play in mobilizing the discourse and achieving social justice in schools. However, current social justice leadership studies may be seen as limited in that the variety of important themes and issues identified in the discussions of social justice within educational leadership are generally addressed in an isolated manner, focusing on specific aspects. There seems to be a lack of an overarching framework which may be used to examine social justice leadership in a holistic and multidimensional manner by taking into account leadership, organizational conditions and environment. This article aims to examine social justice leadership through the lens of the ‘Five Fundamentals’ outlined in The Art of War by the Chinese General, Sun Tzu. In doing so, the article extends the theoretical boundary in social justice leadership by considering its moral purpose, human and environmental conditions, leadership practices, and technical constraints.  相似文献   

主体性是马克思主义哲学基本观点的看法应该受到质疑和剖析。马克思质疑了近代主体论向内挖掘、视主体为内在生成的思路,而力主立足于社会世界来重新分析主体的构成和运作方式。这种思路把对社会世界的分析与对主体的分析看作是密切相连的。这种主体与一个共同生活的实践群体相关。马克思对近代主体概念的继承是,这一概念在其理论中仍意味着理性力量不断成长壮大并承担着为理想目标奠定基础、提供手段的功能,也承担了确定社会目标的功能。在目标定向方面,主体概念是理性自我与表现主义的本性表现的内在自我两者融合的结果。马克思对近代主体概念的调整和改变除了重建其社会性根基之外,主要表现为开始把异质性维度引进来,关注不同的群体主体。  相似文献   

当今社会对于创造力的要求越来越高,但在美术教学中,大多仍以临摹和教画为主,并不能真正激发儿童的创造力。本文在对一线美术教师访谈以及一个儿童绘画测试的基础上,发现问题,提出培养儿童创造力的具体建议。并结合一个教学实验,以研究“引导型”教学(指教师以儿童为中心,通过合适的启发行为和游戏活动间接激发儿童发挥创造力的一种美术教学活动)对于培养儿童创造力的利弊。  相似文献   

西方现代派文学高举反传统的旗帜,反思现代人的生存困惑与精神危机,贯穿着深刻的社会批判主题;艺术上又以锐意创新的姿态追求现代性的艺术魅力。文艺的审美现代性为现代派文学树立艺术丰碑的同时,也不可避免地割裂了文艺与日常现实和普通民众的传统联系,艺术转向了虚构的、荒诞的、神秘新奇的"个人化"的主观精神世界。艺术自律性与他律性的对抗,弱化了文艺的基本社会功用。  相似文献   

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