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This paper centres upon understanding processes involved in mainstreaming ‘out-of-school’ children from non-formal education programmes to formal schooling. Three ‘private school outreach’ initiatives in India provide the empirical base for the discussion, with the focal point being a key dilemma faced by their managements: between providing out-of-school children with an education that will give them equality of opportunity, and an education that is appropriate to their needs. The attempted resolutions of this dilemma and their corresponding practices and policies are examined and compared in the three cases and the findings are discussed in the light of literature on ‘inclusive education’.  相似文献   

网络教育已经成为现代教育体系中的一个重要组成部分,同时也面临不同的困境与挑战。网络教育涵盖了社会、政治、经济、科技、文化、民生的各个方面,研究对象可以从内容、产品、服务到理念、制度、体制、国情。文章通过分析国内网络教育现状,剖析其发展的复杂困境,提出了解决网络教育现状的对策。  相似文献   

This article concerns two classroom conversations about a moral dilemma presented in a fable. The conversations were studied as part of a larger research project on the moral understandings of young children. Two groups of primary-aged children (6 and 7 years old) in two different cultural settings discussed the conflict between a porcupine and a family of moles in ways that differed from other student discussions recorded by the author. In the first classroom discussion, students objected to the terms of the dilemma itself; in the second, students expressed concern for the character who is typically perceived by children as unsympathetic The two conversations raise questions for researchers and teachers about the relationship between individual and group deliberations about moral problems, and these lead to a broader discussion about the goals and means of moral education for young students.  相似文献   

高职理论教学与实践教学的两难困境及超越   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,高职教育理论教学与实践教学陷入了两难困境,导致高职教学实践的摇摆和动荡。文章从社会经济、科技、教育以及认识论等多重视角进行归因分析,提出超越两难困境的出路在于将高职教育的理论教学和实践教学统一于素质教育和创新教育的实施中。  相似文献   

基层财政运行困境归因于财政压力。从基层财政收入、支出、政府间财政关系三个环节 ,围绕存在于基层财政运行中财政压力的产生、集聚、传导、协调等方面的分析就可以揭示基层财政运行恶化的内在逻辑关系。本文选取农业县 (市 )作为研究案例 ,将农村中小学教师工资上划到县 (市 )级财政统发这一农村义务教育管理体制改革举措纳入基层财政制度演进过程中加以考察 ,深入分析这一改革的作用机理与政策实施的效果。最后针对完善省以下政府间财政关系提出了若干政策建议  相似文献   

15岁到25岁是人价值观探索、形成和发展的时期,一旦形成稳定的价值观就很难再改变.就整个学校教育而言,高校是青年学生价值观教育的关键时期,也是最后的机会.如今高校价值观教育主要采用老师为主导的至上而下的教学模式,这种方法最大的缺陷是抛开了学生自身的成长经历和学生面临的现实问题.本研究通过访谈和问卷调查了当前大学生普遍关注的156个问题以及在不同价值判断下所反映的观点和态度.本文以访谈案例的真实生活经验为模板,以价值观调研结果为参考,编写了两难故事.以讨论课形式探索两难故事的价值困境,提出了自下而上的价值观教育模式.  相似文献   

This artide has been draftn from the Observations, interpretations and reflections resulting from my first year of research as a PhD student. In September 2002 citizenship education became a mandatory entitlement ofthe KS3 and KS4 curriculum in England (ages 11-16 years). The initial focus of my research in this first year of a new government initiative was to monitor the unfolding impact of citizenship education within my workplace: from the position of all stakeholders. This research has been carried out whilst I also hold the position of coordinator of citizenship education in an English high school. A case-study approach was, and continues to be, employed in which I have gathered both qualitative and quantitative data. The results that can be drawn from some of the data so far collected, however, are both contentious and potentially contradictory and therefore offer valuable material for discussion both on their own merits as well as on my own position as researcher. This article identifies the conflict of views over the value of evidence-based research in the teaching profession, locates these within the context of my own experiences with both staff and students, and suggests possible solutions for the dilemma  相似文献   

