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朱慧英 《学子》2011,(9):49-50
在具体的教学中,学生、教师、文本之间的对话,应当包含了这四种对话关系:一是教师和文本之间的对话;二是学生和文本之间的对话;三是教师和学生之间的对话:四是学生和学生之间的对话。能否促进学生和文本对话,推进深度阅读,关键在于教师和学生之间的对话。  相似文献   

正什么是阅读?纵观近几年的高三教学,阅读就是一个蚕食的过程,一点一点地把文字吞进肚里,却缺少了一个反刍和回味的过程。高中学生阅读方面存在的主要问题是:由于学生知识层面的限制,会形成某些文章的阅读障碍;阅历的浅显会使情感的体会难以达到深度的共鸣。这时,当学生和文本的对话因为知识面和年龄的关系难以正常进行时,就需要老师来做这个牵线搭桥者,使学生和文本真正形成一种双向的对话式的阅读。教师在学生与文本的对话教学中,可以发挥如下几点作用:  相似文献   

为了客观、全面地评价翻译家,评价者需要一个相对统一、跨学科而可操作的评价模式.该模式是一个由三个层面有机组成的系统,一是评价者的前期准备工作,包括原文诠释依据与译本的收集等工作;二是译本文字层面的评价方式,涉及词汇、句子与风格三部分;三是译文文本外因素的分析,从信仰与措辞之问、动机与风格之间、功能与译法之间、译者与社会之间四个方面的关系进行评价.评价模式必须具有高度的系统性.评价框架的谩定既要基于文本而又要超越文本,才能于细微处见深度与广度,同时应该对评价行为的执行者有所约束才能保证对被评价对象的公允解读.  相似文献   

批注式阅读是建立在对话基础上的阅读模式,在课前,学生对文本进行批注,形成学生与文本、作者的对话;教师在备课中进行批注,形成教师与文本、作者的对话;教学中师生对话,形成师生之间、生生之间、文本和学生之间的对话;课后反思阶段则是学生对自我阅读过程的一个反思,形成的是自我对话。正是在这个对话中,学生从拿到文本到初步感受文本,再到理解文本、感悟文本,最终生发出自我的感悟。那么,在初中语文教学中,如何进行批注式阅读教学呢?  相似文献   

职业教育“人才培养模式”辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内职业教育相关研究中将许多职业教育实践和表现都称为一种人才培养模式,使得人才培养模式名称多样纷杂。但是,许多模式之间并不能进行比较,研究者间也无法就此模式进行对话。造成这种现象的原因在于这些模式的产生出自不同的归纳标准,而这些标准并不是处于同一平面上,只是强化了该实践的某一个方面。事实上,一个完整的人才培养模式应该包括至少四个层面、七个方面的内容。理清了这一框架结构,就可以清楚判断各种不同人才培养模式归纳的标准及其所处的层次,实践中的各种模式就可以各自归类,从而展开对话。  相似文献   

九叶诗人穆旦的诗歌采用理性、间离的人生态度和关照方式,形成了一种独特的客观化抒情模式。从文本层面上说这正是由于采用了戏剧化的抒情手法。穆旦诗歌实践的成功证明了戏剧化抒情是新诗走向现代化的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

本文主要从四个层面浅谈张恨水小说中的旧文学特色与其读者群形成的关系。这四个层面分别是:文本的内容层面、文本的叙述形式层面、叙述方式层面及文本的通俗性层面。通过对这四个层面的探讨,我们发现张恨水在小说的改革中做出了不可忽视的贡献,他为大部分平民妇孺提供了精神食粮,使他们可以间接接触他们所生活的社会。  相似文献   

展评模式下的语文课堂为学生、教师、文本之间的对话提供了广阔的平台。无论是前端学习还是展示评价,课堂对话都呈现多元、深入、丰富的特点。本文试从多元对话形成的前提、基础、拓展对话空间和形成深度理解等几方面,结合《我的母亲》教学案例做以思考,以期发挥展评课堂模式的优势,将语文课堂对话落在实处。  相似文献   

就汉语存现构式的句法特征、语义特征以及语篇功能特征而言,其语篇组合模式对汉语存现构式的研究在探讨汉语存现构式表达时/空层级关系的作用上有着重要的意义.本文以认知语言学中的图形--背景理论为指导,从认知的角度对汉语存现构式的语篇组合模式进行探讨,发现汉语存现构式有四种构式殊型,这四种构式殊型有六种组合方式,在这六种组合方式之中,每个构式殊型都可以自己和自己组合在一起,这样的组合方式我们把它称之为单调组合(monotonous series).另外,这四种构式殊型可以两两之间进行组合,所以这些组合被称为非单调组合(non-monotonous series).这两种组合又分别对应于四种不同的图形和背景之间的时/空关系模式,即背景共现模式、轴心背景模式、连续背景模式及平行背景模式.  相似文献   

国内职业教育相关研究中将许多职业教育实践和表现都称为一种“人才培养模式”,使得“人才培养模式”名称多样纷杂.但是,许多模式之间并不能进行比较,研究者间也无法就此模式进行对话.造成这种现象的原因在于这些模式的产生出自不同的归纳标准,而这些标准并不是处于同一平面上,只是强化了该实践的某一个方面.事实上,一个完整的“人才培养模式”应该包括至少四个层面、七个方面的内容.理清了这一框架结构,就可以清楚判断各种不同“人才培养模式”归纳的标准及其所处的层次,实践中的各种“模式”就可以各自归类,从而展开对话.  相似文献   

