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The transformation of higher education systems under the pressure of new needs required by the “society of knowledge” in France and Italy has had a deep effect on the relationship between state and university, and therefore a direct impact on university governance. This article sums up the main results of a research carried out on university Présidents in France and Rettori in Italy, with the aim of understanding their views about the changing process in higher education systems and the related impact on their leading role. There emerges a picture of systems transiting from a traditional centralised Napoleonic structure to a new one where the growing autonomy requires a different kind of governance not previously experienced, and thus not easy to implement mostly because of the resistance coming from universities themselves. The majority of Presidents and Rectors seem aware of the changing process and the related problems even if they do not all agree upon feasible trends to follow. Such a disagreement appears to be an understandable consequence of the unstable and unpredictable direction of the changing situation in the two systems.  相似文献   

The study uses data from a census survey, augmented by school enrolment statistics, to analyse factors related to inequality in participation in schooling in Indonesia. It is argued that the census-type survey provides a very useful means by which participation can be monitored in developing countries and it also provides a particularly valuable basis on which to examine relationships between socio-economic and, to a lesser extent, educational variables and participation. The results obtained indicate that while some socio-economic characteristics of families are the source of expected significant inequalities, other characteristics, such as sex differences and the distinction between farm and non-farm families, do not relate to participation for certain levels of schooling and in urban areas.  相似文献   

This paper aims to research practices of resistance as an important part of agency in primary school classrooms. By combining a post-structural theoretical frame with a critical ethnographic research approach, it understands children’s resistance as an ordinary practice, as a necessary response to structures and practices of the classroom setting. It argues that agency needs to be resistant to some extent, because otherwise it would be merely submission or adaptation. How agency can emerge depends on the social position of the student, which influences the way in which she or he is able to anticipate (more or less implicitly) spaces for resistant agency and also how he or she is addressed in the classroom and beyond. An ethnographic case study of German lessons in a third-grade primary class in a German school shows how resistant agency manifests and how it might be restricted when it comes to racialised subject-positions in the classroom.  相似文献   

Many educational theoretical approaches to cosmopolitanism tend towards an unconditional appreciation of mobility, diversity and rootlessness. The recent interest of educational philosophy in the rhizome, de-territorialization and diversity contributes to this understanding of cosmopolitanism as movement across a borderless and imperfect world. Without downplaying such insights (and related political education), this article displaces and de-temporalizes them. It takes the form of a parody of the rhizome to view those insights from a different perspective and make them strike a different pedagogical note.  相似文献   

Seven computer applications to science assessment are reviewed. Conventional test administration includes record keeping, grading, and managing test banks. Multiple-choice testing involves forced selection of an answer from a menu, whereas constructed-response testing involves options for students to present their answers within a set standard deviation. Adaptive testing attempts to individualize the test to minimize the number of items and time needed to assess a student's knowledge. Figurai response testing assesses science proficiency in pictorial or graphic mode and requires the student to construct a mental image rather than selecting a response from a multiple choice menu. Simulations have been found useful for performance assessment on a large-scale basis in part because they make it possible to independently specify different aspects of a real experiment. An emerging approach to performance assessment is solution pathway analysis, which permits the analysis of the steps a student takes in solving a problem. Virtually all computer-based testing systems improve the quality and efficiency of record keeping and data analysis.  相似文献   

Reform in higher education is a topic of great interest world-wide because of the financial pressures facing institutions and the increasing demand for access. Also there is a perceived reluctance to respond to the political will of governments and the forces of the marketplace. Universities and colleges are accused of being complacent, unresponsive, and more concerned about maintaining their autonomy and self-interests than in providing service to the public.
Canadian higher education is not immune from such criticism, but the extent to which it is justified is by no means clear. In order to explore the responsiveness of Canadian universities and colleges to the forces of change, two surveys were recently conducted to obtain an institutional perspective. The findings reveal that higher institutions in Canada are in a ferment of change, but the changes described are more in the nature of responses to forces in the social, financial, and political environment than policy-driven, sustainable, long-range, system-wide reforms.
The surveys confirm patterns of change found in other federal nations and reflect a government strategy of self-regulation blended with fiscal controls. Provincial governments have shown a reluctance to bring about change by legislation, but the threat of legislation is a powerful incentive for reform, without compromising the essentially autonomous nature of the institutions.  相似文献   

