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李钊 《广西教育》2009,(26):6-7
很多研究资料表明,教师的心理健康水平偏低,有近三分之一以上的教师感受到较大的职业压力;五分之一以上的教师处于严重的精神紧张和焦虑状态乃至有心理疾病,其心理焦虑程度比其他职业群体的人更为严重。这主要是由教师的职业所决定的。由于社会文化等原因,学校、家长、社会普遍关心教师的教育质量,而忽视教师的生活质量;重视教师对社会的责任,而忽视教师对家庭的责任;倡导教师发扬奉献精神,而忽视教师维护自身的心理健康。  相似文献   

全国教育实证研究论坛创立并连续举办五届以来,参会人员规模持续增长。学术交流的繁荣景象是否也意味着实证方法在我国教育研究的应用越来越普遍?实证研究在哪些机构、哪些学者、哪些领域被更多采用?为了回应上述疑问,我们在清晰界定教育实证研究基础上,选取15种高水平教育学期刊为样本,对其2015—2019年间发表的3808篇论文进行文献计量分析。研究发现:在过去五年,我国教育实证研究持续增长,被更广泛地采用,但与主要发达国家的普及程度比,还有很大差距;师范院校发表的实证研究论文数量居于各类机构前列,实证研究论文占其论文总数比例快速增长,但仍处于不同类型机构的最低水平;教育实证研究中一半以上的论文由多个机构合作完成,独立发表的论文占比从63.4%下降到了57.8%,合作发表的论文占比则相应提高了5.6个百分点;教育实证研究核心作者的年龄呈现年轻化趋势;过去五年教育实证研究的核心作者一半以上具有教育学以外的跨学科背景,从年度核心作者的专业背景分布变化看,跨学科的作者占比持续上升;过去五年,教育实证研究的主题丰富多元,不同类型机构的研究主题差异明显。对于我国教育实证研究的未来发展,我们认为,鉴于师范院校...  相似文献   

工科大学生是工程师人才队伍的后备人才,避免工科学生流失是我国工业现代化的基本任务。本文调查了西安交通大学336名大三工科学生考研或就业时的专业坚持意向。结果发现,考研时约四分之一的学生对是否留在工科举棋不定,约六分之一的工科大学生将离开工科;在就业中,约六分之一的学生将离开工科进入非工程领域,近五分之一的人对是否留在工科犹豫不决。通过Ordinal回归进一步分析了专业坚持意向的影响因素,发现职业契合自信对工科大学生专业坚持意向有显著影响;专业知识自信、专业类别、母亲教育水平对大学生专业坚持具有不同程度的显著影响。  相似文献   

大学生学习投入是高等教育质量的关键点,通过便利抽样选取湖南省五所高校894名音乐专业大学生进行实证研究,研究结果发现:音乐专业大学生学习投入均处于中等偏上水平;不同性别、不同年级的音乐专业大学生在学习投入上存在显著差异;父母教育程度、学习音乐专业时间的长短在其学习投入方面则并无显著差异.  相似文献   

2000~2009年我国中学英语口语教学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对2000~2009年间我国中学英语口语教学研究进行了一次文献检索。数据分析结果显示:2000年以来,国内有关中学英语口语研究的论文数量呈上升趋势;从研究方法上看,非材料研究远远超过实证研究,占绝对优势;研究内容主要涵盖五个方面,包括英语口语教学、英语口语测试、口语教学理论研究与实践、口语能力发展与多媒体技术等。当前中学英语口语教学研究还存在四大问题,即同一主题反复研究、实证研究类数量偏少、研究内容不健全以及研究尺度不深。针对以上问题,本文尝试提出有效对策,以期为促进今后国内中学英语口语研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

