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梳理国内外数字教科书演进的基本历程及其样态演变,探究教育攸关者与数字教科书的角色博弈,对当前教育实践具有指导意义。展望数字教科书的未来路向、呼应时代的"人性彰显"根本价值诉求,是数字教科书研究应有之义。基于中国教育实践智慧创造性转化的逻辑诉求,数字教科书发展的未来路向将以教科书、教学以及教材等核心概念重构为出发点,基于"开放·发展"理解旨趣重构数字教科书,基于"学习者本位"价值旨趣构建"技术与教育双向融合"教学生态,基于"未来课程"实践旨趣创新教材观。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, amid the surging tides of reform in China, the editorial board of history in the People's Education Publishing House released a set of history textbooks for junior high school nine-year mandatory education (hereafter, the new textbook). This set of textbooks has now been in use for a few years. It has been evaluated positively by teachers, students, and experts, and has also been officially approved by the State Education Commission. Since the early 1950s, the People's Education Publishing House has compiled many sets of textbooks on various school subjects for our country's primary and secondary schools. We have gained a great deal of experience, but we have also learned quite a few lessons. The new textbook is a bold and creative innovation created on the basis of previous textbooks. As the chief editor of the new textbook, I want to talk about our experiments and explorations, hoping thereby to exchange views with our colleagues both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

This paper is a study of textbooks in chemical technology in Sweden during the industrialisation in the 19th century. In this period, teaching in technological education in general became more and more founded on science. However, there existed very few textbooks in chemical technology, and it is argued that the reason was that the essentials of the knowledge used for developing chemical industry were of a tacit and local character. Such knowledge could only with difficulty be transferred through textbooks with scientific ambitions. Thus the textbooks written or translated by scientists were not as widely used as the ones written or translated by chemical engineers. The usefulness of the latter group can be explained by the fact that they had been adapted to local circumstances, and expressed generalisations, not as scientific laws, but as rules of thumb. Finally, a model for the diffusion of knowledge is suggested, by which the role of textbooks in chemical technology better can be understood.  相似文献   


Programmes for teacher training should train (aspiring) teachers to be able to make use of information and communications technology as mindtools. Mindtools are not pieces of specialised software that‘teach’ a subject, but computer programs and applications that facilitate meaningful professional thinking and working. Teachers can use these programs and applications to engage their students in critical thinking and to help further their own professional development. In the latter case mindtools can be applied for cooperation (between teachers, teacher educators and student teachers) and collaboration (with other teachers, experts, designers, etc. on pedagogical projects). In this article we focus on electronic networking technologies (conversation tools) as mindtools in communities of practice for teacher professional development. Examples of good practice from teacher training institutions in Europe illustrate how to prepare (aspirant) teachers for working with mindtools that enhance teacher professional development  相似文献   

This article argues that the competence demands of the future school manager in a decentralized system of local management of schools contain a variety of features that imply proficiency of the manager in use of ICT. The proficiency is not one of technical mastery only, but of communication habits, information processing and networking. The areas in which the use of ICT can be assumed to be prominent are, among others, the field of socio-cultural communication, the promotion of shared values, the continuous development of leadership and systems management - including the political system in which the local manager works, and the technical systems of administration and economy. The local manager in the decentralized system will necessarily depend on the use and mastery of ICT to be able to maintain an enlightened and efficient leadership, as well as an effective administration designed to raise the standards of education.

Le manager dans l'eacute;cole de l'avenir: aspects technologiques de l'information et de la communication

Cet article traite des exigences de compétence pour un manager de l'école de l'avenir dans un système décentralisé de gestion locale des écoles et contient une variété d'aspects qui impliquent une grande compétence dans l'utilisation des ICT. Cette compétence est non seulement une maîtrise technique mais des habitudes de communication, de traitement de l'information et de la mise en réseau. Les domaines dans lesquels on assume que l'emploi des ICT est essentiel sont fourni d'autres le champ de la communication socio-culturelle, la formation des valeurs partagés, le développement continu du leadership et la gestion des systèmes y compris le système politique dans lequel le manager travaille et les systèmes techniques de gestion et d'économie. Le manager local dans un système décentralisé dépendra nécessairement de l'utilisation et de a maîtrise des ICT pour être capable de maintenir un leadership éclaire et efficace aussi bien qu'une gestion efficiente ayant été concue pour élever les standards de l'éducation.

