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Educational technology research and development - Video in education has become pervasive. Globally, educators are recording instructional videos to augment their students’ learning and, in...  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework for investigating the role of algorithms in mathematical thinking. In the study, a combined ontological-psychological outlook is applied. An analysis of different mathematical definitions and representations brings us to the conclusion that abstract notions, such as number or function, can be conceived in two fundamentally different ways: structurally-as objects, and operationally-as processes. These two approaches, although ostensibly incompatible, are in fact complementary. It will be shown that the processes of learning and of problem-solving consist in an intricate interplay between operational and structural conceptions of the same notions.On the grounds of historical examples and in the light of cognitive schema theory we conjecture that the operational conception is, for most people, the first step in the acquisition of new mathematical notions. Thorough analysis of the stages in concept formation leads us to the conclusion that transition from computational operations to abstract objects is a long and inherently difficult process, accomplished in three steps: interiorization, condensation, and reification. In this paper, special attention is given to the complex phenomenon of reification, which seems inherently so difficult that at certain levels it may remain practically out of reach for certain students.  相似文献   

Excellence and education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Demands for excellence have achieved national prominence. Educators need to include the state, civism, and equity within the framework of defining excellence. Rightist and leftist philosophic/social views differ in approach and solution. Norms, quality, and selectivity are slogans of the Right. Equality, justice, and inclusion are the watchwords of the Left. With a traditional view of society currently ascendant, liberals must meet the challenge. For the sake of equity all must be educated in core subjects, using varied approaches, for a productive, competent citizenry. For those who can produce at a higher level in the arts, humanities, or science, teachers, resources, and standards must nurture, guide, and challenge. Excellence, as a standard open to continual revision and assessment, thus emerges as a goal for all.  相似文献   

德意志大学曾是现代大学的典范,但如今似乎失去了昔日的辉煌。为了重振德国大学的科研地位与国际声誉,2017年德国政府在2006年“卓越计划”的基础上推出了新的世界一流大学建设计划“卓越战略”,57个卓越集群、10所卓越大学和1个卓越联盟从竞争中脱颖而出。从“卓越计划”到“卓越战略”,其主要动因在于重振德国大学的全球领先地位;其最大的变化在于调整了资助层面、遴选标准和遴选机制;其战略意义在于推动大学分化与提升大学治理能力;其实现路径在于引入国际评审、实施流动与反馈机制以及整合区域科研资源,力争促进德国大学早日重返世界科学研究中心的舞台。  相似文献   

试论物质的两面性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文试从三个方面论述凸显物质两面性的因素,然后分别讨化氧气和二氧化碳两种常见物质的两面性。  相似文献   

20 0 2年是教育战线全面实施国家“十五”计划 ,继续开拓前进的一年。我国高等教育正在发生深刻的变革 ,在新的世纪将形成一个更加开放、更加先进、更加现代化、更具有创造性的高等教育体系。作为现代高等教育重要组成部分的现代远程教育在我国已呈现蓬勃发展的态势 ,越来越多的普通高等院校陆续开展了网络教育 ,境外的远程教育机构也正在以参与者的姿态进入中国教育市场 ,我国现代远程教育多元化的格局正在形成。作为以远程教育为其特点的电大既面临着极大的机遇 ,也面临着更加严峻的挑战和竞争 ,如何应对挑战是电大人的当务之急。首先 ,我…  相似文献   

福建商业经济发展,市场商品贸易的繁盛,就出现特殊商品货币流通与铸造。自汉至唐,随着中原汉族迁闽,带来了钱币,唐时福建也好了铜钱。五代王氏治闽,铸有铁钱、铅钱、铜钱,但很粗糙。宋时福建也行铸币,建州丰国监历136年铸币,称上品。无时福建普遍用钞。明代福建铸宝钱,明末清初外国“番钱”流入福建。清初在福建开矿设局铸币,至光绪年间,福建出现“商办”的机器铸币厂,后归“假官办”及“官督商办”。民国时福建都督府又行铸币,市场上出现各种光番银币。国民党政府滥发纸币,盘剥民财,致使民不聊生。  相似文献   

Although there are a variety of definitions of test bias, none has provided a basis to support claims of bias, especially with respect to those tests that predict school performance. The fact that validity coefficients for such tests are consistently high suggests that what bias there is derives from the nature of the criteria; i.e., the cultural bias of schooling. And because schooling reflects social values, the resolution of the problem lies through social-political action and not psychological or psychometric advances.  相似文献   


While not representative of all students, those who demonstrate a sense of entitlement demand a great deal of instructors' time and energy. Our article places student entitlement in its social context, with specific attention to the prevalence of the consumer mentality, grade inflation, and the self-esteem of the student generation. We then outline several strategies for dealing with entitlement behavior. We suggest that greater clarity in standards and assessment, combined with specific requirements guiding teacher-student interactions and general efforts to resocialize students and faculty, will help to curb these behaviors.  相似文献   

尽管德国拥有一批历史悠久的中世纪大学,然而在今日鳞次栉比的世界著名大学之林中却难觅其身影.为了打破这一尴尬的局面,德国政府启动“卓越计划”,力图打造一支“日耳曼的常春藤”,重塑德国大学重要的科研地位与国际声誉.本研究结合“卓越计划”实施前后德国大学科研论文的发表情况、大学竞争文化和机制的转变、高校与校外科研机构间的合作、德国大学在三大世界大学排名中的表现等,探索“卓越计划”推出10年来的实施效果,展望“卓越计划”未来的发展趋势与面临的挑战.  相似文献   

创业教育的大众化与精英性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校创业教育应大众化,尽量使全体学生受到,必要的创业教育,与此同时,也应注重高校创业教育的精英性,对大学生中具有创业意愿和创业潜质的未来创业精英群体进行专门培养.普及型创业教育和提高型创业教育既相互联系又相对独立,有利于贯彻因材施教的原则,也有利于提升创业型人才的培养质量.  相似文献   

Secondary preservice teachers at Georgia Southern University have little knowledge of poverty or the lives of students who live in poverty. Preservice teachers rarely interact with others who live outside their self-reported middle-class status. In this article, the author examines the effects a study of poverty has on the philosophy and practice of secondary education preservice teachers. Themes that emerged were development of awareness of socioeconomic differences, development of empathetic rapport and caring attitudes, and development of a commitment to culturally responsive teaching. The author also discusses the implication of this research on classroom practice and the broader scope of teacher education.  相似文献   

Nation', schools in Singapore are now asked to develop themselves into excellent schools. To support this change, the way that schools are being appraised has been changed since 2000. The school today is asked to do self-appraisal using the new School Excellence Model (SEM), which is adapted from a business excellence model. This article discusses the SEM, its major implications to the leadership and management of schools in Singapore and the areas still to be addressed in the implementation of the model. In particular, school leaders should focus on the substance and not the form of the SEM, be systemic in their approach to quality improvement in schools and truly lead the way by being the first believing and practicing member of this movement. Key Words: excellence, leadership, quality, school, self-appraisal  相似文献   

卓越首先是一种德性,与生命存在的意义紧密关联。大学卓越教学是面向学生生命的教学。指向生命本身的卓越教学应立足学生自我生命的生长,树立关爱生命,发展生命,达成生命的教学观。这意味着大学教师在不断追求崇高的境界中应引领学生走向卓越的心智生活;引导学生体认创造性存在的价值,在理解生命,领悟生命的同时促成其生命境界的提升;作为面向未来学者的大学卓越教学,还应注重教学的研究性。  相似文献   

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