2015—2019这五年里,在教育实证研究运动的推动下,"大学治理"这个充满理论思辨传统的研究领域开始尝试循证研究。以国内17本CSSCI来源教育期刊上的77篇大学治理实证研究论文为研究对象,以国外5本SSCI来源教育期刊上的22篇大学治理实证研究论文为参照对象,通过多维度的统计分析发现:在文献计量特征上,中国大学治理研究年度发文中的实证研究占比稳步提升;共被引文献反映出大学治理实证研究具有鲜明的知识输入特点,具有明显的跨学科特征。在知识生产特征上,研究主题从宏观转向微观,以"大学(组织)治理"为主;采用的研究方法具有多样性,以质性的"文献分析"和"个案分析"为主,实证研究的规范性偏低;大学治理实证研究以高校为主要分析单位;知识生产的迭代更新具有"政策依赖"性;大学治理实证研究这5年解决了系统层面、大学层面和基层学术组织层面治理的重要问题。由于研究者对教育实证研究方法掌握得不够充分,致使这种研究范式在知识积累上的优势尚未发挥出来。未来,大力提倡实证研究范式,规范研究方法,提升研究质量,是大学治理研究者的使命。  相似文献   

近五年来的晚清政治史研究有一个从革命史转向改革史、从事件史回归制度史研究的趋向,学界在对实证研究方法的重视、研究视角与研究路径的转换等方面取得了一定的成果,尤其是在戊戌变法与清末新政研究方面成果较为突出。本文对近五年来晚清政治史研究的最新进展略做述评。  相似文献   

国际高等教育领域对质量保障的重视、我国高校的扩招政策以及"证据为本"教育研究的兴起,促成了全球范围内大学生学习与发展研究的发展和繁荣。本研究以2015—2019年为限,对国内中文刊物发表的大学生学习与发展的实证研究进行综述,归纳近五年来相关研究浮现的主题,分析其在研究方法与设计上的特征与不足。研究发现,过往五年中,有关我国大学生学习与发展的实证研究可分为八大主题,所使用的研究方法涵盖了量化、质性与混合三类研究路径,十五所"双一流建设"高校的研究人员在这一领域中占据了领军地位。基于过往五年的实证研究,本研究建议进一步扩充中国大学生成长的"金字塔模型",将个体水平上不同层次的大学生成长放在逐级嵌套的个体、教学、院校与政策四层脉络之中加以理解。虽然研究主题丰富、研究方法多样,且研究者开始表现出日益清晰的方法论意识,我国的大学生学习与发展的实证研究仍然存在很多不足,如方法使用极不均衡、研究程序不够合理、可积累性不足和理论意识缺乏等。这些不足指出了未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

在郫县一中的十二个教研组中,语组是很具特色的一个学科组。她的队伍大,有28人,占全校在岗教师的五分之一左右;她的班主任最多,有14人,占全校班主任的近三分之一,是本校德育工作的一支中坚力量;她的教研和学术风气浓厚,上学期在全校教研组工作评估中评为优秀奖;近三年,其组员有43篇论在国家、省、市级刊物上发表或获奖;她的教师在教育教学中获奖人次多,近三年获市县级以上奖项共有22人次;她辅导学生征获奖或发表章很多,近三年仅省级以上就多达80人次……  相似文献   

近20年来,国内教育类和学报类核心期刊上发表的有关农村义务教育研究的文章表明:进入新世纪以后,我国农村义务教育研究呈现大幅度上升的趋势;从研究方法上看,非实证研究占绝对优势,实证研究有显著的增长;研究内容主要包括农村义务教育经费、教育管理体制、教育普及、教育均衡发展、师资力量、城乡二元教育结构等6个方面的问题;资金短缺是农村义务教育发展的最根本问题。  相似文献   

通过对第五代电影人的发轫之作《一个和八个》以及《黄土地》的分析,认为"第五代"的电影实验不但体现了一代电影人的现代意识,也是他们作为"革命之子"的言志之作。"第五代"是文革中长成的一代,是"父"的"红卫兵"和为"父"放逐的"俄狄浦斯"———"知识青年",他们注定要在对父的怨恨、背叛与皈依中获得父的精神传承,并通过极端个人化的影像完成集体性的身份表达。虽然以意象造型为核心的影像本体论的形成是中国电影现代转型的重要标志之一,但是第五代电影依旧保留着革命时代的文化基因,是介于革命与后革命之间的褐色浪漫主义电影。  相似文献   