This analysis of recent developments and trends in education in Singapore attempts to show how a government through a pragmatic approach to education and nation-building has tried to resolve, within the framework of a number of unchanging parameters, some of the problems posed by constant social change and a rapidly changing national and global economy. The parameters are the multiracial and multilingual nature of Singapore society, the maximisation of the potential in all its young citizens through the provision of educational opportunities, and the maintenance of equality of treatment and opportunity for all, irrespective of ethnicity, religion and language. In the final analysis, the central tenets of an ideology underpinning the education system are identified.  相似文献   

我国的珍珠研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述中国珍珠科学技术和生产的发展历史。总结20世纪以来我国在珍珠贝类生态生理、人工育苗、病害防治和珍珠加工等方面的研究进展状况,指出已取得的具有国际先进水平的研究领域和当前存在的问题,并展望我国珍珠科学的发展方向。  相似文献   

Just at the time that the Communist Manifesto appeared, a momentous revolutionary movement broke out on the European continent. The sparks of revolution were first touched off in Italy and then spread throughout a vast area from Paris to Vienna, from Berlin to Budapest. At the time of conflagration, the revolutionary tasks faced by each country were not entirely the same. In some countries completion of the bourgeois democratic revolution was demanded; in some, throwing off the rule of foreign powers and winning national liberation was required; and in others it was necessary to put an end to division and bring about unification of the country. Viewed as a whole, the task was to complete the national democratic revolution. At the time, the bourgeoisie in Europe feared the proletariat, which stood behind them, and their revolutionary spirit was greatly weakened. The proletariat, as an independent political force, played a guiding role. "Everywhere the revolution wa13 the act of the working class: the workers built the barricades; the workers gave their lives in the cause."1  相似文献   

突破收费"瓶颈"实现高校的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校收费的问题已成为我国高等教育实现“大众化”以及可持续发展的“瓶颈”。为探讨这一问题,本研究了发达国家高校学费收费的经验,并结合我国的实际,提出了三条措施:建立银行助学贷款体系;恢复高校学费收费的“双轨制”;降低教育成本,调整经费支出比例结构。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):103-110
This paper draws on the results of a study of the internationalization practices of Japanese universities (including four year colleges) with majors in Humanities, Social Sciences or Education. It provides a sketch of the policy of internationalization in Japan and how this is interpreted by universities there. It also looks at the ways the policy is translated into practice in terms of a number of dimensions. These include the numbers of students involved, types of programs operating, the goals they address, their organization and growth. Some examples of new approaches to international exchange of students are described.  相似文献   

In Egypt, before 1952, education, especially higher education, was the province of a privileged few. After the 1952 Revolution, in pursuit of social justice and economic development, Egypt’s leaders eliminated fees, instituted a universal admission examination, promised government employment to all graduates of higher education, and expanded the number of places. Officials expected these policies to increase inclusiveness as enrollments grew. We examine the period from 1988 through 2005, when egalitarian policies remained in place, and during which enrollments continued to expand rapidly. Despite this growth, we find that inclusiveness did not change for males and, at best, modestly improved for females. Young adults from the wealthiest families maintained a substantial advantage in the likelihood of enrolling in higher education. At the same time, females, and notably females from poor families, came to make up a larger share of the higher education community.  相似文献   

西方后现代思潮的传入对史学产生了巨大的冲击。近年来,国内翻译介绍了大量的后现代理论、后现代与社会科学的关系、后现代与史学的关系、后现代史学批评、后现代史学实践等方面的经典著作。这些工作使学界对后现代史学有了相对深入的了解,并为付诸实践奠定了基础。目前,思想史、区域史、口述史领域都零星出现了一些具有后现代意味的作品。后现代史学的批判能量及在拓展史料范围、拓宽研究视野等方面的有益启示都已初现端倪。  相似文献   

The well-established tradition of teaching andlearning in India has retained its inherentstrength even under adverse circumstances. Thepost-independence period was characterized bymajor efforts being made to nurture andtransform teacher education. The system ofteacher preparation has come under considerablepressure as a result of the expansion andgrowth of school education, through efforts touniversalize elementary education. Havinginherited a foreign model of teacherpreparation at the time of independence fromBritain in 1946, major efforts have been madeto adapt and up-date the teacher educationcurriculum to local needs, to make it morecontext based, responsive and dynamic withregard to best meeting the particular needs ofIndia. The current system of teacher educationis supported by a network of national,provincial and district level resourceinstitutions working together to enhance thequality and effectiveness of teacherpreparation programs at the pre-service leveland also through in-service programs forserving teachers throughout the country.The changing role of teachers and the changingdefinitions of teacher effectiveness have beenincreasingly studied and analyzed, withresearch undertaken and the outcomes being fedback into the system to facilitate the processof education reform. The current focus ofresearchers, policy makers and practitionerswith regard to teacher education is on thedevelopment of professional competencies, andon the most effective ways of achieving higherlevels of commitment and motivation forhigher-level performance on the part ofteachers. In addition, important possibilitiesare arising with regard to current developmentsinvolving the new information and communicationtechnologies. As a result, teacher educationin India is on the brink of a majortransformation.  相似文献   

