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Whilst experience of testing subject-specific knowledge of prospective and practicing teachers is generally available, the standardized capture of their cross-subject, pedagogic knowledge remains a new field of inquiry. This contribution will present a way of defining and capturing this knowledge with reference to standards for teacher training and insights from general didactic and teaching theory. We focus on five vocational requirements with which teaching staff see themselves confronted: structuring lessons, motivation, dealing with heterogeneity, leading lessons and assessing performance. Using the Rasch-Model, we carried out an empirical study on the structure of cross-subject knowledge based on 802 student teachers. As expected, the model, which differentiates between the five areas of knowledge, reflects the data better than a model, which assumes pedagogic knowledge to have a homogeneous structure. This provides empirical insights into long-going theoretical discussions on pedagogical knowledge. The results also reflect the context of typical learning opportunities in teacher training.  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy are aspects of their professional competence affecting students’ motivation and learning via instructional behavior. In the present study, school type-specific differences in these teacher competencies and their relation to instruction when teaching with texts and integrated pictures are analyzed, further focusing on effects of school subject and teaching experience. Teachers (N?=?265) of primary school, lower and upper track secondary school filled in questionnaires. Primary school teachers were less intrinsically motivated to teach text-picture integration than secondary school teachers. They showed more negative attitudes towards texts with pictures than upper track teachers and avoided discussing the picture to a higher degree. All teacher characteristics predicted instructional behavior, further school type-specific effects of the subject occurred. The results provide starting points for teacher training and the potential for further research concerning the support of students in class.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in the field of mathematics have demonstrated that teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, as a central component of teachers’ professional knowledge, plays a significant role in high-quality instruction and students’ learning gains. The study presented here explores the significance of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for gains in pupils’ understanding of scientific concepts and for motivational and self-related outcome criteria in primary science education in Germany. It reports on findings from a study with a pre-post-design comprising 60 primary school teachers and their 1326 pupils. Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and pupils’ learning gains as well as motivational and self-related outcome criteria were directly assessed with paper-and-pencil tests. Two-step models controlling for several relevant variables at the individual and the class level were specified. Results revealed a substantial positive effect of the measured pedagogical content knowledge on pupils’ achievement gains as well as on pupils’ situational interest and perceived competence.  相似文献   

Teachers’ pedagogical/psychological knowledge (PPK) is an important aspect of teacher competence. All conceptualisations developed so far assume that PPK is general and not specific for subjects or educational contexts. The authors take up this assumption and examine empirically whether PPK of school teachers and adult education teachers is general, i.?e. generic for subjects and educational contexts. Based on a conceptualisation validated through an expert survey (N = 44) the development of a digital test instrument with text- and videobased items is described. The article reports on the results of the structure, reliability, and DIF analyses of two PPK-facets on a total of N = 212 school and adult education teachers; analyses showed that both facets can be measured reliably with only small DIF-effects. The results point to the fact that – largely in line with the results of a literature content analysis and the expert survey – PPK is general over educational contexts. Finally, results are discussed with regard to the potentials of videobased instruments to measure teachers’ professional competence.  相似文献   

Case-based learning with videos is regarded as a promising way to promote the analytical abilities of teaching staff as a basis for their professional actions. For that purpose, the competence to assess and diagnose situations of learning and instruction is crucial, i.e., especially the ability to apply conceptual knowledge to pedagogical cases and to take teacher as well as learner perspectives into account. The article reports on the results of an experimental field intervention study aimed to convey this competence effectively by providing different forms of instructional support to over 100 students of English Studies (2?×?2 design, conceptual knowledge: present/not present; teacher and learner perspectives: present/not present). The central focus is on identifying further effects that personal characteristics (individual learning conditions, e.g., prior knowledge, tolerance of ambiguity) and process characteristics (cognitive load; cognitive, emotional, and motivational activation) have on the development of this competence, and how strong these effects are. Multiple linear regression analyses show that this type of learning with case-based videos places less demand on personal factors, and that the quality of the learning process plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

Educational research has introduced different models for the professional knowledge of (pre-service) teachers. Existing studies show major differences regarding the construct of content knowledge, which is often conceptualized based on school subject knowledge and varies with respect to academic content knowledge. The latter indicates that the question of what content knowledge teachers need has yet to be resolved. This question is particularly relevant from the perspective of teacher education at universities, since pre-service teachers for secondary schools are usually taught academic content knowledge. In this article we suggest a model of the discipline-specific teacher knowledge that includes pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) alongside two constructs of content knowledge: academic content knowledge (CK) and school-related content knowledge (SRCK). Findings from two studies for the subject area mathematics confirm that the components are empirically separable and that the three-dimensional model is superior to the two-dimensional model (CK, PCK). Moreover, the new construct SRCK holds potential for the investigation of the knowledge of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