This paper is based upon a presentation made at the fifth National Practicum Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney in February 1993. It outlines a proposed framework for initial professional preparation based upon developmental approaches to nurse and teacher education. Key aspects of that framework are compared with the actual outcomes of a recent collaborative research study into students in nursing and their perceptions of learning in the clinical setting. Similarities and differences are identified and discussed, particularly those relating to concerns neophytes have during pre‐service courses. Several issues of importance in practicums undertaken as part of professional programmes, including the complementary roles played by experienced practitioners and university staff, are emphasised, along with the value of fostering reflection upon practice.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study was in the main concerned with the relationship between developmental maturity (in the physiological sense) and attitude to school science, among a group of secondry school children. The sample consisted of 269 boys and girls in a midland secondary school. They were administered a non‐verbal intelligence test, a Piagetian conceptual development test, and an attitude to school science scale, in the first and second years. In the fifth year they were again administered the attitude to school science scale. On the basis of the onset of menstruation, the girls were divided into early, normal and late developers.

The results showed that between the second and fifth years, attitudes to school science became more negative‐‐this applied to both boys and girls, but it was more marked in the case of the girls. It was also found that in the first and second years of the study, early maturing girls showed significantly more negative attitudes to school science, but that by the fifth year, early and late maturing girls were showing equally negative attitudes to this subject. Although the normal developers shared in the general decline in attitudes between the second and fifth years, their reactions to school science were less unfavourable throughout. The implications of these findings are discussed at length within the framework of current reserch and theory in this area.  相似文献   

This article report on the development and use of an analytical framework intended to map the language demands encountered by English learners as they engage in science performance assessments. Grounded in functional and interactional views of language and language use, the authors—two science education researchers and a language scholar—developed the framework via an inductive, iterative, and systematic review of written assessment materials associated with three fifth grade science performance tasks. The resulting Science Assessment Language Demands (SALD) framework is organized around three dimensions: participant structures, communicative modes, and written texts and genres that students are called upon to read and produce. The authors used textual analysis to conduct an expert review of the written documents associated with the three assessment tasks. The results indicate that the framework can be used to document a wide range of functional and interactional language demands involved in science performance assessments. The demands revealed by the SALD framework highlight both potential challenges facing English learners during science performance assessments as well as opportunities afforded by such assessments for demonstrating their knowledge and skills and further developing language proficiency. A major implication of the study is the potential use of the framework to evaluate the language demands and opportunities of science assessments used in classrooms with English learners. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 909–928, 2010  相似文献   

The development of reading skills in language minority (LM) learners, particularly during the middle school years, remains unclear despite the increasing need for educators to serve this rapidly growing population. In this study, the English reading comprehension growth of middle school LM learners was investigated using a longitudinal design and the simple view of reading as a theoretical framework. Students were assessed at four time points between fifth and seventh grades on standardized measures of listening comprehension, word reading, and reading comprehension. Individual growth modeling revealed that both listening comprehension and word reading assessed in fifth grade predicted the elevation of students’ developmental trajectories in reading comprehension. However, neither skill predicted students’ growth in reading comprehension, and there was no significant variation across children in growth rates, indicating that students in seventh grade remained on a trajectory established in fifth grade. The implications of the slowing rate of reading comprehension development during the middle school years are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses one aspect of a pan-African action research project called ITMUA (Implementing the Third Mission of Universities in Africa). This particular paper draws on the data from that project to explore the National University of Lesotho’s contribution to lifelong learning in its communities. It provides background information on the ITMUA initiative and analyses interview and focus group responses to two case studies in terms of their contribution to lifelong learning. It uses, as its analytical framework, a modified version of Mbigi’s African perspective on the four De Lors’ ‘pillars’, by adding a fifth pillar, courtesy of Torres. The paper argues that community engagement is a two-way process between universities and their wider constituencies with opportunities for mutual lifelong learning. But there are also challenges of understanding and process which must be addressed if the full range of these lifelong learning pillars is to be accommodated within African contexts. The paper provides an introduction to the history of community engagement in Africa as a university mission, followed by a brief discussion of lifelong learning within African perspectives. After describing the particular context of Lesotho, the concept of community service and community engagement in contemporary African contexts introduces the action research project and the case studies. The final part of the paper presents and discusses the research findings.  相似文献   