价值观念在人的生活中占据着重要的地位,它渗透于社会生活的方方面面,折射出人的各个方面的矛盾和冲突。而对于中国社会转型的特殊时期,社会价值本位的不稳定性使我们有必要再度对之进行进一步的思考和探索,以尽量得出一个符合社会发展和人类利益的社会价值本位的判定。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have become a part of daily preparation technologies in many laboratories. Attempts have been made to apply monoclonal antibodies to open a new train of thought for clinical treatments of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and other immune-associated diseases. This paper is a prospective review to anticipate that monoclonal antibody application in the treatment of myocarditis, an inflammatory disease of the heart, could be a novel approach in the future. In order to better understand the current state of the art in monoclonal antibody techniques and advance applications in myocarditis, we, through a significant amount of literature research both domestic and abroad, developed a systematic elaboration of monoclonal antibodies, pathogenesis of myocarditis, and application of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis. This paper presents review of the literature of some therapeutic aspects of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy to demonstrate the advance of monoclonal antibody application in myocarditis and a strong anticipation that monoclonal antibody application may supply an effective therapeutic approach to relieve the severity of myocarditis in the future. Under conventional therapy, myocarditis is typically associated with congestive heart failure as a progressive outcome, indicating the need for alternative therapeutic strategies to improve long-term results. Reviewing some therapeutic aspects of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis, we recently found that monoclonal antibodies with high purity and strong specificity can accurately act on target and achieve definite progress in the treatment of viral myocarditis in rat model and may meet the need above. However, several issues remain. The technology on how to make a higher homologous and weak immunogenic humanized or human source antibody and the treatment mechanism of monoclonal antibodies may provide solutions for these open issues. If we are to further stimulate progress in the area of clinical decision support, we must continue to develop and refine our understanding and use of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis.  相似文献   

The medicalisation of the behaviour of children is a phenomenon that is attracting growing attention, with particular concern about the increased likelihood of children living in disadvantaged contexts receiving a medical diagnosis, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and treatment. This paper reports on a study of professionals involved with children experiencing behavioural problems. The professionals interviewed in this study articulated their own reservations about the medicalisation of children’s behaviour and revealed a number of strategies for interrupting the process towards diagnosis. These interruptions, analysed using Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of deterriorialisation, took place along linguistic, visual and affective planes and were successful in encouraging teachers and head teachers to see alternatives to the medical route. The findings have implications for existing practice in the response to, and support for, behavioural problems and for teacher education.  相似文献   

The National Curriculum is bringing a systematic attention to the place of language in the teaching and learning of Art, but may be suppressing some of the liveliness of language in art. Art teaches a specialist vocabulary with benefits beyond the art lesson, but there are dangers (and opportunities) in the use of words in art which have different meanings elsewhere. Art rooms have traditionally promoted a rich variety of language uses, but new pressures could lead to formulaic didactic lessons with too little pupil discussion. One language use in art, from which English teachers could learn, is discussion about the aesthetic qualities of artefacts which pupils make or are shown. English teaching too often treats poems as documentaries, but art can teach pupils to use words for looking and thinking about artefacts in their own terms. A danger here, in art as in English, is that introducing a canon can encourage talking about art in second-hand language which does not connect with pupils’ experiences. Language would drive a model of pedagogy in which experience and perception inform the formation of new concepts, then new concepts inform the search for new experience and perception, in an ascending spiral of aesthetic understanding which could also be both a pleasure and an education of the feelings.  相似文献   

元数据管理是数据仓库的关键技术之一,是数据仓库中实现信息共享的主要解决途径之一。论述了数据仓库中元数据的定义、重要性、作用、结构、管理模型及其解决方案等,为数据仓库的元数据管理提供了一种参考模型。  相似文献   

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