In the light of the diversity of early child teacher education profiles this study deals with two questions: Can typical content profiles regarding early childhood study courses be identified? Do gains in self perceived competences and professional knowledge differ between students of different content profiles? First, the curricula of 16 vocational schools and 15 bachelor study courses in early childhood education are coded regarding creditpoints (ETCS) in various domains of early childhood education. Latent class analyses led to one “practical” content profile of the 16 vocational schools and to three profiles of Bachelor courses: a social pedagogy and scientifically oriented profile, a pedagogical content profile, and a mixed profile. Multi-level regression analyses as well as analyses of complex covariance patterns of repeated measures (self-concept of competences and knowledge regarding language, language development and fostering language) yielded relationships between content profile of study courses and utilization of the courses’ offerings on the one hand and the development of competences and knowledge of prospective early childhood teachers on the other hand. These results hold true even when individual background variables were statistically controlled and show that it is less the academization per se but the content profile of study courses which makes the difference.  相似文献   

The transition from school to apprenticeship marks a turning point in the life of teenagers because it can affect the course of their professional careers. Currently, this transition appears to be difficult for many older teenagers. Science deals with factors and conditions which contribute to the complication of this transition process. Teachers and their beliefs play an important role in this process but are largely neglected in the literature. Research has shown that there is a dialectic and dynamic interaction between knowledge and action (i.?e. knowledge is the basis for action). Thus, it is important to investigate the knowledge and beliefs of teachers about the transition from school to apprenticeship. It is documented that beliefs of professionals are underdeveloped in some areas in comparison to the epistemic truth status of scientific knowledge. A certain type of teacher develops an independent and creative professional-action strategy based on his/her beliefs.  相似文献   

Im Zuge der Drittmittelaktivitäten der Universitäten, die oftmals in den Bereichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsverträge, Kooperationsverträge sowie Patentlizenz- und Know-How-Verträge durchgeführt werden, wird in diesem Beitrag in kurzen Zügen umrissen, welche kartellrechtlichen Fragestellungen auf die Universitäten zukommen und daher beim Abschluss von Verträgen zu berücksichtigen sind.  相似文献   

Durch das Universit?tsgesetz (UG) 2002 kam es zu einer Neuorganisation insoweit, als mit dem Zeitpunkt des Vollwirksamwerdens dieses Bundesgesetzes die in dessen § 6 Z 1 bis 3 angeführten Universit?ten Gesamtrechtsnachfolgerinnen der jeweiligen gleichnamigen Universit?t (einschlie?lich ihrer teilrechtsf?higen Organisationseinheiten) wurden. Nach § 136 Abs 2 UG 2002 wurden die in § 6 Z 4 bis 6 angeführten medizinischen Universit?ten Wien, Graz und Innsbruck Gesamtrechtsnachfolgerinnen der medizinischen Fakult?t der Universit?t des jeweiligen Standorts. Gem § 143 UG 2002 trat die volle Wirksamkeit dieses Bundesgesetzes mit 1.1.2004 ein, sodass zu diesem Zeitpunkt jede Universit?t im Wege der Gesamtrechtsnachfolge alle Verm?genswerte und Schulden erwarb, die bereits bisher im Rahmen der Teilrechtsf?higkeit einer Universit?t sowie deren teilrechtsf?higen Einheiten zustanden, aber auch die bis dahin im Eigentum der Republik gestandenen Verm?gensgegenst?nde, die den Universit?ten zur ausschlie?lichen Verwendung zugewiesen waren. Der Bund ist aufgrund der ?nderung der Rechtslage durch das Universit?tsgesetz 2002 nicht mehr Tr?ger der vollrechtsf?higen medizinischen Universit?t, sodass es für die Frage der Haftung des Bundes für einen ?rztlichen Kunstfehler an einer Universit?tsklinik nicht mehr dahingestellt werden kann, ob dieser aufgrund eines Vertragsverh?ltnisses oder nach Amtshaftungsrecht belangt wird. Zur Passivlegitimation des Bundes bedarf es im Anwendungsbereich der §§ 49 und 136 UG 2002 der Geltendmachung eines den Bestimmungen des Amtshaftungsgesetzes zu unterstellenden Sachverhalts.  相似文献   

The introduction of educational standards in Germany forced teachers to change their perspective in order to achieve competence-oriented teaching. The initial representative surveys throughout Germany indicated that a short time after the introduction of the educational standards, teachers in various school forms were still very slow to implement the idea of competence-oriented teaching in their everyday school life. This article presents the effects of a newly developed intervention programme in which mathematics teachers familiarised themselves with educational standards for the first time. The teacher data and the performance data of the pupils of the schools participating in the project are compared in a longitudinal study with the data of schools which were not included in the intervention programme. The results indicate that after the intervention programme has run for one year, mathematics teachers in the project schools are more competence-oriented in their teaching and reflect more intensively on the concept of the educational standards than mathematics teachers in the comparison schools.  相似文献   

The implementation of inclusion in schools currently requires new reflections of competence profiles of the teachers involved. Especially in elementary school, which can so far be considered as the most developed institution of inclusive schooling in Germany, questions of differences in the profiles of elementary and special education teachers have been raised. As professional skills also have motivational and volitional aspects, a beliefs model (domain overlapping) was developed based on the construction of the TEDS-M research project, which aims to study specific special educational beliefs. Using a quantitative questionnaire designed in the context of a corresponding preliminary investigation a three-factor-solution for mapping a special supportive belief profile among student teachers and teachers in the field of elementary and special education was tested. Initially this profile model was confirmed by the results of a subsequent analysis based on a nationwide sample of elementary school and special education students (N = 951). In addition to these findings different manifestations of the beliefs model could be identified among student teachers for elementary schools and student teachers for special education.  相似文献   