This study employed a case study design (Yin, Case study research, design and methods, 2009) to investigate the processes used by 5th graders to design and develop computer games within the context of their environmental science unit, using the theoretical framework of constructionism. Ten fifth graders designed computer games using Scratch software. The results showed students were able to design functional games, following a learning-by-design process of planning, designing, testing, and sharing. Observations revealed that game design led to opportunities for informal knowledge building and sharing among students. This, in turn, encouraged students to test and improve their designs. The findings support the conclusion that elementary students can develop programming concepts and create computer games when using graphical programming software developed for their level of experience. Insights into the iterative process of learning-by-game design are presented.  相似文献   

Self-assessment practices have been advocated in recent Irish educational documents due to their potential to enhance school children’s learning and self-regulatory skills. However, the literature has highlighted how some children struggle to make accurate self-assessments of their academic work, which diminishes such positive effects (Keane and Griffin 2015; Nicol 2009). Using Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development (1970) as a theoretical framework, the present study sought to investigate whether children’s academic self-assessments became more accurate in line with increased age and higher prior literacy attainment. Following training in the use of self-assessment writing rubrics, 85 school children from second class, fifth class and Transition Year wrote an English essay and later self-assessed their work using rubrics devised by Andrade, Du, and Wang (2008). Results indicated that overall, children’s self-assessment scores held a weak relationship with their actual performance scores (r?=?.24). However, findings illustrated that children’s self-assessments became significantly more accurate in line with increased developmental stages. Strong correlations also emerged between higher prior literacy attainment and children’s accuracy in self-assessments, amongst second class (r?=??.45) and fifth class (r?=??.73) children only. The findings suggest that Irish school children, in particular, primary school children with low literacy attainment, display difficulty making accurate self-assessments of their academic work in literacy. Stemming from the research, implications for practice and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

The improvement of schools takes place over extended periods of time. Consequently longitudinal studies which track successive cohorts of pupils through their schooling are required if estimates of the extent of improvement are to be established. To date, hardly any studies have collected the necessary data. Those studies which have had appropriate data have tended to emphasise the extent of stability of schools' effectiveness over time rather than the extent of any changes. A shift in conceptual framework is called for if improvements in schools' effectiveness are to be the central focus of concern.

The study is based on three successive cohorts of pupils passing through some 30 English secondary schools. It uses examination results as the outcome measure and includes a prior attainment measure amongst the variables used to control for differences between schools' intakes. A multi‐level strategy for conceptualising and modelling data on schools' changes in performance over time is offered.

In common with earlier studies the research shows that there is a good deal of stability in schools' effectiveness from year‐to‐year; only a small proportion of the schools in the study (between a fifth and a quarter) were improving or deteriorating in terms of their effectiveness. A particularly striking finding of the research was that whilst several schools improved in effectiveness only one initially ‘ineffective’ school did so consistently. The implications of the study for future research on school improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the components of a framework for affective education implementation based on a positive psychology approach. A fifth grade class of 31 students in a public rural elementary school in Taiwan participated in a 13-week long affective education course that consisted of six units: Self-discovery, Love and Gratitude, Empathy, Emotions, Optimism, and Hope. Storytelling and interdisciplinary instruction were utilized as two primary teaching strategies. Constructivist grounded theory case study was used as a qualitative methodological approach and four data sources including participant observations, field notes, artifacts, and self-assessment were collected. A framework for affective education implementation that emerged from the data consisted of three levels: the classroom in/out level, the school/family level, and the society/culture level. Findings on the components of a framework for affective education implementation are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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