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《印度之行》与“交往”之旅   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人与人之间的交往是福斯特小说的基本主题,在《印度之行》中,对交往的探索被置入跨越东西化的宏阔背景。小说通过两位英国妇女在印主的旅行,展示了化交往的复杂过程和种种困境。透过化之间的疏离、差异和对峙,福斯特最终发现,只有超越的、博大的爱才是人类普遍的惟一的联结。  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔生前出版的最后一部小说《骗子的化装表演》延续了前几部作品中对资本主义造成的异化的讨论,但是其不同之处在于对交往异化问题的关注。小说中,"信仰号"汽船是19世纪中期美国社会的缩影,乘客的流动实则代表着社会中人与人的交往。本文以马克思提出的交往异化概念为依托,旨在分析小说中麦尔维尔对19世纪中期美国资本主义社会的呈现与思考。文章认为,小说揭示了美国社会的交往异化问题,即人际关系异化为物品的交换、金钱异化为主宰人的"上帝"、道德异化为信贷和投机的工具,进而体现了麦尔维尔对资本主义的质疑态度。  相似文献   

《品花宝鉴》被认为是中国古代第一部长篇梨园小说,对其评论多从同性爱、士伶交往等方面切入,而针对小说中的诸多女性形象的研究涉足甚少。本文试图从女性形象分析入手,将其分为三类:贞、淫、真,来剖析小说中士伶交往之外的另一条贯穿全文的脉络——闺阁中人。  相似文献   

人与人之间的交往是福斯特小说的基本主题。福斯特在其代表作《印度之行》中,通过两位英国妇女在印度的旅行,以文字的方式表达了不同文化的民族对交往的渴望,展示了交往的复杂过程和种种困境,创造契机、消除隔阂是各民族努力的目标。  相似文献   

唐代是我国妓女制度发展的鼎盛时期,科举制度趋于完善,士人举子和妓女有着密切的交往。人在此种交往中的惊喜心理契合了我国古代小说的好奇传统,爱情题材由此走进了唐传奇。这种特定的题材为唐传奇注入了现实的生活气息,促进了作品艺术水平的提高,从而形成了唐传奇的繁荣局面。  相似文献   

许多年来,国内外学术界根据施蜇存和穆时英、刘呐欧等人的交往,或他的小说中有一些与新感觉派相似的东西,就把他划归为新感觉派。实际上我们纵观施蜇存当年的小说创作,却能明显感觉到他与新感觉派之间的差异:通过分析施蜇存小说和新感觉派作家创作的不同之点,借此证明两之间的不同。  相似文献   

个人功利主义交往观的分析与批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人是社会中的人,人在社会生活中从事物质生产和精神生产必然要结成一定的社会关系,与人交往。人的价值取向不同,交往的动机和目的就不同,导致的结果也不同。随着科学技术的不断发展和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,人们交往的意识显著增强、交往的手段日趋便捷、交往的关系更为复杂。这里,我们对现实社会生活中存在的个人功利主义交往观作一分析与批判。一、个人功利主义交往观的界定及其表现个人功利主义交往观是一种以自我为中心以个人功利为目的的交往观。我们反对个人功利主义交往观,不是要反对人与人之间正常的交往,而是反对…  相似文献   

文章通过赵树理小说的人物语言,说明在人际语言交往过程中渗透着文化因素,文化的差异又必然引起语言交往的冲突。以此阐释人际交往中的文化语言理论。  相似文献   

“教育幼儿使用礼貌语言与人交往,养成文明交往的习惯”是幼儿语言教育的重要任务之一。近年来独生子女的现状令人担忧:任性、胆怯,特别是不能用礼貌言语与人交往。因此培养幼儿用礼貌言语与人交往的能力,养成文明交往的习惯,有利于培养幼儿优良的道德品质,初步的语言表达能力,养成文明交往的习惯。笔者对培养幼儿正确使用礼貌语  相似文献   

论课堂中的风险交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓交往,是人与人之间为了交流信息而相互施加影响的过程。交往既是人的需要,也是现代社会对人的要求,它反映的是人与人之间的相互主体关系。课堂中的交往既是促进个体的社会化,同时也是促进个体社会化的最简捷的途径。  相似文献   

1. Introduction The double-envelop hourglass worm gearing is characterized by multi-tooth line contact and good lubrication condition. It has high load-carrying capacity and is often built in heavy-duty machines. Like other line-contact gear drive, it is sensitive to manufacturing errors, misalignment errors and load-dependent deformations, which cause the tooth end contact and large transmission errors [1]. The classic theory for meshing analysis of a gear drive overlooks diverse errors and l…  相似文献   