Unter dem UOG 1993 kam den einzelnen Fakultäten, Instituten und der Universitätsbibliothek eigene Teilrechtsfähigkeit zu. Das ist seit 1.1.2004 nicht mehr der Fall: Das UG 2002 kennt nur mehr die Rechtsfähigkeit der Universität als solche. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Überleitung jener Zivilrechtsverhältnisse, die vor diesem Stichtag im Rahmen der Teilrechtsfähigkeit begründet wurden, und damit zusammenhängenden Aspekten.  相似文献   

The concept of “Bildung”, substantially developed by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and the French concept of “instruction”, substantially defined by the Marquis de Condorcet, have heavily influenced schools in German and French speaking cultures. School subjects as the general principles of ordering school knowledge prevail as soon as Bildung/instruction becomes granted by state institutions. I maintain that school subjects are the socio-historical form of the modern school system, through which Bildung/instruction continually develops in contradictory ways. On the basis of a concise definition of “Bildung”, mirrored by the contemporaneous concept of French “instruction”, the paper shows that school subjects become the common form and measure for organizing and distributing knowledge and know how to be taught and learned during the 19th century. Four theses are discussed concerning the way school subjects realize the ideals of Bildung in many contradictory forms: 1. The canon of school subjects guarantee manifold contents for developing capacities for students, in part through a realization of Humboldt’s and Condorcet’s concepts. 2. They integrate contradictory demands of society: Bildung, moralization in the sense of “governing the soul” on the one side, national cohesion, selection and distinction between students on the other. 3. They allow contents coming from higher education levels to enter primary schools. 4. They combine universal contents with local and regional ones.  相似文献   

Trotz hoher Studentinnen- und Absolventinnenzahlen in den meisten Studienrichtungen ist der Anteil der Frauen an akademischen Spitzenpositionen noch immer gering. Die Gründe für dieses Missverhältnis liegen in einer Reihe spezifischer Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Frauen bei universitären Laufbahnen konfrontiert sind. Die Politik der Europäischen Union verfolgt seit 1999 das explizite Ziel, Frauen stärker in der universitären und außeruniversitären Forschung zu verankern. Mit dem Vertrag von Amsterdam wurde auch der gemeinschaftsrechtliche Rahmen neu gestaltet. Das UG 2002 hat "Frauenförderung" und "Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern" zur Aufgabe der Universitäten und damit zu einem zentralen Teil ihres Bildungsauftrags erklärt. Die Europäische Strategie des "Gender Mainstreaming" wurde so in eine innerstaatliche, alle Universitätsorgane bindende Verpflichtung umgesetzt. Der Beitrag behandelt die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten der vollrechtsfähigen Universitäten zur Frauenförderung und bewertet Reichweite und Wirksamkeit der neuen Rechtslage.  相似文献   

In the external evaluation of schools the technique of classroom observation belongs to the methodological standard repertoire. Nevertheless the measurement of quality of classroom teaching based upon selected lesson sequences, which are as a rule inspected only briefly, is fraught with a lot of methodological problems. Therefore it is relevant for a substantiated quality assurance to reveal problems in the measurement of quality of classroom teaching due to an implementation of adequate empirical methods. This is made possible by using the generalizability theory and the many-facet Rasch model. Analyses based upon data of the Hamburg school inspection point out that by using an appropriate data collection procedure rater effects in classroom observations turn out comparatively low at about nine percent of total variance. Furthermore analyses prove that it is insufficient to simply quantify the agreement among raters by using global reliability measures, but that it is necessary to check up on intra rater consistency for getting valid and in this way reliable results from classroom observations for the practice.  相似文献   

This article deals with playing a musical instrument as an important form of music related activities in the development and socialization of children and youth. The authors discuss aspects of arts education and reflect concepts of interest. They focus on the musical socialization and its contexts of today, so the question, which children and young persons are playing an instrument as well as a systematic analysis of places where adolescents are playing music. The self-organized and non-goal oriented learning processes in music activities are focused, reflecting theories of social inequalities. The results of the empirical findings show differences related to social class in playing an instrument and its choice, but not in places where music is done. Especially if adolescents play an instrument with corresponding interest, intensity, forms of activities and motifs of playing do not differ by social background.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the developmental side of organizational learning. It starts out from the hypothesis that those conditions of successful learning and development competency, which can be externally influenced, are indeed independent of specific organizations and can be identified empirically. On the basis of the current results of an empirical investigation in the area of adult education, we will present a detailed profile of the requirements of a learning further education organization consisting of the dimensions organizational leadership, strategy, structure and culture, core competencies and treatment of knowledge and organizational environment. This profile was generated through a three-stepped research process combining theoretical, empirical and developmental approaches.  相似文献   

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