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每周一次的教研组校本研修在金华一中形成了制度.在这一过程中学校构建了数十种校本研修模式,包括问题式研修模式、专题研究式研修模式、成果分享式研修模式、理论学习式研修模式、小课题研究式研修模式、网络式研修模式、理论学习式研修模式、技能展示式研修模式等.校本教研强调解决教师自己的问题、教学的实际问题,开展集体研修与个人自主研修行动,想方设法在“行动”中解决问题并探索更有发展力的教学模式.校本教研保持了教师对个人专业成长的内心渴望和激情,开发了教师的潜能,为教师职业生涯的可持续发展注入了源泉与动力,从而为教学注入了新鲜的血液.  相似文献   

基于“任务驱动·卷入推进”的项目式研修是对传统研修方式的“突围”。葛素儿小学数学工作室以研修者专业化成长为目标,通过“浸润式”深度阅读、“卷入式”深度教研、“自悟式”系列研究等项目策划与推进策略,体现了全程卷入、全员卷入的研修特点。对项目式研修进行优化改进后的项目研修可以融教、研、训为一体,以适应区域不同层面研修人群的现实需求,提升有针对性的研修成效。  相似文献   

校本研修重心下移势在必行未来十年,校本研修重心下移势在必行。学生、教师和学校存在和出现的问题是校本研修的起点,人人是问题的提出(发现)者,又是研修者,人人可参与研究。评价校本研修以"研讨是否开放"为导向,倡导人人开口说话,把缺失的话语权和自主权还给教师,培养教师"乐学"、"向学"的意识。在教研组、年级组、备课组等不同层面,构建多元的学习型组织。积极倡导案例分析式研修、反思式研修、诊断式研修、信息网络式研修等校本研修模式,激发参与,肯定创新,提高校本研修的实效性。  相似文献   

目前,主题式团体研修模式在校本教研和教师培训中普遍应用,它既是教育变革产生的一种外在要求,也是教师自身发展的一种内在需要。但当前主题式团体研修存在研修主题缺乏针对性、研修程序缺乏组织性和研修成果缺乏连续性等问题。提高主题式团体研修的有效性,应理顺主持人与团体成员的关系,加强团体研修各阶段的组织技巧,领会主题式团体研修的积极意义。  相似文献   

梅春晓 《福建教育》2023,(20):26-29
基于区域农村幼儿园研修面临的多重困境,我们以问题解决为导向,探索出了“拓圈式”策略。即组建“迷你式”“交互式”“智囊式”研修圈,形成研修共同体,探寻农村幼儿园教师专业升级的方向与路子。其中,“迷你式”研修圈抱团开展“微探究”,侧重研修问题的聚焦与解决;“交互式”研修圈通过围炉、调研、探究等方式开展城乡联动研修,侧重研修方式的转变与升级;“智囊式”研修圈建立“GUS”课程改革共同体和“草根式”专家团,持续跟踪、全程把脉课程实施情况,侧重研修深度的引领与提升。三大圈层环环相扣、层层推进,优化了区域农村幼儿园研修生态,实现了农村幼儿园教师专业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

思政课教研员对课程研发、教学改革、评价引领、教师发展等起着非常重要的作用。当前,思政课教研员研修缺乏完善的课程体系、有效的研修机制和科学的评价方式。菜单式的课程设计、师徒式的研修机制、项目式的研修过程,能有效地解决思政课教研员研修中面临的问题,促进思政课教研员专业素养的提升。  相似文献   

后“茶馆式”教学理念不仅仅局限于课堂教学,更可以延展到校本研修等其他领域。本期我们推荐的就是与后“茶馆式”教学一脉相承的“茶馆式”校本研修。作为糅合了后“茶馆式”教学特点的校本研修,“茶馆式”校本研修更富有成效,收到了师生双赢的良好效果。  相似文献   

教学研修是推进教师专业化发展的重要方法,是深化课程改革的重要路径.由于城乡失衡、领雁匮乏,农村小学研修常浮于浅层,急需构建一种小区域、针对性强、学科优势突出的研修模式.而联片研修是以问题为导向、以片区为平台、以学校为基点、以教师为主体构建的研学一体化研修模式,具有模创式、诊断式和认领式三种操作范式,通过导师引领、团队创生、平台建构三方面支持,打破教学研修的校际壁垒,实现研修范式转型和教师团队发展.  相似文献   

主题式教师团队研修是聚焦教育教学实践问题解决的一种教师培训方式,按照研修项目的任务指向,其生命周期分为明确具体问题、提出理论依据、设计研修方案、实施具体措施、开展实证研究、辐射研修成果、凝练研修主张七个阶段。在评估框架设计上,主题式团队研修项目的评估需要结合其生命周期划分,建立完整生命周期评估模型,并设置相应的评估指标体系,实现干预评估、追踪评估。在评估的具体实践上,借鉴第四代评估理论,采用协商式评价的方式,充分发挥参与研修各方智慧,以评估推进研修项目的进展,促进教师专业能力提升,解决教育教学实际问题。  相似文献   

本文提出依托结构化思维进行校本研修活动设计,即从“点式”切入,自下而上寻找真问题;采用“环式”结构,自上而下构建研修活动总流程;以线形、列形、塔形等多种“节”式,表达研修成果。依托结构化思维进行校本研修活动设计,有助于引导教师在研修活动中进行全方位的思考,确保校本教研全程可跟踪,切实提升校本研修活动的质量。  相似文献   

Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically focused curricula; schools driven by social movement principles such as antiracism and global education; schools for students who do not thrive in mainstream schools; and schools with alternative scheduling and delivery practices for students who must work. The schools are small, supporting personalized relationships among teachers and students, with teacher-driven curricular programs that are responsive to student interests. Curricular innovation is made possible because alternative schools are only loosely coupled with the rest of the public education system, but they still must comply with school system regulations. This paper describes how teachers’ work and the structural elements of alternative schools support school-based innovation.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to promote ethnic, racial and socio-economic integration, segregation continues to challenge education administrators and legal scholars. Privileged parents seeking to avoid integration employ various strategies such as attending private schools or buying houses in neighbourhoods with good school. This paper offers a combined empirical and legal research of another such strategy: the resort to religious schools. The research is conducted within one specific context, that of Israeli Religious State Schools. The empirical study examines whether “Torani” religious state schools (a category of religious schools that offer enhanced Jewish studies and a strict religious environment) induce socio-economic segregation. The findings indicate that “Torani” schools are indeed socio-economically segregated and serve children from higher socioeconomic class than regular religious state schools. It also shows that “Torani” schools are less reflective of their surroundings than regular religious state schools, and are more likely to be established by privileged parents in poor areas, where they are dissatisfied with the local state schools. The legal research offers an explanation of how legal regulation can determine whether religious schools will become a means for avoiding integration. Specifically, it points to three areas in which “Torani” schools are regulated differently than regular religious state schools – the rules regarding the establishment of new schools; the rules concerning school funding; and the rules concerning student enrolment – and argues that special treatment meant to protect religious interests is responsible for making “Torani” schools socially segregated.  相似文献   


This paper employs a stochastic production frontier model to assess the efficiency of the senior secondary schools in the Gambia. It examines their efficiency in using and mixing the educational inputs of average teacher salary, average teacher education, average teacher experience and students to teacher ratio in producing the number of students scoring credit and above in English and Mathematics. The schools are categorized into three types: the Government schools, the subsidized schools and the private schools. The paper finds no evidence that the private schools are different from the subsidized schools, but there is robust evidence that the private schools are significantly different from the Government schools. The average teacher salary is found to be irrelevant to the student performance, whereas high average teacher experience significantly improves student performance, and high student-to-teacher ratio significantly negates the student performance. Private schools appear to be the most efficient in 2006, but from 2007 to 2008, the performance of the schools in general is found to be highly volatile and unpredictable. Only one school emerges to consistently maintain a superior efficient performance throughout the three years studied.  相似文献   

Schools as Communities: Four Metaphors, Three Models, and a Dilemma or Two   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines two questions. The first is what it would mean for schools to be communities. This question is pursued by examining four metaphors for community: families, congregations, guilds, and democratic polities. Three models of school communities are then sketched. The second question is whether schools that are communities are inherently illiberal. The paper distinguishes between a liberal interpretation of schools as communities, where schools are viewed as limited-purpose free associations, and a communitarian interpretation where community and polity are not adequately distinguished. I argue that, within a framework of liberal pluralism, schools can be communities without being illiberal.  相似文献   

现有教育税收优惠规定是在实施民办学校分类管理前出台的,针对的是非营利性民办学校。营 利性民办学校虽然登记为企业法人,但企业减税降费的利好政策对其影响甚微。此外,还存在非营利性民 办学校同等税收优惠落实不到位、营利性民办学校税收优惠不系统、现有民办学校转设税收政策不明确等 问题。建议切实落实非营利性民办学校税收优惠政策,针对营利性民办学校进行税收政策系统设计,同时 参照企业重组、改制的经验制定现有民办学校转设企业法人税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

重点中学的发展历程曲折颇多,其存在价值既受到质疑,又得到辩护.基于教育公平的价值理念,重点中学的弊端理应得到反思.但其作为一种已经客观存在的现象,争论其是否应该存在已无重大意义.改革重点中学的关键在于超越这种存废之争,从而让"重点中学"成为真正的优质示范学校.  相似文献   

The growing number of private schools in India, especially those accepting children from underprivileged households, has been considered demand driven. In contrast to this understanding, this paper argues that low-income parents in Okhla and Badarpur in Delhi, India, are compelled to send their children to private unaided recognised and unrecognised schools. These schools are used as interim schools during primary or elementary grades because of the perceived danger of sending younger children to distant government schools. Our findings show that parents encounter school choice dilemmas in three stages. Parents prefer sending their children to government schools, but being Muslim, they also prefer faith-based teaching in an Islamic environment, which they expect from government schools but not from private schools. Moreover, they prefer schools that offer all grades, do not charge fees, and have honest teachers who teach effectively, are dedicated and affectionate, and will instil discipline in their children.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷法探讨了特殊学校教师职业枯竭特点。结果表明:特殊学校教师职业枯竭显著低于普通学校教师;北京市特殊学校教师职业枯竭感显著高于深圳市特殊学校教师;特殊学校教师职业枯竭在教龄、学历、每周授课数量、任教科目方面存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to evaluate the access to Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools by examining their geographic distribution and the factors that predict whether a child enrolls in a public, PPP, or private school in Punjab, Pakistan using multiple micro data sets. The analysis shows that PPP schools are located in districts where high shares of children are out-of-school, unlike public and private schools. The results indicate that while private school students are the most likely to belong to more affluent households and receive private tuition, there is no evidence that students enrolled in PPP schools come from more advantaged households than public school students. Girls are more likely to be enrolled in PPP schools than in public schools, while students enrolled in the New School Program seem to be the most disadvantaged amongst all PPP students.  相似文献   

高职院校的教学秘书与本科高校有一致处,但是由于办学的定位、教学的模式不同,教学秘书的工作又显出很多差异。文章试图在高职院校教学秘书队伍建设上进行一些新的思考。  相似文献   

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