Children 8-10-years old were asked to write a story and then to improve it using resource texts. A first group accessed the resource texts through a computer database, a second group read the texts on paper and no texts were given to a third group. Regardless of their reading abilities, the children using computers produced more propositions during rewriting and, in particular, more macrostructural propositions. Inventions inspired by the resource texts outnumbered borrowings, particularly in the computer-assisted group. Our interpretation stresses the effect of the database learning environment on the reprocessing of mental models involved in generating first drafts.  相似文献   

BackgroundText illustrated by pictures (i.e., multimedia material) is often used to improve learning outcomes. To support learning, it is essential to understand and specify the ongoing cognitive processes when processing illustrated texts.AimsWe focus on three cognitive processes identified when processing non-illustrated texts: activation, integration, and validation. In three experiments, we investigated whether the three processes occur during the processing of illustrated texts and whether the processes differ between illustrated and non-illustrated texts.SamplesExperiment 1 had 170 participants, Experiment 2 had 221 participants, and Experiment 3 had 132 participants.MethodAll experiments used an adapted version of the contradiction paradigm. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants read texts that contained information that was consistent vs. inconsistent with a later sentence (target sentence). It was additionally varied whether a picture illustrated the consistent vs. inconsistent information. In Experiment 3, only the pictures were consistent or inconsistent with the target sentence. We measured reading times for the target sentence and the following sentence (spillover sentence).ResultsIn all three experiments, reading times were significantly longer in the inconsistent than in the consistent conditions. This prolongation of reading times was not affected by the picture in Experiments 1 and 2.ConclusionOur results indicate that activation, integration, and validation processes are similar when processing non-illustrated and illustrated texts (Experiments 1 and 2) and also occur when information is presented across text and picture (Experiment 3). We discuss the implications for the theoretical foundations of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

用一种翻译标准去衡量所有的翻译是不科学的,也是不可能的;同时,指望用一种或几种翻译模式就解决所有的翻译问题也是徒劳的。翻译标准和翻译模式应随着原文、译文、原文风格、译者和译文读者的不同而不同。  相似文献   

本文借助文本资料和考古资料,重现了古代雅典陪审法庭的运作过程。在此基础上,作者提出,雅典人以平等、公平、公正为目标,通过把陪审员名额分配上的硬性规定与分配法庭时的弹性机率、程序的公开性与投票的秘密性相结合,并配以对程序协助者的监督,从而创造了古典社会中程序民主的典范。  相似文献   

In a world literature course, an instructor faces the challenge of engaging the students in classical texts that are historically, geographically, and linguistically “alien” to them. Through a three-step instructional model that includes approximation, thematic relevance, and application, the instructor tries to help students identify, engage, and interact with the texts. Several trials of this strategy have shown that this approach is promising because it promotes the students' active participation in class and ownership of the course content. Therefore, its implications in praxis will extend beyond the discipline of literature to other disciplines in college teaching.  相似文献   

文本特质是指一个文本所具有的区别于其他文本的标志属性。从特质的角度来说,文本主要分为主题型文本、诵读型文本、语用型文本、写作型文本和拓展型文本。在写作教学时,根据文本的特质营造一定的写作情境,让学生进行深刻感悟,能够打破课堂中沉闷的写作氛围,有效激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

误读在审美接受活动中具有普遍性。本文运用审美心理学和现代阐释学理论 ,通过对具体文本审美接受活动中误读现象的梳理与分析 ,对误读的四种模式进了理论归纳与阐释。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether refutation texts (i.e., texts that explicitly state and refute a misconception) facilitate spontaneous transfer of revised knowledge to new situations. In Experiments 1 and 2, students read refutation, transfer, and non-refutation texts. Transfer texts were either preceded by refutation (Experiment 1) or non-refutation texts (Experiment 2). In both experiments, comprehension of the transfer texts required activation and use of the correct belief. Each text contained a target sentence that was consistent with the correct belief. In both experiments, reading times of the target sentences were collected and compared to provide an implicit measure of transfer. Additionally, a transfer problem test was also administered after reading the texts to assess transfer in a more explicit way. The results revealed that refutation texts are more effective in facilitating revision and spontaneous transfer of revised knowledge than non-refutation texts. These results add to the growing body of evidence for the applicability of using refutation texts in revising misconceptions.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the conditions under which readers are able to transfer revised knowledge as a result of reading refutation texts (i.e. texts that explicitly state and refute a misconception). Across three experiments, participants read refutation texts that addressed socioscientific and nonsocioscientific issues as well as transfer texts that were designed to reactivate the misconceptions addressed in refutation texts. In Experiments 1 and 2, the results indicate that reading a refutation text reduces interference from the misconception as participants read the transfer texts in close temporal distance, even when the misconception is reactivated. In Experiment 3, the results indicate that participants reading refutation texts could not transfer revised knowledge when the temporal distance between refutation texts and transfer texts increased. Students’ performance on pretest and posttest questionnaires also suggest that reading the refutation texts facilitated knowledge revision prior to transfer. We discuss the findings in the context of the Knowledge Revision Components Framework.  相似文献   

针对当下书法批评活动对书法文本的忽视,审查了现有书法批评方法的得失,提出了文本细读的应对策略,并且主张只有在书法的审美静观中才具备文本细读的可能性。  相似文献   

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