Die zukünftigen Schulmanager: Informations- und kommunikationstechnologische Aspekte

Dieser Beitrag belegt, daß zu den Kompetenzerfordernissen zukünftiger Schulmanager in einem dezentralisierten System lokal operierender Schulleitungen eine Reihe von Anforderungen gute Leistungen der Manager in der Nutzung der IKT gehören. Diese Fertigkeiten umfassen nun nicht nur die technische Beherrschung, Kenntnis von Kommunikationsgewohnheiten, Informationsverarbeitung oder Netzwerktechnologien. Neben diesen Bereichen sind es u.a. die sozio-kulturelle Kommunikation, die Förderung gemeinsamer Werte, die Weiterentwicklung von Führung und Systemmanagement -einschließlich des politischen Systems, in dem der lokale Manager selbst arbeitet, sowie die technischen Einrichtungen zur Verwaltung und von Wirtschaftlichkeit. Die örtlichen Manager in dezentralisierten Systemen werden notwendigerweise von der Nutzung und Beherrschung der IKT abhängig sein, um erfolgreiche Leitung und Verwaltung - auch bezüglich der Weiterentwicklung pädagogischer Standards - sicherzustellen.  相似文献   

技术的运用必须是在有效学习的前提下进行的;否则,技术革新只能成为一种神乎其神的东西;教学设计与技术的历史演变、现状困惑和未来发展都提示着我们必须从社会、技术和人的协调关系中加以探讨。  相似文献   

张蕊 《新高考》2014,(10):24-26
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg describes virtual reality(VR) as the "platform of tomorrow". To back that opinion up, his company in March bought the small firm Oculus VR for $2 billion, sparking a craze around VR that hasn't been seen in years.  相似文献   

网络时代的未来--网格技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网格技术实现了网络资源的全面连通,具有成本低、效率高、使用方便等优点,是21世纪工业技术的又一次革命,它的时代正在来临!  相似文献   

The Rhetoric of Textbooks: Metadiscourse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

杨莉 《培训与研究》2004,21(2):38-40
介绍了以J2EE为基本框架的Java主流技术,对Java的未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Future Something Project (FSP), a two‐year action research project, was devised to nurture the creative and technological talent of small groups of young people at risk by creating a structured network, mentored and driven by creative professionals exploring innovative ways for the two distinct target groups to work together. The project practice is located within the new field of interaction design and takes a social and critical approach to art and design pedagogy. The external research team found that one valuable way of looking at the FSP enterprise was through the social theory of communities of practice (CoPs) developed in the 1990s by Lave and Wenger. The creation of a learning community as a pedagogical strategy is central to the conception and practice of this project. This article, therefore, sets out to apply an existing theory to a new art and design context together with more general thoughts on learning communities. It explores the potential of new technologies and different settings to effect learning within structured networks and local and virtual communities of practice.  相似文献   

数字教科书是信息化时代教科书建设的必然选择,是革新教育环境和教育内容的重要内在动力,是实现基础教育现代化的基本举措.新世纪20年来,我国数字教科书研究大致经历了由实到虚的缓慢起步阶段、初步重构的实验推广阶段和与时俱进的规范提升阶段.与此同时,围绕概念价值、设计开发、功能应用和国际比较形成了明显的聚焦点.展望未来,新时代...  相似文献   

改革开放40年,中小学教材政策主要经历了全国统一要求的恢复与调整期、国家统一要求下的多样化发展期、统编三科教材与多样化并存三个时期,并在教材编审、出版发行、选用政策中呈现出一定的演变特征。中小学教材政策也存在许多问题:教材政策的地方保护主义、学校缺少教材选用权和教材政策监督和评价机制缺乏。重新审视中小学教材政策,未来应该引入"参与式治理"的教材政策制定理念,坚定教材政策的价值取向,构建教材政策监测与评价机制,从而提高教材政策的执行效果,保证教材政策的公平和公正。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