通过对全国十余所院校200篇翻译硕士论文题目进行分析,发现文学类偏重,重复性大,且缺乏实用性,这是英语翻译硕士培养和就业困境的症结所在。虽有高校积极进行课改,但仍存在文学课比重过大、课程设置不够科学等一系列问题,故该领域急需加大探讨力度,提出切合学生和市场需求的改革方案。  相似文献   

在数字化时代,作为传统设计艺术教育的基础课程手绘表现还有无存在的必要?计算机辅助设计到底对设计艺术教育是发展还是限制?这样两种声音反映了数码时代设计艺术教育在历史发展中所遇到的问题。以及由此产生的困惑。对此加以深入讨论,反应了设计艺术教育工作者的担当精神和应用责任感。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from an international study about dilemmas of difference in relation to special educational needs and disability in education. It was part of a larger study of the perspectives of 132 education practitioners and policy makers in England, the USA and the Netherlands to a range of dilemmas of difference. It also compares these current perspectives with ones from similar groups in England and the USA from the early 1990s. Participants were interviewed about their perspectives on a presented dilemma about the consequences of identifying children as having a disability or a special educational need. The data are presented in quantitative terms (degrees of recognition and resolution of dilemma) and qualitative terms (reasons, justifications and suggested resolutions). The findings show variations in responses to the dilemma that relate to national differences, but also commonalities in the recognition of this dilemma, reasons for recognising and ways of resolving the dilemma.  相似文献   

Muslim communities in the United Kingdom are expressing an increasing discontentment with life in the UK and education is the focus of many of these concerns. This paper examines the conflicts that are exposed by the establishment of Muslim girls' schools by highlighting three main areas. The first two reveal the inadequacies of provision for Muslim pupils within the maintained sector and the problems caused for them by existing legislation. The resulting disaffection from the state system has led to the establishment of an increasing number of private Muslim schools. Over half of these are for Muslim girls and some of these are bidding for public funding. The third and final section concerns itself with a discussion of the dilemma that these schools pose for a pluralist society, its policies and its legislation.  相似文献   

The college-going rates of rural students lag behind those of more urban students, a gap likely due, in part, to rural students’ lower educational aspirations. These lower aspirations appear to be tied to the dilemma that higher education presents for many rural students: whether to remain in their rural home, working in traditional trades and industries that do not require a college degree, or to leave in pursuit of an education that is often the first step toward an adult life lived away. This study seeks to better understand this dilemma by examining the messages that rural, first-generation students receive about the value of higher education. Drawing upon interviews and observations, it shows that high school guidance counselors, college admissions officials, and the staff of community-based college aspirations organizations adopt a strikingly consistent message: they cite struggling rural economies in their argument for the necessity of a practical degree for all students, one that can be easily leveraged into a career. Despite noting broad parental support for this message, many participants also describe continued resistance from some rural families, a perception that may heighten the dilemma of rural college-going for students.  相似文献   

国外关于21世纪教师教育所面临的困境的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从20世纪末21世纪初,国际上在教师教育领域掀起了一场有关教育目的和教师教育的争论,这场争论对现行的教育目标提出了质疑,同时又揭示了目前国际上教师教育所面临的困境。文章分析并展示了国际上关于教师教育的争论,勾勒出21世纪教师教育所面临的两难处境。  相似文献   

My discussion embraces the subjective qualities of the psychoanalytic clinical case study as a method for writing narratives of pedagogy dedicated to interpreting the latency of communication: what has been held back, forgotten, acted out and unconsciously repeated. At the heart of the case study is the literary dilemma of putting to words the transference, thought here as the unconscious desire for the other’s knowledge, authority and love. Of special interest is a narrative conundrum both educators and psychoanalysts share when trying to depict the felt qualities of their work: a great deal is experienced before anything can be known while learning from intersubjective acts is of a different order from anticipation of how things should proceed. The difficulty is that the nature of knowledge exchanged in either psychoanalysis or education may also carry a failure of symbolization, founded in a subjective gap within human relations and repeated in language. Here is where we meet the latency of communication and the question of education as human condition.  相似文献   