以唐山为研究对象,借助区域间相互作用强度的引力模型和欧式距离公式,测算唐山与环渤海地区42个城市之间的对外经济联系总量和地缘经济关系,分析唐山在环渤海地区主要的经济联系方向,并对经济联系量与地缘经济关系进行匹配分析.  相似文献   

旅游的交往可促进妈祖文化的传承与传播。在分析莆台两地30年来妈祖文化旅游交往六大基本特征的基础上,总结了莆台妈祖文化旅游交往的经验,提出今后妈祖文化旅游交往的若干发展思路。  相似文献   

试析琵琶演奏中右手触弦技法的运用与音色控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音色控制的好坏体现了演奏者的艺术能力及修养。文章从琵琶的乐器结构、发音特征出发.阐述合理运用“点”、“面”、“角”、“速”、“力”等右手触弦技法与音色控制的关系.以期对提高琵琶演奏的艺术表现女和感染力奄辑息示。  相似文献   

BackgroundContact with child protective services (CPS) functions as an independent marker of child vulnerability. Alaska children are an important population for understanding patterns of CPS contact given high rates of contact overall and among specific demographic groups.ObjectiveWe aimed to identify longitudinal trajectory classes of CPS contact among Alaska Native/American Indian (AN/AI) and non-Native children and examine preconception and prenatal risk factors associated with identified classes.Participants and settingWe used data from the Alaska Longitudinal Child Abuse and Neglect Linkage (ALCANLink) project, a linkage of 2009–2011 Alaska Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) births with administrative data including CPS records.MethodsWe conducted growth mixture modeling to identify trajectory classes of CPS contact from birth to age five years. We used Vermunt’s three-step approach to examine associations with preconception and prenatal risk factors.ResultsAmong AN/AI children, we identified three classes: 1) no/low CPS contact (75.4%); 2) continuous CPS contact (19.6%), and 3) early, decreasing CPS contact (5.0%). Among non-Native children, we identified four classes: 1) no CPS contact (81.3%); 2) low, increasing CPS contact (9.5%); 3) early, rapid decline CPS contact (5.8%); and 4) high, decreasing CPS contact (3.3%). Maternal substance use had the largest impact on probabilities of class membership, increasing the probability of membership in classes characterized by CPS contact, among both AN/AI and non-Native children.ConclusionsResults reveal heterogeneity in longitudinal patterns CPS contact across early childhood among Alaska children and identify maternal substance use as an important target for primary prevention.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of child protective services (CPS) contact on out-of-school suspensions for 49,918 Wisconsin students (followed from ages 5–6 to 14–15; [school years 2010–2019; 74% White; 7% Black; 11% Hispanic; 8% other; 49% female]). A quasi-experimental design comparing recent CPS contact to upcoming (future) CPS contact shows that both recent CPS contact without foster care and future CPS contact predict higher odds of suspension compared with no contact. Higher odds of suspension emerged prior to CPS contact and did not substantially increase during or after CPS contact, suggesting that system-induced stress is not a primary driver of behavioral problems leading to suspension. Foster care reduced the odds of suspension among White children and children in special education.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world young people with severe or profound and complex learning difficulties encounter serious problems in gaining access to mainstream education. As a result, interactions between these groups of young people and their mainstream peers are extremely rare. In Ireland a schools' link programme was established in an attempt to foster ongoing contact through shared curricular activities. This paper explores whether contact established during the programme continued in any meaningful way after the programme finished. Results indicate that, though well intentioned, mainstream students tended to either lose contact completely or retain minimal contact. It can be concluded that structured supports are essential to maintain meaningful contact over time.  相似文献   

论交往教学模式与学生主体性发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
交往教学模式有利于学生主体性发展,为学生主体性发展提供了有效途径和良好心理环境。文章阐述了交往教学模式的基本特征,提出运用此模式应贯彻合理交往原则、相互依赖原则以促进学生主体性发展。  相似文献   

网络交往日益成为大学生社会交往主要形式,它对大学生的发展有着双重效应。其在满足大学生精神需求的同时,也对大学生的健康发展造成了负面影响。加强对大学生网络交往心理的研究和引导,已经非常紧迫和重要,因此应对网络交往对大学生发展的效应进行探讨,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

A nonrecursive theoretical model was developed through a review of the literature to assess the degree of reciprocity between faculty contact and academic performance. Data was gathered from 1,096 freshmen and sophomores at a single research university. Contrary to expectations, GPA and faculty contact did not strongly affect one another. GPA was most strongly affected by high school performance and academic integration, and faculty contact was most influenced by advisor contact, talking in class, and memberships in campus organizations. The findings suggest that men and women and freshmen and sophomores were affected by faculty contact in different ways.An earlier version of this article was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, March 1984.  相似文献   

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