教育技术学学科未来发展需要研究的课题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文将根据作者提出的广义教育技术及其学科的定位,立足于对教育技术学的本质认识,提出未来教育技术学学科要研究的课题。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展与教育的未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以信息高速公路和多媒体技术为标志的信息技术革命,正在把人类由工业文明带入信息文明时代。它将改变人的生产方式和生活方式。对教育来说,信息技术的发展则是摇撼教育根基的重要课题。然而不少教育工作者把电脑和网络仍看成是一种辅助教学的电教手段,而不认为这一全新文化载体是憾动教育要基的革命性的变革,因而探索甚少,重视不够。应从纵向的教育手段、文化载体的变革和横向的电子信息技术给未来教育带来的变革作出探讨。  相似文献   

在智能时代,面对以人工智能为代表的新技术对教育的冲击,反思教育、重塑教育生态成为热议话题,寻找未来教育的发展方向和理性地预见未来教育是热议的关键内容.研究从教育企业在未来教育发展中扮演的重要角色出发,探索未来教与学的样态,预见技术促进未来教育的趋势.研究采用扎根理论的方法分析了13家教育企业代表的文本数据,发现企业对教与学的现状有较为直观的感知、对未来教与学有独特的预见.未来教育需要在新时代背景下驾驭技术之东风,服务人的个性化发展,回归教育本质;也需要社会各界的共同探索、协同推进,最终回答好"培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人"的教育问题.  相似文献   

率先在全球范围内推动未来技术学院建设,对于中国跻身未来技术全球竞争、促进人才培养模式变革具有关键意义.本文从理论、实践两个维度对未来技术学院的概念、方法、标准等展开了讨论,对比分析了中国科学院大学和麻省理工学院的未来技术学院建设路径.研究认为,未来技术竞争的核心是未来技术人才培养所依托的高等教育体系、政策、制度的比拼,...  相似文献   

This paper explains the past, discusses the present and makes projections for the future of educational technology in Turkey. Technology has an important role in enhancing educational progress. Therefore, educators need to adapt technology within their field of study. Educational materials such as textbooks, films, radio, television, overhead projectors, video recorders and, of course, computers enrich learning environments in schools. Educational materials motivate students and induce them to study subject matter while providing opportunities for students to access and evaluate information. In Turkey, the use of educational technology in schools has been taken very seriously by the Ministry of National Education since the 1930s. Universities and other institutions are also interested in research and application of educational technology to their own settings. La Technologie de l'Education en Turquie: Passé, Présent et Avenir. Cet article explique le passé et le présent et propose des projections dans l'avenir pour la technologie de l'éducation en Turquie. La technologie joue un rÔle important pour favoriser le progrès en éducation. Aussi les enseignants doivent l'adapter dans leur discipline. Les moyens d'enseignement tels que les livres, les films, la radio, la télévision, les rétroprojecteurs et enfin les ordinateurs enrichissent l'environnement éducatif des écoles. Les moyens d'enseignement motivent les élèves et les incitent À étudier les sujets en fournissant l'occasion pour ceux-ci y avoir accès et d'évaluer l'information en Turquie, l'utilisation de la technologie de l'éducation dans les écoles a été prise très au sérieux par le Ministère de l'Education dès les années 30. Les universités et d'autres institutions s'intéressent aussi aux recherches et aux applications de la technolgie de l'éducation dans leurs domaines. Bildungstechnik in der Türkei: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der Bildungstechnologie in der Türkei von der Vergangenheit bis zu Gegenwart dargestellt und ein Einblick in die Planung für die Zukunft gegeben. Technologie spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung des Bildungsfortschritts. Daher müssen auch Erzieher sie innerhalb ihres Studiengebiets anwenden und anpassen. Bildungsmaterialien wie Lehrbücher, Filme, Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen, Einsatz von Overheadprojektoren, Videorekordern und natürlich jetzt auch von Computern bereichern die Lernangebote von Schulen. Bildungsmaterialien motivieren Lernende und bewirken dadurch, dass sie sich schon während des Zusammenstellens von Material durch Zugriff auf Informationen und deren Bewertung mit Inhalten befassen müssen.  相似文献   

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