作为民族教育公平发展的制度保障,民族教育政策的核心是保障少数民族成员公平地享受教育权利。长期以来,涉及民族教育政策的部分研究者却惯用普通教育政策研究的思维和套路,站在普通教育的立场上,对民族教育政策进行"指手画脚"的评判,殊不知民族教育政策在执行的过程中经常面临着尴尬的两难。研究认为,民族教育政策执行中两难的实质是对差异和公平的权衡;是权衡民族教育决策者价值取向的体现;两难的消除也是未来民族教育政策改革的目标和理想。  相似文献   

作为一种重要的教学方式,课堂讨论在大学民族预科语文课堂上得到了初步的尝试.但这一方式的实际运用还存在着一些问题,譬如,很多学生讨论不主动,不积极;学生发言泛泛而谈,不切要点或言不达意.本文从学和教两方面对这些问题背后的原因进行了剖析,指出学生对讨论普遍存在畏难心理既是基础教育阶段长期的填鸭式、灌输式教育的结果,也往往与当前大学教师组织不力与引领不当有关,同时从讨论话题要精心设计、讨论前必须做好充分准备、必须明确讨论原则与评价标准等几个方面提出了解决上述问题的对策.  相似文献   


The world Information Superhighway is under discussion in many countries. Within Europe the discussion is also very active as is the promotion of the use of telematics for trans‐European communication and co‐operation in various areas. For education and training, representatives of European teacher trainers, teachers, students, parents, policy and decision makers discussed their needs and views on a trans‐European network at a conference held in May 1994 in Luxembourg. This paper presents a selection of various issues raised at the conference regarding the use of telematics for teacher education and illustrates the discussion and the method of discussion. It also describes and discusses the conference programme model, as it offered innovative on‐line activities to facilitate appreciation of telematics. The case is argued that teacher education can benefit greatly from telematics and some points are put forward for further discussion.  相似文献   

西南地区基础教育虽然随着经济文化水平的高速发展取得了一些成就,但是由于受多方面因素的制约和影响,其发展不均衡的状况一直令人担忧。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》的出台,给西南地区的基础教育带来了机遇,但同时也提出了更高的要求。借此良机,大胆革新,勇于探索,坚定不移地走内涵均衡发展的道路,西南地区的基础教育方能打破瓶颈,和谐发展。  相似文献   

Steering higher education through the establishment of a “contract” between the state and the individual higher education institution is becoming an increasingly popular way of regulating the relationship between the two actors in the Nordic countries. This article addresses some theoretical foundations for this approach derived from principal/agent theory and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of established contract arrangements in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. The article discusses the potential of using such arrangements in relation to the efficiency/effectiveness dilemma. It is emphasized that trust is vital in solving this dilemma and that the balance between the need for public accountability, the efficient regulation of higher education, and institutional change must be given high priority in refining existing contractual arrangements.  相似文献   


In this article a case is made both for the utility of deconstructive questions and also for the danger of taking such questions as a sole or overriding methodological agenda in education. The discussion is mounted by attention to grounded contexts and dilemmas rather than by a commitment to abstract concerns about ''power'' or ''Other'' or ''polyphony of voices.'' The framing dilemma is how one might construct a research methodology course that is not based on positivism, relativism, or a reification of current theory as an enduring answer for students. The article takes two substantive fields of inquiry in education- (1) inequality and access in education and (2) gender and education- to argue that following through some substantive issues for educational research can provide ways of thinking about the relative merits, power, pertinence, and relationships among quantitative, qualitative, and deconstructive agendas. Finally, the article outlines a research methodology course constructed by the author to attempt to put into practical form the assumptionsabout education and research methodology that are argued in this article.  相似文献   

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